Clp  1.17.8
List of all members
ClpModel Class Reference

#include <ClpModel.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for ClpModel:
+ Collaboration diagram for ClpModel:

Public Member Functions

Constructors and destructor

Note - copy methods copy ALL data so can chew up memory until other copy is freed

 ClpModel (bool emptyMessages=false)
 Default constructor. More...
 ClpModel (const ClpModel &rhs, int scalingMode=-1)
 Copy constructor. More...
ClpModeloperator= (const ClpModel &rhs)
 Assignment operator. This copies the data. More...
 ClpModel (const ClpModel *wholeModel, int numberRows, const int *whichRows, int numberColumns, const int *whichColumns, bool dropNames=true, bool dropIntegers=true)
 Subproblem constructor. More...
 ~ClpModel ()
 Destructor. More...
gets and sets
int numberRows () const
 Number of rows. More...
int getNumRows () const
int getNumCols () const
 Number of columns. More...
int numberColumns () const
double primalTolerance () const
 Primal tolerance to use. More...
void setPrimalTolerance (double value)
double dualTolerance () const
 Dual tolerance to use. More...
void setDualTolerance (double value)
double primalObjectiveLimit () const
 Primal objective limit. More...
void setPrimalObjectiveLimit (double value)
double dualObjectiveLimit () const
 Dual objective limit. More...
void setDualObjectiveLimit (double value)
double objectiveOffset () const
 Objective offset. More...
void setObjectiveOffset (double value)
double presolveTolerance () const
 Presolve tolerance to use. More...
const std::string & problemName () const
int numberIterations () const
 Number of iterations. More...
int getIterationCount () const
void setNumberIterations (int numberIterationsNew)
int solveType () const
 Solve type - 1 simplex, 2 simplex interface, 3 Interior. More...
void setSolveType (int type)
int maximumIterations () const
 Maximum number of iterations. More...
void setMaximumIterations (int value)
double maximumSeconds () const
 Maximum time in seconds (from when set called) More...
void setMaximumSeconds (double value)
void setMaximumWallSeconds (double value)
bool hitMaximumIterations () const
 Returns true if hit maximum iterations (or time) More...
int status () const
 Status of problem: -1 - unknown e.g. More...
int problemStatus () const
void setProblemStatus (int problemStatusNew)
 Set problem status. More...
int secondaryStatus () const
 Secondary status of problem - may get extended 0 - none 1 - primal infeasible because dual limit reached OR (probably primal infeasible but can't prove it - main status was 4) 2 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled problem has primal infeasibilities 3 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled problem has dual infeasibilities 4 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled problem has primal and dual infeasibilities 5 - giving up in primal with flagged variables 6 - failed due to empty problem check 7 - postSolve says not optimal 8 - failed due to bad element check 9 - status was 3 and stopped on time 10 - status was 3 but stopped as primal feasible 11 - status was 1/2 from presolve found infeasible or unbounded 100 up - translation of enum from ClpEventHandler. More...
void setSecondaryStatus (int newstatus)
bool isAbandoned () const
 Are there a numerical difficulties? More...
bool isProvenOptimal () const
 Is optimality proven? More...
bool isProvenPrimalInfeasible () const
 Is primal infeasiblity proven? More...
bool isProvenDualInfeasible () const
 Is dual infeasiblity proven? More...
bool isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached () const
 Is the given primal objective limit reached? More...
bool isDualObjectiveLimitReached () const
 Is the given dual objective limit reached? More...
bool isIterationLimitReached () const
 Iteration limit reached? More...
double optimizationDirection () const
 Direction of optimization (1 - minimize, -1 - maximize, 0 - ignore. More...
double getObjSense () const
void setOptimizationDirection (double value)
double * primalRowSolution () const
 Primal row solution. More...
const double * getRowActivity () const
double * primalColumnSolution () const
 Primal column solution. More...
const double * getColSolution () const
void setColSolution (const double *input)
double * dualRowSolution () const
 Dual row solution. More...
const double * getRowPrice () const
double * dualColumnSolution () const
 Reduced costs. More...
const double * getReducedCost () const
double * rowLower () const
 Row lower. More...
const double * getRowLower () const
double * rowUpper () const
 Row upper. More...
const double * getRowUpper () const
Changing bounds on variables and constraints
void setObjectiveCoefficient (int elementIndex, double elementValue)
 Set an objective function coefficient. More...
void setObjCoeff (int elementIndex, double elementValue)
 Set an objective function coefficient. More...
void setColumnLower (int elementIndex, double elementValue)
 Set a single column lower bound
Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity. More...
void setColumnUpper (int elementIndex, double elementValue)
 Set a single column upper bound
Use DBL_MAX for infinity. More...
void setColumnBounds (int elementIndex, double lower, double upper)
 Set a single column lower and upper bound. More...
void setColumnSetBounds (const int *indexFirst, const int *indexLast, const double *boundList)
 Set the bounds on a number of columns simultaneously
The default implementation just invokes setColLower() and setColUpper() over and over again. More...
void setColLower (int elementIndex, double elementValue)
 Set a single column lower bound
Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity. More...
void setColUpper (int elementIndex, double elementValue)
 Set a single column upper bound
Use DBL_MAX for infinity. More...
void setColBounds (int elementIndex, double lower, double upper)
 Set a single column lower and upper bound. More...
void setColSetBounds (const int *indexFirst, const int *indexLast, const double *boundList)
 Set the bounds on a number of columns simultaneously
void setRowLower (int elementIndex, double elementValue)
 Set a single row lower bound
Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity. More...
void setRowUpper (int elementIndex, double elementValue)
 Set a single row upper bound
Use DBL_MAX for infinity. More...
void setRowBounds (int elementIndex, double lower, double upper)
 Set a single row lower and upper bound. More...
void setRowSetBounds (const int *indexFirst, const int *indexLast, const double *boundList)
 Set the bounds on a number of rows simultaneously
const double * rowScale () const
 Scaling. More...
const double * columnScale () const
const double * inverseRowScale () const
const double * inverseColumnScale () const
double * mutableRowScale () const
double * mutableColumnScale () const
double * mutableInverseRowScale () const
double * mutableInverseColumnScale () const
double * swapRowScale (double *newScale)
void setRowScale (double *scale)
void setColumnScale (double *scale)
double objectiveScale () const
 Scaling of objective. More...
void setObjectiveScale (double value)
double rhsScale () const
 Scaling of rhs and bounds. More...
void setRhsScale (double value)
void scaling (int mode=1)
 Sets or unsets scaling, 0 -off, 1 equilibrium, 2 geometric, 3 auto, 4 auto-but-as-initialSolve-in-bab. More...
void unscale ()
 If we constructed a "really" scaled model then this reverses the operation. More...
int scalingFlag () const
 Gets scalingFlag. More...
double * objective () const
 Objective. More...
double * objective (const double *solution, double &offset, bool refresh=true) const
const double * getObjCoefficients () const
double * rowObjective () const
 Row Objective. More...
const double * getRowObjCoefficients () const
double * columnLower () const
 Column Lower. More...
const double * getColLower () const
double * columnUpper () const
 Column Upper. More...
const double * getColUpper () const
CoinPackedMatrix * matrix () const
 Matrix (if not ClpPackedmatrix be careful about memory leak. More...
CoinBigIndex getNumElements () const
 Number of elements in matrix. More...
double getSmallElementValue () const
 Small element value - elements less than this set to zero, default is 1.0e-20. More...
void setSmallElementValue (double value)
ClpMatrixBaserowCopy () const
 Row Matrix. More...
void setNewRowCopy (ClpMatrixBase *newCopy)
 Set new row matrix. More...
ClpMatrixBaseclpMatrix () const
 Clp Matrix. More...
ClpPackedMatrixclpScaledMatrix () const
 Scaled ClpPackedMatrix. More...
void setClpScaledMatrix (ClpPackedMatrix *scaledMatrix)
 Sets pointer to scaled ClpPackedMatrix. More...
ClpPackedMatrixswapScaledMatrix (ClpPackedMatrix *scaledMatrix)
 Swaps pointer to scaled ClpPackedMatrix. More...
void replaceMatrix (ClpMatrixBase *matrix, bool deleteCurrent=false)
 Replace Clp Matrix (current is not deleted unless told to and new is used) So up to user to delete current. More...
void replaceMatrix (CoinPackedMatrix *newmatrix, bool deleteCurrent=false)
 Replace Clp Matrix (current is not deleted unless told to and new is used) So up to user to delete current. More...
double objectiveValue () const
 Objective value. More...
void setObjectiveValue (double value)
double getObjValue () const
char * integerInformation () const
 Integer information. More...
double * infeasibilityRay (bool fullRay=false) const
 Infeasibility/unbounded ray (NULL returned if none/wrong) Up to user to use delete [] on these arrays. More...
double * unboundedRay () const
double * ray () const
 For advanced users - no need to delete - sign not changed. More...
bool rayExists () const
 just test if infeasibility or unbounded Ray exists More...
void deleteRay ()
 just delete ray if exists More...
const double * internalRay () const
 Access internal ray storage. Users should call infeasibilityRay() or unboundedRay() instead. More...
bool statusExists () const
 See if status (i.e. basis) array exists (partly for OsiClp) More...
unsigned char * statusArray () const
 Return address of status (i.e. basis) array (char[numberRows+numberColumns]) More...
unsigned char * statusCopy () const
 Return copy of status (i.e. More...
void copyinStatus (const unsigned char *statusArray)
 Copy in status (basis) vector. More...
void setUserPointer (void *pointer)
 User pointer for whatever reason. More...
void * getUserPointer () const
void setTrustedUserPointer (ClpTrustedData *pointer)
 Trusted user pointer. More...
ClpTrustedDatagetTrustedUserPointer () const
int whatsChanged () const
 What has changed in model (only for masochistic users) More...
void setWhatsChanged (int value)
int numberThreads () const
 Number of threads (not really being used) More...
void setNumberThreads (int value)
Message handling
void passInMessageHandler (CoinMessageHandler *handler)
 Pass in Message handler (not deleted at end) More...
CoinMessageHandler * pushMessageHandler (CoinMessageHandler *handler, bool &oldDefault)
 Pass in Message handler (not deleted at end) and return current. More...
void popMessageHandler (CoinMessageHandler *oldHandler, bool oldDefault)
 back to previous message handler More...
void newLanguage (CoinMessages::Language language)
 Set language. More...
void setLanguage (CoinMessages::Language language)
void setDefaultMessageHandler ()
 Overrides message handler with a default one. More...
CoinMessageHandler * messageHandler () const
 Return handler. More...
CoinMessages messages () const
 Return messages. More...
CoinMessages * messagesPointer ()
 Return pointer to messages. More...
CoinMessages coinMessages () const
 Return Coin messages. More...
CoinMessages * coinMessagesPointer ()
 Return pointer to Coin messages. More...
void setLogLevel (int value)
 Amount of print out: 0 - none 1 - just final 2 - just factorizations 3 - as 2 plus a bit more 4 - verbose above that 8,16,32 etc just for selective debug. More...
int logLevel () const
bool defaultHandler () const
 Return true if default handler. More...
void passInEventHandler (const ClpEventHandler *eventHandler)
 Pass in Event handler (cloned and deleted at end) More...
ClpEventHandlereventHandler () const
 Event handler. More...
CoinThreadRandom * randomNumberGenerator ()
 Thread specific random number generator. More...
CoinThreadRandom & mutableRandomNumberGenerator ()
 Thread specific random number generator. More...
void setRandomSeed (int value)
 Set seed for thread specific random number generator. More...
int lengthNames () const
 length of names (0 means no names0 More...
void setLengthNames (int value)
 length of names (0 means no names0 More...
const std::vector< std::string > * rowNames () const
 Row names. More...
const std::string & rowName (int iRow) const
std::string getRowName (int iRow) const
 Return name or Rnnnnnnn. More...
const std::vector< std::string > * columnNames () const
 Column names. More...
const std::string & columnName (int iColumn) const
std::string getColumnName (int iColumn) const
 Return name or Cnnnnnnn. More...
ClpObjectiveobjectiveAsObject () const
 Objective methods. More...
void setObjective (ClpObjective *objective)
void setObjectivePointer (ClpObjective *newobjective)
int emptyProblem (int *infeasNumber=NULL, double *infeasSum=NULL, bool printMessage=true)
 Solve a problem with no elements - return status and dual and primal infeasibilites. More...
Matrix times vector methods

