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@(@\newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\D}[2]{ \frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2} } \newcommand{\DD}[3]{ \frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2 \partial #3} } \newcommand{\Dpow}[2]{ \frac{\partial^{#1}}{\partial {#2}^{#1}} } \newcommand{\dpow}[2]{ \frac{ {\rm d}^{#1}}{{\rm d}\, {#2}^{#1}} }@)@ This is cppad-20221105 documentation. Here is a link to its current documentation .
Using CMake to Configure CppAD

The CMake Program
The cmake program enables one to create a single set of scripts, called CMakeLists.txt, that can be used to test and install a program on Unix, Microsoft, or Apple operating systems. For example, one can use it to automatically generate Microsoft project files.

Build Directory
Create build, a subdirectory of the distribution directory , change into the build.

CMake Command

The simplest version of the cmake command is
    cmake ..
This assumes that you are starting in the build directory (so that .. refers to the distribution directory). The command also assumes that cmake is in your execution path with version greater than or equal 2.8. If not, you can put the path to the version of cmake in font the command. It is suggested that you should start with the simple version of the cmake command above and then add options one at a time.

Version 3.10.2 of cmake will generates the following warning if boost is not present your system:
CMake Warning at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:567 (message):
  Imported targets and dependency information not available for Boost version
  (all versions older than 1.33)
This is not a problem because CppAD will automatically exclude the examples and tests that use boost. Newer version of cmake; e.g., 3.13.4, do not generate this warning (when boost is not present on your system).

The full version of the command, with all its optional arguments is:
cmake_verbose_makefile                       \
cmake_build_type                                   \
generator                                                           \
    -D cppad_prefix=
cppad_prefix                                           \
    -D cppad_postfix=
cppad_postfix                                         \
    -D cmake_install_includedirs=
cmake_install_includedirs                 \
    -D cmake_install_libdirs=
cmake_install_libdirs                         \
    -D cmake_install_datadir=
cmake_install_datadir                         \
    -D cmake_install_docdir=
cmake_install_docdir                           \
    -D cmake_defined_ok=
cmake_defined_ok                                   \
    -D cmake_needs_dot_slash=
cmake_needs_dot_slash                         \
    -D include_adolc=
true_or_false                                         \
    -D include_eigen=
true_or_false                                         \
    -D include_ipopt=
true_or_false                                         \
    -D include_cppadcg=
true_or_false                                       \
    -D eigen_prefix=
    -D colpack_prefix=
colpack_prefix                                       \
    -D fadbad_prefix=
fadbad_prefix                                         \
    -D sacado_prefix=
sacado_prefix                                         \
    -D cppad_cxx_flags=
cppad_cxx_flags                                     \
    -D cppad_profile_flag=
cppad_profile_flag                               \
    -D cppad_testvector=
cppad_testvector                                   \
    -D cppad_max_num_threads=
cppad_max_num_threads                         \
    -D cppad_tape_id_type=
cppad_tape_id_type                               \
    -D cppad_tape_addr_type=
cppad_tape_addr_type                           \
    -D cppad_debug_which=
cppad_debug_which                                 \

The msys2 system, with mingw-64 and g++, the following seems to work: Use pacman to install make, gcc, and mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake.

Visual Studio
  1. Launch the Visual Studio developer command prompt
  2. Use the command
        where cmake.exe
    to see if cmake.exe comes with your version of Visual Studio. If not, download and install the win64-x64 version of cmake . Make sure you select the box that adds cmake to your execution path.
  3. In the command window, change into the directory where the cppad git repository is located and run the following commands.
    rmdir /S build
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ^
        -G "NMake Makefiles"^
        -D cppad_cxx_flags="/MP /EHs /EHc /std:c++17 /Zc:__cplusplus"^
    nmake check
Note that when using windows DLL's, CppAD builds a static version of cppad_lib. There are problems using a DLL for cppad_lib because Windows makes separate copies of static class member functions, one for library and one for the rest of the program.

