Module coinor.grumpy.BBTree
Expand source code
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from future import standard_library
from builtins import str
from builtins import hex
from builtins import range
from past.utils import old_div
# Copyright 2009, 2010 Google Inc.
# Copyright 2007 University of Pittsburgh.
# Copyright 2012, 2013 Lehigh University
# Google coding done by Brady Hunsaker.
# U of Pittsburgh coding done by Osman Ozaltin and Brady Hunsaker.
# Lehigh University coding done by Ted Ralphs and Aykut Bulut
# This file was part of BAK (Branch-and-bound Analysis Kit).
# It has now been incporporated into GrUMPy (Graphics for Understanding
# Mathematical Programming in Python).
# The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public License
# 1.0. (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of
# the Common Public License along with STOP.
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# For developers: Please keep the code style consistent with the Python
# style guide for Google's Summer of Code, except use 4 spaces to indent:
__author__ = 'Brady Hunsaker, Osman Ozaltin, Ted Ralphs, Aykut Bulut'
__maintainer__ = 'Aykut Bulut ('
This package is for visualizing branch-and-bound. It also contains
a basic branch-and-bound implementation primarily for classroom and educational
Communication with solvers is through a grammar described in separate
documentation. Solvers can interface to this class in a number of
different ways and a number of different types of images may be created.
Images at intervals that can be specified on the command line as well as after
new incumbent solutions are found.
Note that the generation of tree images takes significantly longer than other
images because every node appears in the image.
import math
import random
import re
import subprocess
import sys, os
import tempfile
import optparse
from src.gimpy import PIL_INSTALLED, ETREE_INSTALLED
from src.gimpy import quote_if_necessary as quote
except ImportError:
from coinor.gimpy import PIL_INSTALLED, ETREE_INSTALLED
from coinor.gimpy import quote_if_necessary as quote
from io import StringIO
from pulp import LpVariable, lpSum, LpProblem, LpMaximize, LpConstraint
from pulp import LpStatus, value
from .forecasting import ForecastingChainedSequences
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image as PIL_Image
# branch strategy
# search strategy
# branching strategies
MOST_FRACTIONAL = 'Most Fraction'
FIXED_BRANCHING = 'Fixed Branching'
PSEUDOCOST_BRANCHING = 'Pseudocost Branching'
# search strategies
DEPTH_FIRST = 'Depth First'
BEST_FIRST = 'Best First'
BEST_ESTIMATE = 'Best Estimate'
INFINITY = sys.maxsize
\usepackage[x11names, rgb]{xcolor}
% Start of code
% \begin{tikzpicture}[anchor=mid,>=latex',join=bevel,<<graphstyle>>]
% End of code
class BBTree(BinaryTree):
Methods to process and visualize information about a b&b tree. It can
process an output file (in a specific format, see BAK project in COIN-OR) of
a solver that has three information. See in examples directory fot
this use. Moreover it implements a branch and bound method that can solve
binary programs (0-1 variables only) using PuLP as an LP solver. It provides
different branching and searching strategies. See in test
This is the main class of GrUMPy. It inherits BinaryTree from GIMPy and
keeps the entire branch-and-bound tree in self.
def __init__(self, **attrs):
if not 'layout' in attrs:
attrs['layout']= 'bak'
BinaryTree.__init__(self, **attrs)
# User-controlled constant values
self._label = ''
self._filename = None
self._logscaley = False
self._fathom = False
self._wait_for_keypress = True
self._edge_limit = 1000000
# current time, updated each time we read a new line
self._time = 0.0
# use at most NUM nodes of each type in tree images; zero means no limit
self._sample_tree = 0
# Instance-dependent constant values
self._optimization_sense = None
self._start_time = None
self._histogram_lower_bound = None
self._histogram_upper_bound = None
self._scatterplot_lower_bound = None
self._scatterplot_upper_bound = None
self._integer_infeasibility_lower_bound = None
self._integer_infeasibility_upper_bound = None
# Changing reference values
self._image_counter = 0
self._next_image_time = None
self._incumbent_value = None
self._incumbent_parent = None
self._new_integer_solution = False
self._max_objective_value = None
self._min_objective_value = None
self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum = None
# List of incumbent path data files, for the all incumbent paths image
self._incumbent_path_datafiles = []
# Objects for measuring and predicting progress
self._objective_gap_forecaster = ForecastingChainedSequences()
self._sum_subtree_gaps_forecaster = ForecastingChainedSequences()
self._sum_subtree_gaps_scale = 1.0
self._previous_incumbent_value = None # Only needed for SSG
if 'display' in attrs:
def process_file(self, file_name):
self._filename = file_name
input_file = open(file_name, 'r')
# Parse all the lines
for line in input_file:
if self.root is not None:
def write_as_dynamic_gexf(self, filename, mode = "Dot"):
print('Gexf not installed. Exiting.')
if mode == 'Dot':
gexf = Gexf("Mike O'Sullivan", "Dynamic graph file")
graph = gexf.addGraph("directed", "dynamic", "Dynamic graph")
objAtt = graph.addNodeAttribute("obj", "0.0", "float")
currAtt = graph.addNodeAttribute("current", "1.0",
"integer", "dynamic")
node_names = self.get_node_list()
for name in node_names:
node = self.get_node(name)
if node.get("step") is None:
raise Exception("Node without step in BBTree",
"node =", node)
curr_step = '%s' % node.get("step")
next_step = "%s" % (node.get("step") + 1)
n = graph.addNode(name, node.get_label(), start=curr_step)
if node.get("obj") is None:
raise Exception("Node without objective in BBTree",
"node =", node)
n.addAttribute(objAtt, "%s" % node.get("obj"))
n.addAttribute(currAtt, "1", start=curr_step, end=next_step)
n.addAttribute(currAtt, "0", start=next_step)
edge_names = self.get_edge_list()
for i, (m_name, n_name) in enumerate(edge_names):
edge = self.get_edge(m_name, n_name)
if edge.get("step") is None:
raise Exception("Edge without step in BBTree",
"edge =", (m_name, n_name))
curr_step = "%s" % edge.get("step")
graph.addEdge(i, m_name, n_name, start=curr_step)
output_file = open(filename + ".gexf", "w")
except Exception as e:
print("No .gexf file created")
raise Exception("Only Dot mode supported in write_as_dynamic_gexf")
def set_display_mode(self, mode):
if mode is 'off':
self.attr['display'] = mode
elif mode is 'matplotlib':
self.attr['display'] = 'matplotlib'
print('Matplotlib is not installed. Display is set to off.')
self.attr['display'] = 'off'
elif mode is 'PIL':
self.attr['display'] = 'PIL'
print('PIL is not installed. Display is set to off.')
self.attr['display'] = 'off'
elif mode is 'xdot':
self.attr['display'] = 'xdot'
print('Xdot is not installed. Display is set to off.')
self.attr['display'] = 'off'
elif mode is 'file':
self.attr['display'] = 'file'
elif mode is 'matplotlib':
self.attr['display'] = 'matplotlib'
raise Exception('%s is not a valid display mode.' %mode)
def display(self, item = 'all', basename = 'graph', format='png',
count=None, pause=False, wait_for_click=True):
Displays/Saves images requested. BranchAndBound method calls this method
to visualize the branch and bound tree.
if self.attr['layout'] != 'bak':
if 'init_log_cond' in self.root.attr:
max_log_cond = 0
for n in list(self.nodes.values()):
if 'init_log_cond' in n.attr:
max_log_cond = max(n.attr['init_log_cond'], max_log_cond)
for n in list(self.nodes.values()):
if 'init_log_cond' in n.attr:
log_begin = n.attr['init_log_cond']
log_end = n.attr['final_log_cond']
normalized_cond = (1-old_div(log_begin,max_log_cond))
color = str(hex(int(normalized_cond*256))[2:]) if normalized_cond >= .0625 else '0' + str(hex(int(normalized_cond*256))[2:])
n.attr['label'] = '%.0f \n %.0f' % (log_begin, log_end)
n.attr['color'] = '#' + color*3
n.attr['fillcolor'] = '#' + color*3
n.attr['style'] = 'filled'
n.attr['label'] = ' '
BinaryTree.display(self, pause = pause, wait_for_click = wait_for_click)
if self.attr['display'] is 'off':
if self.attr['display'] is 'matplotlib':
gnuplot_script = None
if item=='all':
elif item=='tree':
gnuplot_script = self.GenerateTreeImage()
elif item=='scatterplot':
gnuplot_script = self.GenerateScatterplot()
elif item=='histogram':
gnuplot_script = self.GenerateHistogram()
elif item=='incumbent':
gnuplot_script = self.GenerateIncumbentPath()
elif item=='forecast':
gnuplot_script = self.GenerateForecastImages()
raise Exception('Unknown display() method argument %s' %item)
if gnuplot_script is not None:
# clean auxilary files.
histogram_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("histogram")]
incumbent_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("incumbentpath")]
scatterplot_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("scatterplot")]
t_fathomed_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("tree_fathomed")]
t_infeasible_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("tree_infeasible")]
t_pregnant_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("tree_pregnant")]
t_integer_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("tree_integer")]
t_branched_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("tree_branched")]
bak_filelist = (histogram_files + incumbent_files +
scatterplot_files + t_fathomed_files +
t_integer_files + t_branched_files +
t_infeasible_files + t_pregnant_files)
for f in bak_filelist:
elif self.attr['display'] is 'xdot':
window = xdot.DotWindow()
window.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)
print('Error: xdot not installed. Display disabled.')
