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CoinAbcTypeFactorization Class Reference

#include <CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for CoinAbcTypeFactorization:
+ Collaboration diagram for CoinAbcTypeFactorization:

Public Member Functions

Constructors and destructor and copy
 CoinAbcTypeFactorization ()
 Default constructor. More...
 CoinAbcTypeFactorization (const CoinAbcTypeFactorization &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
 CoinAbcTypeFactorization (const CoinFactorization &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~CoinAbcTypeFactorization ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual CoinAbcAnyFactorizationclone () const
 Clone. More...
void almostDestructor ()
 Delete all stuff (leaves as after CoinAbcFactorization()) More...
void show_self () const
 Debug show object (shows one representation) More...
void sort () const
 Debug - sort so can compare. More...
CoinAbcTypeFactorizationoperator= (const CoinAbcTypeFactorization &other)
 = copy More...
Do factorization
CoinSimplexDouble conditionNumber () const
 Condition number - product of pivots after factorization. More...
general stuff such as permutation or status
CoinSimplexIntpermute () const
 Returns address of permute region. More...
virtual CoinSimplexIntindices () const
 Returns array to put basis indices in. More...
virtual CoinSimplexIntpivotColumn () const
 Returns address of pivotColumn region (also used for permuting) More...
virtual CoinFactorizationDouble * pivotRegion () const
 Returns address of pivot region. More...
CoinBigIndex * startRowL () const
 Start of each row in L. More...
CoinBigIndex * startColumnL () const
 Start of each column in L. More...
CoinSimplexIntindexColumnL () const
 Index of column in row for L. More...
CoinSimplexIntindexRowL () const
 Row indices of L. More...
CoinFactorizationDouble * elementByRowL () const
 Elements in L (row copy) More...
CoinSimplexIntpivotLinkedBackwards () const
 Forward and backward linked lists (numberRows_+2) More...
CoinSimplexIntpivotLinkedForwards () const
CoinSimplexIntpivotLOrder () const
CoinSimplexIntfirstCount () const
 For equal counts in factorization. More...
CoinSimplexIntnextCount () const
 Next Row/Column with count. More...
CoinSimplexIntlastCount () const
 Previous Row/Column with count. More...
CoinSimplexInt numberRowsExtra () const
 Number of Rows after iterating. More...
CoinBigIndex numberL () const
 Number in L. More...
CoinBigIndex baseL () const
 Base of L. More...
CoinSimplexInt maximumRowsExtra () const
 Maximum of Rows after iterating. More...
virtual CoinBigIndex numberElements () const
 Total number of elements in factorization. More...
CoinSimplexInt numberForrestTomlin () const
 Length of FT vector. More...
CoinSimplexDouble adjustedAreaFactor () const
 Returns areaFactor but adjusted for dense. More...
CoinSimplexInt messageLevel () const
 Level of detail of messages. More...
void messageLevel (CoinSimplexInt value)
virtual void maximumPivots (CoinSimplexInt value)
 Set maximum pivots. More...
CoinSimplexInt denseThreshold () const
 Gets dense threshold. More...
void setDenseThreshold (CoinSimplexInt value)
 Sets dense threshold. More...
CoinSimplexDouble maximumCoefficient () const
 Returns maximum absolute value in factorization. More...
bool spaceForForrestTomlin () const
 True if FT update and space. More...
some simple stuff
CoinBigIndex numberElementsU () const
 Returns number in U area. More...
void setNumberElementsU (CoinBigIndex value)
 Setss number in U area. More...
CoinBigIndex lengthAreaU () const
 Returns length of U area. More...
CoinBigIndex numberElementsL () const
 Returns number in L area. More...
CoinBigIndex lengthAreaL () const
 Returns length of L area. More...
CoinBigIndex numberElementsR () const
 Returns number in R area. More...
CoinBigIndex numberCompressions () const
 Number of compressions done. More...
virtual CoinBigIndex * starts () const
 Returns pivot row. More...
virtual CoinSimplexIntnumberInRow () const
 Number of entries in each row. More...
virtual CoinSimplexIntnumberInColumn () const
 Number of entries in each column. More...
virtual CoinFactorizationDouble * elements () const
 Returns array to put basis elements in. More...
CoinBigIndex * startColumnR () const
 Start of columns for R. More...
CoinFactorizationDouble * elementU () const
 Elements of U. More...
CoinSimplexIntindexRowU () const
 Row indices of U. More...
CoinBigIndex * startColumnU () const
 Start of each column in U. More...
double * denseVector (CoinIndexedVector *vector) const
 Returns double * associated with vector. More...
double * denseVector (CoinIndexedVector &vector) const
const double * denseVector (const CoinIndexedVector *vector) const
 Returns double * associated with vector. More...
const double * denseVector (const CoinIndexedVector &vector) const
void toLongArray (CoinIndexedVector *vector, int which) const
 To a work array and associate vector. More...
void fromLongArray (CoinIndexedVector *vector) const
 From a work array and dis-associate vector. More...
void fromLongArray (int which) const
 From a work array and dis-associate vector. More...
void scan (CoinIndexedVector *vector) const
 Scans region to find nonzeros. More...
rank one updates which do exist

Array persistence flag If 0 then as now (delete/new) 1 then only do arrays if bigger needed 2 as 1 but give a bit extra if bigger needed

virtual double checkReplacePart1 (CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse, int pivotRow)
 Checks if can replace one Column to basis, returns update alpha Fills in region for use later partial update already in U. More...
virtual double checkReplacePart1 (CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse, CoinIndexedVector *partialUpdate, int pivotRow)
 Checks if can replace one Column to basis, returns update alpha Fills in region for use later partial update in vector. More...
virtual int checkReplacePart2 (int pivotRow, CoinSimplexDouble btranAlpha, double ftranAlpha, double ftAlpha, double acceptablePivot=1.0e-8)
 Checks if can replace one Column to basis, returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular, 3=no room, 5 max pivots. More...
virtual void replaceColumnPart3 (const AbcSimplex *model, CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse, CoinIndexedVector *tableauColumn, int pivotRow, double alpha)
 Replaces one Column to basis, partial update already in U. More...
virtual void replaceColumnPart3 (const AbcSimplex *model, CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse, CoinIndexedVector *tableauColumn, CoinIndexedVector *partialUpdate, int pivotRow, double alpha)
 Replaces one Column to basis, partial update in vector. More...
void updatePartialUpdate (CoinIndexedVector &partialUpdate)
 Update partial Ftran by R update. More...
virtual bool wantsTableauColumn () const
 Returns true if wants tableauColumn in replaceColumn. More...
int replaceColumnU (CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse, CoinBigIndex *deletedPosition, CoinSimplexInt *deletedColumns, CoinSimplexInt pivotRow)
 Combines BtranU and store which elements are to be deleted returns number to be deleted. More...
various uses of factorization (return code number elements)

*** Below this user may not want to know about

which user may not want to know about (left over from my LP code)