They can be faster if scalar is +- 1 These are covers so user need not worry about scaling Also for simplex I am not using basic/non-basic split

void times (double scalar, const double *x, double *y) const
 Return y + A * x * scalar in y. More...
void transposeTimes (double scalar, const double *x, double *y) const
 Return y + x * scalar * A in y. More...
Parameter set/get methods

The set methods return true if the parameter was set to the given value, false otherwise.

There can be various reasons for failure: the given parameter is not applicable for the solver (e.g., refactorization frequency for the volume algorithm), the parameter is not yet implemented for the solver or simply the value of the parameter is out of the range the solver accepts. If a parameter setting call returns false check the details of your solver.

The get methods return true if the given parameter is applicable for the solver and is implemented. In this case the value of the parameter is returned in the second argument. Otherwise they return false.

once it has been decided where solver sits this may be redone

bool setIntParam (ClpIntParam key, int value)
 Set an integer parameter. More...
bool setDblParam (ClpDblParam key, double value)
 Set an double parameter. More...
bool setStrParam (ClpStrParam key, const std::string &value)
 Set an string parameter. More...
bool getIntParam (ClpIntParam key, int &value) const
bool getDblParam (ClpDblParam key, double &value) const
bool getStrParam (ClpStrParam key, std::string &value) const
void generateCpp (FILE *fp)
 Create C++ lines to get to current state. More...
unsigned int specialOptions () const
 For advanced options 1 - Don't keep changing infeasibility weight 2 - Keep nonLinearCost round solves 4 - Force outgoing variables to exact bound (primal) 8 - Safe to use dense initial factorization 16 -Just use basic variables for operation if column generation 32 -Create ray even in BAB 64 -Treat problem as feasible until last minute (i.e. More...
void setSpecialOptions (unsigned int value)
bool inCbcBranchAndBound () const

Protected Member Functions

private or protected methods
void gutsOfDelete (int type)
 Does most of deletion (0 = all, 1 = most) More...
void gutsOfCopy (const ClpModel &rhs, int trueCopy=1)
 Does most of copying If trueCopy 0 then just points to arrays If -1 leaves as much as possible. More...
void getRowBound (int iRow, double &lower, double &upper) const
 gets lower and upper bounds on rows More...
void gutsOfLoadModel (int numberRows, int numberColumns, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub, const double *rowObjective=NULL)
 puts in format I like - 4 array matrix - may make row copy More...
void gutsOfScaling ()
 Does much of scaling. More...
double rawObjectiveValue () const
 Objective value - always minimize. More...
bool permanentArrays () const
 If we are using maximumRows_ and Columns_. More...
void startPermanentArrays ()
 Start using maximumRows_ and Columns_. More...
void stopPermanentArrays ()
 Stop using maximumRows_ and Columns_. More...
const char *const * rowNamesAsChar () const
 Create row names as char **. More...
const char *const * columnNamesAsChar () const
 Create column names as char **. More...
void deleteNamesAsChar (const char *const *names, int number) const
 Delete char * version of names. More...
void onStopped ()
 On stopped - sets secondary status. More...

Protected Attributes

double optimizationDirection_
 Direction of optimization (1 - minimize, -1 - maximize, 0 - ignore. More...
double dblParam_ [ClpLastDblParam]
 Array of double parameters. More...
double objectiveValue_
 Objective value. More...
double smallElement_
 Small element value. More...
double objectiveScale_
 Scaling of objective. More...
double rhsScale_
 Scaling of rhs and bounds. More...
int numberRows_
 Number of rows. More...
int numberColumns_
 Number of columns. More...
double * rowActivity_
 Row activities. More...
double * columnActivity_
 Column activities. More...
double * dual_
 Duals. More...
double * reducedCost_
 Reduced costs. More...
double * rowLower_
 Row lower. More...
double * rowUpper_
 Row upper. More...
 Objective. More...
double * rowObjective_
 Row Objective (? sign) - may be NULL. More...
double * columnLower_
 Column Lower. More...
double * columnUpper_
 Column Upper. More...
 Packed matrix. More...
 Row copy if wanted. More...
 Scaled packed matrix. More...
double * ray_
 Infeasible/unbounded ray. More...
double * rowScale_
 Row scale factors for matrix. More...
double * columnScale_
 Column scale factors. More...
double * inverseRowScale_
 Inverse row scale factors for matrix (end of rowScale_) More...
double * inverseColumnScale_
 Inverse column scale factors for matrix (end of columnScale_) More...
int scalingFlag_
 Scale flag, 0 none, 1 equilibrium, 2 geometric, 3, auto, 4 dynamic, 5 geometric on rows. More...
unsigned char * status_
 Status (i.e. More...
char * integerType_
 Integer information. More...
void * userPointer_
 User pointer for whatever reason. More...
 Trusted user pointer e.g. for heuristics. More...
int intParam_ [ClpLastIntParam]
 Array of integer parameters. More...
int numberIterations_
 Number of iterations. More...
int solveType_
 Solve type - 1 simplex, 2 simplex interface, 3 Interior. More...
unsigned int whatsChanged_
int problemStatus_
 Status of problem. More...
int secondaryStatus_
 Secondary status of problem. More...
int lengthNames_
 length of names (0 means no names) More...
int numberThreads_
 Number of threads (not very operational) More...
unsigned int specialOptions_
 For advanced options See get and set for meaning. More...
CoinMessageHandler * handler_
 Message handler. More...
bool defaultHandler_
 Flag to say if default handler (so delete) More...
CoinThreadRandom randomNumberGenerator_
 Thread specific random number generator. More...
 Event handler. More...
std::vector< std::string > rowNames_
 Row names. More...
std::vector< std::string > columnNames_
 Column names. More...
CoinMessages messages_
 Messages. More...
CoinMessages coinMessages_
 Coin messages. More...
int maximumColumns_
 Maximum number of columns in model. More...
int maximumRows_
 Maximum number of rows in model. More...
int maximumInternalColumns_
 Maximum number of columns (internal arrays) in model. More...
int maximumInternalRows_
 Maximum number of rows (internal arrays) in model. More...
CoinPackedMatrix baseMatrix_
 Base packed matrix. More...
CoinPackedMatrix baseRowCopy_
 Base row copy. More...
double * savedRowScale_
 Saved row scale factors for matrix. More...
double * savedColumnScale_
 Saved column scale factors. More...
std::string strParam_ [ClpLastStrParam]
 Array of string parameters. More...