self.attr['display'] = 'off'
elif self.attr['display'] is 'file':
if count is not None:
basename = basename + '_' + str(count)
if self.attr['layout'] is 'dot2tex':
if format != 'pdf' or format != 'ps':
print("Dot2tex only supports pdf and ps formats,"+\
"falling back to pdf")
format = 'pdf'
tex = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.to_string(), autosize=True,
texmode = 'math',
template = DOT2TEX_TEMPLATE)
f = open(basename+'.tex', 'w')
f.close()['latex', basename])
if format == 'ps':['dvips', basename])
elif format == 'pdf':['pdflatex', basename])
# clean auxilary files.
aux_filelist = [basename+'.tex', basename+'.log',
basename+'.dvi', basename+'.aux']
for f in aux_filelist:
print("Dot2tex not installed, falling back to graphviz")
self.write(basename+'.'+format, self.get_layout(), format)
gnuplot_script = None
if item=='all':
elif item=='tree':
gnuplot_script = self.GenerateTreeImage()
elif item=='scatterplot':
gnuplot_script = self.GenerateScatterplot()
elif item=='histogram':
gnuplot_script = self.GenerateHistogram()
elif item=='incumbent':
gnuplot_script = self.GenerateIncumbentPath()
elif item=='forecast':
gnuplot_script = self.GenerateForecastImages()
raise Exception('Unknown display() method argument %s' %item)
if gnuplot_script is not None:
self.write_image(gnuplot_script, basename+'.'+format)
# clean auxilary files.
histogram_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("histogram")]
incumbent_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("incumbentpath")]
scatterplot_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("scatterplot")]
t_fathomed_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("tree_fathomed")]
t_infeasible_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("tree_infeasible")]
t_pregnant_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("tree_pregnant")]
t_integer_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("tree_integer")]
t_branched_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".")
if f.startswith("tree_branched")]
bak_filelist = (histogram_files + incumbent_files +
scatterplot_files + t_fathomed_files +
t_integer_files + t_branched_files +
t_infeasible_files + t_pregnant_files)
for f in bak_filelist:
raise Exception('Unknown display mode %s' %self.attr['display'])
def display_all(self):
Assumes all the images have the same size.
print ('This function is deprected and no longer functions')
# Old source, just in case
# print('Matplotlib or Pillow not installed. Display disabled')
# return
# tree = self.GenerateTreeImage()
# scatterplot = self.GenerateScatterplot()
# histogram = self.GenerateHistogram()
# incumbent = self.GenerateIncumbentPath()
# if tree is not None:
# imTree = StringIO(tree)
# pTree = pygame.image.load(imTree, 'png')
# sTree = pTree.get_size()
# rTree = pygame.Rect(0,0,sTree[0],sTree[1])
# if scatterplot is not None:
# imScatterplot = StringIO(scatterplot)
# pScatterplot = pygame.image.load(imScatterplot, 'png')
# sScatterplot = pScatterplot.get_size()
# rScatterplot = pygame.Rect(sTree[0],0,sScatterplot[0],
# sScatterplot[1])
# if histogram is not None:
# imHistogram = StringIO(histogram)
# pHistogram = pygame.image.load(imHistogram, 'png')
# sHistogram = pHistogram.get_size()
# rHistogram = pygame.Rect(0,sTree[1],sHistogram[0],sHistogram[1])
# if incumbent is not None:
# imIncumbent = StringIO(incumbent)
# pIncumbent = pygame.image.load(imIncumbent, 'png')
# sIncumbent = pIncumbent.get_size()
# rIncumbent = pygame.Rect(sTree[0],sTree[1],sIncumbent[0],
# sIncumbent[1])
# screen = pygame.display.set_mode((sTree[0]+sTree[0], sTree[1]+sTree[1]))
# if tree is not None:
# screen.blit(pTree, rTree)
# if scatterplot is not None:
# screen.blit(pScatterplot, rScatterplot)
# if histogram is not None:
# screen.blit(pHistogram, rHistogram)
# if incumbent is not None:
# screen.blit(pIncumbent, rIncumbent)
# pygame.display.flip()
# if self._wait_for_keypress:
# pause = True
# print("Press any key to continue to next image (ESCAPE to disable pausing)")
# else:
# pause = False
# while pause:
# e = pygame.event.poll()
# if e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
# keystate = pygame.key.get_pressed()
# if keystate[pygame.K_ESCAPE] != 0:
# self._wait_for_keypress = False
# break
# if e.type == pygame.QUIT:
# pause = False
# pygame.display.quit()
# # sys.exit() exits the whole program and I (aykut) guess it is
# # not appropriate here.
# #sys.exit()
def write_image(self, gnuplot_script, filename):
print('Either matplotlib or Pillow is not installed. Display disabled')
p =['gnuplot'], capture_output = True,
input = bytearray(gnuplot_script, 'utf8'))
except OSError:
print('''Gnuplot executable not found.
Gnuplot must be installed and in your search path.
After installation, ensure that the PATH variable is properly set.''')
if p.stderr:
if isinstance(filename, str):
with open(filename, "w+b") as f:
def display_image(self, gnuplot_script, pause = False, wait_for_click = True):
print('Warning: Either matplotlib or Pillow is not installed. Cannot display.')
tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
tmp_file = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+b')
self.write_image(gnuplot_script, tmp_file)
im =
plt.imshow(im, interpolation='bilinear' #resample=True
#extent = (0, 100, 0, 100)
if wait_for_click == True:
if plt.waitforbuttonpress(timeout = 10000):
def set_label(self, label):
self._label = label
def set_logscaley(self, boolean):
self._logscaley = boolean
def set_fathom(self, boolean):
self._fathom = boolean
def set_edge_limit(self, limit):
self._edge_limit = limit
def set_sample_tree(self, number):
self._sample_tree = number
def AddOrUpdateNode(self, id, parent_id, branch_direction, status, lp_bound,
integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum,
condition_begin = None, condition_end = None,
This method designed to update nodes (in BAK) but we use it for
updating/adding arcs. This is because of the tree data structure the
authors adopted in BAK.
We can divide these attributes such that some will belong to the edge
parent_id->id and the others belong to the id node. The following shows
whether the attribute belongs to edge or node.
branch direction -> edge
status -> node
lp_bound -> node
integer_infeasibility_count -> node
integer_infeasibility_sum -> node
parent_id -> node
if (condition_begin is not None) and (condition_end is not None):
#Figure out the color
attrs['init_log_cond'] = math.log(condition_begin, 10)
attrs['final_log_cond'] = math.log(condition_end, 10)
if id in self.neighbors:
# node already exists, update attributes
self.set_node_attr(id, 'status', status)
self.set_node_attr(id, 'lp_bound', lp_bound)
self.set_node_attr(id, 'integer_infeasibility_count',
self.set_node_attr(id, 'integer_infeasibility_sum',
if (condition_begin is not None) and (condition_end is not None):
self.set_node_attr(id, 'init_log_cond',
math.log(condition_begin, 10))
self.set_node_attr(id, 'final_log_cond',
math.log(condition_end, 10))
elif self.root is None:
self.add_root(id, status = status, lp_bound = lp_bound,
integer_infeasibility_count = integer_infeasibility_count,
integer_infeasibility_sum = integer_infeasibility_sum,
subtree_root = None, **attrs)
elif parent_id is not None:
if branch_direction == 'L':
self.add_left_child(id, parent_id, status = status,
lp_bound = lp_bound,
integer_infeasibility_count = integer_infeasibility_count,
integer_infeasibility_sum = integer_infeasibility_sum,
subtree_root = None, **attrs)
elif branch_direction == 'R':
self.add_right_child(id, parent_id, status = status,
lp_bound = lp_bound,
integer_infeasibility_count = integer_infeasibility_count,
integer_infeasibility_sum = integer_infeasibility_sum,
subtree_root = None, **attrs)
print('this should not happen.')
raise Exception()
if lp_bound is not None:
# Set optimization sense if not yet set
if self._optimization_sense is None:
if lp_bound < self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'):
self._optimization_sense = 'max'
elif lp_bound > self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'):
self._optimization_sense = 'min'
if self._optimization_sense == 'min' and lp_bound < self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'):
print("Switching guess about objective sense to maximization based on bound change")
self._optimization_sense = 'max'
if self._optimization_sense == 'max' and lp_bound > self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'):
print("Switching guess about objective sense to minimization based on bound change")
self._optimization_sense = 'max'
if integer_infeasibility_sum is not None:
if (self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum is None or
integer_infeasibility_sum >
self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum = integer_infeasibility_sum
def IsBetterThan(self, value1, value2):
Returns True if value1 is better than value2 as an objective value.
This depends on the optimization sense of the instance.
value1: Float.
value2: Float.
True if value1 is better than value2 as an objective value.
if self._optimization_sense is None:
print("Optimization sense is not set, assuming sense is miniminzation")
self._optimization_sense = 'min'
if self._optimization_sense == 'min':
return value1 < value2
return value1 > value2
def IsBetterThanIncumbent(self, value):
Returns True if the passed value is better than current incumbent.
value: Float to use for comparison.
True if the passed value is better than the current incumbent.