virtual CoinSimplexInt updateColumnFT (CoinIndexedVector &regionSparse)
 Later take out return codes (apart from +- 1 on FT) More...
virtual int updateColumnFTPart1 (CoinIndexedVector &regionSparse)
virtual void updateColumnFTPart2 (CoinIndexedVector &regionSparse)
virtual void updateColumnFT (CoinIndexedVector &regionSparseFT, CoinIndexedVector &partialUpdate, int which)
 Updates one column (FTRAN) Tries to do FT update puts partial update in vector. More...
virtual CoinSimplexInt updateColumn (CoinIndexedVector &regionSparse) const
 This version has same effect as above with FTUpdate==false so number returned is always >=0. More...
virtual CoinSimplexInt updateTwoColumnsFT (CoinIndexedVector &regionFT, CoinIndexedVector &regionOther)
 Updates one column (FTRAN) from region2 Tries to do FT update number returned is negative if no room. More...
virtual CoinSimplexInt updateColumnTranspose (CoinIndexedVector &regionSparse) const
 Updates one column (BTRAN) from regionSparse2 regionSparse starts as zero and is zero at end Note - if regionSparse2 packed on input - will be packed on output. More...
virtual void updateFullColumn (CoinIndexedVector &regionSparse) const
 Updates one full column (FTRAN) More...
virtual void updateFullColumnTranspose (CoinIndexedVector &regionSparse) const
 Updates one full column (BTRAN) More...
virtual void updateWeights (CoinIndexedVector &regionSparse) const
 Updates one column for dual steepest edge weights (FTRAN) More...
virtual void updateColumnCpu (CoinIndexedVector &regionSparse, int whichCpu) const
 Updates one column (FTRAN) More...
virtual void updateColumnTransposeCpu (CoinIndexedVector &regionSparse, int whichCpu) const
 Updates one column (BTRAN) More...
void unpack (CoinIndexedVector *regionFrom, CoinIndexedVector *regionTo) const
void pack (CoinIndexedVector *regionFrom, CoinIndexedVector *regionTo) const
void goSparse ()
 makes a row copy of L for speed and to allow very sparse problems More...
void goSparse2 ()
virtual void checkMarkArrays () const
CoinSimplexInt sparseThreshold () const
 get sparse threshold More...
void sparseThreshold (CoinSimplexInt value)
 set sparse threshold More...
void clearArrays ()
 Get rid of all memory. More...
used by ClpFactorization
void checkSparse ()
 See if worth going sparse. More...
void gutsOfDestructor (CoinSimplexInt type=1)
 The real work of constructors etc 0 just scalars, 1 bit normal. More...
void gutsOfInitialize (CoinSimplexInt type)
 1 bit - tolerances etc, 2 more, 4 dummy arrays More...
void gutsOfCopy (const CoinAbcTypeFactorization &other)
void resetStatistics ()
 Reset all sparsity etc statistics. More...
void printRegion (const CoinIndexedVector &vector, const char *where) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CoinAbcAnyFactorization
 CoinAbcAnyFactorization ()
 Default constructor. More...
 CoinAbcAnyFactorization (const CoinAbcAnyFactorization &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~CoinAbcAnyFactorization ()
 Destructor. More...
CoinAbcAnyFactorizationoperator= (const CoinAbcAnyFactorization &other)
 = copy More...
int status () const
 Returns status. More...
void setStatus (int value)
 Sets status. More...
int pivots () const
 Returns number of pivots since factorization. More...
void setPivots (int value)
 Sets number of pivots since factorization. More...
int numberSlacks () const
 Returns number of slacks. More...
void setNumberSlacks (int value)
 Sets number of slacks. More...
void setNumberRows (int value)
 Set number of Rows after factorization. More...
int numberRows () const
 Number of Rows after factorization. More...
CoinSimplexInt numberDense () const
 Number of dense rows after factorization. More...
int numberGoodColumns () const
 Number of good columns in factorization. More...
void relaxAccuracyCheck (double value)
 Allows change of pivot accuracy check 1.0 == none >1.0 relaxed. More...
double getAccuracyCheck () const
int maximumPivots () const
 Maximum number of pivots between factorizations. More...
double pivotTolerance () const
 Pivot tolerance. More...
void pivotTolerance (double value)
double minimumPivotTolerance () const
 Minimum pivot tolerance. More...
void minimumPivotTolerance (double value)
double areaFactor () const
 Area factor. More...
void areaFactor (CoinSimplexDouble value)
double zeroTolerance () const
 Zero tolerance. More...
void zeroTolerance (double value)
virtual int * pivotRow () const
 Returns pivot row. More...
virtual CoinFactorizationDouble * workArea () const
 Returns work area. More...
virtual int * intWorkArea () const
 Returns int work area. More...
virtual int * permuteBack () const
 Returns permute back. More...
int solveMode () const
 Get solve mode e.g. More...
void setSolveMode (int value)
 Set solve mode e.g. More...
virtual void setUsefulInformation (const int *info, int whereFrom)
 Useful information for factorization 0 - iteration number whereFrom is 0 for factorize and 1 for replaceColumn. More...
virtual void checkReplacePart1a (CoinIndexedVector *, int)
virtual double checkReplacePart1b (CoinIndexedVector *, int)


void CoinAbcFactorizationUnitTest (const std::string &mpsDir)

used by factorization

virtual void getAreas (CoinSimplexInt numberRows, CoinSimplexInt numberColumns, CoinBigIndex maximumL, CoinBigIndex maximumU)
 Gets space for a factorization, called by constructors. More...
virtual void preProcess ()
 PreProcesses column ordered copy of basis. More...
void preProcess (CoinSimplexInt)
double preProcess3 ()
 Return largest element. More...
void preProcess4 ()
virtual CoinSimplexInt factor (AbcSimplex *model)
 Does most of factorization. More...
virtual void postProcess (const CoinSimplexInt *sequence, CoinSimplexInt *pivotVariable)
 Does post processing on valid factorization - putting variables on correct rows. More...
virtual void makeNonSingular (CoinSimplexInt *sequence)
 Makes a non-singular basis by replacing variables. More...
CoinSimplexInt replaceColumnPFI (CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse, CoinSimplexInt pivotRow, CoinSimplexDouble alpha)
 Replaces one Column to basis for PFI returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular, 3=no room. More...
CoinSimplexInt factorSparse ()
 Does sparse phase of factorization return code is <0 error, 0= finished. More...
CoinSimplexInt factorDense ()
 Does dense phase of factorization return code is <0 error, 0= finished. More...
bool pivotOneOtherRow (CoinSimplexInt pivotRow, CoinSimplexInt pivotColumn)
 Pivots when just one other row so faster? More...
bool pivotRowSingleton (CoinSimplexInt pivotRow, CoinSimplexInt pivotColumn)
 Does one pivot on Row Singleton in factorization. More...
void pivotColumnSingleton (CoinSimplexInt pivotRow, CoinSimplexInt pivotColumn)
 Does one pivot on Column Singleton in factorization (can't return false) More...
void afterPivot (CoinSimplexInt pivotRow, CoinSimplexInt pivotColumn)
 After pivoting. More...
int wantToGoDense ()
 After pivoting - returns true if need to go dense. More...
bool getColumnSpace (CoinSimplexInt iColumn, CoinSimplexInt extraNeeded)
 Gets space for one Column with given length, may have to do compression (returns True if successful), also moves existing vector, extraNeeded is over and above present. More...
bool reorderU ()
 Reorders U so contiguous and in order (if there is space) Returns true if it could. More...
bool getColumnSpaceIterateR (CoinSimplexInt iColumn, CoinFactorizationDouble value, CoinSimplexInt iRow)
 getColumnSpaceIterateR. More...
CoinBigIndex getColumnSpaceIterate (CoinSimplexInt iColumn, CoinFactorizationDouble value, CoinSimplexInt iRow)
 getColumnSpaceIterate. More...
bool getRowSpace (CoinSimplexInt iRow, CoinSimplexInt extraNeeded)
 Gets space for one Row with given length, may have to do compression (returns True if successful), also moves existing vector. More...
bool getRowSpaceIterate (CoinSimplexInt iRow, CoinSimplexInt extraNeeded)
 Gets space for one Row with given length while iterating, may have to do compression (returns True if successful), also moves existing vector. More...
void checkConsistency ()
 Checks that row and column copies look OK. More...
void addLink (CoinSimplexInt index, CoinSimplexInt count)
 Adds a link in chain of equal counts. More...
void deleteLink (CoinSimplexInt index)
 Deletes a link in chain of equal counts. More...
void modifyLink (CoinSimplexInt index, CoinSimplexInt count)
 Modifies links in chain of equal counts. More...
void separateLinks ()
 Separate out links with same row/column count. More...
void separateLinks (CoinSimplexInt, CoinSimplexInt)
void cleanup ()
 Cleans up at end of factorization. More...
void doAddresses ()
 Set up addresses from arrays. More...
void updateColumnL (CoinIndexedVector *region, CoinAbcStatistics &statistics) const
 Updates part of column (FTRANL) More...
void updateColumnLDensish (CoinIndexedVector *region) const
 Updates part of column (FTRANL) when densish. More...
void updateColumnLDense (CoinIndexedVector *region) const
 Updates part of column (FTRANL) when dense (i.e. do as inner products) More...
void updateColumnLSparse (CoinIndexedVector *region) const
 Updates part of column (FTRANL) when sparse. More...
void updateColumnR (CoinIndexedVector *region, CoinAbcStatistics &statistics) const
 Updates part of column (FTRANR) without FT update. More...
bool storeFT (const CoinIndexedVector *regionFT)
 Store update after doing L and R - retuns false if no room. More...
void updateColumnU (CoinIndexedVector *region, CoinAbcStatistics &statistics) const
 Updates part of column (FTRANU) More...
void updateColumnUSparse (CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse) const
 Updates part of column (FTRANU) when sparse. More...
void updateColumnUDensish (CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse) const
 Updates part of column (FTRANU) More...
void updateColumnUDense (CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse) const
 Updates part of column (FTRANU) when dense (i.e. do as inner products) More...
void updateTwoColumnsUDensish (CoinSimplexInt &numberNonZero1, CoinFactorizationDouble *COIN_RESTRICT region1, CoinSimplexInt *COIN_RESTRICT index1, CoinSimplexInt &numberNonZero2, CoinFactorizationDouble *COIN_RESTRICT region2, CoinSimplexInt *COIN_RESTRICT index2) const
 Updates part of 2 columns (FTRANU) real work. More...
void updateColumnPFI (CoinIndexedVector *regionSparse) const
 Updates part of column PFI (FTRAN) (after rest) More...
void updateColumnTransposePFI (CoinIndexedVector *region) const
 Updates part of column transpose PFI (BTRAN) (before rest) More...
void updateColumnTransposeU (CoinIndexedVector *region, CoinSimplexInt smallestIndex, CoinAbcStatistics &statistics) const
 Updates part of column transpose (BTRANU), assumes index is sorted i.e. More...
void updateColumnTransposeUDensish (CoinIndexedVector *region, CoinSimplexInt smallestIndex) const
 Updates part of column transpose (BTRANU) when densish, assumes index is sorted i.e. More...
void updateColumnTransposeUSparse (CoinIndexedVector *region) const
 Updates part of column transpose (BTRANU) when sparse, assumes index is sorted i.e. More...
void updateColumnTransposeUByColumn (CoinIndexedVector *region, CoinSimplexInt smallestIndex) const
 Updates part of column transpose (BTRANU) by column assumes index is sorted i.e. More...
void updateColumnTransposeR (CoinIndexedVector *region, CoinAbcStatistics &statistics) const
 Updates part of column transpose (BTRANR) More...
void updateColumnTransposeRDensish (CoinIndexedVector *region) const
 Updates part of column transpose (BTRANR) when dense. More...
void updateColumnTransposeRSparse (CoinIndexedVector *region) const
 Updates part of column transpose (BTRANR) when sparse. More...
void updateColumnTransposeL (CoinIndexedVector *region, CoinAbcStatistics &statistics) const
 Updates part of column transpose (BTRANL) More...
void updateColumnTransposeLDensish (CoinIndexedVector *region) const
 Updates part of column transpose (BTRANL) when densish by column. More...
void updateColumnTransposeLByRow (CoinIndexedVector *region) const
 Updates part of column transpose (BTRANL) when densish by row. More...
void updateColumnTransposeLSparse (CoinIndexedVector *region) const
 Updates part of column transpose (BTRANL) when sparse (by Row) More...
CoinSimplexInt checkPivot (CoinSimplexDouble saveFromU, CoinSimplexDouble oldPivot) const
 Returns accuracy status of replaceColumn returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular. More...
int pivot (CoinSimplexInt pivotRow, CoinSimplexInt pivotColumn, CoinBigIndex pivotRowPosition, CoinBigIndex pivotColumnPosition, CoinFactorizationDouble *COIN_RESTRICT work, CoinSimplexUnsignedInt *COIN_RESTRICT workArea2, CoinSimplexInt increment2, int *COIN_RESTRICT markRow)
 0 fine, -99 singular, 2 dense More...
int pivot (CoinSimplexInt &pivotRow, CoinSimplexInt &pivotColumn, CoinBigIndex pivotRowPosition, CoinBigIndex pivotColumnPosition, int *COIN_RESTRICT markRow)


