: Pulp classes
An LP Problem |
This class models an LP Variable with the specified associated parameters |
A linear combination of |
An LP constraint |
Builds an elastic subproblem by adding variables to a hard constraint |
Contains the subproblem generated by converting a fixed constraint |
LpFractionConstraint, FractionElasticSubProblem
The LpProblem Class
- class pulp.LpProblem(name='NoName', sense=1)
An LP Problem
Creates an LP Problem
This function creates a new LP Problem with the specified associated parameters
- Parameters:
name – name of the problem used in the output .lp file
sense – of the LP problem objective. Either
(default) orLpMaximize
- Returns:
An LP Problem
Three important attributes of the problem are:
- objective
The objective of the problem, an
- constraints
ordered dictionary
of the problem - indexed by their names.
Some of the more important methods:
- solve(solver=None, **kwargs)
Solve the given Lp problem.
This function changes the problem to make it suitable for solving then calls the solver.actualSolve() method to find the solution
- Parameters:
solver – Optional: the specific solver to be used, defaults to the default solver.
- Side Effects:
The attributes of the problem object are changed in
to reflect the Lp solution
- roundSolution(epsInt=1e-05, eps=1e-07)
Rounds the lp variables
- Inputs:
- Side Effects:
The lp variables are rounded
- setObjective(obj)
Sets the input variable as the objective function. Used in Columnwise Modelling
- Parameters:
obj – the objective function of type
- Side Effects:
The objective function is set
- writeLP(filename, writeSOS=1, mip=1, max_length=100)
Write the given Lp problem to a .lp file.
This function writes the specifications (objective function, constraints, variables) of the defined Lp problem to a file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – the name of the file to be created.
- Returns:
- Side Effects:
The file is created
- writeMPS(filename, mpsSense=0, rename=0, mip=1, with_objsense: bool = False)
Writes an mps files from the problem information
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Side Effects:
The file is created
- toJson(filename, *args, **kwargs)
Creates a json file from the LpProblem information
- Parameters:
filename (str) – filename to write json
args – additional arguments for json function
kwargs – additional keyword arguments for json function
- Returns:
- classmethod fromJson(filename)
Creates a new Lp Problem from a json file with information
- variables() list[LpVariable]
Returns the problem variables
- Returns:
A list containing the problem variables
- Return type:
Variables and Expressions
- class pulp.LpElement(name)
Base class for LpVariable and LpConstraintVar
- class pulp.LpVariable(name, lowBound=None, upBound=None, cat='Continuous', e=None)
This class models an LP Variable with the specified associated parameters
- Parameters:
name – The name of the variable used in the output .lp file
lowBound – The lower bound on this variable’s range. Default is negative infinity
upBound – The upper bound on this variable’s range. Default is positive infinity
cat – The category this variable is in, Integer, Binary or Continuous(default)
e – Used for column based modelling: relates to the variable’s existence in the objective function and constraints
- addVariableToConstraints(e)
adds a variable to the constraints indicated by the LpConstraintVars in e
- classmethod dicts(name, indices=None, lowBound=None, upBound=None, cat='Continuous', indexStart=[])
This function creates a dictionary of
with the specified associated parameters.- Parameters:
name – The prefix to the name of each LP variable created
indices – A list of strings of the keys to the dictionary of LP variables, and the main part of the variable name itself
lowBound – The lower bound on these variables’ range. Default is negative infinity
upBound – The upper bound on these variables’ range. Default is positive infinity
cat – The category these variables are in, Integer or Continuous(default)
- Returns:
A dictionary of
- fixValue()
changes lower bound and upper bound to the initial value if exists. :return: None
- classmethod fromDict(dj=None, varValue=None, **kwargs)
Initializes a variable object from information that comes from a dictionary (kwargs)
- Parameters:
dj – shadow price of the variable
varValue (float) – the value to set the variable
kwargs – arguments to initialize the variable
- Returns:
- Return type:
- classmethod from_dict(dj=None, varValue=None, **kwargs)
Initializes a variable object from information that comes from a dictionary (kwargs)
- Parameters:
dj – shadow price of the variable
varValue (float) – the value to set the variable
kwargs – arguments to initialize the variable
- Returns:
- Return type:
- setInitialValue(val, check=True)
sets the initial value of the variable to val May be used for warmStart a solver, if supported by the solver
- Parameters:
- Returns:
True if the value was set
- Raises:
ValueError – if check=True and the value does not fit inside the bounds
- toDict()
Exports a variable into a dictionary with its relevant information
- Returns:
a dictionary with the variable information
- Return type:
>>> x = LpVariable('x',lowBound = 0, cat='Continuous')
>>> y = LpVariable('y', upBound = 5, cat='Integer')
- class pulp.LpAffineExpression(e=None, constant: float = 0.0, name: str | None = None)
A linear combination of
. Can be initialised with the following:e = None: an empty Expression
e = dict: gives an expression with the values being the coefficients of the keys (order of terms is undetermined)
e = list or generator of 2-tuples: equivalent to dict.items()
e = LpElement: an expression of length 1 with the coefficient 1
e = other: the constant is initialised as e
>>> f=LpAffineExpression(LpElement('x')) >>> f 1*x + 0 >>> x_name = ['x_0', 'x_1', 'x_2'] >>> x = [LpVariable(x_name[i], lowBound = 0, upBound = 10) for i in range(3) ] >>> c = LpAffineExpression([ (x[0],1), (x[1],-3), (x[2],4)]) >>> c 1*x_0 + -3*x_1 + 4*x_2 + 0
In brief,
where (note the order):x[i]
is anLpVariable
is a numerical coefficient.
- addInPlace(other, sign: Literal[1, -1] = 1)
- Parameters:
sign (int) – the sign of the operation to do other. if we add other => 1 if we subtract other => -1
- asCplexLpAffineExpression(name: str, include_constant: bool = True, override_constant: float | None = None)
returns a string that represents the Affine Expression in lp format
- copy()
Make a copy of self except the name which is reset
- toDict()
exports the
into a list of dictionaries with the coefficients it does not export the constant- Returns:
list of dictionaries with the coefficients
- Return type:
- to_dict()
exports the
into a list of dictionaries with the coefficients it does not export the constant- Returns:
list of dictionaries with the coefficients
- Return type:
- class pulp.LpConstraint(e=None, sense=0, name=None, rhs=None)
An LP constraint
- Parameters:
e – an instance of
sense – one of
(0, 1, -1 respectively)name – identifying string
rhs – numerical value of constraint target
- addInPlace(other, sign: Literal[1, -1] = 1)
- Parameters:
sign (int) – the sign of the operation to do other. if we add other => 1 if we subtract other => -1
- asCplexLpAffineExpression(name: str, include_constant: bool = True)
returns a string that represents the Affine Expression in lp format
- asCplexLpConstraint(name)
Returns a constraint as a string
- copy()
Make a copy of self
- classmethod fromDict(_dict)
Initializes a constraint object from a dictionary with necessary information
- Parameters:
_dict (dict) – dictionary with data
- Returns:
a new
- classmethod from_dict(_dict)
Initializes a constraint object from a dictionary with necessary information
- Parameters:
_dict (dict) – dictionary with data
- Returns:
a new
- makeElasticSubProblem(*args, **kwargs)
Builds an elastic subproblem by adding variables to a hard constraint
uses FixedElasticSubProblem
- toDict()
exports constraint information into a dictionary
- Returns:
dictionary with all the constraint information
- class pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem(constraint: LpConstraint, penalty: float | None = None, proportionFreeBound: float | None = None, proportionFreeBoundList: tuple[float, float] | None = None)
Contains the subproblem generated by converting a fixed constraint
into an elastic constraint.- Parameters:
constraint – The LpConstraint that the elastic constraint is based on
penalty – penalty applied for violation (+ve or -ve) of the constraints
proportionFreeBound – the proportional bound (+ve and -ve) on constraint violation that is free from penalty
proportionFreeBoundList – the proportional bound on constraint violation that is free from penalty, expressed as a list where [-ve, +ve]
Creates an LP Problem
This function creates a new LP Problem with the specified associated parameters
- Parameters:
name – name of the problem used in the output .lp file
sense – of the LP problem objective. Either
(default) orLpMaximize
- Returns:
An LP Problem
- deElasticize()
de-elasticize constraint
- findLHSValue() float
for elastic constraints finds the LHS value of the constraint without the free variable and or penalty variable assumes the constant is on the rhs
- isViolated()
returns true if the penalty variables are non-zero
- reElasticize()
Make the Subproblem elastic again after deElasticize
Combinations and Permutations
- pulp.combination(iterable, r)
Return successive r-length combinations of elements in the iterable.
combinations(range(4), 3) –> (0,1,2), (0,1,3), (0,2,3), (1,2,3)
- pulp.allcombinations(orgset, k)
returns all combinations of orgset with up to k items
- Parameters:
orgset – the list to be iterated
k – the maxcardinality of the subsets
- Returns:
an iterator of the subsets
>>> c = allcombinations([1,2,3,4],2) >>> for s in c: ... print(s) (1,) (2,) (3,) (4,) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (2, 3) (2, 4) (3, 4)
- pulp.permutation(iterable, r=None)
Return successive r-length permutations of elements in the iterable.
permutations(range(3), 2) –> (0,1), (0,2), (1,0), (1,2), (2,0), (2,1)
- pulp.allpermutations(orgset, k)
returns all permutations of orgset with up to k items
- Parameters:
orgset – the list to be iterated
k – the maxcardinality of the subsets
- Returns:
an iterator of the subsets
>>> c = allpermutations([1,2,3,4],2) >>> for s in c: ... print(s) (1,) (2,) (3,) (4,) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (2, 1) (2, 3) (2, 4) (3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 4) (4, 1) (4, 2) (4, 3)
- pulp.value(x)
Returns the value of the variable/expression x, or x if it is a number