Load model - loads some stuff and initializes others

void loadProblem (const ClpMatrixBase &matrix, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub, const double *rowObjective=NULL)
 Loads a problem (the constraints on the rows are given by lower and upper bounds). More...
void loadProblem (const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub, const double *rowObjective=NULL)
void loadProblem (const int numcols, const int numrows, const CoinBigIndex *start, const int *index, const double *value, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub, const double *rowObjective=NULL)
 Just like the other loadProblem() method except that the matrix is given in a standard column major ordered format (without gaps). More...
int loadProblem (CoinModel &modelObject, bool tryPlusMinusOne=false)
 This loads a model from a coinModel object - returns number of errors. More...
void loadProblem (const int numcols, const int numrows, const CoinBigIndex *start, const int *index, const double *value, const int *length, const double *collb, const double *colub, const double *obj, const double *rowlb, const double *rowub, const double *rowObjective=NULL)
 This one is for after presolve to save memory. More...
void loadQuadraticObjective (const int numberColumns, const CoinBigIndex *start, const int *column, const double *element)
 Load up quadratic objective. More...
void loadQuadraticObjective (const CoinPackedMatrix &matrix)
void deleteQuadraticObjective ()
 Get rid of quadratic objective. More...
void setRowObjective (const double *rowObjective)
 This just loads up a row objective. More...
int readMps (const char *filename, bool keepNames=false, bool ignoreErrors=false)
 Read an mps file from the given filename. More...
int readGMPL (const char *filename, const char *dataName, bool keepNames=false)
 Read GMPL files from the given filenames. More...
void copyInIntegerInformation (const char *information)
 Copy in integer informations. More...
void deleteIntegerInformation ()
 Drop integer informations. More...
void setContinuous (int index)
 Set the index-th variable to be a continuous variable. More...
void setInteger (int index)
 Set the index-th variable to be an integer variable. More...
bool isInteger (int index) const
 Return true if the index-th variable is an integer variable. More...
void resize (int newNumberRows, int newNumberColumns)
 Resizes rim part of model. More...
void deleteRows (int number, const int *which)
 Deletes rows. More...
void addRow (int numberInRow, const int *columns, const double *elements, double rowLower=-COIN_DBL_MAX, double rowUpper=COIN_DBL_MAX)
 Add one row. More...
void addRows (int number, const double *rowLower, const double *rowUpper, const CoinBigIndex *rowStarts, const int *columns, const double *elements)
 Add rows. More...
void addRows (int number, const double *rowLower, const double *rowUpper, const CoinBigIndex *rowStarts, const int *rowLengths, const int *columns, const double *elements)
 Add rows. More...
void addRows (int number, const double *rowLower, const double *rowUpper, const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *rows)
int addRows (const CoinBuild &buildObject, bool tryPlusMinusOne=false, bool checkDuplicates=true)
 Add rows from a build object. More...
int addRows (CoinModel &modelObject, bool tryPlusMinusOne=false, bool checkDuplicates=true)
 Add rows from a model object. More...
void deleteColumns (int number, const int *which)
 Deletes columns. More...
void deleteRowsAndColumns (int numberRows, const int *whichRows, int numberColumns, const int *whichColumns)
 Deletes rows AND columns (keeps old sizes) More...
void addColumn (int numberInColumn, const int *rows, const double *elements, double columnLower=0.0, double columnUpper=COIN_DBL_MAX, double objective=0.0)
 Add one column. More...
void addColumns (int number, const double *columnLower, const double *columnUpper, const double *objective, const CoinBigIndex *columnStarts, const int *rows, const double *elements)
 Add columns. More...
void addColumns (int number, const double *columnLower, const double *columnUpper, const double *objective, const CoinBigIndex *columnStarts, const int *columnLengths, const int *rows, const double *elements)
void addColumns (int number, const double *columnLower, const double *columnUpper, const double *objective, const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *columns)
int addColumns (const CoinBuild &buildObject, bool tryPlusMinusOne=false, bool checkDuplicates=true)
 Add columns from a build object If tryPlusMinusOne then will try adding as +-1 matrix if no matrix exists. More...
int addColumns (CoinModel &modelObject, bool tryPlusMinusOne=false, bool checkDuplicates=true)
 Add columns from a model object. More...
void modifyCoefficient (int row, int column, double newElement, bool keepZero=false)
 Modify one element of a matrix. More...
void chgRowLower (const double *rowLower)
 Change row lower bounds. More...
void chgRowUpper (const double *rowUpper)
 Change row upper bounds. More...
void chgColumnLower (const double *columnLower)
 Change column lower bounds. More...
void chgColumnUpper (const double *columnUpper)
 Change column upper bounds. More...
void chgObjCoefficients (const double *objIn)
 Change objective coefficients. More...
void borrowModel (ClpModel &otherModel)
 Borrow model. More...
void returnModel (ClpModel &otherModel)
 Return model - nulls all arrays so can be deleted safely also updates any scalars. More...
void createEmptyMatrix ()
 Create empty ClpPackedMatrix. More...
CoinBigIndex cleanMatrix (double threshold=1.0e-20)
 Really clean up matrix (if ClpPackedMatrix). More...
void copy (const ClpMatrixBase *from, ClpMatrixBase *&to)
 Copy contents - resizing if necessary - otherwise re-use memory. More...
void dropNames ()
 Drops names - makes lengthnames 0 and names empty. More...
void copyNames (const std::vector< std::string > &rowNames, const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames)
 Copies in names. More...
void copyRowNames (const std::vector< std::string > &rowNames, int first, int last)
 Copies in Row names - modifies names first .. last-1. More...
void copyColumnNames (const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, int first, int last)
 Copies in Column names - modifies names first .. last-1. More...
void copyRowNames (const char *const *rowNames, int first, int last)
 Copies in Row names - modifies names first .. last-1. More...
void copyColumnNames (const char *const *columnNames, int first, int last)
 Copies in Column names - modifies names first .. last-1. More...
void setRowName (int rowIndex, std::string &name)
 Set name of row. More...
void setColumnName (int colIndex, std::string &name)
 Set name of col. More...
int findNetwork (char *rotate, double fractionNeeded=0.75)
 Find a network subset. More...
CoinModel * createCoinModel () const
 This creates a coinModel object. More...
int writeMps (const char *filename, int formatType=0, int numberAcross=2, double objSense=0.0) const
 Write the problem in MPS format to the specified file. More...
void synchronizeMatrix ()
 Makes sure matrix dimensions are at least model dimensions. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 38 of file ClpModel.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ClpModel() [1/3]

ClpModel::ClpModel ( bool  emptyMessages = false)

Default constructor.

◆ ClpModel() [2/3]

ClpModel::ClpModel ( const ClpModel rhs,
int  scalingMode = -1 

Copy constructor.

May scale depending on mode -1 leave mode as is 0 -off, 1 equilibrium, 2 geometric, 3, auto, 4 auto-but-as-initialSolve-in-bab

◆ ClpModel() [3/3]

ClpModel::ClpModel ( const ClpModel wholeModel,
int  numberRows,
const int *  whichRows,
int  numberColumns,
const int *  whichColumns,
bool  dropNames = true,
bool  dropIntegers = true 

Subproblem constructor.

A subset of whole model is created from the row and column lists given. The new order is given by list order and duplicates are allowed. Name and integer information can be dropped

◆ ~ClpModel()

ClpModel::~ClpModel ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=()

ClpModel& ClpModel::operator= ( const ClpModel rhs)

Assignment operator. This copies the data.

◆ loadProblem() [1/5]

void ClpModel::loadProblem ( const ClpMatrixBase matrix,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const double *  rowlb,
const double *  rowub,
const double *  rowObjective = NULL 

Loads a problem (the constraints on the rows are given by lower and upper bounds).

