pulp.apis Interface to Solvers

class pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD(path=None, keepFiles=False, mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None)

Bases: LpSolver_CMD

The CHOCO_CMD solver

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • options (list) – list of additional options to pass to solver

  • keepFiles (bool) – if True, files are saved in the current directory and not deleted after solving

  • path (str) – path to the solver binary


Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name = 'CHOCO_CMD'
static readsol(filename)

Read a Choco solution file


alias of COIN_CMD

class pulp.apis.COINMP_DLL(mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: LpSolver

The COIN_MP LP MIP solver (via a DLL or linux so)

  • timeLimit (float) – The number of seconds before forcing the solver to exit

  • epgap – The fractional mip tolerance

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • options (list)

  • timeLimit – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • args

  • kwargs – optional named options to pass to each solver, e.g. gapRel=0.1, gapAbs=10, logPath=””,


Solve a well formulated lp problem

classmethod available()

True if the solver is available

name = 'COINMP_DLL'

function that loads the DLL useful for debugging installation problems

class pulp.apis.COIN_CMD(mip=True, msg=True, timeLimit=None, gapRel=None, gapAbs=None, presolve=None, cuts=None, strong=None, options=None, warmStart=False, keepFiles=False, path=None, threads=None, logPath=None, timeMode='elapsed', maxNodes=None)

Bases: LpSolver_CMD

The COIN CLP/CBC LP solver now only uses cbc

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • gapRel (float) – relative gap tolerance for the solver to stop (in fraction)

  • gapAbs (float) – absolute gap tolerance for the solver to stop

  • threads (int) – sets the maximum number of threads

  • options (list) – list of additional options to pass to solver

  • warmStart (bool) – if True, the solver will use the current value of variables as a start

  • keepFiles (bool) – if True, files are saved in the current directory and not deleted after solving

  • path (str) – path to the solver binary

  • logPath (str) – path to the log file

  • presolve (bool) – if True, adds presolve on, if False, adds presolve off

  • cuts (bool) – if True, adds gomory on knapsack on probing on, if False adds cuts off

  • strong (int) – number of variables to look at in strong branching (range is 0 to 2147483647)

  • timeMode (str) – “elapsed”: count wall-time to timeLimit; “cpu”: count cpu-time

  • maxNodes (int) – max number of nodes during branching. Stops the solving when reached.

actualSolve(lp, **kwargs)

Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available


Make a copy of self

name = 'COIN_CMD'
readsol_LP(filename, lp, vs)

Read a CBC solution file generated from an lp (good names) returns status, values, reducedCosts, shadowPrices, slacks, sol_status

readsol_MPS(filename, lp, vs, variablesNames, constraintsNames, objectiveName=None)

Read a CBC solution file generated from an mps or lp file (possible different names)

solve_CBC(lp, use_mps=True)

Solve a MIP problem using CBC

writesol(filename, lp, vs, variablesNames, constraintsNames)

Writes a CBC solution file generated from an mps / lp file (possible different names) returns True on success

class pulp.apis.COPT(mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: LpSolver

The COPT Optimizer via its python interface

The COPT variables are available (after a solve) in var.solverVar Constraints in constraint.solverConstraint and the Model is in prob.solverModel

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • options (list)

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • args

  • kwargs – optional named options to pass to each solver, e.g. gapRel=0.1, gapAbs=10, logPath=””,

actualSolve(lp, callback=None)

Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name = 'COPT'
class pulp.apis.COPT_CMD(path=None, keepFiles=0, mip=True, msg=True, mip_start=False, warmStart=False, logfile=None, **params)

Bases: LpSolver_CMD

The COPT command-line solver

Initialize command-line solver


Solve a well formulated LP problem

This function borrowed implementation of CPLEX_CMD.actualSolve and GUROBI_CMD.actualSolve, with some modifications.