CoinFactorizationDouble * pivotRegionAddress_
CoinFactorizationDouble * elementUAddress_
CoinBigIndex * startColumnUAddress_
CoinBigIndex * convertRowToColumnUAddress_
CoinBigIndex * convertColumnToRowUAddress_
CoinFactorizationDouble * elementRowUAddress_
CoinBigIndex * startRowUAddress_
 Next Row/Column with count. More...
 Previous Row/Column with count. More...
CoinFactorizationDouble * elementLAddress_
CoinBigIndex * startColumnLAddress_
CoinBigIndex * startRowLAddress_
CoinBigIndex * startColumnRAddress_
CoinFactorizationDouble * elementRAddress_
 Elements of R. More...
 Row indices for R. More...
CoinFactorizationDouble * elementByRowLAddress_
CoinFactorizationDouble * denseAreaAddress_
CoinFactorizationDouble * workAreaAddress_
CoinSimplexInt numberRowsExtra_
 Number of Rows after iterating. More...
CoinSimplexInt maximumRowsExtra_
 Maximum number of Rows after iterating. More...
CoinSimplexInt numberRowsSmall_
 Size of small inverse. More...
CoinSimplexInt numberGoodL_
 Number factorized in L. More...
CoinSimplexInt numberRowsLeft_
 Number Rows left (numberRows-numberGood) More...
CoinBigIndex totalElements_
 Number of elements in U (to go) or while iterating total overall. More...
CoinBigIndex firstZeroed_
 First place in funny copy zeroed out. More...
CoinSimplexInt sparseThreshold_
 Below this use sparse technology - if 0 then no L row copy. More...
CoinSimplexInt numberR_
 Number in R. More...
CoinBigIndex lengthR_
 Length of R stuff. More...
CoinBigIndex lengthAreaR_
 length of area reserved for R More...
CoinBigIndex numberL_
 Number in L. More...
CoinBigIndex baseL_
 Base of L. More...
CoinBigIndex lengthL_
 Length of L. More...
CoinBigIndex lengthAreaL_
 Length of area reserved for L. More...
CoinSimplexInt numberU_
 Number in U. More...
CoinBigIndex maximumU_
 Maximum space used in U. More...
CoinBigIndex lengthU_
 Length of U. More...
CoinBigIndex lengthAreaU_
 Length of area reserved for U. More...
CoinBigIndex lastEntryByColumnU_
 Last entry by column for U. More...
CoinBigIndex lastEntryByRowU_
 Last entry by row for U. More...
CoinSimplexInt numberTrials_
 Number of trials before rejection. More...
CoinSimplexInt leadingDimension_
 Leading dimension for dense. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength pivotColumn_
 Pivot order for each Column. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength permute_
 Permutation vector for pivot row order. More...
CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength startRowU_
 Start of each Row as pointer. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength numberInRow_
 Number in each Row. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength numberInColumn_
 Number in each Column. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength numberInColumnPlus_
 Number in each Column including pivoted. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength firstCount_
 First Row/Column with count of k, can tell which by offset - Rows then Columns. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength nextColumn_
 Next Column in memory order. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength lastColumn_
 Previous Column in memory order. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength nextRow_
 Next Row in memory order. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength lastRow_
 Previous Row in memory order. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength saveColumn_
 Columns left to do in a single pivot. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength markRow_
 Marks rows to be updated. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength indexColumnU_
 Base address for U (may change) More...
CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength pivotRegion_
 Inverses of pivot values. More...
CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength elementU_
 Elements of U. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength indexRowU_
 Row indices of U. More...
CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength startColumnU_
 Start of each column in U. More...
CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength convertRowToColumnU_
 Converts rows to columns in U. More...
CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength convertColumnToRowU_
 Converts columns to rows in U. More...
CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength elementRowU_
 Elements of U by row. More...
CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength elementL_
 Elements of L. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength indexRowL_
 Row indices of L. More...
CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength startColumnL_
 Start of each column in L. More...
CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength denseArea_
 Dense area. More...
CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength workArea_
 First work area. More...
CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength workArea2_
 Second work area. More...
CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength startRowL_
 Start of each row in L. More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength indexColumnL_
 Index of column in row for L. More...
CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength elementByRowL_
 Elements in L (row copy) More...
CoinIntArrayWithLength sparse_
 Sparse regions. More...
CoinSimplexInt messageLevel_
 Detail in messages. More...
CoinBigIndex numberCompressions_
 Number of compressions done. More...
CoinSimplexInt lastSlack_
double ftranCountInput_
 To decide how to solve. More...
double ftranCountAfterL_
double ftranCountAfterR_
double ftranCountAfterU_
double ftranAverageAfterL_
double ftranAverageAfterR_
double ftranAverageAfterU_
CoinSimplexInt numberFtranCounts_
CoinSimplexInt maximumRows_
 Maximum rows (ever) (here to use double alignment) More...
double ftranFTCountInput_
double ftranFTCountAfterL_
double ftranFTCountAfterR_
double ftranFTCountAfterU_
double ftranFTAverageAfterL_
double ftranFTAverageAfterR_
double ftranFTAverageAfterU_
CoinSimplexInt numberFtranFTCounts_
CoinSimplexInt denseThreshold_
 Dense threshold (here to use double alignment) More...
double btranCountInput_
double btranCountAfterU_
double btranCountAfterR_
double btranCountAfterL_
double btranAverageAfterU_
double btranAverageAfterR_
double btranAverageAfterL_
CoinSimplexInt numberBtranCounts_
CoinSimplexInt maximumMaximumPivots_
 Maximum maximum pivots. More...
double ftranFullCountInput_
 To decide how to solve. More...
double ftranFullCountAfterL_
double ftranFullCountAfterR_
double ftranFullCountAfterU_
double ftranFullAverageAfterL_
double ftranFullAverageAfterR_
double ftranFullAverageAfterU_
CoinSimplexInt numberFtranFullCounts_
CoinSimplexInt initialNumberRows_
 Rows first time nonzero. More...
double btranFullCountInput_
 To decide how to solve. More...
double btranFullCountAfterL_
double btranFullCountAfterR_
double btranFullCountAfterU_
double btranFullAverageAfterL_
double btranFullAverageAfterR_
double btranFullAverageAfterU_
CoinSimplexInt numberBtranFullCounts_
CoinSimplexInt state_
 State of saved version and what can be done 0 - nothing saved 1 - saved and can go back to previous save by unwinding 2 - saved - getting on for a full copy higher bits - see ABC_FAC.... More...
CoinBigIndex sizeSparseArray_
 Size in bytes of a sparseArray. More...
bool gotLCopy () const
void setNoGotLCopy ()
void setYesGotLCopy ()
bool gotRCopy () const
void setNoGotRCopy ()
void setYesGotRCopy ()
bool gotUCopy () const
void setNoGotUCopy ()
void setYesGotUCopy ()
bool gotSparse () const
void setNoGotSparse ()
void setYesGotSparse ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from CoinAbcAnyFactorization
double pivotTolerance_
 Pivot tolerance. More...
double minimumPivotTolerance_
 Minimum pivot tolerance. More...
double areaFactor_
 Area factor. More...
double zeroTolerance_
 Zero tolerance. More...
double relaxCheck_
 Relax check on accuracy in replaceColumn. More...
CoinBigIndex factorElements_
 Number of elements after factorization. More...
int numberRows_
 Number of Rows in factorization. More...
int numberDense_
 Number of dense rows in factorization. More...
int numberGoodU_
 Number factorized in U (not row singletons) More...
int maximumPivots_
 Maximum number of pivots before factorization. More...
int numberPivots_
 Number pivots since last factorization. More...
int numberSlacks_
 Number slacks. More...
int status_
 Status of factorization. More...
int maximumRows_
 Maximum rows ever (i.e. use to copy arrays etc) More...
int * pivotRow_
 Pivot row. More...
CoinFactorizationDouble * elements_
 Elements of factorization and updates length is maxR*maxR+maxSpace will always be long enough so can have nR*nR ints in maxSpace. More...
CoinFactorizationDouble * workArea_
 Work area of numberRows_. More...
int solveMode_
 Solve mode e.g. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 28 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CoinAbcTypeFactorization() [1/3]