If a pointer is 0 then the following values are the default:

  • colub: all columns have upper bound infinity
  • collb: all columns have lower bound 0
  • rowub: all rows have upper bound infinity
  • rowlb: all rows have lower bound -infinity
  • obj: all variables have 0 objective coefficient

◆ loadProblem() [2/5]

void ClpModel::loadProblem ( const CoinPackedMatrix &  matrix,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const double *  rowlb,
const double *  rowub,
const double *  rowObjective = NULL 

◆ loadProblem() [3/5]

void ClpModel::loadProblem ( const int  numcols,
const int  numrows,
const CoinBigIndex *  start,
const int *  index,
const double *  value,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const double *  rowlb,
const double *  rowub,
const double *  rowObjective = NULL 

Just like the other loadProblem() method except that the matrix is given in a standard column major ordered format (without gaps).

◆ loadProblem() [4/5]

int ClpModel::loadProblem ( CoinModel &  modelObject,
bool  tryPlusMinusOne = false 

This loads a model from a coinModel object - returns number of errors.

modelObject not const as may be changed as part of process If tryPlusMinusOne then will try adding as +-1 matrix

◆ loadProblem() [5/5]

void ClpModel::loadProblem ( const int  numcols,
const int  numrows,
const CoinBigIndex *  start,
const int *  index,
const double *  value,
const int *  length,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const double *  rowlb,
const double *  rowub,
const double *  rowObjective = NULL 

This one is for after presolve to save memory.

◆ loadQuadraticObjective() [1/2]

void ClpModel::loadQuadraticObjective ( const int  numberColumns,
const CoinBigIndex *  start,
const int *  column,
const double *  element 

Load up quadratic objective.

This is stored as a CoinPackedMatrix

◆ loadQuadraticObjective() [2/2]

void ClpModel::loadQuadraticObjective ( const CoinPackedMatrix &  matrix)

◆ deleteQuadraticObjective()

void ClpModel::deleteQuadraticObjective ( )

Get rid of quadratic objective.

◆ setRowObjective()

void ClpModel::setRowObjective ( const double *  rowObjective)

This just loads up a row objective.

◆ readMps()

int ClpModel::readMps ( const char *  filename,
bool  keepNames = false,
bool  ignoreErrors = false 

Read an mps file from the given filename.

◆ readGMPL()

int ClpModel::readGMPL ( const char *  filename,
const char *  dataName,
bool  keepNames = false 

Read GMPL files from the given filenames.

◆ copyInIntegerInformation()

void ClpModel::copyInIntegerInformation ( const char *  information)

Copy in integer informations.

◆ deleteIntegerInformation()

void ClpModel::deleteIntegerInformation ( )

Drop integer informations.

◆ setContinuous()

void ClpModel::setContinuous ( int  index)

Set the index-th variable to be a continuous variable.

◆ setInteger()

void ClpModel::setInteger ( int  index)

Set the index-th variable to be an integer variable.

◆ isInteger()

bool ClpModel::isInteger ( int  index) const

Return true if the index-th variable is an integer variable.

◆ resize()

void ClpModel::resize ( int  newNumberRows,
int  newNumberColumns 

Resizes rim part of model.

◆ synchronizeMatrix()

void ClpModel::synchronizeMatrix ( )

Makes sure matrix dimensions are at least model dimensions.

◆ deleteRows()

void ClpModel::deleteRows ( int  number,
const int *  which 

Deletes rows.

◆ addRow()

void ClpModel::addRow ( int  numberInRow,
const int *  columns,
const double *  elements,
double  rowLower = -COIN_DBL_MAX,
double  rowUpper = COIN_DBL_MAX 

Add one row.

◆ addRows() [1/5]

void ClpModel::addRows ( int  number,
const double *  rowLower,
const double *  rowUpper,
const CoinBigIndex *  rowStarts,
const int *  columns,
const double *  elements 

Add rows.

◆ addRows() [2/5]

void ClpModel::addRows ( int  number,
const double *  rowLower,
const double *  rowUpper,
const CoinBigIndex *  rowStarts,
const int *  rowLengths,
const int *  columns,
const double *  elements 

Add rows.

◆ addRows() [3/5]

void ClpModel::addRows ( int  number,
const double *  rowLower,
const double *  rowUpper,
const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *  rows 

◆ addRows() [4/5]

int ClpModel::addRows ( const CoinBuild &  buildObject,
bool  tryPlusMinusOne = false,
bool  checkDuplicates = true 

Add rows from a build object.

If tryPlusMinusOne then will try adding as +-1 matrix if no matrix exists. Returns number of errors e.g. duplicates

◆ addRows() [5/5]

int ClpModel::addRows ( CoinModel &  modelObject,
bool  tryPlusMinusOne = false,
bool  checkDuplicates = true 

Add rows from a model object.

returns -1 if object in bad state (i.e. has column information) otherwise number of errors.

modelObject non const as can be regularized as part of build If tryPlusMinusOne then will try adding as +-1 matrix if no matrix exists.

◆ deleteColumns()

void ClpModel::deleteColumns ( int  number,
const int *  which 

Deletes columns.

◆ deleteRowsAndColumns()

void ClpModel::deleteRowsAndColumns ( int  numberRows,
const int *  whichRows,
int  numberColumns,
const int *  whichColumns 

Deletes rows AND columns (keeps old sizes)

◆ addColumn()

void ClpModel::addColumn ( int  numberInColumn,
const int *  rows,
const double *  elements,
double  columnLower = 0.0,
double  columnUpper = COIN_DBL_MAX,
double  objective = 0.0 

Add one column.

◆ addColumns() [1/5]

void ClpModel::addColumns ( int  number,
const double *  columnLower,
const double *  columnUpper,
const double *  objective,
const CoinBigIndex *  columnStarts,
const int *  rows,
const double *  elements 

Add columns.

◆ addColumns() [2/5]

void ClpModel::addColumns ( int  number,
const double *  columnLower,
const double *  columnUpper,
const double *  objective,
const CoinBigIndex *  columnStarts,
const int *  columnLengths,
const int *  rows,
const double *  elements 

◆ addColumns() [3/5]

void ClpModel::addColumns ( int  number,
const double *  columnLower,
const double *  columnUpper,
const double *  objective,
const CoinPackedVectorBase *const *  columns 

◆ addColumns() [4/5]

int ClpModel::addColumns ( const CoinBuild &  buildObject,
bool  tryPlusMinusOne = false,
bool  checkDuplicates = true 

Add columns from a build object If tryPlusMinusOne then will try adding as +-1 matrix if no matrix exists.

Returns number of errors e.g. duplicates

◆ addColumns() [5/5]

int ClpModel::addColumns ( CoinModel &  modelObject,
bool  tryPlusMinusOne = false,
bool  checkDuplicates = true 

Add columns from a model object.

returns -1 if object in bad state (i.e. has row information) otherwise number of errors modelObject non const as can be regularized as part of build If tryPlusMinusOne then will try adding as +-1 matrix if no matrix exists.

◆ modifyCoefficient()

void ClpModel::modifyCoefficient ( int  row,
int  column,
double  newElement,
bool  keepZero = false 

Modify one element of a matrix.

Definition at line 234 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ chgRowLower()

void ClpModel::chgRowLower ( const double *  rowLower)

Change row lower bounds.

◆ chgRowUpper()

void ClpModel::chgRowUpper ( const double *  rowUpper)

Change row upper bounds.

◆ chgColumnLower()

void ClpModel::chgColumnLower ( const double *  columnLower)

Change column lower bounds.

◆ chgColumnUpper()

void ClpModel::chgColumnUpper ( const double *  columnUpper)

Change column upper bounds.

◆ chgObjCoefficients()

void ClpModel::chgObjCoefficients ( const double *  objIn)

Change objective coefficients.

◆ borrowModel()

void ClpModel::borrowModel ( ClpModel otherModel)

Borrow model.

This is so we don't have to copy large amounts of data around. It assumes a derived class wants to overwrite an empty model with a real one - while it does an algorithm

◆ returnModel()

void ClpModel::returnModel ( ClpModel otherModel)

Return model - nulls all arrays so can be deleted safely also updates any scalars.

◆ createEmptyMatrix()

void ClpModel::createEmptyMatrix ( )

Create empty ClpPackedMatrix.

◆ cleanMatrix()

CoinBigIndex ClpModel::cleanMatrix ( double  threshold = 1.0e-20)

Really clean up matrix (if ClpPackedMatrix).

a) eliminate all duplicate AND small elements in matrix b) remove all gaps and set extraGap_ and extraMajor_ to 0.0 c) reallocate arrays and make max lengths equal to lengths d) orders elements returns number of elements eliminated or -1 if not ClpPackedMatrix

◆ copy()

void ClpModel::copy ( const ClpMatrixBase from,
ClpMatrixBase *&  to 

Copy contents - resizing if necessary - otherwise re-use memory.

◆ dropNames()

void ClpModel::dropNames ( )

Drops names - makes lengthnames 0 and names empty.

◆ copyNames()

void ClpModel::copyNames ( const std::vector< std::string > &  rowNames,
const std::vector< std::string > &  columnNames 

Copies in names.

