# include <complex>
# include <vector>
# include <cppad/core/cppad_assert.hpp>
# include <cppad/utility/check_simple_vector.hpp>
# include <cppad/utility/check_numeric_type.hpp>
namespace CppAD { // BEGIN CppAD namespace
// AbsGeq
template <class Float>
bool AbsGeq(const Float &x, const Float &y)
{ Float xabs = x;
if( xabs <= Float(0) )
xabs = - xabs;
Float yabs = y;
if( yabs <= Float(0) )
yabs = - yabs;
return xabs >= yabs;
inline bool AbsGeq(
const std::complex<double> &x,
const std::complex<double> &y)
{ double xsq = x.real() * x.real() + x.imag() * x.imag();
double ysq = y.real() * y.real() + y.imag() * y.imag();
return xsq >= ysq;
inline bool AbsGeq(
const std::complex<float> &x,
const std::complex<float> &y)
{ float xsq = x.real() * x.real() + x.imag() * x.imag();
float ysq = y.real() * y.real() + y.imag() * y.imag();
return xsq >= ysq;
// Lines that are different from code in cppad/core/lu_ratio.hpp end with //
template <class SizeVector, class FloatVector> //
int LuFactor(SizeVector &ip, SizeVector &jp, FloatVector &LU) //
// type of the elements of LU //
typedef typename FloatVector::value_type Float; //
// check numeric type specifications
// check simple vector class specifications
CheckSimpleVector<Float, FloatVector>();
CheckSimpleVector<size_t, SizeVector>();
size_t i, j; // some temporary indices
const Float zero( 0 ); // the value zero as a Float object
size_t imax; // row index of maximum element
size_t jmax; // column indx of maximum element
Float emax; // maximum absolute value
size_t p; // count pivots
int sign; // sign of the permutation
Float etmp; // temporary element
Float pivot; // pivot element
// -------------------------------------------------------
size_t n = ip.size();
size_t(jp.size()) == n,
"Error in LuFactor: jp must have size equal to n"
size_t(LU.size()) == n * n,
"Error in LuFactor: LU must have size equal to n * m"
// -------------------------------------------------------
// initialize row and column order in matrix not yet pivoted
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
{ ip[i] = i;
jp[i] = i;
// initialize the sign of the permutation
sign = 1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce the matrix P to L * U using n pivots
for(p = 0; p < n; p++)
{ // determine row and column corresponding to element of
// maximum absolute value in remaining part of P
imax = jmax = n;
emax = zero;
for(i = p; i < n; i++)
{ for(j = p; j < n; j++)
(ip[i] < n) & (jp[j] < n)
etmp = LU[ ip[i] * n + jp[j] ];
// check if maximum absolute value so far
if( AbsGeq (etmp, emax) )
{ imax = i;
jmax = j;
emax = etmp;
(imax < n) & (jmax < n) ,
"LuFactor can't determine an element with "
"maximum absolute value.\n"
"Perhaps original matrix contains not a number or infinity.\n"
"Perhaps your specialization of AbsGeq is not correct."
if( imax != p )
{ // switch rows so max absolute element is in row p
i = ip[p];
ip[p] = ip[imax];
ip[imax] = i;
sign = -sign;
if( jmax != p )
{ // switch columns so max absolute element is in column p
j = jp[p];
jp[p] = jp[jmax];
jp[jmax] = j;
sign = -sign;
// pivot using the max absolute element
pivot = LU[ ip[p] * n + jp[p] ];
// check for determinant equal to zero
if( pivot == zero )
{ // abort the mission
return 0;
// Reduce U by the elementary transformations that maps
// LU( ip[p], jp[p] ) to one. Only need transform elements
// above the diagonal in U and LU( ip[p] , jp[p] ) is
// corresponding value below diagonal in L.
for(j = p+1; j < n; j++)
LU[ ip[p] * n + jp[j] ] /= pivot;
// Reduce U by the elementary transformations that maps
// LU( ip[i], jp[p] ) to zero. Only need transform elements
// above the diagonal in U and LU( ip[i], jp[p] ) is
// corresponding value below diagonal in L.
for(i = p+1; i < n; i++ )
{ etmp = LU[ ip[i] * n + jp[p] ];
for(j = p+1; j < n; j++)
{ LU[ ip[i] * n + jp[j] ] -=
etmp * LU[ ip[p] * n + jp[j] ];
return sign;
} // END CppAD namespace
# endif