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@(@\newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\D}[2]{ \frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2} } \newcommand{\DD}[3]{ \frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2 \partial #3} } \newcommand{\Dpow}[2]{ \frac{\partial^{#1}}{\partial {#2}^{#1}} } \newcommand{\dpow}[2]{ \frac{ {\rm d}^{#1}}{{\rm d}\, {#2}^{#1}} }@)@ This is cppad-20221105 documentation. Here is a link to its current documentation .
Run Multi-Threading Examples and Speed Tests

Runs the CppAD multi-threading examples and timing tests:

We use build for the directory where you run the cmake command.

If the cmake command output indicates that bthread, pthread, or openmp is available, you can run the program below with threading equal to bthread, pthread, or openmp respectively.

We use the notation program for

Running Tests
You can build this program and run the default version of its test parameters by executing the following commands:
    make check_
After this operation, in the directory
you can execute the following commands: .
program a11c
program simple_ad
program team_example
program harmonic     test_time max_threads mega_sum
program atomic_two   test_time max_threads num_solve
program atomic_three test_time max_threads num_solve
program chkpoint_one test_time max_threads num_solve
program chkpoint_two test_time max_threads num_solve
program multi_newton test_time max_threads \
num_zero num_sub num_sum use_ad
We refer to the values a11c, ... , multi_newton as the test_case below.

The test_case a11c runs the examples a11c_openmp.cpp , a11c_bthread.cpp , and a11c_pthread.cpp . These cases demonstrate simple multi-threading, without algorithmic differentiation, using OpenMP, boost threads and pthreads respectively.

The test_case simple_ad runs the examples simple_ad_openmp.cpp , simple_ad_bthread.cpp , and simple_ad_pthread.cpp . These cases demonstrate simple multi-threading, with algorithmic differentiation, using OpenMP, boost threads and pthreads respectively.

The test_case team_example runs the team_example.cpp example. This case demonstrates simple multi-threading with algorithmic differentiation and using a team of threads .

All of the other cases include the test_time argument. This is the minimum amount of wall clock time that the test should take. The number of repeats for the test will be increased until this time is reached. The reported time is the total wall clock time divided by the number of repeats.

All of the other cases include the max_threads argument. This is a non-negative integer specifying the maximum number of threads to use for the test. The specified test is run with the following number of threads:
num_threads = 0 , ... , max_threads
The value of zero corresponds to not using the multi-threading system.

The test_case harmonic runs the harmonic_time example. This is a timing test for a multi-threading example without algorithmic differentiation using a team of threads.

The command line argument mega_sum is an integer greater than or equal one and has the same meaning as in harmonic_time .

Atomic and Checkpoint
The test_case values atomic_two, atomic_three, chkpoint_one, chkpoint_two, all run the same problem. These cases preforms a timing test for a multi-threading example without algorithmic differentiation using a team of threads.
test_case Documentation
atomic_two multi_atomic_two.cpp
atomic_three multi_atomic_three.cpp
chkpoint_one multi_chkpoint_one.cpp
chkpoint_two multi_chkpoint_two.cpp

The command line argument num_solve is an integer specifying the number of solves; see num_solve in multi_atomic_two_time.

The test_case multi_newton runs the multi_newton.cpp example. This preforms a timing test for a multi-threading example with algorithmic differentiation using a team of threads.

The command line argument num_zero is an integer greater than or equal two and has the same meaning as in multi_newton_time .

The command line argument num_sub is an integer greater than or equal one and has the same meaning as in multi_newton_time .

The command line argument num_sum is an integer greater than or equal one and has the same meaning as in multi_newton_time .

The command line argument use_ad is either true or false and has the same meaning as in multi_newton_time .