'Better' is determined by the sense of optimization.
if self._incumbent_value is None:
return True
return self.IsBetterThan(value, self._incumbent_value)
def UpdateObjectiveValueLimits(self, value):
"""Updates the min and max objective values if appropriate.
value: Float objective value.
if self._max_objective_value is None:
self._max_objective_value = value
self._min_objective_value = value
if value > self._max_objective_value:
self._max_objective_value = value
if value < self._min_objective_value:
self._min_objective_value = value
def AddProgressMeasures(self):
# No progress measures if there is no incumbent yet
if self._incumbent_value is None:
# Store sum-of-subtree-gaps
# We need to traverse all nodes unfortunately
# TODO(bhunsaker): check whether we can just traverse active nodes
active_node_count = 0
subtree_bounds = {}
new_integer_ssg = 0 # Only needed if this is a new integer solution
for node_id in self.get_node_list():
status = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'status')
if status == 'candidate' or status == 'pregnant':
lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound')
subtree_root = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'subtree_root')
# Optional check for fathomed nodes.
if (self._fathom and
not self.IsBetterThanIncumbent(lp_bound)):
active_node_count += 1
if (subtree_root not in subtree_bounds or
self.IsBetterThan(lp_bound, subtree_bounds[subtree_root])):
subtree_bounds[subtree_root] = lp_bound
if self._new_integer_solution:
self.set_node_attr(node_id, 'subtree_root', id)
new_integer_ssg += abs(self._incumbent_value - lp_bound)
# If we have a new integer solution, we need to compute what
# the measure would be with the previous integer solution for
# scaling purposes.
if (self._new_integer_solution and
self._previous_incumbent_value is not None):
reference_value = self._previous_incumbent_value
reference_value = self._incumbent_value
sum_subtree_gaps = 0
for lp_bound in list(subtree_bounds.values()):
sum_subtree_gaps += abs(reference_value - lp_bound)
# Start a new sequence if a new integer solution was just found
if self._new_integer_solution:
if new_integer_ssg >= 1e-6:
scale_factor = (old_div(float(sum_subtree_gaps),
scale_factor = 1.0
# sum_subtree_gaps was based on the previous integer solution;
# update it now
sum_subtree_gaps = new_integer_ssg
# Add objective gap measure. Note that this relies on the
# active_node_count computed above.
if self._new_integer_solution:
if self._optimization_sense == 'min':
obj_gap = self._incumbent_value - self._min_objective_value
obj_gap = self._max_objective_value - self._incumbent_value
self._objective_gap_forecaster.AddMeasure(self._time, obj_gap,
def GetImageCounterString(self):
Returns a string with the image counter.
return '%03d' % self._image_counter
def WriteHistogramScript(self, num_bins, bin_width, max_bin_count,
lp_bound, data_filename, output_file):
Write a Gnuplot script file to generate a histogram image.
num_bins: Integer number of bins for the histogram.
bin_width: Float width of the bins in terms of objective values.
max_bin_count: Integer number of the highest bin count.
lp_bound: Float value of the current LP bound.
data_filename: String name of the file; used for display purposes.
# TODO(bhunsaker): add checks for bin_width zero
if self._incumbent_value is not None:
incumbent_bin = 1 + ((self._incumbent_value -
self._histogram_lower_bound) // bin_width)
incumbent_x_coord = 0.5 + (old_div((self._incumbent_value -
lp_bound_bin = 1 + ((lp_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound) //
lp_bound_x_coord = 0.5 + (old_div((lp_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound),
# TODO(bhunsaker): Ask Osman about adjust_xcoord option, which appears
# to put the vertical lines at the edge of bins rather than the
# true location.
# Output the Gnuplot script to a file.
script = ""
# Set terminal for the output files.
script += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n'
# Make settings for the scatter plot.
index_string = self.GetImageCounterString()
output_filename = "histogram."+index_string+".png"
if output_file:
script += 'set output "%s"\n' % output_filename
if self._filename is None:
script += 'set title "Histogram of LP Bounds"\n'
script += ('set title "Histogram of LP Bounds: %s, %s, %.2fs"\n'
% (self._filename, self._label, self._time))
script += 'set xlabel "obj. value"\n'
script += 'set ylabel "number of nodes"\n'
if self._logscaley:
script += 'set logscale y\n'
script += 'set nokey\n'
script += 'set tics scale 0.001\n'
script += 'set xrange [0:%d+1]\n' % num_bins
if self._logscaley:
script += 'set yrange [1:%d*1.2]\n' % max_bin_count
script += 'set yrange [0:%d*1.2]\n' % max_bin_count
script += 'set xtics rotate by 90\n'
# Mark tics for each bin.
script += 'set xtics ('
# TODO(bhunsaker): Consider putting this in a loop.
x_values = ['"%0.2f" %0.2f' %
(self._histogram_lower_bound + i * bin_width, i + 0.5)
for i in range(num_bins + 1)]
script += ', '.join(x_values) + ')\n'
# Plot LP bound and incumbent tics.
script += 'set x2tics ('
script += '"%0.2f" %d' % (lp_bound, lp_bound_bin)
if self._incumbent_value is not None:
script += ', "%0.2f"%d)\n' % (self._incumbent_value,
script += ')\n'
plot_parts = []
# Plot the data points.
plot_parts.append('\'%s\' with boxes fill solid 0.2' % data_filename)
# Draw the vertical lp_bound and incumbent lines.
script += 'set parametric\n'
script += 'set trange [0:%d*1.5]\n' % max_bin_count
plot_parts.append('%0.2f,t linetype 2' % lp_bound_x_coord)
if self._incumbent_value is not None:
plot_parts.append('%0.2f,t linetype 5' % incumbent_x_coord)
script += 'plot %s\n' % ', '.join(plot_parts)
script += 'unset parametric\n'
script += 'show output\n'
return script
def AdjustHistogramEndBins(self, objective_list, num_bins, bin_width,
bin_counts, bin_centers, bin_widths):
Adjusts the two end bins if necessary to make them narrower.
The two end bins may need to be narrower than the other bins so that
they do not go past the current incumbent value on one end and the
current lp bound on the other. So that the histogram is still correct
in areas, the height of these bins needs to be adjusted so that the
area does not change.
Note that there is likely to be some bias toward taller bins on
the ends since they always have a point at one end of their width. It
may be more accurate visually to ignore or discount that one point when
determining the bin height, but that is not currently done.
objective_list: List of float objective values.
num_bins: Integer number of bins.
bin_width: Float standard width of bins in terms of objective values.
bin_counts: List of integer counts for each bin.
bin_centers: List of float coordinates for the center of each bin.
bin_widths: List of float widths for bins, allowing for individualized
if self._optimization_sense == 'min':
lp_bound = min(objective_list)
lower_bound = lp_bound
if self._incumbent_value is not None:
upper_bound = self._incumbent_value
upper_bound = self._histogram_upper_bound
lp_bound = max(objective_list)
upper_bound = lp_bound
if self._incumbent_value is not None:
lower_bound = self._incumbent_value
lower_bound = self._histogram_lower_bound
# The end bins may have unusual centers and widths
highest_nonempty_bin = int((upper_bound -
self._histogram_lower_bound) // bin_width)
if (highest_nonempty_bin < num_bins and
bin_counts[highest_nonempty_bin] > 0):
highest_x_coord = 0.5 + (old_div((upper_bound -
self._histogram_lower_bound), bin_width))
highest_nonempty_bin_width, unused_int = math.modf(0.5 +
if highest_nonempty_bin_width == 0.0:
highest_nonempty_bin_width = 1.0
bin_widths[highest_nonempty_bin] = highest_nonempty_bin_width
bin_centers[highest_nonempty_bin] = highest_x_coord - (
old_div(highest_nonempty_bin_width, 2))
# Scale the height appropriately
bin_counts[highest_nonempty_bin] /= bin_widths[highest_nonempty_bin]
lowest_nonempty_bin = int((lower_bound -
self._histogram_lower_bound) // bin_width)
if bin_counts[lowest_nonempty_bin] > 0:
lowest_x_coord = 0.5 + (old_div((lower_bound -
self._histogram_lower_bound), bin_width))
lowest_nonempty_bin_excess, unused_int = math.modf(0.5 +
bin_widths[lowest_nonempty_bin] = 1.0 - lowest_nonempty_bin_excess
bin_centers[lowest_nonempty_bin] = (
lowest_x_coord + old_div(bin_widths[lowest_nonempty_bin], 2))
# Scale the height appropriately
bin_counts[lowest_nonempty_bin] /= bin_widths[lowest_nonempty_bin]
def GenerateHistogram(self, output_file = False):
Generate files necessary for a histogram image.
Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which
references the data file).
time: Float number of seconds since the start of optimization.
num_bins = 20
# Compute the bin width and counts.
objective_list = []
for n in self.get_node_list():
if (self.get_node_attr(n,'status') == 'candidate' or
self.get_node_attr(n,'status') == 'pregnant'):
lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(n,'lp_bound')
if not self.IsBetterThanIncumbent(lp_bound):
# TODO(aykut) added the following check, we need it since we generate
# histograms real time
# we can not generate histogram if we do not have upperl and lower
if len(objective_list)==0 or self._incumbent_value is None:
return None
# The first time we create a histogram, set bounds for objective
# values.
# TODO(bhunsaker): Consider bounds; talk to Osman.
if self._histogram_lower_bound is None:
if self._optimization_sense == 'min':
self._histogram_lower_bound = min(objective_list)
if self._incumbent_value is not None:
self._histogram_upper_bound = self._incumbent_value
self._histogram_upper_bound = max(objective_list)
self._histogram_upper_bound = max(objective_list)
if self._incumbent_value is not None:
self._histogram_lower_bound = self._incumbent_value
self._histogram_lower_bound = min(objective_list)
bin_width = old_div((self._histogram_upper_bound -
self._histogram_lower_bound), float(num_bins))
bin_counts = [0.0 for i in range(num_bins)]
for value in objective_list:
bin = int(math.floor(old_div((value - self._histogram_lower_bound),
# Special case for the largest value.
if (value >= self._histogram_upper_bound and
value < self._histogram_upper_bound + 1e-6):
bin = num_bins - 1
if bin < 0:
assert bin < num_bins, '%d (%f) !< %d (%f)' % (
bin, value, num_bins, self._histogram_upper_bound)
bin_counts[bin] += 1
max_bin_count = max(bin_counts)
bin_centers = [i + 1.0 for i in range(len(bin_counts))]
bin_widths = [1.0 for i in range(len(bin_counts))]
self.AdjustHistogramEndBins(objective_list, num_bins, bin_width,
bin_counts, bin_centers, bin_widths)
if self._optimization_sense == 'min':
lp_bound = min(objective_list)
lp_bound = max(objective_list)
# Output the bin data to a file.
index_string = self.GetImageCounterString()
data_filename = 'histogram%s.dat' % index_string
data_file = open(data_filename, 'w')
for index in range(len(bin_counts)):
data_file.write('%f %f %f\n' % (bin_centers[index],
histogram_script = self.WriteHistogramScript(num_bins, bin_width,
max_bin_count, lp_bound, data_filename, output_file)
# TODO(bhunsaker): Temporary hack
# This allows the bounds to be reset until an incumbent is found.
if self._incumbent_value is None:
self._histogram_lower_bound = None
self._histogram_upper_bound = None
return histogram_script
def GetImageObjectiveBounds(self, min_value, max_value):
Return min and max bounds to be used for images.
Images should use bounds that are slightly wider than observed
objective values. Also, the special case of a single value must be
min_value: Float minimum objective value.
max_value: Float maximum objective value.
A tuple of two float values (lower_bound, upper_bound).
obj_range = max_value - min_value
if obj_range > 0:
image_max_obj = max_value + 0.01 * obj_range
image_min_obj = min_value - 0.01 * obj_range
if max_value >= 0:
image_max_obj = 1.01 * max_value
image_max_obj = 0.99 * max_value
if min_value >= 0:
image_min_obj = 0.99 * min_value
image_min_obj = 1.01 * min_value
return (image_min_obj, image_max_obj)
def WriteScatterplotScript(self, data_filename, output_file):
Write a Gnuplot script file to generate a scatterplot image.
data_filename: String name of the file; used for display purposes.
image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds(
self._scatterplot_lower_bound, self._scatterplot_upper_bound)
index_string = self.GetImageCounterString()
output_filename = "scatterplot."+index_string+".png"
script = ""
# Set terminal for the output files.
script += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n'
# Make settings for the scatter plot.
if output_file:
script += 'set output "%s"\n' % output_filename
if self._filename is None:
script += 'set title "Scatterplot"\n'
script += ('set title "Scatterplot: %s, %s, %ds"\n' % (
self._filename, self._label, int(self._time)))
script += 'set pointsize 0.8\n'
script += 'set nokey\n'
script += 'set xlabel \"sum of int. infeas.\"\n'
script += 'set ylabel \"obj. value\"\n'
script += ('set xrange [0:%0.6f+2]\n' %
script += ('set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_min_obj,
plot_parts = []
# Plot the data points.
plot_parts.append('\'%s\' with points pointtype 2 linetype 1' %
# Also plot the incumbent line.
if self._incumbent_value is not None:
plot_parts.append('%0.6f linetype 2 linewidth 0.5' %
# Plot the incumbent's parent if it's available.
if self._incumbent_parent is not None:
#incumbent_parent = self.get_node(self._incumbent_parent)
plot_parts.append('"< echo %0.6f %0.6f" '
'with points pointtype 9 pointsize 1.2' %
script += 'plot %s\n' % ', '.join(plot_parts)
script += 'show output\n'
return script
def GenerateScatterplot(self, output_file = False):
Generate files necessary for a scatterplot image.
Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which
references the data file).
output_file: if not given the gnuplot image will not be written
to disk but returned (to be displayed in matplotlib window)
# Output data points.
index_string = self.GetImageCounterString()
data_filename = 'scatterplot%s.dat' % index_string
data_file = open(data_filename, 'w')
if self._scatterplot_lower_bound is None:
bounds = []
# Write objective values and integer infeasibility sum information
# for candidate and pregnant nodes.
for node in self.get_node_list():
status = self.get_node_attr(node, 'status')
lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node,'lp_bound')
if status == 'candidate' or status == 'pregnant':
# Optional check for fathomed nodes.
if (self._fathom and
not self.IsBetterThanIncumbent(lp_bound)):
data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (
self.get_node_attr(node, 'integer_infeasibility_sum'),
# Set the image objective bounds the first image.
if self._scatterplot_lower_bound is None:
if self._scatterplot_lower_bound is None:
if len(bounds) <= 1:
return None
self._scatterplot_lower_bound = min(bounds)
self._scatterplot_upper_bound = max(bounds)
# The incumbent overrides a bound if present.
if self._incumbent_value is not None:
if self._optimization_sense == 'min':
self._scatterplot_upper_bound = self._incumbent_value
self._scatterplot_lower_bound = self._incumbent_value
scatterplot_script = self.WriteScatterplotScript(data_filename,
return scatterplot_script
def WriteIncumbentPathScript(self, data_filename):
Write a Gnuplot script file to generate an incumbent path image.
data_filename: String name of the file; used for display purposes.
image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds(
self._scatterplot_lower_bound, self._scatterplot_upper_bound)
script = ''
# Set terminal for the output files.
script += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n'
if self._filename is None:
script += 'set title "Incumbent path"\n'
script += ('set title "Incumbent path (%s %.2fs %s)"\n' % (
self._filename, self._time, self._label))
script += 'set pointsize 0.8\n'
script += 'set nokey\n'
script += 'set xlabel \"sum of int. infeas.\"\n'
script += 'set ylabel \"obj. value\"\n'
script += ('set xrange [0:%0.6f+2]\n' %
script += ('set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_min_obj,
# Plot the data points and connecting lines.
script += ('plot \'%s\' with points pointtype 2, '
'\'%s\' with lines linetype 2\n' %
(data_filename, data_filename))
script += 'show output\n'
return script
def WriteAllIncumbentPathsScript(self):
Return a Gnuplot script string to generate an incumbent path image.
data_filenames: List of string names of files.
data_filenames = self._incumbent_path_datafiles
image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds(
self._scatterplot_lower_bound, self._scatterplot_upper_bound)
script = ''
# Set terminal for the output files.
script += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n'
# Make settings for the scatter plot.
if self._filename is None:
script += 'set title "Incumbent paths"\n'
script += ('set title "Incumbent paths (%s %.2fs %s)"\n' % (
self._filename, self._time, self._label))
script += 'set pointsize 0.8\n'
script += 'set nokey\n'
script += 'set xlabel \"sum of int. infeas.\"\n'
script += 'set ylabel \"obj. value\"\n'
script += ('set xrange [0:%0.6f+2]\n' %
script += ('set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_min_obj,
# Plot the data points and connecting lines.
command_list = []
for filename in data_filenames:
command_list.append('\'%s\' with points pointtype 2, '
'\'%s\' with lines linetype 2' %
(filename, filename))
script += 'plot %s\n' % ','.join(command_list)
script += 'show output\n'
return script
def GenerateIncumbentPath(self):
Generate files necessary for an incumbent scatterplot path image.
Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which
references the data file).
if self._incumbent_parent is None:
if self._scatterplot_lower_bound is None:
if self._scatterplot_upper_bound is None:
index_string = self.GetImageCounterString()
# Output data points.
data_filename = 'incumbentpath%s.dat' % index_string
data_file = open(data_filename, 'w')
# Write objective values and integer infeasibility sum information
# for ancestor nodes.
data_file.write('0 %0.6f\n' % self._incumbent_value)
parent = self._incumbent_parent
# TODO(bhunsaker): I think the following assumes a unique value for the
# parent of the root.
while parent != None:
data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n'
% (self.get_node_attr(parent,
self.get_node_attr(parent, 'lp_bound')))
parent = self.get_node_attr(parent, 'parent')
# Output the Gnuplot script to a file.
path_script = self.WriteIncumbentPathScript(data_filename)
return path_script
def GenerateAllIncumbentPaths(self):
Generate file for a path image with all incumbent paths.
Data files were previously generated for each incumbent. This re-uses
those files.
all_path_script = self.WriteAllIncumbentPathsScript()
def WriteTreeScript(self, additional_lines = None):
Write a Gnuplot script file to generate a tree image.
additional_lines: String with additional lines to be added to the
script file.
image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds(
self._min_objective_value, self._max_objective_value)
data = ''
data += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n'
data += 'set output "%s"\n' % output_file
data += 'set nokey\n'
data += 'set autoscale\n'
data += 'set tics scale 0.001\n'
data += 'set pointsize 0.5\n'
data += 'set xrange [-0.1:1.1]\n'
data += 'set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_max_obj,
data += 'set format x ""\n'
data += 'set ylabel "obj. value"\n'
if self._filename is None:
data += 'set title "B&B tree"\n'
data += 'set title "B&B tree (%s %.2fs %s)"\n\n' % (
self._filename, self._time, self._label)
for line in additional_lines:
data += line
return data
def GetTreeFixedHorizontalPositions(self):
Returns horizontal positions for all nodes based on fixed positions.
Dictionary of float horizontal positions, keyed by node id.