◆ copyRowNames() [1/2]

void ClpModel::copyRowNames ( const std::vector< std::string > &  rowNames,
int  first,
int  last 

Copies in Row names - modifies names first .. last-1.

◆ copyColumnNames() [1/2]

void ClpModel::copyColumnNames ( const std::vector< std::string > &  columnNames,
int  first,
int  last 

Copies in Column names - modifies names first .. last-1.

◆ copyRowNames() [2/2]

void ClpModel::copyRowNames ( const char *const *  rowNames,
int  first,
int  last 

Copies in Row names - modifies names first .. last-1.

◆ copyColumnNames() [2/2]

void ClpModel::copyColumnNames ( const char *const *  columnNames,
int  first,
int  last 

Copies in Column names - modifies names first .. last-1.

◆ setRowName()

void ClpModel::setRowName ( int  rowIndex,
std::string &  name 

Set name of row.

◆ setColumnName()

void ClpModel::setColumnName ( int  colIndex,
std::string &  name 

Set name of col.

◆ findNetwork()

int ClpModel::findNetwork ( char *  rotate,
double  fractionNeeded = 0.75 

Find a network subset.

rotate array should be numberRows. On output -1 not in network 0 in network as is 1 in network with signs swapped Returns number of network rows

◆ createCoinModel()

CoinModel* ClpModel::createCoinModel ( ) const

This creates a coinModel object.

◆ writeMps()

int ClpModel::writeMps ( const char *  filename,
int  formatType = 0,
int  numberAcross = 2,
double  objSense = 0.0 
) const

Write the problem in MPS format to the specified file.

Row and column names may be null. formatType is

  • 0 - normal
  • 1 - extra accuracy
  • 2 - IEEE hex

Returns non-zero on I/O error

◆ numberRows()

int ClpModel::numberRows ( ) const

Number of rows.

Definition at line 319 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getNumRows()

int ClpModel::getNumRows ( ) const

Definition at line 323 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getNumCols()

int ClpModel::getNumCols ( ) const

Number of columns.

Definition at line 328 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ numberColumns()

int ClpModel::numberColumns ( ) const

Definition at line 332 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ primalTolerance()

double ClpModel::primalTolerance ( ) const

Primal tolerance to use.

Definition at line 337 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setPrimalTolerance()

void ClpModel::setPrimalTolerance ( double  value)

◆ dualTolerance()

double ClpModel::dualTolerance ( ) const

Dual tolerance to use.

Definition at line 343 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setDualTolerance()

void ClpModel::setDualTolerance ( double  value)

◆ primalObjectiveLimit()

double ClpModel::primalObjectiveLimit ( ) const

Primal objective limit.

Definition at line 349 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setPrimalObjectiveLimit()

void ClpModel::setPrimalObjectiveLimit ( double  value)

◆ dualObjectiveLimit()

double ClpModel::dualObjectiveLimit ( ) const

Dual objective limit.

Definition at line 355 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setDualObjectiveLimit()

void ClpModel::setDualObjectiveLimit ( double  value)

◆ objectiveOffset()

double ClpModel::objectiveOffset ( ) const

Objective offset.

Definition at line 361 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setObjectiveOffset()

void ClpModel::setObjectiveOffset ( double  value)

◆ presolveTolerance()

double ClpModel::presolveTolerance ( ) const

Presolve tolerance to use.

Definition at line 367 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ problemName()

const std::string& ClpModel::problemName ( ) const

Definition at line 372 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ numberIterations()

int ClpModel::numberIterations ( ) const

Number of iterations.

Definition at line 378 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getIterationCount()

int ClpModel::getIterationCount ( ) const

Definition at line 382 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setNumberIterations()

void ClpModel::setNumberIterations ( int  numberIterationsNew)

Definition at line 386 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ solveType()

int ClpModel::solveType ( ) const

Solve type - 1 simplex, 2 simplex interface, 3 Interior.

Definition at line 391 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setSolveType()

void ClpModel::setSolveType ( int  type)

Definition at line 395 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ maximumIterations()

int ClpModel::maximumIterations ( ) const

Maximum number of iterations.

Definition at line 400 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setMaximumIterations()

void ClpModel::setMaximumIterations ( int  value)

◆ maximumSeconds()

double ClpModel::maximumSeconds ( ) const

Maximum time in seconds (from when set called)

Definition at line 406 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setMaximumSeconds()

void ClpModel::setMaximumSeconds ( double  value)

◆ setMaximumWallSeconds()

void ClpModel::setMaximumWallSeconds ( double  value)

◆ hitMaximumIterations()

bool ClpModel::hitMaximumIterations ( ) const

Returns true if hit maximum iterations (or time)

◆ status()

int ClpModel::status ( ) const

Status of problem: -1 - unknown e.g.

before solve or if postSolve says not optimal 0 - optimal 1 - primal infeasible 2 - dual infeasible 3 - stopped on iterations or time 4 - stopped due to errors 5 - stopped by event handler (virtual int ClpEventHandler::event())

Definition at line 423 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ problemStatus()

int ClpModel::problemStatus ( ) const

Definition at line 427 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setProblemStatus()

void ClpModel::setProblemStatus ( int  problemStatusNew)

Set problem status.

Definition at line 432 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ secondaryStatus()

int ClpModel::secondaryStatus ( ) const

Secondary status of problem - may get extended 0 - none 1 - primal infeasible because dual limit reached OR (probably primal infeasible but can't prove it - main status was 4) 2 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled problem has primal infeasibilities 3 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled problem has dual infeasibilities 4 - scaled problem optimal - unscaled problem has primal and dual infeasibilities 5 - giving up in primal with flagged variables 6 - failed due to empty problem check 7 - postSolve says not optimal 8 - failed due to bad element check 9 - status was 3 and stopped on time 10 - status was 3 but stopped as primal feasible 11 - status was 1/2 from presolve found infeasible or unbounded 100 up - translation of enum from ClpEventHandler.

Definition at line 452 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setSecondaryStatus()

void ClpModel::setSecondaryStatus ( int  newstatus)

Definition at line 456 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ isAbandoned()

bool ClpModel::isAbandoned ( ) const

Are there a numerical difficulties?

Definition at line 461 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ isProvenOptimal()

bool ClpModel::isProvenOptimal ( ) const

Is optimality proven?

Definition at line 466 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ isProvenPrimalInfeasible()

bool ClpModel::isProvenPrimalInfeasible ( ) const

Is primal infeasiblity proven?

Definition at line 471 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ isProvenDualInfeasible()

bool ClpModel::isProvenDualInfeasible ( ) const

Is dual infeasiblity proven?

Definition at line 476 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached()

bool ClpModel::isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached ( ) const

Is the given primal objective limit reached?

◆ isDualObjectiveLimitReached()

bool ClpModel::isDualObjectiveLimitReached ( ) const

Is the given dual objective limit reached?

◆ isIterationLimitReached()

bool ClpModel::isIterationLimitReached ( ) const

Iteration limit reached?

Definition at line 485 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ optimizationDirection()

double ClpModel::optimizationDirection ( ) const

Direction of optimization (1 - minimize, -1 - maximize, 0 - ignore.

Definition at line 490 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getObjSense()

double ClpModel::getObjSense ( ) const

Definition at line 494 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setOptimizationDirection()

void ClpModel::setOptimizationDirection ( double  value)

◆ primalRowSolution()

double* ClpModel::primalRowSolution ( ) const

Primal row solution.

Definition at line 500 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getRowActivity()

const double* ClpModel::getRowActivity ( ) const

Definition at line 504 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ primalColumnSolution()

double* ClpModel::primalColumnSolution ( ) const

Primal column solution.

Definition at line 509 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getColSolution()

const double* ClpModel::getColSolution ( ) const

Definition at line 513 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setColSolution()

void ClpModel::setColSolution ( const double *  input)

Definition at line 517 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ dualRowSolution()

double* ClpModel::dualRowSolution ( ) const

Dual row solution.

Definition at line 522 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getRowPrice()

const double* ClpModel::getRowPrice ( ) const

Definition at line 526 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ dualColumnSolution()

double* ClpModel::dualColumnSolution ( ) const

Reduced costs.

Definition at line 531 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getReducedCost()

const double* ClpModel::getReducedCost ( ) const

Definition at line 535 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rowLower()

double* ClpModel::rowLower ( ) const

Row lower.

Definition at line 540 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getRowLower()

const double* ClpModel::getRowLower ( ) const

Definition at line 544 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rowUpper()

double* ClpModel::rowUpper ( ) const

Row upper.

Definition at line 549 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getRowUpper()

const double* ClpModel::getRowUpper ( ) const

Definition at line 553 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setObjectiveCoefficient()

void ClpModel::setObjectiveCoefficient ( int  elementIndex,
double  elementValue 

Set an objective function coefficient.

