Bonmin::AmplInterface | Class for providing an Osi interface to Ipopt with an ampl nl file as input |
Bonmin::AmplTMINLP | Ampl MINLP Interface |
Bonmin::AuxInfo | Bonmin class for passing info between components of branch-and-cuts |
Bonmin::Bab | |
Bonmin::BabInfo | Bonmin class for passing info between components of branch-and-cuts |
Bonmin::BabSetupBase | A class to have all elements necessary to setup a branch-and-bound |
Bonmin::BonCbcFullNodeInfo | Holds information for recreating a subproblem by incremental change from the parent for Bonmin |
Bonmin::BonCbcPartialNodeInfo | Holds information for recreating a subproblem by incremental change from the parent for |
Bonmin::BonChooseVariable | This class chooses a variable to branch on |
Bonmin::BonminAmplSetup | |
Bonmin::BonminSetup | |
BonRandomChoice | |
Bonmin::BoundsReader | Reads a file containing change bounds for variables |
Bonmin::BqpdSolver | |
Bonmin::BqpdWarmStart | Warm start for filter interface |
Bonmin::TMINLP::BranchingInfo | Stores branching priorities information |
Bonmin::BranchingTQP | This is an adapter class that converts a TMINLP2TNLP object into a TNLP, which is now just a QP |
Bonmin::BqpdSolver::cachedInfo | Cached information for reoptimizing |
Bonmin::FilterSolver::cachedInfo | Cached information for reoptimizing |
Bonmin::CbcDfsDiver | A more elaborate diving class |
Bonmin::CbcDiver | Class to do diving in the tree |
Bonmin::CbcNlpStrategy | |
Bonmin::CbcProbedDiver | Class to do probed diving in the tree |
Bonmin::CbcStrategyChooseCuts | A class to setup default strategy for Cbc specifying which cut generators to use |
Bonmin::TMat::ColumnOrder | Structure for ordering matrix by columns |
Bonmin::CurvatureEstimator | |
Bonmin::CurvBranchingSolver | Implementation of BonChooseVariable for curvature-based braching |
Bonmin::Cuts | Generalizes OsiCuts to handle quadratic cuts |
Bonmin::CutStrengthener | Class for strengthening OA cuts, and generating additional ones |
Bonmin::BabSetupBase::CuttingMethod | Type for cut generation method with its frequency and string identification |
Bonmin::LinearCutsGenerator::CuttingMethod | Type for cut generation method with its frequency and string identification |
Bonmin::DiverCompare | |
Bonmin::DummyHeuristic | |
Bonmin::DummyPump | |
Bonmin::EcpCuts | |
Bonmin::FilterSolver | |
Bonmin::FilterWarmStart | Warm start for filter interface |
Bonmin::FilterWarmStartDiff | |
Bonmin::FixAndSolveHeuristic | |
Bonmin::GuessHeuristic | |
Bonmin::HeuristicDive | |
Bonmin::HeuristicDiveFractional | |
Bonmin::HeuristicDiveMIP | |
Bonmin::HeuristicDiveMIPFractional | |
Bonmin::HeuristicDiveMIPVectorLength | |
Bonmin::HeuristicDiveVectorLength | |
Bonmin::HeuristicFPump | |
Bonmin::HeuristicLocalBranching | |
Bonmin::BabSetupBase::HeuristicMethod | Type for heuristic method with its string identification |
Bonmin::HeuristicRINS | |
Bonmin::HotInfo | |
Bonmin::IpoptInteriorWarmStarter | |
Bonmin::IpoptSolver | |
Bonmin::IpoptWarmStart | Class for storing warm start informations for Ipopt |
Bonmin::IpoptWarmStartDiff | Diff class for IpoptWarmStart |
Bonmin::LinearCutsGenerator | |
Bonmin::LocalSolverBasedHeuristic | |
Bonmin::LpBranchingSolver | Implementation of BonChooseVariable for curvature-based braching |
Bonmin::NamesReader::ltstr | String comparison strucutre |
Bonmin::TMINLP::MarkedNonConvex | Structure for marked non-convex constraints |
Bonmin::OsiTMINLPInterface::Messages | Messages written by an OsiTMINLPInterface |
Bonmin::BonChooseVariable::Messages | |
Bonmin::MilpRounding | |
Bonmin::MinlpFeasPump | |
MyTMINLP | A C++ example for interfacing an MINLP with bonmin |
Bonmin::NamesReader | A class for reading a .col or .row file containing name for variables and constraints (usually ampl generated file) |
Bonmin::OACutGenerator2 | Class to perform OA in its classical form |
Bonmin::OaDecompositionBase | Base class for OA algorithms |
Bonmin::OaFeasibilityChecker | Class to perform OA in its classical form |
Bonmin::OaMessages | Output messages for Outer approximation cutting planes |
Bonmin::OaNlpOptim | Generate cuts for the nlp corresponding to continuous relaxation at a node |
Bonmin::OsiTMINLPInterface | This is class provides an Osi interface for a Mixed Integer Linear Program expressed as a TMINLP (so that we can use it for example as the continuous solver in Cbc) |
Bonmin::OuterApprox | A class to build outer approximations |
Bonmin::OaDecompositionBase::Parameters | Parameters for algorithm |
Bonmin::TMINLP::PerturbInfo | Class to store perturbation radii for variables in the model |
Bonmin::PseudoCosts | |
Bonmin::PumpForMinlp | |
Bonmin::QpBranchingSolver | This class chooses a variable to branch on |
Bonmin::QuadCut | |
Bonmin::QuadRow | Stores a quadratic row of the form l < c + ax + x^T Q x < u |
Bonmin::RegisteredOptions | Class to add a few more information to Ipopt::RegisteredOptions |
Bonmin::RoundingFPump | |
Bonmin::TMat::RowOrder | Structure for ordering matrix by columns |
Bonmin::TMINLP::SimpleConcaveConstraint | Structure which describes a constraints of the form $f[ y F(x) ] with ![]() |
Bonmin::OsiTMINLPInterface::SimpleError | Error class to throw exceptions from OsiTMINLPInterface |
Bonmin::SimpleReferenced< X > | |
Bonmin::SimpleReferencedPtr< X > | |
Bonmin::SolReader | A class for reading a .col or .row file containing name for variables and constraints (usually ampl generated file) |
Bonmin::OaDecompositionBase::solverManip | Small class to manipulatee various things in an OsiSolverInterface and restore them |
Bonmin::TMINLP::SosInfo | Class to store sos constraints for model |
Bonmin::StartPointReader | This class reads a file with a starting point for Ipopt initalization |
Bonmin::CutStrengthener::StrengtheningTNLP | Class implementing the TNLP for strengthening one cut |
Bonmin::StrongBranchingSolver | This class is the base class for a solver that can be used in BonOsiSolverInterface to perform the strong branching solves |
Bonmin::SubMipSolver | A very simple class to provide a common interface for solving MIPs with Cplex and Cbc |
Bonmin::TMat | |
Bonmin::TMat::TMatOrdering | Structure for ordering matrix |
Bonmin::TMINLP | Base class for all MINLPs that use a standard triplet matrix form and dense vectors |
Bonmin::TMINLP2OsiLP | A transformer class to build outer approximations i.e |
Bonmin::TMINLP2TNLP | This is an adapter class that converts a TMINLP to a TNLP to be solved by Ipopt |
Bonmin::TMINLP2TNLPQuadCuts | This is a derived class fro TMINLP2TNLP to handle adding quadratic cuts |
Bonmin::TMINLPLinObj | From a TMINLP, this class adapts to another TMINLP where the original objective is transformed into a constraint by adding an extra variable which is minimized |
Bonmin::TNLP2FPNLP | This is an adapter class to convert an NLP to a Feasibility Pump NLP by changing the objective function to the (2-norm) distance to a point |
Bonmin::TNLPSolver | This is a generic class for calling an NLP solver to solve a TNLP |
Bonmin::BqpdSolver::UnsolvedBqpdError | |
Bonmin::TNLPSolver::UnsolvedError | We will throw this error when a problem is not solved |
Bonmin::FilterSolver::UnsolvedFilterError | |
Bonmin::IpoptSolver::UnsolvedIpoptError | |
Bonmin::vector< T > | A small wrap around std::vector to give easy access to array for interfacing with fortran code |
vector |