# Statistics needed for horizontal positions.
horizontal_lower_bound = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 0.0)
horizontal_upper_bound = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 1.0)
horizontal_positions = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list())
horizontal_positions[] = 0.5
# sort node list
node_id_list = sorted(self.get_node_list())
node_id_list_int = list(int(n) for n in node_id_list)
node_id_list_int = sorted(node_id_list_int)
node_id_list = list(str(n) for n in node_id_list_int)
for node_id in node_id_list:
if node_id ==
parent_id = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'parent')
branch_direction = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'direction')
if branch_direction == 'R':
horizontal_lower_bound[node_id] = horizontal_positions[
horizontal_upper_bound[node_id] = horizontal_upper_bound[
elif branch_direction == 'L':
horizontal_lower_bound[node_id] = horizontal_lower_bound[
horizontal_upper_bound[node_id] = horizontal_positions[
print('Error: node %s has unsupported branching direction.'\
print('Fixed-position tree images only support L and R ')
horizontal_positions[node_id] = old_div((
horizontal_upper_bound[node_id] +
horizontal_lower_bound[node_id]), 2)
return horizontal_positions
def GetTreeHorizontalPositions(self):
Returns horizontal positions for all nodes.
Each node is given equal horizontal space.
Dictionary of float horizontal positions, keyed by node id.
# Statistics needed for horizontal positions.
number_descendants = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 1)
# number_descendants includes the key node itself
horizontal_lower_bound = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 0.0)
horizontal_upper_bound = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 1.0)
horizontal_positions = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list())
visited = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), False)
# Count the number of descendants for each node.
# Do a post-order traversal of the tree.
node_stack = []
while node_stack:
current_node = node_stack[len(node_stack) - 1]
lchild = self.get_left_child(current_node)
rchild = self.get_right_child(current_node)
is_node_added = False
# Add the next unvisited child to the stack
if lchild is not None and not visited[quote(lchild)]:
is_node_added = True
if (rchild is not None and not visited[quote(rchild)] and
is_node_added = True
# If all childs visited, then update number_descendants
if not is_node_added:
if lchild is not None:
number_descendants[quote(current_node)] += (
if rchild is not None:
number_descendants[quote(current_node)] += (
visited[quote(current_node)] = True
del node_stack[len(node_stack) - 1]
# Traverse the tree and set horizontal positions.
# Do a pre-order traversal of the tree.
node_stack = []
horizontal_lower_bound[] = 0.0
horizontal_upper_bound[] = 1.0
while node_stack:
node = node_stack.pop()
lchild = self.get_left_child(node)
rchild = self.get_right_child(node)
direction = None
number_of_children = 0
children_list = []
# Place all children on the stack
if lchild is not None:
number_of_children += 1
direction = 'L'
if rchild is not None:
number_of_children += 1
direction = 'R'
# Convenience variables
current_lower_bound = horizontal_lower_bound[quote(node)]
current_range = (horizontal_upper_bound[quote(node)] -
total_descendants = number_descendants[quote(node)]
sorted_child_labels = sorted(children_list)
# Determine where to place this node with respect to its children.
# Put the node in the center, or have more children on the left.
before_index = int(math.ceil(old_div(number_of_children,2.0)))
# Exception with a single node that is 'L'
if number_of_children == 1:
if direction != 'L':
before_index = 0
cumulative_descendants = 0
for i, label in enumerate(sorted_child_labels):
if before_index == i:
# Determine the relative position for the current node
relative_position = old_div((cumulative_descendants + 0.5), (
cumulative_descendants += 1
# Set bounds for this child
horizontal_lower_bound[quote(label)] = (
current_lower_bound + float(cumulative_descendants) /
total_descendants * current_range)
# Increment cumulative_descendants, which also lets us compute
# the upper bound.
cumulative_descendants += number_descendants[quote(label)]
horizontal_upper_bound[quote(label)] = (
current_lower_bound + float(cumulative_descendants) /
total_descendants * current_range)
# Catch the case that the node comes after all its children.
# This must also work for the case that this is the only node.
if before_index == len(sorted_child_labels):
relative_position = old_div((cumulative_descendants + 0.5), (
# Finally set the position for the current node
horizontal_positions[quote(node)] = (
horizontal_lower_bound[quote(node)] + relative_position * (
horizontal_upper_bound[quote(node)] -
return horizontal_positions
def WriteDataFileFromList(self, filename, data_list):
Write a list of string data to a file with one entry per line.
filename: String filename to open.
data_list: List of string values to write.
outfile = open(filename, 'w')
for line in data_list:
def GenerateTreeImage(self, fixed_horizontal_positions = False):
Generate files necessary for a tree image.
Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which
references the data file).
index_string = self.GetImageCounterString()
if fixed_horizontal_positions:
name_prefix = 'tree_alt'
horizontal_positions = self.GetTreeFixedHorizontalPositions()
name_prefix = 'tree'
horizontal_positions = self.GetTreeHorizontalPositions()
candidate_lines = []
pregnant_lines = []
branched_lines = []
infeasible_lines = []
fathomed_lines = []
integer_lines = []
additional_script_lines = []
node_list = self.get_node_list()
print_edges = (len(node_list) <= self._edge_limit)
for node in node_list:
node_lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node, 'lp_bound')
if self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'candidate':
# TODO(bhunsaker): add optional fathoming check
candidate_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (
horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound))
elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'pregnant':
# TODO(bhunsaker): add optional fathoming check
pregnant_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (
horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound))
elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'branched':
branched_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (
horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound))
elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'infeasible':
infeasible_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (
horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound))
elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'fathomed':
fathomed_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (
horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound))
elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'integer':
integer_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (
horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound))
if print_edges and node !=
if True:
_parent_id = self.get_node_attr(node, 'parent')
'set arrow from %0.6f, %0.6f to %0.6f, %0.6f nohead lt -1 '
'lw 0.2\n' % (horizontal_positions[_parent_id],
self.get_node_attr(_parent_id, 'lp_bound'),
self.get_node_attr(node, 'lp_bound')))
plot_parts = []
# Plot root node.
plot_parts.append('"< echo %0.6f %0.6f" w p lt 2 pt 7' %
# If desired, sample from the set of nodes rather than plotting all.
if self._sample_tree:
sample_size = self._sample_tree
if len(branched_lines) > sample_size:
branched_lines = random.sample(branched_lines, sample_size)
if len(fathomed_lines) > sample_size:
fathomed_lines = random.sample(fathomed_lines, sample_size)
if len(infeasible_lines) > sample_size:
infeasible_lines = random.sample(infeasible_lines, sample_size)
if len(pregnant_lines) > sample_size:
pregnant_lines = random.sample(pregnant_lines, sample_size)
if len(candidate_lines) > sample_size:
candidate_lines = random.sample(candidate_lines, sample_size)
if len(integer_lines) > sample_size:
integer_lines = random.sample(integer_lines, sample_size)
# Output all data files. Note that the order below matters.
if len(branched_lines):
self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_branched%s.dat' % (name_prefix,
plot_parts.append('\'%s_branched%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "yellow" pt 7' %
(name_prefix, index_string))
if len(fathomed_lines):
self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_fathomed%s.dat' % (name_prefix,
plot_parts.append('\'%s_fathomed%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "light-red" pt 7' %
(name_prefix, index_string))
if len(infeasible_lines):
self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_infeasible%s.dat' % (name_prefix,
plot_parts.append('\'%s_infeasible%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "dark-red" pt 7' %
(name_prefix, index_string))
if len(pregnant_lines):
self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_pregnant%s.dat' % (name_prefix,
plot_parts.append('\'%s_pregnant%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "green" pt 7' %
(name_prefix, index_string))
if len(candidate_lines):
for line in candidate_lines:
plot_parts.append('"< echo %s" w p lt rgb "green" pt 7'
if len(integer_lines):
self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_integer%s.dat' % (name_prefix,
plot_parts.append('\'%s_integer%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "cyan" pt 7' %
(name_prefix, index_string))
if self._incumbent_value is not None:
plot_parts.append('%0.6f lt 1 lw 0.5' % self._incumbent_value)
additional_script_lines.append('plot %s\n' % ', '.join(plot_parts))
additional_script_lines.append('unset arrow\n')
image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds(
self._min_objective_value, self._max_objective_value)
data = ''
data += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n'
data += 'set nokey\n'
data += 'set autoscale\n'
data += 'set tics scale 0.001\n'
data += 'set pointsize 0.5\n'
data += 'set xrange [-0.1:1.1]\n'
data += 'set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_max_obj,
data += 'set format x ""\n'
data += 'set ylabel "obj. value"\n'
if self._filename is None:
data += 'set title "B&B tree"\n\n'
data += 'set title "B&B tree (%s %.2fs %s)"\n\n' % (
self._filename, self._time, self._label)
for line in additional_script_lines:
data += line
return data
def ProcessLine(self, line):
Process a line of the input file, generating images if appropriate.