The autotools build with the Visual Studio compiler should work with the following configure and test commands
    mkdir build
    cd build
    ../configure CC=cl CXX=cl CXX_FLAGS="-DEBUG"
    make test
An optimized versions was tested using
    ../configure CXX=cl CC=cl CXX_FLAGS="-DNDEBUG -O2 -EHsc"
    make test
The commands above need to be run a Dos window, that has the vcvarsall.bat settings, extend path that includes the msys2 bin directory, and was running the bash shell inside the Doc window. It is highly recommended that you use the cmake commands above, an not ../configure, when building with Visual Studio.

make check
Important information about the CppAD configuration is output by this command. If you have the grep program, and store the output in cmake.log, you can get a list of all the test options with the command:
    grep 'make check' cmake.log

This value should be either true or false. The default value, when it is not present, is NO. If it is true, then the output of the make commands will include all of the files and flags used to run the compiler and linker. This can be useful for seeing how to compile and link your own applications.

This value should be one of the valid CMake build types; e.g., Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel. If this value is specified, cppad_debug_which must not be the empty string.

This value should be either true or false. The default value, when it is not present, is false. If you get an error saying that an executable program could not be found, try setting this to true. CMake gets confused on some systems and needs ./ in front of the name of the executable corresponding to a cmake ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND. For example, in the github actions version of using msys2 in ci .

The CMake program is capable of generating different kinds of files. Below is a table with a few of the possible files
generator Description
"Unix Makefiles" make files for unix operating system
"NMake Makefiles" make files for Visual Studio
Other generator choices are available; see the cmake generators documentation.

This is the top level absolute path below which all of the CppAD files are installed by the command
    make install
For example, if cppad_prefix is /usr, cmake_install_includedirs is include, and cppad_postfix is not specified, the file cppad.hpp is installed in the location
The default value for cppad_prefix is the value of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ; see the cmake documentation. (Before 2019-10-02 the default value was /usr; see the heading 10-02 on whats_new_19 .)

This is the bottom level relative path below which all of the CppAD files are installed. For example, if cppad_prefix is /usr, cmake_install_includedirs is include, and cppad_postfix is coin-or, the file cppad.hpp is installed in the location
The default value for cppad_postfix is empty; i.e, there is no bottom level relative directory for the installed files.

This is one directory, or a list of directories separated by spaces or by semi-colons. This first entry in the list is the middle level relative path below which the CppAD include files are installed. The entire list is used for searching for include files. For example, if cppad_prefix is /usr, cmake_install_includedirs is include, and cppad_postfix is not specified, the file cppad.hpp is installed in the location
The default value for this directory list is include.

This is one directory, or a list of directories separated by spaces or by semi-colons. This first entry in the list is the middle level relative path below which the CppAD library files are installed. The entire list is used for searching for library files. The default value for this directory list is lib.

As an example of where the CppAD library is installed, if cppad_prefix is /usr, cmake_install_libdirs is lib, cppad_postfix is not specified, the CppAD library is installed in
Here major is the major library version number, release is the release number for this version, and ext is the extension for shared libraries on this system. If yyyymmdd is the CppAD version number, the major CppAD library version number is
major = dd - 1 + 31 * ( mm - 1 + 12 * ( yyyy - 2019) )
If there is no release for this version of CppAD, the CppAD library is installed in
The Mac is special, ext is dylib and comes at the end of the file name for that system.

This is the middle level relative path below which the CppAD data files are installed. For example, if cppad_prefix is /usr, cmake_install_datadir is share, and cppad_postfix is not specified, the pkgconfig file cppad.pc is installed in the location
The default value for cmake_install_datadir is share.

This is the middle level relative path below which the CppAD documentation files are installed. For example, if cppad_prefix is /usr, cmake_install_docdir is share/doc, and cppad_postfix is not specified, the file cppad.xml is installed in the location
There is no default value for cmake_install_docdir . If it is not specified, the documentation files are not installed.

This must be true when running cmake with a non-empty CMakeCache.txt file. If it is false, some checks will be made to make sure certain variables are not defined twice. The default value for cmake_defined_ok is true.

