pulp: Pulp classes

LpProblem([name, sense])

An LP Problem

LpVariable(name[, lowBound, upBound, cat, e])

This class models an LP Variable with the specified associated parameters

LpAffineExpression([e, constant, name])

A linear combination of LpVariables.

LpConstraint([e, sense, name, rhs])

An LP constraint

LpConstraint.makeElasticSubProblem(*args, ...)

Builds an elastic subproblem by adding variables to a hard constraint

FixedElasticSubProblem(constraint[, ...])

Contains the subproblem generated by converting a fixed constraint iaixi=b into an elastic constraint.


LpFractionConstraint, FractionElasticSubProblem

The LpProblem Class

class pulp.LpProblem(name='NoName', sense=1)

Bases: object

An LP Problem

Creates an LP Problem

This function creates a new LP Problem with the specified associated parameters

  • name – name of the problem used in the output .lp file

  • sense – of the LP problem objective. Either LpMinimize (default) or LpMaximize.


An LP Problem

Three important attributes of the problem are:


The objective of the problem, an LpAffineExpression


An ordered dictionary of constraints of the problem - indexed by their names.


The return status of the problem from the solver.

Some of the more important methods:

solve(solver=None, **kwargs)

Solve the given Lp problem.

This function changes the problem to make it suitable for solving then calls the solver.actualSolve() method to find the solution


solver – Optional: the specific solver to be used, defaults to the default solver.

Side Effects:
  • The attributes of the problem object are changed in actualSolve() to reflect the Lp solution

roundSolution(epsInt=1e-05, eps=1e-07)

Rounds the lp variables

  • none

Side Effects:
  • The lp variables are rounded


Sets the input variable as the objective function. Used in Columnwise Modelling


obj – the objective function of type LpConstraintVar

Side Effects:
  • The objective function is set

writeLP(filename, writeSOS=1, mip=1, max_length=100)

Write the given Lp problem to a .lp file.

This function writes the specifications (objective function, constraints, variables) of the defined Lp problem to a file.


filename (str) – the name of the file to be created.



Side Effects:
  • The file is created

writeMPS(filename, mpsSense=0, rename=0, mip=1, with_objsense: bool = False)

Writes an mps files from the problem information

  • filename (str) – name of the file to write

  • mpsSense (int)

  • rename (bool) – if True, normalized names are used for variables and constraints

  • mip – variables and variable renames


Side Effects:
  • The file is created

toJson(filename, *args, **kwargs)

Creates a json file from the LpProblem information

  • filename (str) – filename to write json

  • args – additional arguments for json function

  • kwargs – additional keyword arguments for json function



classmethod fromJson(filename)

Creates a new Lp Problem from a json file with information


filename (str) – json file name


a tuple with a dictionary of variables and an LpProblem

Return type:

(dict, LpProblem)

variables() list[LpVariable]

Returns the problem variables


A list containing the problem variables

Return type:

(list, LpVariable)

Variables and Expressions

class pulp.LpElement(name)

Base class for LpVariable and LpConstraintVar

class pulp.LpVariable(name, lowBound=None, upBound=None, cat='Continuous', e=None)

This class models an LP Variable with the specified associated parameters

  • name – The name of the variable used in the output .lp file

  • lowBound – The lower bound on this variable’s range. Default is negative infinity

  • upBound – The upper bound on this variable’s range. Default is positive infinity

  • cat – The category this variable is in, Integer, Binary or Continuous(default)

  • e – Used for column based modelling: relates to the variable’s existence in the objective function and constraints


adds a variable to the constraints indicated by the LpConstraintVars in e

classmethod dicts(name, indices=None, lowBound=None, upBound=None, cat='Continuous', indexStart=[])

This function creates a dictionary of LpVariable with the specified associated parameters.

  • name – The prefix to the name of each LP variable created

  • indices – A list of strings of the keys to the dictionary of LP variables, and the main part of the variable name itself

  • lowBound – The lower bound on these variables’ range. Default is negative infinity

  • upBound – The upper bound on these variables’ range. Default is positive infinity

  • cat – The category these variables are in, Integer or Continuous(default)


A dictionary of LpVariable


changes lower bound and upper bound to the initial value if exists. :return: None

classmethod fromDict(dj=None, varValue=None, **kwargs)

Initializes a variable object from information that comes from a dictionary (kwargs)

  • dj – shadow price of the variable

  • varValue (float) – the value to set the variable

  • kwargs – arguments to initialize the variable


a LpVariable

Return type:


classmethod from_dict(dj=None, varValue=None, **kwargs)

Initializes a variable object from information that comes from a dictionary (kwargs)

  • dj – shadow price of the variable

  • varValue (float) – the value to set the variable

  • kwargs – arguments to initialize the variable


a LpVariable

Return type:



True if upBound and lowBound are the same

Return type:


setInitialValue(val, check=True)

sets the initial value of the variable to val May be used for warmStart a solver, if supported by the solver

  • val (float) – value to set to variable

  • check (bool) – if True, we check if the value fits inside the variable bounds


True if the value was set


ValueError – if check=True and the value does not fit inside the bounds


Exports a variable into a dictionary with its relevant information


a dictionary with the variable information

Return type:



Exports a variable into a dictionary with its relevant information


a dictionary with the variable information

Return type:



>>> x = LpVariable('x',lowBound = 0, cat='Continuous')
>>> y = LpVariable('y', upBound = 5, cat='Integer')

gives x[0,), y(,5], an integer.

class pulp.LpAffineExpression(e=None, constant: float = 0.0, name: str | None = None)

Bases: OrderedDict

A linear combination of LpVariables. Can be initialised with the following:

  1. e = None: an empty Expression

  2. e = dict: gives an expression with the values being the coefficients of the keys (order of terms is undetermined)