True if ‘copt_cmd’ is available


The default path of ‘copt_cmd’

name = 'COPT_CMD'

Read COPT solution file

writemst(filename, lpvars)

Write COPT MIP start file

class pulp.apis.COPT_DLL(mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: LpSolver

The COPT dynamic library solver

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • options (list)

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • args

  • kwargs – optional named options to pass to each solver, e.g. gapRel=0.1, gapAbs=10, logPath=””,


Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

err = TypeError('expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType')
name = 'COPT_DLL'

Load COPT shared library in all supported platforms


alias of CPLEX_CMD

class pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD(mip=True, msg=True, timeLimit=None, gapRel=None, gapAbs=None, options=None, warmStart=False, keepFiles=False, path=None, threads=None, logPath=None, maxMemory=None, maxNodes=None)

Bases: LpSolver_CMD

The CPLEX LP solver

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • gapRel (float) – relative gap tolerance for the solver to stop (in fraction)

  • gapAbs (float) – absolute gap tolerance for the solver to stop

  • threads (int) – sets the maximum number of threads

  • options (list) – list of additional options to pass to solver

  • warmStart (bool) – if True, the solver will use the current value of variables as a start

  • keepFiles (bool) – if True, files are saved in the current directory and not deleted after solving

  • path (str) – path to the solver binary

  • logPath (str) – path to the log file

  • maxMemory (float) – max memory to use during the solving. Stops the solving when reached.

  • maxNodes (int) – max number of nodes during branching. Stops the solving when reached.


Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name = 'CPLEX_CMD'

Read a CPLEX solution file

writesol(filename, vs)

Writes a CPLEX solution file

class pulp.apis.CPLEX_PY(mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: LpSolver

The CPLEX LP/MIP solver (via a Python Binding)

This solver wraps the python api of cplex. It has been tested against cplex 12.3. For api functions that have not been wrapped in this solver please use the base cplex classes

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • options (list)

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • args

  • kwargs – optional named options to pass to each solver, e.g. gapRel=0.1, gapAbs=10, logPath=””,


Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

err = ModuleNotFoundError("No module named 'cplex'")
name = 'CPLEX_PY'

alias of FSCIP_CMD

class pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD(path=None, mip=True, keepFiles=False, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, gapRel=None, gapAbs=None, maxNodes=None, threads=None, logPath=None)

Bases: LpSolver_CMD

The multi-threaded FiberSCIP version of the SCIP optimization solver

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • options (list) – list of additional options to pass to solver

  • keepFiles (bool) – if True, files are saved in the current directory and not deleted after solving

  • path (str) – path to the solver binary

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • gapRel (float) – relative gap tolerance for the solver to stop (in fraction)

  • gapAbs (float) – absolute gap tolerance for the solver to stop

  • maxNodes (int) – max number of nodes during branching. Stops the solving when reached.

  • threads (int) – sets the maximum number of threads

  • logPath (str) – path to the log file

FSCIP_STATUSES = {'Final Solution': 1, 'No Solution': 0}

Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name = 'FSCIP_CMD'
static parse_objective(string: str) float | None
static parse_status(string: str) int | None
static parse_variable(string: str) Tuple[str, float] | None
static readsol(filename)

Read a FSCIP solution file


alias of GLPK_CMD

class pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD(path=None, keepFiles=False, mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None)

Bases: LpSolver_CMD

The GLPK LP solver

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • options (list) – list of additional options to pass to solver

  • keepFiles (bool) – if True, files are saved in the current directory and not deleted after solving

  • path (str) – path to the solver binary


Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name = 'GLPK_CMD'

Read a GLPK solution file

class pulp.apis.GUROBI(mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: LpSolver

The Gurobi LP/MIP solver (via its python interface)

The Gurobi variables are available (after a solve) in var.solverVar Constraints in constraint.solverConstraint and the Model is in prob.solverModel

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • options (list)

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • args

  • kwargs – optional named options to pass to each solver, e.g. gapRel=0.1, gapAbs=10, logPath=””,

actualSolve(lp, callback=None)

Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

env = None
name = 'GUROBI'
class pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD(mip=True, msg=True, timeLimit=None, gapRel=None, gapAbs=None, options=None, warmStart=False, keepFiles=False, path=None, threads=None, logPath=None, mip_start=False)

Bases: LpSolver_CMD

The GUROBI_CMD solver

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • gapRel (float) – relative gap tolerance for the solver to stop (in fraction)

  • gapAbs (float) – absolute gap tolerance for the solver to stop

  • threads (int) – sets the maximum number of threads

  • options (list) – list of additional options to pass to solver

  • warmStart (bool) – if True, the solver will use the current value of variables as a start

  • keepFiles (bool) – if True, files are saved in the current directory and not deleted after solving

  • path (str) – path to the solver binary

  • logPath (str) – path to the log file


Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name = 'GUROBI_CMD'

Read a Gurobi solution file

writesol(filename, vs)