Team Implementations
The following routines are used to implement the specific threading systems through the common interface team_thread.hpp :
team_openmp.cpp OpenMP Implementation of a Team of AD Threads
team_bthread.cpp Boost Thread Implementation of a Team of AD Threads
team_pthread.cpp Pthread Implementation of a Team of AD Threads


# include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
# include <cmath>
# include <cstring>
# include <ctime>
# include "team_thread.hpp"
# include "team_example.hpp"
# include "harmonic.hpp"
# include "multi_atomic_two.hpp"
# include "multi_atomic_three.hpp"
# include "multi_chkpoint_one.hpp"
# include "multi_chkpoint_two.hpp"
# include "multi_newton.hpp"

extern bool a11c(void);
extern bool simple_ad(void);

namespace {
    size_t arg2size_t(
        const char* arg       ,
        int limit             ,
        const char* error_msg )
    {   int i = std::atoi(arg);
        if( i >= limit )
            return size_t(i);
        std::cerr << "value = " << i << std::endl;
        std::cerr << error_msg << std::endl;
    double arg2double(
        const char* arg       ,
        double limit          ,
        const char* error_msg )
    {   double d = std::atof(arg);
        if( d >= limit )
            return d;
        std::cerr << "value = " << d << std::endl;
        std::cerr << error_msg << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{   using CppAD::thread_alloc;
    bool ok         = true;
    using std::cout;
    using std::endl;

    // commnd line usage message
    const char* usage =
    "./<program> a11c\n"
    "./<program> simple_ad\n"
    "./<program> team_example\n"
    "./<program> harmonic     test_time max_threads mega_sum\n"
    "./<program> atomic_two   test_time max_threads num_solve\n"
    "./<program> atomic_three test_time max_threads num_solve\n"
    "./<program> chkpoint_one test_time max_threads num_solve\n"
    "./<program> chkpoint_two test_time max_threads num_solve\n"
    "./<program> multi_newton test_time max_threads \\\n"
    "   num_zero num_sub num_sum use_ad\\\n"
    "where <program> is example_multi_thread_<threading>\n"
    "and <threading> is bthread, openmp, or pthread";

    // command line argument values (assign values to avoid compiler warnings)
    size_t num_zero=0, num_sub=0, num_sum=0;
    bool use_ad=true;

    // put the date and time in the output file
    std::time_t rawtime;
    std::time( &rawtime );
    const char* gmt = std::asctime( std::gmtime( &rawtime ) );
    size_t len = size_t( std::strlen(gmt) );
    cout << "gmtime        = '";
    for(size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
        if( gmt[i] != '\n' ) cout << gmt[i];
    cout << "';" << endl;

    // CppAD version number
    cout << "cppad_version = '" << CPPAD_PACKAGE_STRING << "';" << endl;

    // put the team name in the output file
    cout << "team_name     = '" << team_name() << "';" << endl;

    // print command line as valid matlab/octave
    cout << "command       = '" << argv[0];
    for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        cout << " " << argv[i];
    cout << "';" << endl;

    ok = false;
    const char* test_name = "";
    if( argc > 1 )
        test_name = *++argv;
    bool run_a11c         = std::strcmp(test_name, "a11c")             == 0;
    bool run_simple_ad    = std::strcmp(test_name, "simple_ad")        == 0;
    bool run_team_example = std::strcmp(test_name, "team_example")     == 0;
    bool run_harmonic     = std::strcmp(test_name, "harmonic")         == 0;
    bool run_atomic_two   = std::strcmp(test_name, "atomic_two")       == 0;
    bool run_atomic_three = std::strcmp(test_name, "atomic_three")     == 0;
    bool run_chkpoint_one = std::strcmp(test_name, "chkpoint_one")     == 0;
    bool run_chkpoint_two = std::strcmp(test_name, "chkpoint_two")     == 0;
    bool run_multi_newton = std::strcmp(test_name, "multi_newton")     == 0;
    if( run_a11c || run_simple_ad || run_team_example )
        ok = (argc == 2);
    else if( run_harmonic
    || run_atomic_two
    || run_atomic_three
    || run_chkpoint_one
    || run_chkpoint_two )
        ok = (argc == 5);
    else if( run_multi_newton )
        ok = (argc == 8);
    if( ! ok )
    {   std::cerr << "test_name     = " << test_name << endl;
        std::cerr << "argc          = " << argc      << endl;
        std::cerr << usage << endl;
    if( run_a11c || run_simple_ad || run_team_example )
    {   if( run_a11c )
            ok        = a11c();
        else if( run_simple_ad )
            ok        = simple_ad();
            ok        = team_example();
        if( thread_alloc::free_all() )
            cout << "free_all      = true;"  << endl;
        {   ok = false;
            cout << "free_all      = false;" << endl;
        if( ok )
            cout << "OK            = true;"  << endl;
        else cout << "OK            = false;" << endl;
        return ! ok;