  3. e = list or generator of 2-tuples: equivalent to dict.items()

  4. e = LpElement: an expression of length 1 with the coefficient 1

  5. e = other: the constant is initialised as e


>>> f=LpAffineExpression(LpElement('x'))
>>> f
1*x + 0
>>> x_name = ['x_0', 'x_1', 'x_2']
>>> x = [LpVariable(x_name[i], lowBound = 0, upBound = 10) for i in range(3) ]
>>> c = LpAffineExpression([ (x[0],1), (x[1],-3), (x[2],4)])
>>> c
1*x_0 + -3*x_1 + 4*x_2 + 0

In brief, LpAffineExpression([(x[i],a[i]) for i inI])=iIaixi where (note the order):

  • x[i] is an LpVariable

  • a[i] is a numerical coefficient.

addInPlace(other, sign: Literal[1, -1] = 1)

sign (int) – the sign of the operation to do other. if we add other => 1 if we subtract other => -1

asCplexLpAffineExpression(name: str, include_constant: bool = True, override_constant: float | None = None)

returns a string that represents the Affine Expression in lp format

asCplexVariablesOnly(name: str)

helper for asCplexLpAffineExpression


Make a copy of self except the name which is reset

sorted_keys() list[LpElement]

returns the list of keys sorted by name


exports the LpAffineExpression into a list of dictionaries with the coefficients it does not export the constant


list of dictionaries with the coefficients

Return type:



exports the LpAffineExpression into a list of dictionaries with the coefficients it does not export the constant


list of dictionaries with the coefficients

Return type:


pulp.lpSum(vector: Iterable[LpAffineExpression | LpVariable | int | float] | Iterable[tuple[LpElement, float]] | int | float | LpElement)

Calculate the sum of a list of linear expressions


vector – A list of linear expressions


class pulp.LpConstraint(e=None, sense=0, name=None, rhs=None)

Bases: object

An LP constraint

  • e – an instance of LpAffineExpression

  • sense – one of LpConstraintEQ, LpConstraintGE, LpConstraintLE (0, 1, -1 respectively)

  • name – identifying string

  • rhs – numerical value of constraint target

addInPlace(other, sign: Literal[1, -1] = 1)

sign (int) – the sign of the operation to do other. if we add other => 1 if we subtract other => -1

asCplexLpAffineExpression(name: str, include_constant: bool = True)

returns a string that represents the Affine Expression in lp format


Returns a constraint as a string

changeRHS(RHS: float)

alters the RHS of a constraint so that it can be modified in a resolve


Make a copy of self

classmethod fromDict(_dict)

Initializes a constraint object from a dictionary with necessary information


_dict (dict) – dictionary with data


a new LpConstraint

classmethod from_dict(_dict)

Initializes a constraint object from a dictionary with necessary information


_dict (dict) – dictionary with data


a new LpConstraint

makeElasticSubProblem(*args, **kwargs)

Builds an elastic subproblem by adding variables to a hard constraint

uses FixedElasticSubProblem


exports constraint information into a dictionary


dictionary with all the constraint information

class pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem(constraint: LpConstraint, penalty: float | None = None, proportionFreeBound: float | None = None, proportionFreeBoundList: tuple[float, float] | None = None)

Bases: LpProblem

Contains the subproblem generated by converting a fixed constraint iaixi=b into an elastic constraint.

  • constraint – The LpConstraint that the elastic constraint is based on

  • penalty – penalty applied for violation (+ve or -ve) of the constraints

  • proportionFreeBound – the proportional bound (+ve and -ve) on constraint violation that is free from penalty

  • proportionFreeBoundList – the proportional bound on constraint violation that is free from penalty, expressed as a list where [-ve, +ve]

Creates an LP Problem

This function creates a new LP Problem with the specified associated parameters

  • name – name of the problem used in the output .lp file

  • sense – of the LP problem objective. Either LpMinimize (default) or LpMaximize.


An LP Problem

alterName(name: str)

Alters the name of anonymous parts of the problem


de-elasticize constraint

findDifferenceFromRHS() float

The amount the actual value varies from the RHS (sense: LHS - RHS)

findLHSValue() float

for elastic constraints finds the LHS value of the constraint without the free variable and or penalty variable assumes the constant is on the rhs


returns true if the penalty variables are non-zero


Make the Subproblem elastic again after deElasticize

Combinations and Permutations

pulp.combination(iterable, r)

Return successive r-length combinations of elements in the iterable.

combinations(range(4), 3) –> (0,1,2), (0,1,3), (0,2,3), (1,2,3)

pulp.allcombinations(orgset, k)

returns all combinations of orgset with up to k items

  • orgset – the list to be iterated

  • k – the maxcardinality of the subsets


an iterator of the subsets


>>> c = allcombinations([1,2,3,4],2)
>>> for s in c:
...     print(s)
(1, 2)
(1, 3)
(1, 4)
(2, 3)
(2, 4)
(3, 4)
pulp.permutation(iterable, r=None)

Return successive r-length permutations of elements in the iterable.

permutations(range(3), 2) –> (0,1), (0,2), (1,0), (1,2), (2,0), (2,1)

pulp.allpermutations(orgset, k)

returns all permutations of orgset with up to k items

  • orgset – the list to be iterated

  • k – the maxcardinality of the subsets


an iterator of the subsets


>>> c = allpermutations([1,2,3,4],2)
>>> for s in c:
...     print(s)
(1, 2)
(1, 3)
(1, 4)
(2, 1)
(2, 3)
(2, 4)
(3, 1)
(3, 2)
(3, 4)
(4, 1)
(4, 2)
(4, 3)

Returns the value of the variable/expression x, or x if it is a number