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@(@\newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\D}[2]{ \frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2} } \newcommand{\DD}[3]{ \frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2 \partial #3} } \newcommand{\Dpow}[2]{ \frac{\partial^{#1}}{\partial {#2}^{#1}} } \newcommand{\dpow}[2]{ \frac{ {\rm d}^{#1}}{{\rm d}\, {#2}^{#1}} }@)@This is cppad-20221105 documentation. Here is a link to its current documentation .
Sparse Matrix Row, Column, Value Representation

# include <cppad/utility/sparse_rcv.hpp>
sparse_rcv<SizeVectorValueVector>  empty
sparse_rcv<SizeVectorValueVector>  matrix(pattern)
matrix = other
matrix.swap( other )
nr =
nc =
nnz = matrix.nnz()
const SizeVectorrowmatrix.row() )
const SizeVectorcolmatrix.col() )
const ValueVectorvalmatrix.val() )
const sparse_rc<SizeVector>& patmatrix.pat() )
row_major = matrix.row_major()
col_major = matrix.col_major()

We use SizeVector to denote the SimpleVector class corresponding to pattern .

We use ValueVector to denote the SimpleVector class corresponding to val .

This is an empty sparse matrix object. To be specific, the corresponding number of rows nr , number of columns nc , and number of possibly non-zero values nnz , are all zero.

This constructor argument has prototype
    const sparse_rc<
SizeVector>& pattern
It specifies the number of rows, number of columns and the possibly non-zero entries in the matrix .

This is a sparse matrix object with the sparsity specified by pattern . Only the val vector can be changed. All other values returned by matrix are fixed during the constructor and constant there after. The val vector is only changed by the constructor and the set function. There are two exceptions to this rule, where other appears in the assignment and swap syntax.


Assignment and Constructor
In the assignment and constructor, other has prototype
    const sparse_rcv<
SizeVectorValueVector>& other
After this assignment and constructor, other is an independent copy of matrix ; i.e. it has all the same values as matrix and changes to matrix do not affect other .

Move Semantics Assignment and Constructor
In the assignment and constructor, if other has prototype
SizeVectorValueVector>&& other
A move semantics version of the assignment operator is used; e.g., when other is a function return value;

After the swap operation other ( matrix ) is equivalent to matrix ( other ) before the operation.

This return value has prototype
and is the number of rows in matrix .

This argument and return value has prototype
and is the number of columns in matrix .

We use the notation nnz to denote the number of possibly non-zero entries in matrix .

This function sets the value
val[k] = v

This argument has type
and must be less than nnz .

This argument has type
ValueVector::value_type& v
It specifies the value assigned to val[k] .

This vector has size nnz and row[k] is the row index of the k-th possibly non-zero element in matrix .

This vector has size nnz and col[k] is the column index of the k-th possibly non-zero element in matrix

This vector has size nnz and val[k] is value of the k-th possibly non-zero entry in the sparse matrix (the value may be zero).

This is equal to the sparsity pattern; i.e., pattern in the constructor.

This vector has prototype
SizeVector row_major
and its size nnz . It sorts the sparsity pattern in row-major order. To be specific,
colrow_major[k] ] <= colrow_major[k+1] ]
and if colrow_major[k] ] == colrow_major[k+1] ] ,
rowrow_major[k] ] < rowrow_major[k+1] ]
This routine generates an assert if there are two entries with the same row and column values (if NDEBUG is not defined).

This vector has prototype
SizeVector col_major
and its size nnz . It sorts the sparsity pattern in column-major order. To be specific,
rowcol_major[k] ] <= rowcol_major[k+1] ]
and if rowcol_major[k] ] == rowcol_major[k+1] ] ,
colcol_major[k] ] < colcol_major[k+1] ]
This routine generates an assert if there are two entries with the same row and column values (if NDEBUG is not defined).

Eigen Matrix
If you have the eigen package in your include path, you can use sparse2eigen to convert a sparse matrix to eigen format.

The file sparse_rcv.cpp contains an example and test of this class.
Input File: include/cppad/utility/sparse_rcv.hpp