◆ setObjCoeff()

void ClpModel::setObjCoeff ( int  elementIndex,
double  elementValue 

Set an objective function coefficient.

Definition at line 563 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setColumnLower()

void ClpModel::setColumnLower ( int  elementIndex,
double  elementValue 

Set a single column lower bound
Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity.

◆ setColumnUpper()

void ClpModel::setColumnUpper ( int  elementIndex,
double  elementValue 

Set a single column upper bound
Use DBL_MAX for infinity.

◆ setColumnBounds()

void ClpModel::setColumnBounds ( int  elementIndex,
double  lower,
double  upper 

Set a single column lower and upper bound.

◆ setColumnSetBounds()

void ClpModel::setColumnSetBounds ( const int *  indexFirst,
const int *  indexLast,
const double *  boundList 

Set the bounds on a number of columns simultaneously
The default implementation just invokes setColLower() and setColUpper() over and over again.

indexFirst,indexLastpointers to the beginning and after the end of the array of the indices of the variables whose either bound changes
boundListthe new lower/upper bound pairs for the variables

◆ setColLower()

void ClpModel::setColLower ( int  elementIndex,
double  elementValue 

Set a single column lower bound
Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity.

Definition at line 594 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setColUpper()

void ClpModel::setColUpper ( int  elementIndex,
double  elementValue 

Set a single column upper bound
Use DBL_MAX for infinity.

Definition at line 600 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setColBounds()

void ClpModel::setColBounds ( int  elementIndex,
double  lower,
double  upper 

Set a single column lower and upper bound.

Definition at line 606 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setColSetBounds()

void ClpModel::setColSetBounds ( const int *  indexFirst,
const int *  indexLast,
const double *  boundList 

Set the bounds on a number of columns simultaneously

indexFirst,indexLastpointers to the beginning and after the end of the array of the indices of the variables whose either bound changes
boundListthe new lower/upper bound pairs for the variables

Definition at line 618 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setRowLower()

void ClpModel::setRowLower ( int  elementIndex,
double  elementValue 

Set a single row lower bound
Use -DBL_MAX for -infinity.

◆ setRowUpper()

void ClpModel::setRowUpper ( int  elementIndex,
double  elementValue 

Set a single row upper bound
Use DBL_MAX for infinity.

◆ setRowBounds()

void ClpModel::setRowBounds ( int  elementIndex,
double  lower,
double  upper 

Set a single row lower and upper bound.

◆ setRowSetBounds()

void ClpModel::setRowSetBounds ( const int *  indexFirst,
const int *  indexLast,
const double *  boundList 

Set the bounds on a number of rows simultaneously

indexFirst,indexLastpointers to the beginning and after the end of the array of the indices of the constraints whose either bound changes
boundListthe new lower/upper bound pairs for the constraints

◆ rowScale()

const double* ClpModel::rowScale ( ) const


Definition at line 649 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ columnScale()

const double* ClpModel::columnScale ( ) const

Definition at line 653 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ inverseRowScale()

const double* ClpModel::inverseRowScale ( ) const

Definition at line 657 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ inverseColumnScale()

const double* ClpModel::inverseColumnScale ( ) const

Definition at line 661 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ mutableRowScale()

double* ClpModel::mutableRowScale ( ) const

Definition at line 665 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ mutableColumnScale()

double* ClpModel::mutableColumnScale ( ) const

Definition at line 669 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ mutableInverseRowScale()

double* ClpModel::mutableInverseRowScale ( ) const

Definition at line 673 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ mutableInverseColumnScale()

double* ClpModel::mutableInverseColumnScale ( ) const

Definition at line 677 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ swapRowScale()

double* ClpModel::swapRowScale ( double *  newScale)

Definition at line 681 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setRowScale()

void ClpModel::setRowScale ( double *  scale)

◆ setColumnScale()

void ClpModel::setColumnScale ( double *  scale)

◆ objectiveScale()

double ClpModel::objectiveScale ( ) const

Scaling of objective.

Definition at line 690 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setObjectiveScale()

void ClpModel::setObjectiveScale ( double  value)

Definition at line 694 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rhsScale()

double ClpModel::rhsScale ( ) const

Scaling of rhs and bounds.

Definition at line 699 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setRhsScale()

void ClpModel::setRhsScale ( double  value)

Definition at line 703 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ scaling()

void ClpModel::scaling ( int  mode = 1)

Sets or unsets scaling, 0 -off, 1 equilibrium, 2 geometric, 3 auto, 4 auto-but-as-initialSolve-in-bab.

◆ unscale()

void ClpModel::unscale ( )

If we constructed a "really" scaled model then this reverses the operation.

Quantities may not be exactly as they were before due to rounding errors

◆ scalingFlag()

int ClpModel::scalingFlag ( ) const

Gets scalingFlag.

Definition at line 713 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ objective() [1/2]

double* ClpModel::objective ( ) const


Definition at line 718 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ objective() [2/2]

double* ClpModel::objective ( const double *  solution,
double &  offset,
bool  refresh = true 
) const

Definition at line 727 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getObjCoefficients()

const double* ClpModel::getObjCoefficients ( ) const

Definition at line 736 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rowObjective()

double* ClpModel::rowObjective ( ) const

Row Objective.

Definition at line 746 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getRowObjCoefficients()

const double* ClpModel::getRowObjCoefficients ( ) const

Definition at line 750 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ columnLower()

double* ClpModel::columnLower ( ) const

Column Lower.

Definition at line 755 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getColLower()

const double* ClpModel::getColLower ( ) const

Definition at line 759 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ columnUpper()

double* ClpModel::columnUpper ( ) const

Column Upper.

Definition at line 764 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getColUpper()

const double* ClpModel::getColUpper ( ) const

Definition at line 768 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ matrix()

CoinPackedMatrix* ClpModel::matrix ( ) const

Matrix (if not ClpPackedmatrix be careful about memory leak.

Definition at line 773 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getNumElements()

CoinBigIndex ClpModel::getNumElements ( ) const

Number of elements in matrix.

Definition at line 781 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getSmallElementValue()

double ClpModel::getSmallElementValue ( ) const

Small element value - elements less than this set to zero, default is 1.0e-20.

Definition at line 787 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setSmallElementValue()

void ClpModel::setSmallElementValue ( double  value)

Definition at line 791 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rowCopy()

ClpMatrixBase* ClpModel::rowCopy ( ) const

Row Matrix.

Definition at line 796 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setNewRowCopy()

void ClpModel::setNewRowCopy ( ClpMatrixBase newCopy)

Set new row matrix.

◆ clpMatrix()

ClpMatrixBase* ClpModel::clpMatrix ( ) const

Clp Matrix.

Definition at line 803 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ clpScaledMatrix()

ClpPackedMatrix* ClpModel::clpScaledMatrix ( ) const

Scaled ClpPackedMatrix.

Definition at line 808 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setClpScaledMatrix()

void ClpModel::setClpScaledMatrix ( ClpPackedMatrix scaledMatrix)

Sets pointer to scaled ClpPackedMatrix.

Definition at line 813 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ swapScaledMatrix()

ClpPackedMatrix* ClpModel::swapScaledMatrix ( ClpPackedMatrix scaledMatrix)

Swaps pointer to scaled ClpPackedMatrix.

Definition at line 819 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ replaceMatrix() [1/2]

void ClpModel::replaceMatrix ( ClpMatrixBase matrix,
bool  deleteCurrent = false 

Replace Clp Matrix (current is not deleted unless told to and new is used) So up to user to delete current.

This was used where matrices were being rotated. ClpModel takes ownership.

◆ replaceMatrix() [2/2]

void ClpModel::replaceMatrix ( CoinPackedMatrix *  newmatrix,
bool  deleteCurrent = false 

Replace Clp Matrix (current is not deleted unless told to and new is used) So up to user to delete current.

This was used where matrices were being rotated. This version changes CoinPackedMatrix to ClpPackedMatrix. ClpModel takes ownership.

Definition at line 836 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ objectiveValue()

double ClpModel::objectiveValue ( ) const

Objective value.

Definition at line 842 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setObjectiveValue()

void ClpModel::setObjectiveValue ( double  value)

Definition at line 846 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getObjValue()

double ClpModel::getObjValue ( ) const

Definition at line 850 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ integerInformation()

char* ClpModel::integerInformation ( ) const

Integer information.

Definition at line 855 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ infeasibilityRay()

double* ClpModel::infeasibilityRay ( bool  fullRay = false) const

Infeasibility/unbounded ray (NULL returned if none/wrong) Up to user to use delete [] on these arrays.

◆ unboundedRay()

double* ClpModel::unboundedRay ( ) const

◆ ray()

double* ClpModel::ray ( ) const

For advanced users - no need to delete - sign not changed.

Definition at line 864 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rayExists()

bool ClpModel::rayExists ( ) const

just test if infeasibility or unbounded Ray exists

Definition at line 869 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ deleteRay()

void ClpModel::deleteRay ( )

just delete ray if exists

Definition at line 874 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ internalRay()

const double* ClpModel::internalRay ( ) const

Access internal ray storage. Users should call infeasibilityRay() or unboundedRay() instead.