CoinAbcTypeFactorization::CoinAbcTypeFactorization ( )

Default constructor.

◆ CoinAbcTypeFactorization() [2/3]

CoinAbcTypeFactorization::CoinAbcTypeFactorization ( const CoinAbcTypeFactorization other)

Copy constructor.

◆ CoinAbcTypeFactorization() [3/3]

CoinAbcTypeFactorization::CoinAbcTypeFactorization ( const CoinFactorization &  other)

Copy constructor.

◆ ~CoinAbcTypeFactorization()

virtual CoinAbcTypeFactorization::~CoinAbcTypeFactorization ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

virtual CoinAbcAnyFactorization* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::clone ( ) const


Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ almostDestructor()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::almostDestructor ( )

Delete all stuff (leaves as after CoinAbcFactorization())

◆ show_self()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::show_self ( ) const

Debug show object (shows one representation)

◆ sort()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::sort ( ) const

Debug - sort so can compare.

◆ operator=()

CoinAbcTypeFactorization& CoinAbcTypeFactorization::operator= ( const CoinAbcTypeFactorization other)

= copy

◆ conditionNumber()

CoinSimplexDouble CoinAbcTypeFactorization::conditionNumber ( ) const

Condition number - product of pivots after factorization.

◆ permute()

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::permute ( ) const

Returns address of permute region.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

Definition at line 65 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ indices()

virtual CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::indices ( ) const

Returns array to put basis indices in.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

Definition at line 70 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ pivotColumn()

virtual CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotColumn ( ) const

Returns address of pivotColumn region (also used for permuting)

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

Definition at line 75 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ pivotRegion()

virtual CoinFactorizationDouble* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotRegion ( ) const

Returns address of pivot region.

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

Definition at line 80 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ startRowL()

CoinBigIndex* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::startRowL ( ) const

Start of each row in L.

Definition at line 86 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ startColumnL()

CoinBigIndex* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::startColumnL ( ) const

Start of each column in L.

Definition at line 93 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ indexColumnL()

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::indexColumnL ( ) const

Index of column in row for L.

Definition at line 100 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ indexRowL()

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::indexRowL ( ) const

Row indices of L.

Definition at line 107 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ elementByRowL()

CoinFactorizationDouble* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::elementByRowL ( ) const

Elements in L (row copy)

Definition at line 114 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ pivotLinkedBackwards()

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotLinkedBackwards ( ) const

Forward and backward linked lists (numberRows_+2)

Definition at line 122 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ pivotLinkedForwards()

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotLinkedForwards ( ) const

Definition at line 126 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ pivotLOrder()

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotLOrder ( ) const

Definition at line 130 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ firstCount()

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::firstCount ( ) const

For equal counts in factorization.

First Row/Column with count of k, can tell which by offset - Rows then Columns actually comes before nextCount

Definition at line 163 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ nextCount()

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::nextCount ( ) const

Next Row/Column with count.

Definition at line 169 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lastCount()

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lastCount ( ) const

Previous Row/Column with count.

Definition at line 175 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberRowsExtra()

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberRowsExtra ( ) const

Number of Rows after iterating.

Definition at line 181 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberL()

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberL ( ) const

Number in L.

Definition at line 186 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ baseL()

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::baseL ( ) const

Base of L.

Definition at line 192 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ maximumRowsExtra()

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::maximumRowsExtra ( ) const

Maximum of Rows after iterating.

Definition at line 197 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberElements()

virtual CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberElements ( ) const

Total number of elements in factorization.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

Definition at line 202 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberForrestTomlin()

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberForrestTomlin ( ) const

Length of FT vector.

Definition at line 207 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ adjustedAreaFactor()

CoinSimplexDouble CoinAbcTypeFactorization::adjustedAreaFactor ( ) const

Returns areaFactor but adjusted for dense.

◆ messageLevel() [1/2]

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::messageLevel ( ) const

Level of detail of messages.

Definition at line 214 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ messageLevel() [2/2]

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::messageLevel ( CoinSimplexInt  value)

◆ maximumPivots()

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::maximumPivots ( CoinSimplexInt  value)

Set maximum pivots.

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ denseThreshold()

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::denseThreshold ( ) const

Gets dense threshold.

Definition at line 224 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ setDenseThreshold()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::setDenseThreshold ( CoinSimplexInt  value)

Sets dense threshold.

Definition at line 229 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ maximumCoefficient()

CoinSimplexDouble CoinAbcTypeFactorization::maximumCoefficient ( ) const

Returns maximum absolute value in factorization.

◆ spaceForForrestTomlin()

bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::spaceForForrestTomlin ( ) const

True if FT update and space.