Writes a GUROBI solution file

class pulp.apis.HiGHS(mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: LpSolver

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • options (list)

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • args

  • kwargs – optional named options to pass to each solver, e.g. gapRel=0.1, gapAbs=10, logPath=””,

actualSolve(lp, callback=None)

Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name = 'HiGHS'
class pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD(path=None, keepFiles=False, mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, gapRel=None, gapAbs=None, threads=None, logPath=None, warmStart=False)

Bases: LpSolver_CMD

The HiGHS_CMD solver

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • gapRel (float) – relative gap tolerance for the solver to stop (in fraction)

  • gapAbs (float) – absolute gap tolerance for the solver to stop

  • options (list[str]) – list of additional options to pass to solver

  • keepFiles (bool) – if True, files are saved in the current directory and not deleted after solving

  • path (str) – path to the solver binary (you can get binaries for your platform from https://github.com/JuliaBinaryWrappers/HiGHS_jll.jl/releases, or else compile from source - https://highs.dev)

  • threads (int) – sets the maximum number of threads

  • logPath (str) – path to the log file

  • warmStart (bool) – if True, the solver will use the current value of variables as a start


Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name: str = 'HiGHS_CMD'

Read a HiGHS solution file

writesol(filename, lp)

Writes a HiGHS solution file

class pulp.apis.LpSolver(mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

A generic LP Solver

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • options (list)

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • args

  • kwargs – optional named options to pass to each solver, e.g. gapRel=0.1, gapAbs=10, logPath=””,

actualResolve(lp, **kwargs)

uses existing problem information and solves the problem If it is not implemented in the solver just solve again


Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available


Make a copy of self

getCplexStyleArrays(lp, senseDict=None, LpVarCategories=None, LpObjSenses=None, infBound=1e+20)

returns the arrays suitable to pass to a cdll Cplex or other solvers that are similar

Copyright (c) Stuart Mitchell 2007

name = 'LpSolver'

Solve the problem lp

toJson(filename, *args, **kwargs)
to_json(filename, *args, **kwargs)
class pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD(path=None, keepFiles=False, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: LpSolver

A generic command line LP Solver

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • options (list) – list of additional options to pass to solver (format depends on the solver)

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • path (str) – a path to the solver binary

  • keepFiles (bool) – if True, files are saved in the current directory and not deleted after solving

  • args – parameters to pass to LpSolver

  • kwargs – parameters to pass to LpSolver


Make a copy of self

create_tmp_files(name, *args)
static executable(command)

Checks that the solver command is executable, And returns the actual path to it.

static executableExtension(name)
name = 'LpSolver_CMD'

Set the tmpDir attribute to a reasonnable location for a temporary directory

silent_remove(file: str | bytes | PathLike) None
class pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD(path=None, keepFiles=False, mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None)

Bases: LpSolver_CMD

The MIPCL_CMD solver

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • options (list) – list of additional options to pass to solver

  • keepFiles (bool) – if True, files are saved in the current directory and not deleted after solving

  • path (str) – path to the solver binary


Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name = 'MIPCL_CMD'
static readsol(filename)

Read a MIPCL solution file

class pulp.apis.MOSEK(mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: LpSolver

Mosek lp and mip solver (via Mosek Optimizer API).

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • options (list)

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • args

  • kwargs – optional named options to pass to each solver, e.g. gapRel=0.1, gapAbs=10, logPath=””,

actualSolve(lp, callback=None)

Solves a well-formulated lp problem.


True if Mosek is available.

name = 'MOSEK'
class pulp.apis.PULP_CBC_CMD(mip=True, msg=True, timeLimit=None, gapRel=None, gapAbs=None, presolve=None, cuts=None, strong=None, options=None, warmStart=False, keepFiles=False, path=None, threads=None, logPath=None, timeMode='elapsed', maxNodes=None)


This solver uses a precompiled version of cbc provided with the package

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • gapRel (float) – relative gap tolerance for the solver to stop (in fraction)

  • gapAbs (float) – absolute gap tolerance for the solver to stop

  • threads (int) – sets the maximum number of threads

  • options (list) – list of additional options to pass to solver

  • warmStart (bool) – if True, the solver will use the current value of variables as a start

  • keepFiles (bool) – if True, files are saved in the current directory and not deleted after solving