Definition at line 880 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ statusExists()

bool ClpModel::statusExists ( ) const

See if status (i.e. basis) array exists (partly for OsiClp)

Definition at line 885 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ statusArray()

unsigned char* ClpModel::statusArray ( ) const

Return address of status (i.e. basis) array (char[numberRows+numberColumns])

Definition at line 890 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ statusCopy()

unsigned char* ClpModel::statusCopy ( ) const

Return copy of status (i.e.

basis) array (char[numberRows+numberColumns]), use delete []

◆ copyinStatus()

void ClpModel::copyinStatus ( const unsigned char *  statusArray)

Copy in status (basis) vector.

◆ setUserPointer()

void ClpModel::setUserPointer ( void *  pointer)

User pointer for whatever reason.

Definition at line 901 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getUserPointer()

void* ClpModel::getUserPointer ( ) const

Definition at line 905 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setTrustedUserPointer()

void ClpModel::setTrustedUserPointer ( ClpTrustedData pointer)

Trusted user pointer.

Definition at line 910 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getTrustedUserPointer()

ClpTrustedData* ClpModel::getTrustedUserPointer ( ) const

Definition at line 914 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ whatsChanged()

int ClpModel::whatsChanged ( ) const

What has changed in model (only for masochistic users)

Definition at line 919 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setWhatsChanged()

void ClpModel::setWhatsChanged ( int  value)

Definition at line 923 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ numberThreads()

int ClpModel::numberThreads ( ) const

Number of threads (not really being used)

Definition at line 928 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setNumberThreads()

void ClpModel::setNumberThreads ( int  value)

Definition at line 932 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ passInMessageHandler()

void ClpModel::passInMessageHandler ( CoinMessageHandler *  handler)

Pass in Message handler (not deleted at end)

◆ pushMessageHandler()

CoinMessageHandler* ClpModel::pushMessageHandler ( CoinMessageHandler *  handler,
bool &  oldDefault 

Pass in Message handler (not deleted at end) and return current.

◆ popMessageHandler()

void ClpModel::popMessageHandler ( CoinMessageHandler *  oldHandler,
bool  oldDefault 

back to previous message handler

◆ newLanguage()

void ClpModel::newLanguage ( CoinMessages::Language  language)

Set language.

◆ setLanguage()

void ClpModel::setLanguage ( CoinMessages::Language  language)

Definition at line 948 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setDefaultMessageHandler()

void ClpModel::setDefaultMessageHandler ( )

Overrides message handler with a default one.

◆ messageHandler()

CoinMessageHandler* ClpModel::messageHandler ( ) const

Return handler.

Definition at line 955 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ messages()

CoinMessages ClpModel::messages ( ) const

Return messages.

Definition at line 960 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ messagesPointer()

CoinMessages* ClpModel::messagesPointer ( )

Return pointer to messages.

Definition at line 965 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ coinMessages()

CoinMessages ClpModel::coinMessages ( ) const

Return Coin messages.

Definition at line 970 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ coinMessagesPointer()

CoinMessages* ClpModel::coinMessagesPointer ( )

Return pointer to Coin messages.

Definition at line 975 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setLogLevel()

void ClpModel::setLogLevel ( int  value)

Amount of print out: 0 - none 1 - just final 2 - just factorizations 3 - as 2 plus a bit more 4 - verbose above that 8,16,32 etc just for selective debug.

Definition at line 987 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ logLevel()

int ClpModel::logLevel ( ) const

Definition at line 991 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ defaultHandler()

bool ClpModel::defaultHandler ( ) const

Return true if default handler.

Definition at line 996 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ passInEventHandler()

void ClpModel::passInEventHandler ( const ClpEventHandler eventHandler)

Pass in Event handler (cloned and deleted at end)

◆ eventHandler()

ClpEventHandler* ClpModel::eventHandler ( ) const

Event handler.

Definition at line 1003 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ randomNumberGenerator()

CoinThreadRandom* ClpModel::randomNumberGenerator ( )

Thread specific random number generator.

Definition at line 1008 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ mutableRandomNumberGenerator()

CoinThreadRandom& ClpModel::mutableRandomNumberGenerator ( )

Thread specific random number generator.

Definition at line 1013 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setRandomSeed()

void ClpModel::setRandomSeed ( int  value)

Set seed for thread specific random number generator.

Definition at line 1018 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ lengthNames()

int ClpModel::lengthNames ( ) const

length of names (0 means no names0

Definition at line 1023 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setLengthNames()

void ClpModel::setLengthNames ( int  value)

length of names (0 means no names0

Definition at line 1029 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rowNames()

const std::vector< std::string >* ClpModel::rowNames ( ) const

Row names.

Definition at line 1034 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rowName()

const std::string& ClpModel::rowName ( int  iRow) const

Definition at line 1038 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getRowName()

std::string ClpModel::getRowName ( int  iRow) const

Return name or Rnnnnnnn.

◆ columnNames()

const std::vector< std::string >* ClpModel::columnNames ( ) const

Column names.

Definition at line 1045 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ columnName()

const std::string& ClpModel::columnName ( int  iColumn) const

Definition at line 1049 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getColumnName()

std::string ClpModel::getColumnName ( int  iColumn) const

Return name or Cnnnnnnn.

◆ objectiveAsObject()

ClpObjective* ClpModel::objectiveAsObject ( ) const

Objective methods.

Definition at line 1057 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setObjective()

void ClpModel::setObjective ( ClpObjective objective)

◆ setObjectivePointer()

void ClpModel::setObjectivePointer ( ClpObjective newobjective)

Definition at line 1062 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ emptyProblem()

int ClpModel::emptyProblem ( int *  infeasNumber = NULL,
double *  infeasSum = NULL,
bool  printMessage = true 

Solve a problem with no elements - return status and dual and primal infeasibilites.

◆ times()

void ClpModel::times ( double  scalar,
const double *  x,
double *  y 
) const

Return y + A * x * scalar in y.

x must be of size numColumns()
y must be of size numRows()

◆ transposeTimes()

void ClpModel::transposeTimes ( double  scalar,
const double *  x,
double *  y 
) const

Return y + x * scalar * A in y.

x must be of size numRows()
y must be of size numColumns()

◆ setIntParam()

bool ClpModel::setIntParam ( ClpIntParam  key,
int  value 

Set an integer parameter.

◆ setDblParam()

bool ClpModel::setDblParam ( ClpDblParam  key,
double  value 

Set an double parameter.

◆ setStrParam()

bool ClpModel::setStrParam ( ClpStrParam  key,
const std::string &  value 

Set an string parameter.

◆ getIntParam()

bool ClpModel::getIntParam ( ClpIntParam  key,
int &  value 
) const

Definition at line 1116 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getDblParam()

bool ClpModel::getDblParam ( ClpDblParam  key,
double &  value 
) const

Definition at line 1126 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ getStrParam()

bool ClpModel::getStrParam ( ClpStrParam  key,
std::string &  value 
) const

Definition at line 1137 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ generateCpp()

void ClpModel::generateCpp ( FILE *  fp)

Create C++ lines to get to current state.

◆ specialOptions()

unsigned int ClpModel::specialOptions ( ) const

For advanced options 1 - Don't keep changing infeasibility weight 2 - Keep nonLinearCost round solves 4 - Force outgoing variables to exact bound (primal) 8 - Safe to use dense initial factorization 16 -Just use basic variables for operation if column generation 32 -Create ray even in BAB 64 -Treat problem as feasible until last minute (i.e.

minimize infeasibilities) 128 - Switch off all matrix sanity checks 256 - No row copy 512 - If not in values pass, solution guaranteed, skip as much as possible 1024 - In branch and bound 2048 - Don't bother to re-factorize if < 20 iterations 4096 - Skip some optimality checks 8192 - Do Primal when cleaning up primal 16384 - In fast dual (so we can switch off things) 32768 - called from Osi 65536 - keep arrays around as much as possible (also use maximumR/C) 131072 - transposeTimes is -1.0 and can skip basic and fixed 262144 - extra copy of scaled matrix 524288 - Clp fast dual 1048576 - don't need to finish dual (can return 3) 2097152 - ray even if >2 pivots AND if problem is "crunched" 4194304 - don't scale integer variables 8388608 - Idiot when not really sure about it 16777216 - zero costs! NOTE - many applications can call Clp but there may be some short cuts which are taken which are not guaranteed safe from all applications. Vetted applications will have a bit set and the code may test this At present I expect a few such applications - if too many I will have to re-think. It is up to application owner to change the code if she/he needs these short cuts. I will not debug unless in Coin repository. See COIN_CLP_VETTED comments. 0x01000000 is Cbc (and in branch and bound) 0x02000000 is in a different branch and bound

Definition at line 1185 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ setSpecialOptions()

void ClpModel::setSpecialOptions ( unsigned int  value)

◆ inCbcBranchAndBound()

bool ClpModel::inCbcBranchAndBound ( ) const

Definition at line 1191 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ gutsOfDelete()

void ClpModel::gutsOfDelete ( int  type)

Does most of deletion (0 = all, 1 = most)

◆ gutsOfCopy()

void ClpModel::gutsOfCopy ( const ClpModel rhs,
int  trueCopy = 1 

Does most of copying If trueCopy 0 then just points to arrays If -1 leaves as much as possible.