Definition at line 244 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberElementsU()

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberElementsU ( ) const

Returns number in U area.

Definition at line 256 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ setNumberElementsU()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::setNumberElementsU ( CoinBigIndex  value)

Setss number in U area.

Definition at line 261 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lengthAreaU()

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lengthAreaU ( ) const

Returns length of U area.

Definition at line 266 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberElementsL()

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberElementsL ( ) const

Returns number in L area.

Definition at line 271 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lengthAreaL()

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lengthAreaL ( ) const

Returns length of L area.

Definition at line 276 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberElementsR()

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberElementsR ( ) const

Returns number in R area.

Definition at line 281 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberCompressions()

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberCompressions ( ) const

Number of compressions done.

Definition at line 286 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ starts()

virtual CoinBigIndex* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::starts ( ) const

Returns pivot row.

Returns work area Returns CoinSimplexInt work area Returns array to put basis starts in

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

Definition at line 297 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberInRow()

virtual CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberInRow ( ) const

Number of entries in each row.

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

Definition at line 302 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberInColumn()

virtual CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberInColumn ( ) const

Number of entries in each column.

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

Definition at line 307 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ elements()

virtual CoinFactorizationDouble* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::elements ( ) const

Returns array to put basis elements in.

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

Definition at line 312 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ startColumnR()

CoinBigIndex* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::startColumnR ( ) const

Start of columns for R.

Definition at line 317 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ elementU()

CoinFactorizationDouble* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::elementU ( ) const

Elements of U.

Definition at line 322 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ indexRowU()

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::indexRowU ( ) const

Row indices of U.

Definition at line 327 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ startColumnU()

CoinBigIndex* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::startColumnU ( ) const

Start of each column in U.

Definition at line 332 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ denseVector() [1/4]

double* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::denseVector ( CoinIndexedVector *  vector) const

Returns double * associated with vector.

Definition at line 357 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ denseVector() [2/4]

double* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::denseVector ( CoinIndexedVector &  vector) const

Definition at line 361 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ denseVector() [3/4]

const double* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::denseVector ( const CoinIndexedVector *  vector) const

Returns double * associated with vector.

Definition at line 366 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ denseVector() [4/4]

const double* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::denseVector ( const CoinIndexedVector &  vector) const

Definition at line 370 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ toLongArray()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::toLongArray ( CoinIndexedVector *  vector,
int  which 
) const

To a work array and associate vector.

Definition at line 375 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ fromLongArray() [1/2]

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::fromLongArray ( CoinIndexedVector *  vector) const

From a work array and dis-associate vector.

Definition at line 377 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ fromLongArray() [2/2]

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::fromLongArray ( int  which) const

From a work array and dis-associate vector.

Definition at line 379 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ scan()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::scan ( CoinIndexedVector *  vector) const

Scans region to find nonzeros.

Definition at line 381 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ checkReplacePart1() [1/2]

virtual double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::checkReplacePart1 ( CoinIndexedVector *  regionSparse,
int  pivotRow 

Checks if can replace one Column to basis, returns update alpha Fills in region for use later partial update already in U.

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ checkReplacePart1() [2/2]

virtual double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::checkReplacePart1 ( CoinIndexedVector *  regionSparse,
CoinIndexedVector *  partialUpdate,
int  pivotRow 

Checks if can replace one Column to basis, returns update alpha Fills in region for use later partial update in vector.

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ checkReplacePart2()

virtual int CoinAbcTypeFactorization::checkReplacePart2 ( int  pivotRow,
CoinSimplexDouble  btranAlpha,
double  ftranAlpha,
double  ftAlpha,
double  acceptablePivot = 1.0e-8 

Checks if can replace one Column to basis, returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular, 3=no room, 5 max pivots.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ replaceColumnPart3() [1/2]

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::replaceColumnPart3 ( const AbcSimplex model,
CoinIndexedVector *  regionSparse,
CoinIndexedVector *  tableauColumn,
int  pivotRow,
double  alpha 

Replaces one Column to basis, partial update already in U.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ replaceColumnPart3() [2/2]

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::replaceColumnPart3 ( const AbcSimplex model,
CoinIndexedVector *  regionSparse,
CoinIndexedVector *  tableauColumn,
CoinIndexedVector *  partialUpdate,
int  pivotRow,
double  alpha 

Replaces one Column to basis, partial update in vector.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ updatePartialUpdate()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updatePartialUpdate ( CoinIndexedVector &  partialUpdate)

Update partial Ftran by R update.

◆ wantsTableauColumn()

virtual bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::wantsTableauColumn ( ) const

Returns true if wants tableauColumn in replaceColumn.

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

Definition at line 503 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ replaceColumnU()

int CoinAbcTypeFactorization::replaceColumnU ( CoinIndexedVector *  regionSparse,
CoinBigIndex *  deletedPosition,
CoinSimplexInt deletedColumns,
CoinSimplexInt  pivotRow 

Combines BtranU and store which elements are to be deleted returns number to be deleted.

◆ updateColumnFT() [1/2]

virtual CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnFT ( CoinIndexedVector &  regionSparse)

Later take out return codes (apart from +- 1 on FT)

Updates one column (FTRAN) from regionSparse2 Tries to do FT update number returned is negative if no room regionSparse starts as zero and is zero at end. Note - if regionSparse2 packed on input - will be packed on output

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ updateColumnFTPart1()

virtual int CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnFTPart1 ( CoinIndexedVector &  regionSparse)

◆ updateColumnFTPart2()

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnFTPart2 ( CoinIndexedVector &  regionSparse)

◆ updateColumnFT() [2/2]

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnFT ( CoinIndexedVector &  regionSparseFT,
CoinIndexedVector &  partialUpdate,
int  which 

Updates one column (FTRAN) Tries to do FT update puts partial update in vector.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ updateColumn()

virtual CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumn ( CoinIndexedVector &  regionSparse) const

This version has same effect as above with FTUpdate==false so number returned is always >=0.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ updateTwoColumnsFT()

virtual CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateTwoColumnsFT ( CoinIndexedVector &  regionFT,
CoinIndexedVector &  regionOther 

Updates one column (FTRAN) from region2 Tries to do FT update number returned is negative if no room.

Also updates region3 region1 starts as zero and is zero at end

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ updateColumnTranspose()

virtual CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTranspose ( CoinIndexedVector &  regionSparse) const

Updates one column (BTRAN) from regionSparse2 regionSparse starts as zero and is zero at end Note - if regionSparse2 packed on input - will be packed on output.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ updateFullColumn()

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateFullColumn ( CoinIndexedVector &  regionSparse) const

Updates one full column (FTRAN)

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ updateFullColumnTranspose()

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateFullColumnTranspose ( CoinIndexedVector &  regionSparse) const

Updates one full column (BTRAN)

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ updateWeights()

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateWeights ( CoinIndexedVector &  regionSparse) const

Updates one column for dual steepest edge weights (FTRAN)

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ updateColumnCpu()

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnCpu ( CoinIndexedVector &  regionSparse,
int  whichCpu 
) const

Updates one column (FTRAN)

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ updateColumnTransposeCpu()

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTransposeCpu ( CoinIndexedVector &  regionSparse,
int  whichCpu 
) const

Updates one column (BTRAN)

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ unpack()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::unpack ( CoinIndexedVector *  regionFrom,
CoinIndexedVector *  regionTo 
) const

◆ pack()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pack ( CoinIndexedVector *  regionFrom,
CoinIndexedVector *  regionTo 
) const

◆ goSparse()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::goSparse ( )

makes a row copy of L for speed and to allow very sparse problems

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

Definition at line 565 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ goSparse2()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::goSparse2 ( )

◆ checkMarkArrays()

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::checkMarkArrays ( ) const

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ sparseThreshold() [1/2]

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::sparseThreshold ( ) const

get sparse threshold

Definition at line 572 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ sparseThreshold() [2/2]

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::sparseThreshold ( CoinSimplexInt  value)

set sparse threshold

◆ clearArrays()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::clearArrays ( )

Get rid of all memory.

Reimplemented from CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

Definition at line 586 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ checkSparse()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::checkSparse ( )

See if worth going sparse.

◆ gutsOfDestructor()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::gutsOfDestructor ( CoinSimplexInt  type = 1)

The real work of constructors etc 0 just scalars, 1 bit normal.

