MibS Quick Start


MibS uses semantic versioning (major.minor.patch). There are three major versions of MibS currently under development.

  • Versions with major number 1 are recommended for most users. This is the original solver, which is focused on solution of deterministic mixed integer bilevel linear optimization problems (MIBLPs). The latest minor version in this series is 1.2 and the most recent release is Latest Release.
  • The version in the master branch will become major version 2 and can additionally solve stochastic MIBLPs. Once released, this version will subsume all capabilities of version 1 and version 1 will be deprecated. It has not yet had a release, but is well tested.
  • There is also a major verion 3 of MibS under development that incorporates the ability to solve MIBLPs under the assumption of bounded rationality.

Building and Installing

For information on building and installing MibS on different platforms, see the README for the appropriate version, e.g., here (procedure is similar for all versions), or the more detailed COIN-OR User Guide.


To understand how to use MibS, it helps to know that MibS is built on top of the BLIS MILP solver, which is in turn implemented using the (COIN-OR High-Performance Parallel Search (CHiPPS) Framework and more specifically with the [Abstract Library for Parallel Search ALPS, a library of abstract base classes for implementing parallel search algorithms. You can find a detailed description of the algorithms and the important parameters of major version 1 of MibS here.

Modelling Systems

MibS has interfaces to the following modelling systems that allow the user to conveniently build the bilevel model in a high-level modelling language and pass the model to MibS through the interface for solution.

  • Pyomo (Python) through the PAO package, see here
  • JuMP (Julia) through the BilevelJuMP package, see here for an example.

Basic Command-line Usage

The command-line interface on all platforms consists of the executable name mibs followed by a list of pairs of parameters and values. Parameter names should always be preceded by a -. Some of the parameters are MibS parameters, but parameters of ALPS and BLIS may also be necessary.

Version 1

To solve a deterministic mixed integer bilevel linear optimization problem with MibS version 1, you must provide both an MPS, LP, or GMPL/AMPL file and an auxiliary information file that specifies which variables and constraints are associated with the each level (see here). Then call mibs like this:

mibs -instance file.mps -auxiliaryInfoFile file.aux

Note that specifying the name and location of the auxiliary is unnecessary if it has the same base name and is in the same folder.

MibS has many additional parameters, many of which are documented here. See the example parameter file mibs.par and the header file MibParams.hpp for additional information. It is also possible to specify additional settings in a parameter file with, e.g.,

mibs -param MibS/src/mibs.par 

Version 2

Major version 2 ofMibS is additionally capable of solving two-stage mixed integer stochastic bilevel linear optimization problems. There are two different ways to specify such problems to MibS.

  • Provide an MPS file, a time file and a stoch file in the same way as the SMPS format. The second-stage objective coefficients should be defined at the end of the time file (see here). For this instance format, call mibs like this:
    dist/bin/mibs -Alps_instance file.mps -MibS_auxiliaryTimFile file.tim -MibS_auxiliaryStoFile file.sto -MibS_stochasticityType stochasticWithoutSAA -MibS_isSMPSFormat 1 -MibS_isA2Random 1 

    The parameter MibS_isA2Random should be set to 0 in case the coefficients of the first-stage variables in the second-stage problem are not random variables.

  • Provide an MPS file and an auxiliary information file in the same way as deterministic bilevel problems. In this case, the probability distributions of the random variables must also be specified by setting the values of corresponding parameters (MibS currently supports only the discrete uniform distribution). For a sample parameter file, see [https://github.com/coin-or/MibS/blob/master/src/mibsStochastic.par.in].

The C++ API

Major versions 1 and 2 both have a C++ class library that can be used to link to the MibS from another application. The main class user interact with is the MibSModel class. Below is a short code snippet showing how to pass instance data to MibS in memory from another application. As described above, MibS is ultimately built on the abstract base classes of ALPS and hence the solve call is actually invoked by calling the search method of the AlpsKnowledgeBroker object. (In the future, we plan to wrap all of this in order to make invocation simpler to understand).

#include <iostream>

#include "OsiSolverInterface.hpp"
#include "OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp"

#include "MibSConfig.hpp"
#include "MibSModel.hpp"

#include "AlpsKnowledgeBrokerSerial.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   /** Set up lp solver **/
   OsiClpSolverInterface lpSolver;
   /** Create MibS model **/
   MibSModel model;

   /*                                                              */
   /* Add code here that fills in the data structures needed for   */
   /* the functions below.                                          */
   /*                                                              */

   /* The auxiliary data describes which rows and variables in the */
   /* upper level and which are in the lower level, as well as     */
   /* specifying the lower-level objective function                */
   model.loadAuxiliaryData(lowerColNum, lowerRowNum, lowerColInd,
                            lowerRowInd, 1.0, lObjCoeff,
                            upperColNum, upperRowNum, upperColInd,
                            upperRowInd, structRowNum, structRowInd,
                            0, NULL, lColLbInLProb, lColUbInLProb);

   /* The problem data itself is passed in as a CoinPackedMatrix,  */
   /* vectors of upper and lower bounds, etc., as usual for an     */
   /* MILP solver                                                  */
   model.loadProblemData(*newMatrix, varLB, varUB, objCoef, conLB,
                          conUB, colType, 1, mps->getInfinity(),

   int argc = 1;
   char** argv = new char* [1];
   argv[0] = "mibs";

   /* Create the knowledge broker to do the actual search. argc */
   /* argv are passed in to parse the arguments                 */
   AlpsKnowledgeBrokerSerial broker(argc, argv, model);

   /** This is the function that does the solve **/

   /** Get the solution **/

   if (model->getNumSolutions() == 0){
      std::cout << "MibS did not find any bilevel feasible solutions. "
               << std::endl;

   MibSSolution *solution = dynamic_cast<MibSSolution* >
   double *y = new double[upperColNum];
   for (j = lowerColNum; j < numTotalCols; j++){
      y[j - lowerColNum] = floor(solution->getValues()[j] + 0.5);

There are also function in MibSModel for directly parsing MPS/LP/AMPL/GMPL files, as well as axiliary files if thoe are to be read directly. See MibSModel.hpp.