  • path (str) – path to the solver binary

  • logPath (str) – path to the log file

  • presolve (bool) – if True, adds presolve on, if False, adds presolve off

  • cuts (bool) – if True, adds gomory on knapsack on probing on, if False adds cuts off

  • strong (int) – number of variables to look at in strong branching (range is 0 to 2147483647)

  • timeMode (str) – “elapsed”: count wall-time to timeLimit; “cpu”: count cpu-time

  • maxNodes (int) – max number of nodes during branching. Stops the solving when reached.

name = 'PULP_CBC_CMD'
pulp_cbc_path = '/home/runner/work/pulp/pulp/pulp/solverdir/cbc/linux/64/cbc'
class pulp.apis.PYGLPK(mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: LpSolver

The glpk LP/MIP solver (via its python interface)

Copyright Christophe-Marie Duquesne 2012

The glpk variables are available (after a solve) in var.solverVar The glpk constraints are available in constraint.solverConstraint The Model is in prob.solverModel

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • options (list)

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • args

  • kwargs – optional named options to pass to each solver, e.g. gapRel=0.1, gapAbs=10, logPath=””,

actualSolve(lp, callback=None)

Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name = 'PYGLPK'

alias of ConfigParser

exception pulp.apis.PulpSolverError

Bases: PulpError

Pulp Solver-related exceptions


alias of SCIP_CMD

class pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD(path=None, mip=True, keepFiles=False, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, gapRel=None, gapAbs=None, maxNodes=None, logPath=None, threads=None)

Bases: LpSolver_CMD

The SCIP optimization solver

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • options (list) – list of additional options to pass to solver

  • keepFiles (bool) – if True, files are saved in the current directory and not deleted after solving

  • path (str) – path to the solver binary

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • gapRel (float) – relative gap tolerance for the solver to stop (in fraction)

  • gapAbs (float) – absolute gap tolerance for the solver to stop

  • maxNodes (int) – max number of nodes during branching. Stops the solving when reached.

  • threads (int) – sets the maximum number of threads

  • logPath (str) – path to the log file

SCIP_STATUSES = {'gap limit reached': 1, 'infeasible': -1, 'infeasible or unbounded': 0, 'memory limit reached': 0, 'node limit reached': 0, 'optimal solution found': 1, 'restart limit reached': 0, 'solution improvement limit reached': 0, 'solution limit reached': 0, 'stall node limit reached': 0, 'time limit reached': 0, 'total node limit reached': 0, 'unbounded': -2, 'unknown': -3, 'user interrupt': 0}

Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name = 'SCIP_CMD'
static readsol(filename)

Read a SCIP solution file

class pulp.apis.SCIP_PY(mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: LpSolver

The SCIP Optimization Suite (via its python interface)

The SCIP internals are available after calling solve as: - each variable in variable.solverVar - each constraint in constraint.solverConstraint - the model in problem.solverModel

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • options (list)

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • args

  • kwargs – optional named options to pass to each solver, e.g. gapRel=0.1, gapAbs=10, logPath=””,


Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name = 'SCIP_PY'
class pulp.apis.XPRESS(mip=True, msg=True, timeLimit=None, gapRel=None, options=None, keepFiles=False, path=None, heurFreq=None, heurStra=None, coverCuts=None, preSolve=None, warmStart=False)

Bases: LpSolver_CMD

The XPRESS LP solver that uses the XPRESS command line tool in a subprocess

Initializes the Xpress solver.

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • gapRel (float) – relative gap tolerance for the solver to stop (in fraction)

  • heurFreq – the frequency at which heuristics are used in the tree search

  • heurStra – heuristic strategy

  • coverCuts – the number of rounds of lifted cover inequalities at the top node

  • preSolve – whether presolving should be performed before the main algorithm

  • options – Adding more options, e.g. options = [“NODESELECTION=1”, “HEURDEPTH=5”] More about Xpress options and control parameters please see https://www.fico.com/fico-xpress-optimization/docs/latest/solver/optimizer/HTML/chapter7.html

  • warmStart (bool) – if True, then use current variable values as start


Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name = 'XPRESS'
static quote_path(path)

Quotes a path for the Xpress optimizer console, by wrapping it in double quotes and escaping the following characters, which would otherwise be interpreted by the Tcl shell: $ “ [

static readsol(filename, attrfile)

Read an XPRESS solution file

writeslxsol(name, *values)

Write a solution file in SLX format. The function can write multiple solutions to the same file, each solution must be passed as a list of (name,value) pairs. Solutions are written in the order specified and are given names “solutionN” where N is the index of the solution in the list.