◆ getRowBound()

void ClpModel::getRowBound ( int  iRow,
double &  lower,
double &  upper 
) const

gets lower and upper bounds on rows

◆ gutsOfLoadModel()

void ClpModel::gutsOfLoadModel ( int  numberRows,
int  numberColumns,
const double *  collb,
const double *  colub,
const double *  obj,
const double *  rowlb,
const double *  rowub,
const double *  rowObjective = NULL 

puts in format I like - 4 array matrix - may make row copy

◆ gutsOfScaling()

void ClpModel::gutsOfScaling ( )

Does much of scaling.

◆ rawObjectiveValue()

double ClpModel::rawObjectiveValue ( ) const

Objective value - always minimize.

Definition at line 1217 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ permanentArrays()

bool ClpModel::permanentArrays ( ) const

If we are using maximumRows_ and Columns_.

Definition at line 1222 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ startPermanentArrays()

void ClpModel::startPermanentArrays ( )

Start using maximumRows_ and Columns_.

◆ stopPermanentArrays()

void ClpModel::stopPermanentArrays ( )

Stop using maximumRows_ and Columns_.

◆ rowNamesAsChar()

const char* const * ClpModel::rowNamesAsChar ( ) const

Create row names as char **.

◆ columnNamesAsChar()

const char* const * ClpModel::columnNamesAsChar ( ) const

Create column names as char **.

◆ deleteNamesAsChar()

void ClpModel::deleteNamesAsChar ( const char *const *  names,
int  number 
) const

Delete char * version of names.

◆ onStopped()

void ClpModel::onStopped ( )

On stopped - sets secondary status.

Member Data Documentation

◆ optimizationDirection_

double ClpModel::optimizationDirection_

Direction of optimization (1 - minimize, -1 - maximize, 0 - ignore.

Definition at line 1245 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ dblParam_

double ClpModel::dblParam_[ClpLastDblParam]

Array of double parameters.

Definition at line 1247 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ objectiveValue_

double ClpModel::objectiveValue_

Objective value.

Definition at line 1249 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ smallElement_

double ClpModel::smallElement_

Small element value.

Definition at line 1251 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ objectiveScale_

double ClpModel::objectiveScale_

Scaling of objective.

Definition at line 1253 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rhsScale_

double ClpModel::rhsScale_

Scaling of rhs and bounds.

Definition at line 1255 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ numberRows_

int ClpModel::numberRows_

Number of rows.

Definition at line 1257 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ numberColumns_

int ClpModel::numberColumns_

Number of columns.

Definition at line 1259 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rowActivity_

double* ClpModel::rowActivity_

Row activities.

Definition at line 1261 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ columnActivity_

double* ClpModel::columnActivity_

Column activities.

Definition at line 1263 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ dual_

double* ClpModel::dual_


Definition at line 1265 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ reducedCost_

double* ClpModel::reducedCost_

Reduced costs.

Definition at line 1267 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rowLower_

double* ClpModel::rowLower_

Row lower.

Definition at line 1269 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rowUpper_

double* ClpModel::rowUpper_

Row upper.

Definition at line 1271 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ objective_

ClpObjective* ClpModel::objective_


Definition at line 1273 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rowObjective_

double* ClpModel::rowObjective_

Row Objective (? sign) - may be NULL.

Definition at line 1275 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ columnLower_

double* ClpModel::columnLower_

Column Lower.

Definition at line 1277 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ columnUpper_

double* ClpModel::columnUpper_

Column Upper.

Definition at line 1279 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ matrix_

ClpMatrixBase* ClpModel::matrix_

Packed matrix.

Definition at line 1281 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rowCopy_

ClpMatrixBase* ClpModel::rowCopy_

Row copy if wanted.

Definition at line 1283 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ scaledMatrix_

ClpPackedMatrix* ClpModel::scaledMatrix_

Scaled packed matrix.

Definition at line 1285 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ ray_

double* ClpModel::ray_

Infeasible/unbounded ray.

Definition at line 1287 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rowScale_

double* ClpModel::rowScale_

Row scale factors for matrix.

Definition at line 1289 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ columnScale_

double* ClpModel::columnScale_

Column scale factors.

Definition at line 1291 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ inverseRowScale_

double* ClpModel::inverseRowScale_

Inverse row scale factors for matrix (end of rowScale_)

Definition at line 1293 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ inverseColumnScale_

double* ClpModel::inverseColumnScale_

Inverse column scale factors for matrix (end of columnScale_)

Definition at line 1295 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ scalingFlag_

int ClpModel::scalingFlag_

Scale flag, 0 none, 1 equilibrium, 2 geometric, 3, auto, 4 dynamic, 5 geometric on rows.

Definition at line 1298 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ status_

unsigned char* ClpModel::status_

Status (i.e.

basis) Region. I know that not all algorithms need a status array, but it made sense for things like crossover and put all permanent stuff in one place. No assumption is made about what is in status array (although it might be good to reserve bottom 3 bits (i.e. 0-7 numeric) for classic status). This is number of columns + number of rows long (in that order).

Definition at line 1306 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ integerType_

char* ClpModel::integerType_

Integer information.

Definition at line 1308 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ userPointer_

void* ClpModel::userPointer_

User pointer for whatever reason.

Definition at line 1310 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ trustedUserPointer_

ClpTrustedData* ClpModel::trustedUserPointer_

Trusted user pointer e.g. for heuristics.

Definition at line 1312 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ intParam_

int ClpModel::intParam_[ClpLastIntParam]

Array of integer parameters.

Definition at line 1314 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ numberIterations_

int ClpModel::numberIterations_

Number of iterations.

Definition at line 1316 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ solveType_

int ClpModel::solveType_

Solve type - 1 simplex, 2 simplex interface, 3 Interior.

Definition at line 1318 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ whatsChanged_

unsigned int ClpModel::whatsChanged_

Definition at line 1347 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ problemStatus_

int ClpModel::problemStatus_

Status of problem.

Definition at line 1349 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ secondaryStatus_

int ClpModel::secondaryStatus_

Secondary status of problem.

Definition at line 1351 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ lengthNames_

int ClpModel::lengthNames_

length of names (0 means no names)

Definition at line 1353 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ numberThreads_

int ClpModel::numberThreads_

Number of threads (not very operational)

Definition at line 1355 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ specialOptions_

unsigned int ClpModel::specialOptions_

For advanced options See get and set for meaning.

Definition at line 1359 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ handler_

CoinMessageHandler* ClpModel::handler_

Message handler.

Definition at line 1361 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ defaultHandler_

bool ClpModel::defaultHandler_

Flag to say if default handler (so delete)

Definition at line 1363 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ randomNumberGenerator_

CoinThreadRandom ClpModel::randomNumberGenerator_

Thread specific random number generator.

Definition at line 1365 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ eventHandler_

ClpEventHandler* ClpModel::eventHandler_

Event handler.

Definition at line 1367 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ rowNames_

std::vector< std::string > ClpModel::rowNames_

Row names.

Definition at line 1370 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ columnNames_

std::vector< std::string > ClpModel::columnNames_

Column names.

Definition at line 1372 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ messages_

CoinMessages ClpModel::messages_


Definition at line 1375 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ coinMessages_

CoinMessages ClpModel::coinMessages_

Coin messages.

Definition at line 1377 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ maximumColumns_

int ClpModel::maximumColumns_

Maximum number of columns in model.

Definition at line 1379 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ maximumRows_

int ClpModel::maximumRows_

Maximum number of rows in model.

Definition at line 1381 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ maximumInternalColumns_

int ClpModel::maximumInternalColumns_

Maximum number of columns (internal arrays) in model.

Definition at line 1383 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ maximumInternalRows_

int ClpModel::maximumInternalRows_

Maximum number of rows (internal arrays) in model.

Definition at line 1385 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ baseMatrix_

CoinPackedMatrix ClpModel::baseMatrix_

Base packed matrix.

Definition at line 1387 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ baseRowCopy_

CoinPackedMatrix ClpModel::baseRowCopy_

Base row copy.

Definition at line 1389 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ savedRowScale_

double* ClpModel::savedRowScale_

Saved row scale factors for matrix.

Definition at line 1391 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ savedColumnScale_

double* ClpModel::savedColumnScale_

Saved column scale factors.

Definition at line 1393 of file ClpModel.hpp.

◆ strParam_

std::string ClpModel::strParam_[ClpLastStrParam]

Array of string parameters.

Definition at line 1396 of file ClpModel.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: