qpOASES  3.0.1
SparseMatrixRow Member List
This is the complete list of members for SparseMatrixRow, including all inherited members.
addToDiag(real_t alpha)SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
diag(int i) const SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
doFreeMemory()Matrix [inline]
doNotFreeMemory()Matrix [inline]
duplicate() const SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
free()SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
freeMemoryMatrix [protected]
full() const SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
getCol(int cNum, const Indexlist *const irows, real_t alpha, real_t *col) const SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
getNorm(int type=2) const SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
getRow(int rNum, const Indexlist *const icols, real_t alpha, real_t *row) const SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
getRowNorm(int rNum, int type=2) const SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
icSparseMatrixRow [protected]
isDiag() const SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
jdSparseMatrixRow [protected]
jrSparseMatrixRow [protected]
Matrix()Matrix [inline]
nColsSparseMatrixRow [protected]
needToFreeMemory() const Matrix [inline]
nRowsSparseMatrixRow [protected]
print(const char *name=0) const SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
SparseMatrixRow(int nr, int nc, sparse_int_t *r, sparse_int_t *c, real_t *v)SparseMatrixRow
SparseMatrixRow(int nr, int nc, int ld, const real_t *const v)SparseMatrixRow
times(int xN, real_t alpha, const real_t *x, int xLD, real_t beta, real_t *y, int yLD) const SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
times(const Indexlist *const irows, const Indexlist *const icols, int xN, real_t alpha, const real_t *x, int xLD, real_t beta, real_t *y, int yLD, BooleanType yCompr=BT_TRUE) const SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
transTimes(int xN, real_t alpha, const real_t *x, int xLD, real_t beta, real_t *y, int yLD) const SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
transTimes(const Indexlist *const irows, const Indexlist *const icols, int xN, real_t alpha, const real_t *x, int xLD, real_t beta, real_t *y, int yLD) const SparseMatrixRow [virtual]
valSparseMatrixRow [protected]
~Matrix()Matrix [inline, virtual]
~SparseMatrixRow()SparseMatrixRow [virtual]