Advanced Configuration Options

The script supports many advnaced configuration options. See Figure 2.1 for a list of some of the options the user may want to set.

Figure 2.1: A list of useful configuration options
\texttt{--enable-debug} & compile all p...
...t{--without-tm} & compile without tree manager module

In order to enable or disable an option, add the option as an argument to the script. For instance, running

./coinbrew fetch build SYMPHONY@\VER --enable-debug
will compile the source files with the debugging flag.

It is possible to use compilers other than the default (which is g++). For example, to perform an automated build of SYMPHONY using the MSVC++ compiler cl with GNU autotools in the CYGWIN environment configure with

 ./coinbrew fetch build SYMPHONY@\VER --enable-msvc

To test out the optimizer manually. a sample MPS file called sample.mps and a sample GMPL/AMPL file called sample.mod together with its data file sample.dat are included with the distribution. You can use either the command-line or the interactive optimizer. To solve the sample MPS model, type

 bin/symphony -F SYMPHONY/Datasets/sample.mps
To solve the GMPL model, use the -F switch to specify the file name and the -D for the data file name if the input is in GMPL/AMPL format, i.e., type
 bin/symphony -F SYMPHONY/Datasets/sample.mod -D SYMPHONY/Datasets/sample.dat
For more MPS data files for further testing, see the MIPLIB library in the Data/ subdirectory. To run the interactive optimizer, execute SYMPHONY without any command-line arguments, i.e., type
and then type help or ? to see a list of available commands. After the SYMPHONY library and the executable are compiled and tested, you can type
 make clean
if you want to save disk space. That's it! Now you are ready to use SYMPHONY callable library or solve generic MILP problems through the executable.