◆ gutsOfInitialize()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::gutsOfInitialize ( CoinSimplexInt  type)

1 bit - tolerances etc, 2 more, 4 dummy arrays

◆ gutsOfCopy()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::gutsOfCopy ( const CoinAbcTypeFactorization other)

◆ resetStatistics()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::resetStatistics ( )

Reset all sparsity etc statistics.

◆ printRegion()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::printRegion ( const CoinIndexedVector &  vector,
const char *  where 
) const

◆ getAreas()

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::getAreas ( CoinSimplexInt  numberRows,
CoinSimplexInt  numberColumns,
CoinBigIndex  maximumL,
CoinBigIndex  maximumU 

Gets space for a factorization, called by constructors.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ preProcess() [1/2]

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::preProcess ( )

PreProcesses column ordered copy of basis.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ preProcess() [2/2]

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::preProcess ( CoinSimplexInt  )

◆ preProcess3()

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::preProcess3 ( )

Return largest element.

◆ preProcess4()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::preProcess4 ( )

◆ factor()

virtual CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::factor ( AbcSimplex model)

Does most of factorization.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ postProcess()

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::postProcess ( const CoinSimplexInt sequence,
CoinSimplexInt pivotVariable 

Does post processing on valid factorization - putting variables on correct rows.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ makeNonSingular()

virtual void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::makeNonSingular ( CoinSimplexInt sequence)

Makes a non-singular basis by replacing variables.

Implements CoinAbcAnyFactorization.

◆ factorSparse()

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::factorSparse ( )

Does sparse phase of factorization return code is <0 error, 0= finished.

◆ factorDense()

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::factorDense ( )

Does dense phase of factorization return code is <0 error, 0= finished.

◆ pivotOneOtherRow()

bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotOneOtherRow ( CoinSimplexInt  pivotRow,
CoinSimplexInt  pivotColumn 

Pivots when just one other row so faster?

◆ pivotRowSingleton()

bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotRowSingleton ( CoinSimplexInt  pivotRow,
CoinSimplexInt  pivotColumn 

Does one pivot on Row Singleton in factorization.

◆ pivotColumnSingleton()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotColumnSingleton ( CoinSimplexInt  pivotRow,
CoinSimplexInt  pivotColumn 

Does one pivot on Column Singleton in factorization (can't return false)

◆ afterPivot()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::afterPivot ( CoinSimplexInt  pivotRow,
CoinSimplexInt  pivotColumn 

After pivoting.

◆ wantToGoDense()

int CoinAbcTypeFactorization::wantToGoDense ( )

After pivoting - returns true if need to go dense.

◆ getColumnSpace()

bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::getColumnSpace ( CoinSimplexInt  iColumn,
CoinSimplexInt  extraNeeded 

Gets space for one Column with given length, may have to do compression (returns True if successful), also moves existing vector, extraNeeded is over and above present.

◆ reorderU()

bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::reorderU ( )

Reorders U so contiguous and in order (if there is space) Returns true if it could.

◆ getColumnSpaceIterateR()

bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::getColumnSpaceIterateR ( CoinSimplexInt  iColumn,
CoinFactorizationDouble  value,
CoinSimplexInt  iRow 


Gets space for one extra R element in Column may have to do compression (returns true) also moves existing vector

◆ getColumnSpaceIterate()

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::getColumnSpaceIterate ( CoinSimplexInt  iColumn,
CoinFactorizationDouble  value,
CoinSimplexInt  iRow 


Gets space for one extra U element in Column may have to do compression (returns true) also moves existing vector. Returns -1 if no memory or where element was put Used by replaceRow (turns off R version)

◆ getRowSpace()

bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::getRowSpace ( CoinSimplexInt  iRow,
CoinSimplexInt  extraNeeded 

Gets space for one Row with given length, may have to do compression (returns True if successful), also moves existing vector.

◆ getRowSpaceIterate()

bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::getRowSpaceIterate ( CoinSimplexInt  iRow,
CoinSimplexInt  extraNeeded 

Gets space for one Row with given length while iterating, may have to do compression (returns True if successful), also moves existing vector.

◆ checkConsistency()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::checkConsistency ( )

Checks that row and column copies look OK.

◆ addLink()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::addLink ( CoinSimplexInt  index,
CoinSimplexInt  count 

Adds a link in chain of equal counts.

Definition at line 694 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ deleteLink()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::deleteLink ( CoinSimplexInt  index)

Deletes a link in chain of equal counts.

Definition at line 707 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ modifyLink()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::modifyLink ( CoinSimplexInt  index,
CoinSimplexInt  count 

Modifies links in chain of equal counts.

Definition at line 726 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ separateLinks() [1/2]

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::separateLinks ( )

Separate out links with same row/column count.

◆ separateLinks() [2/2]

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::separateLinks ( CoinSimplexInt  ,

◆ cleanup()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::cleanup ( )

Cleans up at end of factorization.

◆ doAddresses()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::doAddresses ( )

Set up addresses from arrays.

◆ updateColumnL()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnL ( CoinIndexedVector *  region,
CoinAbcStatistics statistics 
) const

Updates part of column (FTRANL)

◆ updateColumnLDensish()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnLDensish ( CoinIndexedVector *  region) const

Updates part of column (FTRANL) when densish.

◆ updateColumnLDense()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnLDense ( CoinIndexedVector *  region) const

Updates part of column (FTRANL) when dense (i.e. do as inner products)

◆ updateColumnLSparse()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnLSparse ( CoinIndexedVector *  region) const

Updates part of column (FTRANL) when sparse.

◆ updateColumnR()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnR ( CoinIndexedVector *  region,
CoinAbcStatistics statistics 
) const

Updates part of column (FTRANR) without FT update.

◆ storeFT()

bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::storeFT ( const CoinIndexedVector *  regionFT)

Store update after doing L and R - retuns false if no room.

◆ updateColumnU()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnU ( CoinIndexedVector *  region,
CoinAbcStatistics statistics 
) const

Updates part of column (FTRANU)

◆ updateColumnUSparse()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnUSparse ( CoinIndexedVector *  regionSparse) const

Updates part of column (FTRANU) when sparse.

◆ updateColumnUDensish()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnUDensish ( CoinIndexedVector *  regionSparse) const

Updates part of column (FTRANU)

◆ updateColumnUDense()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnUDense ( CoinIndexedVector *  regionSparse) const

Updates part of column (FTRANU) when dense (i.e. do as inner products)

◆ updateTwoColumnsUDensish()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateTwoColumnsUDensish ( CoinSimplexInt numberNonZero1,
CoinFactorizationDouble *COIN_RESTRICT  region1,
CoinSimplexInt *COIN_RESTRICT  index1,
CoinSimplexInt numberNonZero2,
CoinFactorizationDouble *COIN_RESTRICT  region2,
CoinSimplexInt *COIN_RESTRICT  index2 
) const

Updates part of 2 columns (FTRANU) real work.

◆ updateColumnPFI()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnPFI ( CoinIndexedVector *  regionSparse) const

Updates part of column PFI (FTRAN) (after rest)

◆ updateColumnTransposePFI()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTransposePFI ( CoinIndexedVector *  region) const

Updates part of column transpose PFI (BTRAN) (before rest)

◆ updateColumnTransposeU()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTransposeU ( CoinIndexedVector *  region,
CoinSimplexInt  smallestIndex,
CoinAbcStatistics statistics 
) const

Updates part of column transpose (BTRANU), assumes index is sorted i.e.

region is correct

◆ updateColumnTransposeUDensish()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTransposeUDensish ( CoinIndexedVector *  region,
CoinSimplexInt  smallestIndex 
) const

Updates part of column transpose (BTRANU) when densish, assumes index is sorted i.e.

region is correct

◆ updateColumnTransposeUSparse()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTransposeUSparse ( CoinIndexedVector *  region) const

Updates part of column transpose (BTRANU) when sparse, assumes index is sorted i.e.

region is correct

◆ updateColumnTransposeUByColumn()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTransposeUByColumn ( CoinIndexedVector *  region,
CoinSimplexInt  smallestIndex 
) const

Updates part of column transpose (BTRANU) by column assumes index is sorted i.e.

region is correct

◆ updateColumnTransposeR()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTransposeR ( CoinIndexedVector *  region,
CoinAbcStatistics statistics 
) const

Updates part of column transpose (BTRANR)

◆ updateColumnTransposeRDensish()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTransposeRDensish ( CoinIndexedVector *  region) const

Updates part of column transpose (BTRANR) when dense.

◆ updateColumnTransposeRSparse()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTransposeRSparse ( CoinIndexedVector *  region) const

Updates part of column transpose (BTRANR) when sparse.

◆ updateColumnTransposeL()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTransposeL ( CoinIndexedVector *  region,
CoinAbcStatistics statistics 
) const

Updates part of column transpose (BTRANL)

◆ updateColumnTransposeLDensish()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTransposeLDensish ( CoinIndexedVector *  region) const

Updates part of column transpose (BTRANL) when densish by column.

◆ updateColumnTransposeLByRow()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTransposeLByRow ( CoinIndexedVector *  region) const

Updates part of column transpose (BTRANL) when densish by row.

◆ updateColumnTransposeLSparse()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::updateColumnTransposeLSparse ( CoinIndexedVector *  region) const

Updates part of column transpose (BTRANL) when sparse (by Row)

◆ replaceColumnPFI()

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::replaceColumnPFI ( CoinIndexedVector *  regionSparse,
CoinSimplexInt  pivotRow,
CoinSimplexDouble  alpha 

Replaces one Column to basis for PFI returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular, 3=no room.

In this case region is not empty - it is incoming variable (updated)

◆ checkPivot()

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::checkPivot ( CoinSimplexDouble  saveFromU,
CoinSimplexDouble  oldPivot 
) const

Returns accuracy status of replaceColumn returns 0=OK, 1=Probably OK, 2=singular.

◆ pivot() [1/2]

int CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivot ( CoinSimplexInt  pivotRow,
CoinSimplexInt  pivotColumn,
CoinBigIndex  pivotRowPosition,
CoinBigIndex  pivotColumnPosition,
CoinFactorizationDouble *COIN_RESTRICT  work,
CoinSimplexUnsignedInt *COIN_RESTRICT  workArea2,
CoinSimplexInt  increment2,
int *COIN_RESTRICT  markRow 

0 fine, -99 singular, 2 dense

◆ pivot() [2/2]

int CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivot ( CoinSimplexInt pivotRow,
CoinSimplexInt pivotColumn,
CoinBigIndex  pivotRowPosition,
CoinBigIndex  pivotColumnPosition,
int *COIN_RESTRICT  markRow 

◆ gotLCopy()

bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::gotLCopy ( ) const

Definition at line 1244 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ setNoGotLCopy()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::setNoGotLCopy ( )

Definition at line 1248 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ setYesGotLCopy()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::setYesGotLCopy ( )

Definition at line 1249 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ gotRCopy()

bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::gotRCopy ( ) const

Definition at line 1250 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ setNoGotRCopy()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::setNoGotRCopy ( )

Definition at line 1251 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ setYesGotRCopy()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::setYesGotRCopy ( )

Definition at line 1252 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ gotUCopy()

bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::gotUCopy ( ) const

Definition at line 1253 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ setNoGotUCopy()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::setNoGotUCopy ( )

Definition at line 1254 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ setYesGotUCopy()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::setYesGotUCopy ( )

Definition at line 1255 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ gotSparse()

bool CoinAbcTypeFactorization::gotSparse ( ) const

Definition at line 1256 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ setNoGotSparse()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::setNoGotSparse ( )

Definition at line 1257 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ setYesGotSparse()

void CoinAbcTypeFactorization::setYesGotSparse ( )

Definition at line 1258 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ CoinAbcFactorizationUnitTest

void CoinAbcFactorizationUnitTest ( const std::string &  mpsDir)

Member Data Documentation

◆ pivotColumnAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotColumnAddress_

Definition at line 938 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ permuteAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::permuteAddress_

Definition at line 939 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ pivotRegionAddress_

CoinFactorizationDouble* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotRegionAddress_

Definition at line 940 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ elementUAddress_

CoinFactorizationDouble* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::elementUAddress_

Definition at line 941 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ indexRowUAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::indexRowUAddress_

Definition at line 942 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberInColumnAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberInColumnAddress_

Definition at line 943 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberInColumnPlusAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberInColumnPlusAddress_

Definition at line 944 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ startColumnUAddress_

CoinBigIndex* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::startColumnUAddress_

Definition at line 950 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ convertRowToColumnUAddress_

CoinBigIndex* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::convertRowToColumnUAddress_

Definition at line 952 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ convertColumnToRowUAddress_

CoinBigIndex* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::convertColumnToRowUAddress_

Definition at line 954 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ elementRowUAddress_

CoinFactorizationDouble* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::elementRowUAddress_

Definition at line 958 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ startRowUAddress_

CoinBigIndex* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::startRowUAddress_

Definition at line 960 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberInRowAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberInRowAddress_

Definition at line 961 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ indexColumnUAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::indexColumnUAddress_

Definition at line 962 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ firstCountAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::firstCountAddress_

Definition at line 963 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ nextCountAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::nextCountAddress_

Next Row/Column with count.

Definition at line 965 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lastCountAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lastCountAddress_

Previous Row/Column with count.

Definition at line 967 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ nextColumnAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::nextColumnAddress_

Definition at line 968 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lastColumnAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lastColumnAddress_

Definition at line 969 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ nextRowAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::nextRowAddress_

Definition at line 970 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lastRowAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lastRowAddress_

Definition at line 971 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ saveColumnAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::saveColumnAddress_

Definition at line 972 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ markRowAddress_

CoinCheckZero* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::markRowAddress_

Definition at line 974 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ listAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::listAddress_

Definition at line 975 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ elementLAddress_

CoinFactorizationDouble* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::elementLAddress_

Definition at line 976 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ indexRowLAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::indexRowLAddress_

Definition at line 977 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ startColumnLAddress_

CoinBigIndex* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::startColumnLAddress_

Definition at line 978 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ startRowLAddress_

CoinBigIndex* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::startRowLAddress_

Definition at line 980 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ pivotLinkedBackwardsAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotLinkedBackwardsAddress_

Definition at line 982 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ pivotLinkedForwardsAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotLinkedForwardsAddress_

Definition at line 983 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ pivotLOrderAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotLOrderAddress_

Definition at line 984 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ startColumnRAddress_

CoinBigIndex* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::startColumnRAddress_

Definition at line 985 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ elementRAddress_

CoinFactorizationDouble* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::elementRAddress_

Elements of R.

Definition at line 987 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ indexRowRAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::indexRowRAddress_

Row indices for R.

Definition at line 989 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ indexColumnLAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::indexColumnLAddress_

Definition at line 990 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ elementByRowLAddress_

CoinFactorizationDouble* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::elementByRowLAddress_

Definition at line 991 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ denseAreaAddress_

CoinFactorizationDouble* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::denseAreaAddress_

Definition at line 993 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ workAreaAddress_

CoinFactorizationDouble* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::workAreaAddress_

Definition at line 995 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ workArea2Address_

CoinSimplexUnsignedInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::workArea2Address_

Definition at line 996 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ sparseAddress_

CoinSimplexInt* CoinAbcTypeFactorization::sparseAddress_

Definition at line 997 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberRowsExtra_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberRowsExtra_

Number of Rows after iterating.

Definition at line 1003 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ maximumRowsExtra_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::maximumRowsExtra_

Maximum number of Rows after iterating.

Definition at line 1005 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberRowsSmall_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberRowsSmall_

Size of small inverse.

Definition at line 1007 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberGoodL_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberGoodL_

Number factorized in L.

Definition at line 1009 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberRowsLeft_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberRowsLeft_

Number Rows left (numberRows-numberGood)

Definition at line 1011 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ totalElements_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::totalElements_

Number of elements in U (to go) or while iterating total overall.

Definition at line 1014 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ firstZeroed_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::firstZeroed_

First place in funny copy zeroed out.

Definition at line 1016 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ sparseThreshold_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::sparseThreshold_

Below this use sparse technology - if 0 then no L row copy.

Definition at line 1019 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberR_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberR_

Number in R.

Definition at line 1022 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lengthR_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lengthR_

Length of R stuff.

