Diving occurs automatically if the number of fractional variables in the child to be dived into is less than fractional_diving_num or the fraction of total variables that are fractional is less than fractional_diving_ratio. This overrides the other diving rules. Note that in order for this option to work, the code must be compiled with FRACTIONAL_BRANCHING defined. This is the default. See the makefile for more details.
There are three options if it is desired to keep some description of the pruned nodes around. First, their full description can be written out to disk and freed from memory (KEEP_ON_DISK_FULL{1}). There is not really too much you can do with this kind of file, but theoretically, it contains a full record of the solution process and could be used to provide a certificate of optimality (if we were using exact arithmetic) using an independent verifier. In this case, the line following keep_description_of_pruned should be a line containing the keyword pruned_node_file_name with its corresponding value being the name of a file to which a description of the pruned nodes can be written. The file does not need to exist and will be over-written if it does exist.
If you have the software VBCTOOL, then you can alternatively just write out the information VBCTOOL needs to display the tree (KEEP_ON_DISK_VBC_TOOL{2}).
Finally, the user can set the value to of this parameter to KEEP_IN_MEMORY{2}, in which case all pruned nodes will be kept in memory and written out to the regular log file if that option is chosen. This is really only useful for debugging. Otherwise, pruned nodes should be flushed.
If the value of this parameter is set to FULL_LOGGING{1}, then all information needed to warm start the calculation will written out periodically. The next two lines of the parameter file following should contain the keywords tree_log_file_name and cut_log_file_name along with corresponding file names as values. These will be the files used to record the search tree and related data and the list of cuts needed to reconstruct the tree.
If the value of the parameter is set to VBC_TOOL{2}, then only the information VBCTOOL needs to display the tree will be logged. This is not really a very useful option since a “live” picture of the tree can be obtained using the vbc_emulation parameter described below.