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Prev | Next |
speed_main | Running the Speed Test Program |
det_by_lu | Determinant Using Expansion by Lu Factorization |
det_by_minor | Determinant Using Expansion by Minors |
det_of_minor | Determinant of a Minor |
det_33 | Check Determinant of 3 by 3 matrix |
det_grad_33 | Check Gradient of Determinant of 3 by 3 matrix |
mat_sum_sq | Sum Elements of a Matrix Times Itself |
ode_evaluate | Evaluate a Function Defined in Terms of an ODE |
sparse_jac_fun | Evaluate a Function That Has a Sparse Jacobian |
sparse_hes_fun | Evaluate a Function That Has a Sparse Hessian |
uniform_01 | Simulate a [0,1] Uniform Random Variate |
LuFactor | LU Factorization of A Square Matrix |
LuInvert | Invert an LU Factored Equation |
LuSolve | Compute Determinant and Solve Linear Equations |
Poly | Evaluate a Polynomial or its Derivative |
det_by_lu.hpp | Source: det_by_lu |
det_by_minor.hpp | Source: det_by_minor |
det_grad_33.hpp | Source: det_grad_33 |
det_of_minor.hpp | Source: det_of_minor |
lu_factor.hpp | Source: LuFactor |
lu_invert.hpp | Source: LuInvert |
lu_solve.hpp | Source: LuSolve |
mat_sum_sq.hpp | Source: mat_sum_sq |
poly.hpp | Source: Poly |
sparse_jac_fun.hpp | Source: sparse_jac_fun |
sparse_hes_fun.hpp | Source: sparse_hes_fun |
uniform_01.hpp | Source: uniform_01 |