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# include <cppad/utility/vector.hpp>
only includes the definitions necessary for the CppAD::vector
They can also be included as a group, separate from the rest of CppAD, using
# include <cppad/utility.hpp>
They will also be included, along with the rest of CppAD, using
# include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
NearEqual | Determine if Two Values Are Nearly Equal |
time_test | Determine Amount of Time to Execute a Test |
speed_test | Run One Speed Test and Return Results |
SpeedTest | Run One Speed Test and Print Results |
test_boolofvoid | Object that Runs a Group of Tests |
NumericType | Definition of a Numeric Type |
CheckNumericType | Check NumericType Class Concept |
SimpleVector | C++ Concept: A Simple Vector |
CheckSimpleVector | Check Simple Vector Concept |
nan | Obtain Nan or Determine if a Value is Nan |
pow_int | The Integer Power Function |
Poly | Evaluate a Polynomial or its Derivative |
LuDetAndSolve | Compute Determinants and Solve Equations by LU Factorization |
RombergOne | One DimensionalRomberg Integration |
RombergMul | Multi-dimensional Romberg Integration |
Runge45 | An Embedded 4th and 5th Order Runge-Kutta ODE Solver |
Rosen34 | A 3rd and 4th Order Rosenbrock ODE Solver |
OdeErrControl | An Error Controller for ODE Solvers |
OdeGear | An Arbitrary Order Gear Method |
OdeGearControl | An Error Controller for Gear's Ode Solvers |
ErrorHandler | Replacing the CppAD Error Handler |
CppAD_vector | The CppAD::vector Template Class |
thread_alloc | A Fast Multi-Threading Memory Allocator |
index_sort | Returns Indices that Sort a Vector |
to_string | Convert Certain Types to a String |
set_union | Union of Standard Sets |
sparse_rc | Row and Column Index Sparsity Patterns |
sparse_rcv | Sparse Matrix Row, Column, Value Representation |
sparse2eigen | Convert A CppAD Sparse Matrix to an Eigen Sparse Matrix |
create_dll_lib | Create a Dynamic Link Library |
link_dll_lib | Link a Dynamic Link Library |