
Another of the internally defined data structures that the user has to deal with frequently is the cut_data data structure, used to store the packed form of cuts. This structure has 8 fields listed below.

int size
The size of the coef array.
char *coef
An array containing the packed form of the cut, which is defined and constructed by the user. Given this packed form and a list of the variables active in the current relaxation, the user must be able to construct the corresponding constraint.
double rhs
The right hand side of the constraint.
double range
The range of the constraint. It is zero for a standard form constraint. Otherwise, the row activity level is limited to between rhs and ${\tt rhs}+{\tt range}$.
char type
A user-defined type identifier that represents the general class that the cut belongs to.
char sense
The sense of the constraint. Can be either 'L' ($\leq$), 'E' ($=$), 'G' ($\geq$) or 'R' (ranged). This may be evident from the type.
char deletable
Determines whether or not a cut can be deleted once added to the formulation. TRUE by default.
char branch
Determines whether the cut can be branched on or not. Possible initial values are DO_NOT_BRANCH_ON_THIS_ROW and ALLOWED_TO_BRANCH_ON.
int name
Identifier used by SYMPHONY. The user should not set this.