Definition at line 1024 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lengthAreaR_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lengthAreaR_

length of area reserved for R

Definition at line 1026 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberL_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberL_

Number in L.

Definition at line 1028 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ baseL_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::baseL_

Base of L.

Definition at line 1030 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lengthL_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lengthL_

Length of L.

Definition at line 1032 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lengthAreaL_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lengthAreaL_

Length of area reserved for L.

Definition at line 1034 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberU_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberU_

Number in U.

Definition at line 1036 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ maximumU_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::maximumU_

Maximum space used in U.

Definition at line 1038 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lengthU_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lengthU_

Length of U.

Definition at line 1040 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lengthAreaU_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lengthAreaU_

Length of area reserved for U.

Definition at line 1042 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lastEntryByColumnU_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lastEntryByColumnU_

Last entry by column for U.

Definition at line 1044 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lastEntryByRowU_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lastEntryByRowU_

Last entry by row for U.

Definition at line 1052 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberTrials_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberTrials_

Number of trials before rejection.

Definition at line 1054 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ leadingDimension_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::leadingDimension_

Leading dimension for dense.

Definition at line 1057 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ pivotColumn_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotColumn_

Pivot order for each Column.

Definition at line 1066 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ permute_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::permute_

Permutation vector for pivot row order.

Definition at line 1068 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ startRowU_

CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::startRowU_

Start of each Row as pointer.

Definition at line 1070 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberInRow_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberInRow_

Number in each Row.

Definition at line 1072 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberInColumn_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberInColumn_

Number in each Column.

Definition at line 1074 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberInColumnPlus_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberInColumnPlus_

Number in each Column including pivoted.

Definition at line 1076 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ firstCount_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::firstCount_

First Row/Column with count of k, can tell which by offset - Rows then Columns.

Definition at line 1079 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ nextColumn_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::nextColumn_

Next Column in memory order.

Definition at line 1081 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lastColumn_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lastColumn_

Previous Column in memory order.

Definition at line 1083 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ nextRow_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::nextRow_

Next Row in memory order.

Definition at line 1085 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lastRow_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lastRow_

Previous Row in memory order.

Definition at line 1087 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ saveColumn_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::saveColumn_

Columns left to do in a single pivot.

Definition at line 1089 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ markRow_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::markRow_

Marks rows to be updated.

Definition at line 1091 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ indexColumnU_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::indexColumnU_

Base address for U (may change)

Definition at line 1093 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ pivotRegion_

CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::pivotRegion_

Inverses of pivot values.

Definition at line 1095 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ elementU_

CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::elementU_

Elements of U.

Definition at line 1097 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ indexRowU_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::indexRowU_

Row indices of U.

Definition at line 1099 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ startColumnU_

CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::startColumnU_

Start of each column in U.

Definition at line 1101 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ convertRowToColumnU_

CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::convertRowToColumnU_

Converts rows to columns in U.

Definition at line 1108 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ convertColumnToRowU_

CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::convertColumnToRowU_

Converts columns to rows in U.

Definition at line 1111 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ elementRowU_

CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::elementRowU_

Elements of U by row.

Definition at line 1116 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ elementL_

CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::elementL_

Elements of L.

Definition at line 1119 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ indexRowL_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::indexRowL_

Row indices of L.

Definition at line 1121 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ startColumnL_

CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::startColumnL_

Start of each column in L.

Definition at line 1123 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ denseArea_

CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::denseArea_

Dense area.

Definition at line 1126 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ workArea_

CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::workArea_

First work area.

Definition at line 1129 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ workArea2_

CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::workArea2_

Second work area.

Definition at line 1131 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ startRowL_

CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::startRowL_

Start of each row in L.

Definition at line 1134 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ indexColumnL_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::indexColumnL_

Index of column in row for L.

Definition at line 1136 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ elementByRowL_

CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::elementByRowL_

Elements in L (row copy)

Definition at line 1138 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ sparse_

CoinIntArrayWithLength CoinAbcTypeFactorization::sparse_

Sparse regions.

Definition at line 1140 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ messageLevel_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::messageLevel_

Detail in messages.

Definition at line 1143 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberCompressions_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberCompressions_

Number of compressions done.

Definition at line 1145 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ lastSlack_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::lastSlack_

Definition at line 1147 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranCountInput_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranCountInput_

To decide how to solve.

Definition at line 1150 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranCountAfterL_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranCountAfterL_

Definition at line 1151 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranCountAfterR_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranCountAfterR_

Definition at line 1152 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranCountAfterU_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranCountAfterU_

Definition at line 1153 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranAverageAfterL_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranAverageAfterL_

Definition at line 1154 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranAverageAfterR_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranAverageAfterR_

Definition at line 1155 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranAverageAfterU_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranAverageAfterU_

Definition at line 1156 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberFtranCounts_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberFtranCounts_

Definition at line 1161 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ maximumRows_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::maximumRows_

Maximum rows (ever) (here to use double alignment)

Definition at line 1164 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFTCountInput_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFTCountInput_

Definition at line 1166 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFTCountAfterL_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFTCountAfterL_

Definition at line 1167 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFTCountAfterR_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFTCountAfterR_

Definition at line 1168 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFTCountAfterU_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFTCountAfterU_

Definition at line 1169 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFTAverageAfterL_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFTAverageAfterL_

Definition at line 1170 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFTAverageAfterR_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFTAverageAfterR_

Definition at line 1171 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFTAverageAfterU_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFTAverageAfterU_

Definition at line 1172 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberFtranFTCounts_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberFtranFTCounts_

Definition at line 1177 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ denseThreshold_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::denseThreshold_

Dense threshold (here to use double alignment)

Definition at line 1181 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranCountInput_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranCountInput_

Definition at line 1184 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranCountAfterU_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranCountAfterU_

Definition at line 1185 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranCountAfterR_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranCountAfterR_

Definition at line 1186 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranCountAfterL_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranCountAfterL_

Definition at line 1187 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranAverageAfterU_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranAverageAfterU_

Definition at line 1188 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranAverageAfterR_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranAverageAfterR_

Definition at line 1189 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranAverageAfterL_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranAverageAfterL_

Definition at line 1190 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberBtranCounts_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberBtranCounts_

Definition at line 1195 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ maximumMaximumPivots_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::maximumMaximumPivots_

Maximum maximum pivots.

Definition at line 1198 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFullCountInput_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFullCountInput_

To decide how to solve.

Definition at line 1201 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFullCountAfterL_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFullCountAfterL_

Definition at line 1202 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFullCountAfterR_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFullCountAfterR_

Definition at line 1203 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFullCountAfterU_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFullCountAfterU_

Definition at line 1204 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFullAverageAfterL_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFullAverageAfterL_

Definition at line 1205 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFullAverageAfterR_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFullAverageAfterR_

Definition at line 1206 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ ftranFullAverageAfterU_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::ftranFullAverageAfterU_

Definition at line 1207 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberFtranFullCounts_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberFtranFullCounts_

Definition at line 1212 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ initialNumberRows_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::initialNumberRows_

Rows first time nonzero.

Definition at line 1215 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranFullCountInput_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranFullCountInput_

To decide how to solve.

Definition at line 1218 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranFullCountAfterL_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranFullCountAfterL_

Definition at line 1219 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranFullCountAfterR_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranFullCountAfterR_

Definition at line 1220 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranFullCountAfterU_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranFullCountAfterU_

Definition at line 1221 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranFullAverageAfterL_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranFullAverageAfterL_

Definition at line 1222 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranFullAverageAfterR_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranFullAverageAfterR_

Definition at line 1223 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ btranFullAverageAfterU_

double CoinAbcTypeFactorization::btranFullAverageAfterU_

Definition at line 1224 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ numberBtranFullCounts_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::numberBtranFullCounts_

Definition at line 1229 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ state_

CoinSimplexInt CoinAbcTypeFactorization::state_

State of saved version and what can be done 0 - nothing saved 1 - saved and can go back to previous save by unwinding 2 - saved - getting on for a full copy higher bits - see ABC_FAC....

Definition at line 1237 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

◆ sizeSparseArray_

CoinBigIndex CoinAbcTypeFactorization::sizeSparseArray_

Size in bytes of a sparseArray.

Definition at line 1239 of file CoinAbcBaseFactorization.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: