This enumerative constant describes the message tags different processes of Alps understand.
Enumerator |
AlpsMsgContOrTerm | The message tag indicating that the send ask the recv to continue or terminate.
AlpsMsgAskDonate | Ask the receiver worker to donor workload to the specified worker.
AlpsMsgAskDonateToHub | Ask the receiver worker to donor workload to the specified hub.
AlpsMsgAskHubShare | Aks the receiver hub to share workload with the specified hub.
AlpsMsgFinishInit | The message tag indicating that initialization is finished.
AlpsMsgHubLoad | Hub load, msg counts are in the buf.
AlpsMsgAskLoad | The message tag indicating that the send ask the recv to send its load information.
AlpsMsgAskPause | The message tag indicating that the send ask the recv to pause current work immediately or after finishing the work on hand.
AlpsMsgAskTerminate | The message tag indicating that the send ask the recv to terminate.
AlpsMsgIdle | The message tag indicating that the process sent the message is idle.
AlpsMsgIncumbent | The message tag indicating that a incumbent is in the message buf.
AlpsMsgLoadInfo | The message tag indicating that cluster and system workloads are in the message buf.
AlpsMsgWorkerNeedWork | The message tag indicating that the sender has no workload.
AlpsMsgModel | The message tag indicating that a model is being sent or received.
AlpsMsgNode | The message tag indicating that a node is being sent or received.
AlpsMsgParams | The message tag indicating that parameters are being sent or received.
AlpsMsgTermCheck | Termination check.
AlpsMsgHubCheckCluster | Hub check the status of its workers.
AlpsMsgHubPeriodCheck | Hub periodically check the status of its workers.
AlpsMsgHubPeriodReport | Hub periodically report its status to master.
AlpsMsgHubStatus | Hub's status is in buf.
AlpsMsgWorkerStatus | Worker's status is in buf.
AlpsMsgHubTermStatus | Hub's status is in buf, used in termination checking.
AlpsMsgWorkerTermStatus | Worker's status is in buf, used in termination checking.
AlpsMsgSize | The size of the message.
AlpsMsgSubTreeByMaster | Send or receive a subtree due to master load balancing.
AlpsMsgSubTree | Send or receive a subtree due to hub load balancing.
AlpsMsgNodeSize | Tree node size.
AlpsMsgTellMasterRecv | |
AlpsMsgTellHubRecv | |
AlpsMsgIndicesFromMaster | |
AlpsMsgWorkerAskIndices | |
AlpsMsgForceTerm | |
AlpsMsgMasterIncumbent | |
AlpsMsgHubIncumbent | |
AlpsMsgAskHubPause | |
AlpsMsgAskDonateToWorker | Ask the receiver worker to donor workload to the specified worker.
AlpsMsgSubTreeByWorker | |
AlpsMsgIncumbentTwo | |
AlpsMsgModelGenRampUp | The message tag indicating that knowledge generated during rampup about model is being sent or received.
AlpsMsgModelGenSearch | The message tag indicating that knowledge generated during search about model is being sent or received.
AlpsMsgHubFailFindDonor | When requested by master during inter balance, hub failed to identify a donor worker.
AlpsMsgRampUpLoad | Load info during ramp up.
AlpsMsgRampUpDonate | Donate during ramp up.
AlpsMsgFinishInitHub | Hub finished ramp up.
Used in spiral method.
AlpsMsgErrorCode | Error code.