qpOASES  3.0.1
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions
Options Class Reference

Manages all user-specified options for solving QPs. More...

#include <Options.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Options ()
 Options (const Options &rhs)
 ~Options ()
Optionsoperator= (const Options &rhs)
returnValue setToDefault ()
returnValue setToReliable ()
returnValue setToMPC ()
returnValue setToFast ()
returnValue ensureConsistency ()
returnValue print () const

Public Attributes

PrintLevel printLevel
BooleanType enableRamping
BooleanType enableFarBounds
BooleanType enableFlippingBounds
BooleanType enableRegularisation
BooleanType enableFullLITests
BooleanType enableNZCTests
int enableDriftCorrection
int enableCholeskyRefactorisation
BooleanType enableEqualities
real_t terminationTolerance
real_t boundTolerance
real_t boundRelaxation
real_t epsNum
real_t epsDen
real_t maxPrimalJump
real_t maxDualJump
real_t initialRamping
real_t finalRamping
real_t initialFarBounds
real_t growFarBounds
SubjectToStatus initialStatusBounds
real_t epsFlipping
int numRegularisationSteps
real_t epsRegularisation
int numRefinementSteps
real_t epsIterRef
real_t epsLITests
real_t epsNZCTests
BooleanType enableDropInfeasibles
int dropBoundPriority
int dropEqConPriority
int dropIneqConPriority

Protected Member Functions

returnValue copy (const Options &rhs)

Detailed Description

This class manages all user-specified options used for solving quadratic programs.

Hans Joachim Ferreau, Andreas Potschka, Christian Kirches

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default constructor.

References setToDefault().

Options::Options ( const Options rhs)

Copy constructor (deep copy).

rhsRhs object.

References copy().


Member Function Documentation

returnValue Options::copy ( const Options rhs) [protected]

Ensures that all options have consistent values by automatically adjusting inconsistent ones. Note: This routine cannot (and does not try to) ensure that values are set to reasonable values that make the QP solution work!


References boundRelaxation, boundTolerance, BT_FALSE, BT_TRUE, enableCholeskyRefactorisation, enableDriftCorrection, EPS, epsFlipping, epsIterRef, epsLITests, epsNZCTests, epsRegularisation, finalRamping, growFarBounds, initialFarBounds, initialRamping, maxDualJump, maxPrimalJump, numRefinementSteps, numRegularisationSteps, RET_OPTIONS_ADJUSTED, SUCCESSFUL_RETURN, terminationTolerance, and THROWWARNING.

Referenced by QProblemB::setOptions().

Options & Options::operator= ( const Options rhs)

Assignment operator (deep copy).

rhsRhs object.

References copy().

Same as setToMPC( ), for ensuring backwards compatibility.


References setToMPC().

Sets all options to values resulting in maximum reliabilty.


References BT_TRUE, enableCholeskyRefactorisation, enableFullLITests, numRefinementSteps, setToDefault(), and SUCCESSFUL_RETURN.

Member Data Documentation

Offset for relaxing (constraints') bounds at beginning of an initial homotopy. It is also as initial value for far bounds.

Referenced by copy(), ensureConsistency(), print(), setToDefault(), QProblem::setupAuxiliaryQPbounds(), and QProblemB::setupAuxiliaryQPbounds().

Lower/upper (constraints') bound tolerance (an inequality constraint whose lower and upper bounds differ by less is regarded to be an equality constraint).

Referenced by copy(), ensureConsistency(), QProblemB::hotstart(), QProblem::hotstart(), QProblemB::obtainAuxiliaryWorkingSet(), QProblem::obtainAuxiliaryWorkingSet(), print(), setToDefault(), QProblemB::setupSubjectToType(), and QProblem::setupSubjectToType().

Specifies the frequency of full refactorisation of proj. Hessian (otherwise updates).

Referenced by copy(), ensureConsistency(), main(), print(), setToDefault(), setToReliable(), QProblem::solveQP(), and QProblemB::solveQP().

Specifies the frequency of drift corrections (0 = off).

Referenced by copy(), ensureConsistency(), print(), setToDefault(), setToMPC(), QProblem::solveQP(), and QProblemB::solveQP().

Specifies whether equalities shall be always treated as active constraints.

Referenced by copy(), print(), setToDefault(), setToMPC(), QProblemB::setupSubjectToType(), and QProblem::setupSubjectToType().

Specifies whether condition-hardened LI test shall be used or not.

Referenced by QProblem::addBound_checkLI(), QProblem::addConstraint_checkLI(), copy(), print(), setToDefault(), setToReliable(), and QProblem::setupAuxiliaryWorkingSet().

Specifies whether nonzero curvature tests shall be used.

Referenced by QProblem::changeActiveSet(), copy(), print(), setToDefault(), setToMPC(), and QProblem::setupAuxiliaryWorkingSet().

Specifies whether Hessian matrix shall be regularised in case semi-definiteness is detected.

Referenced by copy(), QProblemB::determineHessianType(), print(), QProblemB::regulariseHessian(), setToDefault(), setToMPC(), QProblemB::setupInitialCholesky(), and QProblem::setupInitialCholesky().

Tolerance of squared Cholesky diagonal factor which triggers flipping bound.

Referenced by copy(), ensureConsistency(), print(), QProblem::removeBound(), QProblemB::removeBound(), QProblem::removeConstraint(), and setToDefault().

Early termination tolerance for iterative refinement.

Referenced by copy(), QProblem::determineStepDirection(), QProblemB::determineStepDirection(), ensureConsistency(), print(), and setToDefault().

Tolerance for nonzero curvature tests.

Referenced by copy(), ensureConsistency(), QProblem::ensureNonzeroCurvature(), print(), and setToDefault().

Scaling factor of identity matrix used for Hessian regularisation.

Referenced by QProblemB::computeCholesky(), QProblem::computeProjectedCholesky(), copy(), ensureConsistency(), print(), QProblemB::regulariseHessian(), and setToDefault().

Final value for Ramping Strategy.

Referenced by copy(), ensureConsistency(), print(), QProblemB::QProblemB(), QProblemB::reset(), and setToDefault().

Start value for Ramping Strategy.

Referenced by copy(), ensureConsistency(), print(), QProblemB::QProblemB(), QProblemB::reset(), and setToDefault().

Initial status of bounds at first iteration.

Referenced by copy(), main(), QProblemB::obtainAuxiliaryWorkingSet(), print(), setToDefault(), setToMPC(), and SQProblem::setupAuxiliaryQP().

Maximum allowed jump in dual variables in linear independence tests.

Referenced by QProblem::addBound_ensureLI(), QProblem::addConstraint_ensureLI(), copy(), ensureConsistency(), print(), and setToDefault().

Maximum allowed jump in primal variables in nonzero curvature tests.

Referenced by copy(), ensureConsistency(), QProblem::ensureNonzeroCurvature(), print(), and setToDefault().

Maximum number of successive regularisation steps.

Referenced by copy(), ensureConsistency(), print(), setToDefault(), setToMPC(), QProblem::solveRegularisedQP(), and QProblemB::solveRegularisedQP().

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