    // test_time
    double test_time = arg2double( *++argv, 0.,
        "run: test_time is less than zero"

    // max_threads
    size_t max_threads = arg2size_t( *++argv, 0,
        "run: max_threads is less than zero"

    size_t mega_sum  = 0; // assignment to avoid compiler warning
    size_t num_solve = 0;
    if( run_harmonic )
    {   // mega_sum
        mega_sum = arg2size_t( *++argv, 1,
            "run: mega_sum is less than one"
    else if( run_atomic_two
    || run_atomic_three
    || run_chkpoint_one
    || run_chkpoint_two )
    {   // num_solve
        num_solve = arg2size_t( *++argv, 1,
            "run: num_solve is less than one"
    {   ok &= run_multi_newton;
        if( ! ok )
        {   cout << "thread_test: program error\n";
            return ! ok;

        // num_zero
        num_zero = arg2size_t( *++argv, 2,
            "run: num_zero is less than two"

        // num_sub
        num_sub = arg2size_t( *++argv, 1,
            "run: num_sub is less than one"

        // num_sum
        num_sum = arg2size_t( *++argv, 1,
            "run: num_sum is less than one"

        // use_ad
        if( std::strcmp(*argv, "true") == 0 )
            use_ad = true;
        else if( std::strcmp(*argv, "false") == 0 )
            use_ad = false;
        {   std::cerr << "run: use_ad = '" << *argv;
            std::cerr << "' is not true or false" << endl;

    // run the test for each number of threads
    cout << "time_all  = [" << endl;
    for(size_t num_threads = 0; num_threads <= max_threads; num_threads++)
    {   double time_out;
        bool this_ok;

        // run the requested test
        if( run_harmonic ) this_ok = harmonic_time(
            time_out, test_time, num_threads, mega_sum
        else if( run_atomic_two ) this_ok = multi_atomic_two_time(
            time_out, test_time, num_threads, num_solve
        else if( run_atomic_three ) this_ok = multi_atomic_three_time(
            time_out, test_time, num_threads, num_solve
        else if( run_chkpoint_one ) this_ok = multi_chkpoint_one_time(
            time_out, test_time, num_threads, num_solve
        else if( run_chkpoint_two ) this_ok = multi_chkpoint_two_time(
            time_out, test_time, num_threads, num_solve
        {   assert( run_multi_newton);
            this_ok = multi_newton_time(
                time_out                ,
                test_time               ,
                num_threads             ,
                num_zero                ,
                num_sub                 ,
                num_sum                 ,
        // time_out
        cout << std::setw(20) << time_out << " % ";
        // num_threads
        if( num_threads == 0 )
            cout << "no threading";
            cout << num_threads << " threads";
        if( this_ok )
            cout << " ok" << endl;
            cout << " error" << endl;
        ok &= this_ok;
    cout << "];" << endl;
    if( thread_alloc::free_all() )
        cout << "free_all      = true;"  << endl;
    {   ok = false;
        cout << "free_all      = false;" << endl;
    if( ok )
        cout << "OK            = true;"  << endl;
    else cout << "OK            = false;" << endl;

    return  ! ok;

Input File: example/multi_thread/thread_test.cpp