Parses the line, updates internal data structures, and creates images
if appropriate.
line: String input line to process.
line = line.strip()
# Comments start with a '#'
if line[0] == '#':
tokens = line.split()
if len(tokens) < 3:
print('Incomplete or invalid line: %s' %' '.join(tokens))
# Tokens shared by all line types
self._time = float(tokens[0])
line_type = tokens[1]
remaining_tokens = tokens[2:]
# Process the line based on the type
if line_type == 'heuristic':
self._optimal_soln_time = self._time
# Other node types share common tokens
node_id = int(tokens[2])
parent_id = int(tokens[3])
branch_direction = tokens[4]
remaining_tokens = tokens[5:]
# TODO(aykut):parent id of root node is 0 when we read from file.
if id==self.root:
parent_id = None
# Check that the parent node id is valid
# elif parent_id not in self.get_node_list() and self.root is not None:
# print 'Parent id does not exist: %s' % line
# sys.exit(1)
if line_type == 'integer':
self._optimal_soln_time = self._time
self.ProcessIntegerLine(node_id, parent_id,
branch_direction, remaining_tokens)
elif line_type == 'fathomed':
self.ProcessFathomedLine(node_id, parent_id,
branch_direction, remaining_tokens)
elif line_type == 'candidate':
self.ProcessCandidateLine(node_id, parent_id,
branch_direction, remaining_tokens)
elif line_type == 'pregnant':
self.ProcessPregnantLine(node_id, parent_id,
branch_direction, remaining_tokens)
elif line_type == 'branched':
self.ProcessBranchedLine(node_id, parent_id,
branch_direction, remaining_tokens)
elif line_type == 'infeasible':
self.ProcessInfeasibleLine(node_id, parent_id,
branch_direction, remaining_tokens)
print('Unexpected line type "%s": %s' % (line_type,
' '.join(tokens)))
def ProcessHeuristicLine(self, remaining_tokens):
Core processing for a line of type 'heuristic'.
remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain
after any common tokens are processed.
# Parse remaining tokens
if len(remaining_tokens) < 1 or len(remaining_tokens) > 2:
print('Invalid line: %s heuristic %s' % (
self._time, ' '.join(remaining_tokens)))
print('Should match: <time> heuristic <obj value>'+\
' [<associated node id>]')
objective_value = float(remaining_tokens[0])
if len(remaining_tokens) == 2:
associated_node = remaining_tokens[1]
associated_node = None
# Check that this is actually an improvement
if self._incumbent_value is not None and self._optimization_sense is None:
if objective_value > self._incumbent_value:
print("Objective sense unset, guessing maximization")
self._optimization_sense = 'max'
print("Objective sense unset, guessing minimization")
self._optimization_sense = 'min'
if not self.IsBetterThanIncumbent(objective_value):
self._previous_incumbent_value = self._incumbent_value
self._incumbent_value = objective_value
self._incumbent_parent = associated_node
# Set variable to generate images
self._new_integer_solution = True
def ProcessIntegerLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction,
Core processing for a line of type 'integer'.
node_id: String node id.
parent_id: String node id of parent.
branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node
is the left or right child of its parent.
remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain
after any common tokens are processed.
# Parse remaining tokens
if len(remaining_tokens) != 1:
print('Invalid line: %s integer %s %s %s %s' % (
self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction,
' '.join(remaining_tokens)))
print('Should match: <time> integer <node id> <parent id>'+\
'<branch direction> <obj value>')
objective_value = float(remaining_tokens[0])
self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'integer',
objective_value, None, None)
self._previous_incumbent_value = self._incumbent_value
self._incumbent_value = objective_value
self._incumbent_parent = parent_id
self._new_integer_solution = True
def ProcessFathomedLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction,
Core processing for a line of type 'fathomed'.
node_id: String node id.
parent_id: String node id of parent.
branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is
the left or right child of its parent.
remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain
after any common tokens are processed.
# Print a warning if there is no current incumbent.
if self._incumbent_value is None:
print('WARNING: Encountered "fathom" line before first incumbent.')
print(' This may indicate an error in the input file.')
# Parse remaining tokens
if len(remaining_tokens) > 1:
print('Invalid line: %s fathomed %s %s %s %s' % (
self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction,
' '.join(remaining_tokens)))
print('Should match: <time> fathomed <node id> <parent id>'+\
'<branch direction> [<lp bound>]')
if len(remaining_tokens) == 1:
lp_bound = float(remaining_tokens[0])
if (node_id in self.get_node_list() and
self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound') is not None):
lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound')
lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'lp_bound')
if self._optimization_sense == 'min':
if (self._incumbent_value is not None and
lp_bound < self._incumbent_value):
lp_bound = self._incumbent_value
elif self._optimization_sense == 'max':
if (self._incumbent_value is not None and
lp_bound > self._incumbent_value):
lp_bound = self._incumbent_value
parent_node = self.get_node(parent_id)
self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'fathomed',
def ProcessPregnantLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction,
Core processing for a line of type 'pregnant'.
node_id: String node id.
parent_id: String node id of parent.
branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is
the left or right child of its parent.
remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain
after any common tokens are processed.
# Parse remaining tokens
if len(remaining_tokens) != 3:
print('Invalid line: %s pregnant %s %s %s %s' % (
self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction,
' '.join(remaining_tokens)))
print('Should match: <time> pregnant <node id> <parent id> ')
print('<branch direction> <lp bound> ')
print('<sum of integer infeasibilities> <number of integer ')
lp_bound = float(remaining_tokens[0])
integer_infeasibility_sum = float(remaining_tokens[1])
integer_infeasibility_count = int(remaining_tokens[2])
self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'pregnant',
lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count,
def ProcessBranchedLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction,
Core processing for a line of type 'branched'.
node_id: String node id.
parent_id: String node id of parent.
branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node
is the left or right child of its parent.
remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain
after any common tokens are processed.
# Parse remaining tokens
if len(remaining_tokens) not in [3, 5]:
print('Invalid line: %s branched %s %s %s %s' % (
self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction,
' '.join(remaining_tokens)))
print('Should match: <time> branched <node id> <parent id> ')
print('<branch direction> <lp bound> ')
print('<sum of integer infeasibilities> <number of integer ')
lp_bound = float(remaining_tokens[0])
integer_infeasibility_sum = float(remaining_tokens[1])
integer_infeasibility_count = int(remaining_tokens[2])
condition_begin = None
condition_end = None
if len(remaining_tokens) == 5:
# In this case, we must also be printing conditions numbers
condition_begin = int(remaining_tokens[3])
condition_end = int(remaining_tokens[4])
self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'branched',
lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count,
integer_infeasibility_sum, condition_begin,
def ProcessInfeasibleLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction,
Core processing for a line of type 'infeasible'.
node_id: String node id.
parent_id: String node id of parent.
branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is
the left or right child of its parent.
remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain
after any common tokens are processed.
# Parse remaining tokens
if len(remaining_tokens) not in [0, 2]:
print('Invalid line: %s infeasible %s %s %s %s' % (
self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction,
' '.join(remaining_tokens)))
print('Should match: <time> infeasible <node id> <parent id> ')
print('<branch direction>')
# Use parent values if the node does not have its own
lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'lp_bound')
ii_count = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_count')
ii_sum = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_sum')
if node_id in self.get_node_list():
if self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound') is not None:
lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound')
if (self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'integer_infeasibility_count')
is not None):
ii_count = self.get_node_attr(node_id,
if (self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'integer_infeasibility_sum')
is not None):
ii_sum = self.get_node_attr(node_id,'integer_infeasibility_sum')
if len(remaining_tokens) == 2:
# In this case, we must also be printing conditions numbers
condition_begin = int(remaining_tokens[0])
condition_end = int(remaining_tokens[1])
self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'infeasible',
lp_bound, ii_count, ii_sum)
def ProcessCandidateLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction,
Core processing for a line of type 'candidate'.
node_id: String node id.
parent_id: String node id of parent.
branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node
is the left or right child of its parent.
remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain
after any common tokens are processed.
# Parse remaining tokens
if len(remaining_tokens) == 2 or len(remaining_tokens) > 3:
print('Invalid line: %s branched %s %s %s %s' % (
self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction,
' '.join(remaining_tokens)))
print('Should match: <time> candidate <node id> <parent id> ')
print('<branch direction> [<lp bound>] ')
print('[<sum of integer infeasibilities> <number of integer ')
# if parent_id not in self.get_node_list():
# print 'Error: node %s not in set' % parent_id
# sys.exit(1)
# TODO(bhunsaker): Check that we handle the cases of updating a
if len(remaining_tokens) > 0:
lp_bound = float(remaining_tokens[0])
lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'lp_bound')
if len(remaining_tokens) == 3:
integer_infeasibility_sum = float(remaining_tokens[1])
integer_infeasibility_count = int(remaining_tokens[2])
integer_infeasibility_sum = self.get_node_attr(parent_id,
integer_infeasibility_count = self.get_node_attr(parent_id,
self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'candidate',
lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count,
def RunGnuplotOnAllFiles(self):
"""Runs Gnuplot on all files in self._gnuplot_files."""
for file in self._gnuplot_files:['gnuplot', file])
def CreateAnimatedImages(self):
"""Create animated images based on the static images."""
histogram_re = re.compile('histogram')
histogram_images = [re.sub('gnuplot', 'png', file)
for file in self._gnuplot_files
if histogram_re.match(file)]
if len(histogram_images):
args = ['convert', '-delay', '15', '-loop', '1']
scatterplot_re = re.compile('scatterplot')
scatterplot_images = [re.sub('gnuplot', 'png', file)
for file in self._gnuplot_files
if scatterplot_re.match(file)]
if len(scatterplot_images):
args = ['convert', '-delay', '15', '-loop', '1']
tree_re = re.compile('tree\.')
tree_images = [re.sub('gnuplot', 'png', file)
for file in self._gnuplot_files
if tree_re.match(file)]
if len(tree_images):
args = ['convert', '-delay', '15', '-loop', '1']
tree_alt_re = re.compile('tree_alt')
tree_alt_images = [re.sub('gnuplot', 'png', file)
for file in self._gnuplot_files
if tree_alt_re.match(file)]
if len(tree_alt_images):
args = ['convert', '-delay', '15', '-loop', '1']
def GeneratePredictionImages(self):
gap_measures = self._objective_gap_forecaster.GetAllMeasures()
ssg_measures = self._sum_subtree_gaps_forecaster.GetAllMeasures()
# Check that there are values to process.
if len(gap_measures) == 0 or len(ssg_measures) == 0:
print('WARNING: Not printing prediction images because at least'+\
' one measure set is empty.')