  • name (string) – file name

  • values (list) – list of lists of (name,value) pairs


alias of XPRESS

class pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY(mip=True, msg=True, timeLimit=None, gapRel=None, heurFreq=None, heurStra=None, coverCuts=None, preSolve=None, warmStart=None, export=None, options=None)

Bases: LpSolver

The XPRESS LP solver that uses XPRESS Python API

Initializes the Xpress solver.

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • gapRel (float) – relative gap tolerance for the solver to stop (in fraction)

  • heurFreq – the frequency at which heuristics are used in the tree search

  • heurStra – heuristic strategy

  • coverCuts – the number of rounds of lifted cover inequalities at the top node

  • preSolve – whether presolving should be performed before the main algorithm

  • warmStart (bool) – if set then use current variable values as warm start

  • export (string) – if set then the model will be exported to this file before solving

  • options – Adding more options. This is a list the elements of which are either (name,value) pairs or strings “name=value”. More about Xpress options and control parameters please see https://www.fico.com/fico-xpress-optimization/docs/latest/solver/optimizer/HTML/chapter7.html

actualResolve(lp, prepare=None)

Resolve a problem that was previously solved by actualSolve().

actualSolve(lp, prepare=None)

Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available


Takes the pulp lp model and translates it into an xpress model

callSolver(lp, prepare=None)

Perform the actual solve from actualSolve() or actualResolve().


prepare – a function that is called with lp as argument and allows final tweaks to lp.solverModel before the low level solve is started.

getAttribute(lp, which)

Get an arbitrary attribute for the model that was previously solved using actualSolve().

name = 'XPRESS_PY'
class pulp.apis.YAPOSIB(mip=True, msg=True, options=None, timeLimit=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: LpSolver

COIN OSI (via its python interface)

Copyright Christophe-Marie Duquesne 2012

The yaposib variables are available (after a solve) in var.solverVar The yaposib constraints are available in constraint.solverConstraint The Model is in prob.solverModel

  • mip (bool) – if False, assume LP even if integer variables

  • msg (bool) – if False, no log is shown

  • options (list)

  • timeLimit (float) – maximum time for solver (in seconds)

  • args

  • kwargs – optional named options to pass to each solver, e.g. gapRel=0.1, gapAbs=10, logPath=””,

actualSolve(lp, callback=None)

Solve a well formulated lp problem


True if the solver is available

name = 'YAPOSIB'
pulp.apis.byref(C instance[, offset=0]) byref-object

Return a pointer lookalike to a C instance, only usable as function argument


monotonic() -> float

Monotonic clock, cannot go backward.


Configure the path the the solvers on the command line

Designed to configure the file locations of the solvers from the command line after installation

pulp.apis.ctypesArrayFill(myList, type=<class 'ctypes.c_double'>)

Creates a c array with ctypes from a python list type is the type of the c array

pulp.apis.getSolver(solver, *args, **kwargs)

Instantiates a solver from its name

  • solver (str) – solver name to create

  • args – additional arguments to the solver

  • kwargs – additional keyword arguments to the solver


solver of type LpSolver


Instantiates a solver from a dictionary with its data


data (dict) – a dictionary with, at least an “solver” key with the name of the solver to create


a solver of type LpSolver


PulpSolverError – if the dictionary does not have the “solver” key

Return type:



Instantiates a solver from a json file with its data


filename (str) – name of the json file to read


a solver of type LpSolver

Return type:


pulp.apis.initialize(filename, operating_system='linux', arch='64')

reads the configuration file to initialise the module


List the names of all the existing solvers in PuLP


onlyAvailable (bool) – if True, only show the available solvers


list of solver names

Return type:


pulp.apis.mktemp(suffix='', prefix='tmp', dir=None)

User-callable function to return a unique temporary file name. The file is not created.

Arguments are similar to mkstemp, except that the ‘text’ argument is not accepted, and suffix=None, prefix=None and bytes file names are not supported.

THIS FUNCTION IS UNSAFE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED. The file name may refer to a file that did not exist at some point, but by the time you get around to creating it, someone else may have beaten you to the punch.


set the data in the configuration file at the moment will only edit things in [locations] the keyword value pairs come from the keywords dictionary


Generate a random UUID.