The adolc examples will be compiled and tested if include_adolc=true is in the command line.

The eigen examples will be compiled and tested if include_eigen=true is on the command line. In addition, the sparse2eigen utility will be installed.

The ipopt examples will be compiled and tested if include_ipopt=true is on the command line. In addition, ipopt_solve and cppad_ipopt_nlp will be installed.

The cppadcg examples will be compiled and tested if include_cppadcg=true is on the command line. Warning : Do not use this option when installing cppad because the cppadcg package depends on cppad and using this option makes cppad depend on cppadcg. This option, and the script are only intended for testing purposes.

This specifies the eigen_prefix . It must not be set when include_eigen is true (because pkg-config will be used to determine this information).

Each of these packages do not have pkg-config files corresponding to optional CppAD examples. If a prefix listed below is on the command line, the corresponding examples will be compiled and run:
colpack_prefix Enabling Colpack Sparsity Calculations
fadbad_prefix Including Fadbad Speed Tests
sacado_prefix Including Sacado Speed Tests

This specifies the compiler flags that are used when compiling the CppAD examples, tests, and library. This flags are in addition to the flags automatically generated by cmake for debug and release build; i.e., CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE . The default value for these flags is the empty string "". These flags must be valid for the C++ compiler on your system. For example, if you are using g++ you could specify
    -D cppad_cxx_flags="-Wall -ansi -pedantic-errors -std=c++17 -Wshadow"

In order for the compiler to take advantage of features that are in C++17 ,but not in C++11, the cppad_cxx_flags must enable these features.

debug and release
The CppAD examples and tests decide which files to compile for debugging and which to compile for release. Hence debug and release flags should not be included in cppad_cxx_flags . See also the CPPAD_DEBUG_AND_RELEASE compiler flag (which should not be included in cppad_cxx_flags ).

Clang is giving warnings for bitwise operations with logical operands. These operations are used by CppAD for speed because they do not require branching which can slow down some processors. You can suppress these warnings by including -Wno-bitwise-instead-of-logical in cppad_cxx_flags .

This specifies an addition compiler and link flag that is used for profiling the speed tests. A profile version of the speed test is only build when this argument is present. If this flag is specified, you can run the gnu profiler with the following command:
    cd build/speed/profile
    make check_speed_profile
test seed option_list
    gprof -b speed_profile | sed -f gprof.sed

See Choosing the CppAD Test Vector Template Class.

The value cppad_max_num_threads must be greater than or equal to four; i.e., max_num_threads >= 4 . The current default value for cppad_max_num_threads is 48, but it may change in future versions of CppAD. The value cppad_max_num_threads in turn specifies the default value for the preprocessor symbol CPPAD_MAX_NUM_THREADS .

The type cppad_tape_id_type is used for identifying different tapes. The valid values for this type are unsigned char, unsigned short int, unsigned int, and size_t. The smaller the value of sizeof(cppad_tape_id_type) , the less memory is used. On the other hand, the value
must be larger than the maximum number of tapes used by one thread times CPPAD_MAX_NUM_THREADS .

If all of the following cstdint types are defined, they can also be used as the value of cppad_tape_addr_type : uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t.

The type cppad_tape_addr_type is used for address in the AD recordings (tapes). The valid values for this argument are unsigned char, unsigned short int, unsigned int, size_t. The smaller the value of sizeof(cppad_tape_addr_type) , the less memory is used. On the other hand, the value
must be larger than any of the following: size_op , size_op_arg , size_par , size_text , size_VecAD .

If all of the following cstdint types are defined, they can also be used as the value of cppad_tape_addr_type : uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t.

All of the CppAD examples and test can optionally be tested in debug or release mode (see exception below). This option controls which mode is chosen for the corresponding files. The value cppad_debug_which be one of the following:
cppad_debug_which CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
debug_all Debug
debug_none Release
debug_even not specified
debug_odd not specified
empty string not changed
If CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is specified on the command line, then cppad_debug_which must be the empty string (its default value).
Input File: omh/install/cmake.omh