print(' Gap measures: %d' % len(gap_measures))
print(' SSG measures: %d' % len(ssg_measures))
# Gap measures
gap_data_filename = 'gap_measures.dat'
data_file = open(gap_data_filename, 'w')
for measure in gap_measures:
data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (measure.time, measure.value))
# SSG measures
ssg_data_filename = 'ssg_measures.dat'
data_file = open(ssg_data_filename, 'w')
# We need to scale the SSG measures so that it will make sense to
# look at them on the same plot with gap measures.
for measure in ssg_measures:
data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (measure.time,
measure.value * scale_factor))
# Set terminal for the output files.
measures_script = 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n'
# Make settings for the plot.
if self.filename is None:
measures_script += 'set title "Progress Measures"\n'
measures_script += ('set title "Progress Measures: %s, %s"\n' % (
self._filename, self._label))
measures_script += 'set xlabel \"time (s)\"\n'
measures_script += 'set ylabel \"measure\"\n'
measures_script += 'set autoscale\n'
# Plot the data points.
measures_script += (
'plot \'%s\' with linespoints linetype 3 title \"(SSG)\", '
'\'%s\' with linespoints linetype 4 pointtype 19 '
'title \"(MIP gap)\"\n' %
(ssg_data_filename, gap_data_filename))
measures_script += 'show output\n'
return measures_script
def GenerateForecastImages(self):
# Forecasts
# Gap forecasts
gap_forecasts = self._objective_gap_forecaster.GetAllForecasts()
gap_data_filename = 'gap_forecasts.dat'
if gap_forecasts:
data_file = open(gap_data_filename, 'w')
for forecast in gap_forecasts:
data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (forecast.time,
# SSG forecasts
ssg_forecasts = self._sum_subtree_gaps_forecaster.GetAllForecasts()
ssg_data_filename = 'ssg_forecasts.dat'
if ssg_forecasts:
data_file = open(ssg_data_filename, 'w')
for forecast in ssg_forecasts:
data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (forecast.time,
if not gap_forecasts and not ssg_forecasts:
print('No forecasts made, so not creating forecast image.')
# Set terminal for the output files.
forecast_script = 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n'
# Make settings for the plot.
if self._filename is None:
forecast_script += 'set title "Forecasts"\n'
forecast_script += ('set title "Forecasts: %s, %s"\n' % (
self._filename, self._label))
forecast_script += 'set xlabel \"time (s)\"\n'
forecast_script += 'set ylabel \"prediction of total time\"\n'
forecast_script += 'set autoscale\n'
# Plot the data points and the unit-slope line (to show elapsed time).
forecast_script += 'plot '
if forecast_forecasts:
forecast_script += ('\'%s\' with linespoints linetype 3 '
'title \"(SSG)\", ' % ssg_data_filename)
if gap_forecasts:
forecast_script += ('\'%s\' with linespoints linetype 4 pointtype 19 '
'title \"(MIP gap)\", ' % gap_data_filename)
forecast_script += 'x linetype 0 title \"elapsed time\"\n'
forecast_script += 'show output\n'
return forecast_script
def _get_fh(self, path, mode='r'):
Return a file handle for given path.
Path can be a string or a file handle.
Attempt to uncompress/compress files ending in '.gz' and '.bz2'.
if self._is_string_like(path):
if path.endswith('.gz'):
# import gzip
# fh =,mode=mode) # doesn't return real fh
fh=os.popen("gzcat "+path) # probably not portable
elif path.endswith('.bz2'):
# import bz2
# fh = bz2.BZ2File(path,mode=mode) # doesn't return real fh
fh=os.popen("bzcat "+path) # probably not portable
fh = file(path,mode=mode)
elif hasattr(path, 'write'):
# Note, mode of file handle is unchanged.
fh = path
raise TypeError('path must be a string or file handle.')
return fh
def _is_string_like(self, obj): # from John Hunter, types-free version
obj + ''
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return False
return True
def CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, flag_text, variable_name, help_text):
Add two options to an optparse.OptionParser, one with a 'no' prefix.
Two options are created. One has the flag_text and one has 'no' prepended
to the flag_text. For example, --foo and --nofoo. This is similar to a
common style in Perl.
parser: optparse.OptionParser object.
flag_text: String text for the flag.
variable_name: String name of the variable to store the flag results.
help_text: String that describes the flag.
parser.add_option('--' + flag_text,
action='store_true', dest=variable_name, default=False,
parser.add_option('--no' + flag_text,
action='store_false', dest=variable_name,
help='do not ' + flag_text)
def parse_options():
''' Parse arguments and flags'''
usage_text = 'usage: %prog [options] <input file>'
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage_text)
parser.add_option('--interval', dest='interval', type='float',
help='generate images every TIME seconds',
parser.add_option('--time_limit', dest='time_limit', type='float',
help='process at most TIME seconds of solver time',
parser.add_option('--label', dest='label', default='',
help='add LABEL to all images',
parser.add_option('--use_common_bounds', dest='use_common_bounds',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='use the same bounds on all images')
CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'fathom', 'fathom',
'do an interval check for fathomed nodes')
CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'histogram', 'histogram',
'print histograms')
CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'scatterplot', 'scatterplot',
'print scatterplots')
CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'path', 'path',
'print scatterplot incumbent paths')
CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'tree', 'tree',
'print tree images')
CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'fixed_tree', 'fixed_tree',
'print tree images with fixed horizontal '
CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'predictions', 'predictions',
'print time predictions')
parser.add_option('--all', dest='all_images', action='store_true',
default=False, help='print all images')
parser.add_option('--logscaley', dest='logscaley',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='use log scale for histogram sizes')
parser.add_option('--animate', dest='animate',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='create animated GIF of each image set')
parser.add_option('--no_run_gnuplot', dest='run_gnuplot',
action='store_false', default=True,
help='do not run Gnuplot on the generated files')
parser.add_option('--edge_limit', dest='edge_limit', type='int',
help='do not print edges in tree plots if more than '
'NUM nodes',
parser.add_option('--sample_tree', dest='sample_tree', type='int',
help='use at most NUM nodes of each type in tree images;'
' zero means no limit',
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if (len(args) != 1):
input_filename = args[0]
if options.all_images:
options.histogram = True
options.scatterplot = True
options.path = True
options.tree = True
options.fixed_tree = True
options.predictions = True
# Abort if no images chosen
if (not options.histogram and not options.scatterplot and
not options.path and not options.tree and not options.fixed_tree and
not options.predictions):
print('No image types specified so not processing.')
# Bounds for incumbent paths will be undefined without scatterplots.
if options.path:
options.scatterplot = True
# TODO(bhunsaker): Check whether Gnuplot can be accessed early.
# TODO(bhunsaker): Check whether animation program can be accessed.
if (len(args) != 1):
if options.all_images:
options.histogram = True
options.scatterplot = True
options.path = True
options.tree = True
options.fixed_tree = True
options.predictions = True
# Abort if no images chosen
if (not options.histogram and not options.scatterplot and
not options.path and not options.tree and not options.fixed_tree and
not options.predictions):
print('No image types specified so not processing.')
# Bounds for incumbent paths will be undefined without scatterplots.
if options.path:
options.scatterplot = True
return (input_filename, options)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from .BranchAndBound import GenerateRandomMIP, BranchAndBound
T = BBTree()
CONSTRAINTS, VARIABLES, OBJ, MAT, RHS = GenerateRandomMIP(rand_seed = 120)
branch_strategy = MOST_FRACTIONAL,
search_strategy = BEST_FIRST,
display_interval = 10000)
def CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, flag_text, variable_name, help_text)
Add two options to an optparse.OptionParser, one with a 'no' prefix. Two options are created. One has the flag_text and one has 'no' prepended to the flag_text. For example, –foo and –nofoo. This is similar to a common style in Perl.
- optparse.OptionParser object.
- String text for the flag.
- String name of the variable to store the flag results.
- String that describes the flag.
Expand source code
def CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, flag_text, variable_name, help_text): """ Add two options to an optparse.OptionParser, one with a 'no' prefix. Two options are created. One has the flag_text and one has 'no' prepended to the flag_text. For example, --foo and --nofoo. This is similar to a common style in Perl. Args: parser: optparse.OptionParser object. flag_text: String text for the flag. variable_name: String name of the variable to store the flag results. help_text: String that describes the flag. """ parser.add_option('--' + flag_text, action='store_true', dest=variable_name, default=False, help=help_text) parser.add_option('--no' + flag_text, action='store_false', dest=variable_name, help='do not ' + flag_text)
def parse_options()
Parse arguments and flags
Expand source code
def parse_options(): ''' Parse arguments and flags''' usage_text = 'usage: %prog [options] <input file>' parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage_text) parser.add_option('--interval', dest='interval', type='float', default=10.0, help='generate images every TIME seconds', metavar='TIME') parser.add_option('--time_limit', dest='time_limit', type='float', help='process at most TIME seconds of solver time', metavar='TIME') parser.add_option('--label', dest='label', default='', help='add LABEL to all images', metavar='LABEL') parser.add_option('--use_common_bounds', dest='use_common_bounds', action='store_true', default=False, help='use the same bounds on all images') CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'fathom', 'fathom', 'do an interval check for fathomed nodes') CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'histogram', 'histogram', 'print histograms') CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'scatterplot', 'scatterplot', 'print scatterplots') CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'path', 'path', 'print scatterplot incumbent paths') CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'tree', 'tree', 'print tree images') CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'fixed_tree', 'fixed_tree', 'print tree images with fixed horizontal ' 'positions') CreatePerlStyleBooleanFlag(parser, 'predictions', 'predictions', 'print time predictions') parser.add_option('--all', dest='all_images', action='store_true', default=False, help='print all images') parser.add_option('--logscaley', dest='logscaley', action='store_true', default=False, help='use log scale for histogram sizes') parser.add_option('--animate', dest='animate', action='store_true', default=False, help='create animated GIF of each image set') parser.add_option('--no_run_gnuplot', dest='run_gnuplot', action='store_false', default=True, help='do not run Gnuplot on the generated files') parser.add_option('--edge_limit', dest='edge_limit', type='int', default=1000000, help='do not print edges in tree plots if more than ' 'NUM nodes', metavar='NUM') parser.add_option('--sample_tree', dest='sample_tree', type='int', default=0, help='use at most NUM nodes of each type in tree images;' ' zero means no limit', metavar='NUM') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if (len(args) != 1): parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) input_filename = args[0] if options.all_images: options.histogram = True options.scatterplot = True options.path = True options.tree = True options.fixed_tree = True options.predictions = True # Abort if no images chosen if (not options.histogram and not options.scatterplot and not options.path and not options.tree and not options.fixed_tree and not options.predictions): print('No image types specified so not processing.') parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) # Bounds for incumbent paths will be undefined without scatterplots. if options.path: options.scatterplot = True # TODO(bhunsaker): Check whether Gnuplot can be accessed early. # TODO(bhunsaker): Check whether animation program can be accessed. if (len(args) != 1): parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) if options.all_images: options.histogram = True options.scatterplot = True options.path = True options.tree = True options.fixed_tree = True options.predictions = True # Abort if no images chosen if (not options.histogram and not options.scatterplot and not options.path and not options.tree and not options.fixed_tree and not options.predictions): print('No image types specified so not processing.') sys.exit(1) # Bounds for incumbent paths will be undefined without scatterplots. if options.path: options.scatterplot = True return (input_filename, options)
class BBTree (**attrs)
Methods to process and visualize information about a b&b tree. It can process an output file (in a specific format, see BAK project in COIN-OR) of a solver that has three information. See in examples directory fot this use. Moreover it implements a branch and bound method that can solve binary programs (0-1 variables only) using PuLP as an LP solver. It provides different branching and searching strategies. See in test directory.
This is the main class of GrUMPy. It inherits BinaryTree from GIMPy and keeps the entire branch-and-bound tree in self.
API: init(self, **attrs)
Class constructor.
attrs: Tree attributes in keyword arguments format. See Graph and Tree class for details.
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class BBTree(BinaryTree): """ Methods to process and visualize information about a b&b tree. It can process an output file (in a specific format, see BAK project in COIN-OR) of a solver that has three information. See in examples directory fot this use. Moreover it implements a branch and bound method that can solve binary programs (0-1 variables only) using PuLP as an LP solver. It provides different branching and searching strategies. See in test directory. This is the main class of GrUMPy. It inherits BinaryTree from GIMPy and keeps the entire branch-and-bound tree in self. """ def __init__(self, **attrs): if not 'layout' in attrs: attrs['layout']= 'bak' BinaryTree.__init__(self, **attrs) # User-controlled constant values self._label = '' self._filename = None self._logscaley = False self._fathom = False self._wait_for_keypress = True self._edge_limit = 1000000 # current time, updated each time we read a new line self._time = 0.0 # use at most NUM nodes of each type in tree images; zero means no limit self._sample_tree = 0 # Instance-dependent constant values self._optimization_sense = None self._start_time = None self._histogram_lower_bound = None self._histogram_upper_bound = None self._scatterplot_lower_bound = None self._scatterplot_upper_bound = None self._integer_infeasibility_lower_bound = None self._integer_infeasibility_upper_bound = None # Changing reference values self._image_counter = 0 self._next_image_time = None self._incumbent_value = None self._incumbent_parent = None self._new_integer_solution = False self._max_objective_value = None self._min_objective_value = None self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum = None # List of incumbent path data files, for the all incumbent paths image self._incumbent_path_datafiles = [] # Objects for measuring and predicting progress self._objective_gap_forecaster = ForecastingChainedSequences() self._sum_subtree_gaps_forecaster = ForecastingChainedSequences() self._sum_subtree_gaps_scale = 1.0 self._previous_incumbent_value = None # Only needed for SSG if 'display' in attrs: self.set_display_mode(attrs['display']) else: self.set_display_mode('off') def process_file(self, file_name): self._filename = file_name input_file = open(file_name, 'r') # Parse all the lines for line in input_file: self.ProcessLine(line) if self.root is not None: self.display() input_file.close() def write_as_dynamic_gexf(self, filename, mode = "Dot"): if not GEXF_INSTALLED: print('Gexf not installed. Exiting.') return if mode == 'Dot': try: gexf = Gexf("Mike O'Sullivan", "Dynamic graph file") graph = gexf.addGraph("directed", "dynamic", "Dynamic graph") objAtt = graph.addNodeAttribute("obj", "0.0", "float") currAtt = graph.addNodeAttribute("current", "1.0", "integer", "dynamic") node_names = self.get_node_list() for name in node_names: node = self.get_node(name) if node.get("step") is None: raise Exception("Node without step in BBTree", "node =", node) curr_step = '%s' % node.get("step") next_step = "%s" % (node.get("step") + 1) n = graph.addNode(name, node.get_label(), start=curr_step) if node.get("obj") is None: raise Exception("Node without objective in BBTree", "node =", node) n.addAttribute(objAtt, "%s" % node.get("obj")) n.addAttribute(currAtt, "1", start=curr_step, end=next_step) n.addAttribute(currAtt, "0", start=next_step) edge_names = self.get_edge_list() for i, (m_name, n_name) in enumerate(edge_names): edge = self.get_edge(m_name, n_name) if edge.get("step") is None: raise Exception("Edge without step in BBTree", "edge =", (m_name, n_name)) curr_step = "%s" % edge.get("step") graph.addEdge(i, m_name, n_name, start=curr_step) output_file = open(filename + ".gexf", "w") gexf.write(output_file) except Exception as e: print(e) print("No .gexf file created") else: raise Exception("Only Dot mode supported in write_as_dynamic_gexf") def set_display_mode(self, mode): if mode is 'off': self.attr['display'] = mode elif mode is 'matplotlib': if MATPLOTLIB_INSTALLED: self.attr['display'] = 'matplotlib' else: print('Matplotlib is not installed. Display is set to off.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' elif mode is 'PIL': if PIL_INSTALLED: self.attr['display'] = 'PIL' else: print('PIL is not installed. Display is set to off.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' elif mode is 'xdot': if XDOT_INSTALLED: self.attr['display'] = 'xdot' else: print('Xdot is not installed. Display is set to off.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' elif mode is 'file': self.attr['display'] = 'file' elif mode is 'matplotlib': self.attr['display'] = 'matplotlib' else: raise Exception('%s is not a valid display mode.' %mode) def display(self, item = 'all', basename = 'graph', format='png', count=None, pause=False, wait_for_click=True): ''' Displays/Saves images requested. BranchAndBound method calls this method to visualize the branch and bound tree. ''' if self.attr['layout'] != 'bak': if 'init_log_cond' in self.root.attr: max_log_cond = 0 for n in list(self.nodes.values()): if 'init_log_cond' in n.attr: max_log_cond = max(n.attr['init_log_cond'], max_log_cond) for n in list(self.nodes.values()): if 'init_log_cond' in n.attr: log_begin = n.attr['init_log_cond'] log_end = n.attr['final_log_cond'] normalized_cond = (1-old_div(log_begin,max_log_cond)) color = str(hex(int(normalized_cond*256))[2:]) if normalized_cond >= .0625 else '0' + str(hex(int(normalized_cond*256))[2:]) n.attr['label'] = '%.0f \n %.0f' % (log_begin, log_end) n.attr['color'] = '#' + color*3 n.attr['fillcolor'] = '#' + color*3 n.attr['style'] = 'filled' else: n.attr['label'] = ' ' BinaryTree.display(self, pause = pause, wait_for_click = wait_for_click) return if self.attr['display'] is 'off': return if self.attr['display'] is 'matplotlib': gnuplot_script = None if item=='all': self.display_all() elif item=='tree': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateTreeImage() elif item=='scatterplot': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateScatterplot() elif item=='histogram': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateHistogram() elif item=='incumbent': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateIncumbentPath() elif item=='forecast': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateForecastImages() else: raise Exception('Unknown display() method argument %s' %item) if gnuplot_script is not None: self.display_image(gnuplot_script) # clean auxilary files. histogram_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("histogram")] incumbent_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("incumbentpath")] scatterplot_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("scatterplot")] t_fathomed_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_fathomed")] t_infeasible_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_infeasible")] t_pregnant_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_pregnant")] t_integer_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_integer")] t_branched_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_branched")] bak_filelist = (histogram_files + incumbent_files + scatterplot_files + t_fathomed_files + t_integer_files + t_branched_files + t_infeasible_files + t_pregnant_files) for f in bak_filelist: os.remove(f) elif self.attr['display'] is 'xdot': if XDOT_INSTALLED: window = xdot.DotWindow() window.set_dotcode(self.to_string()) window.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit) gtk.main() else: print('Error: xdot not installed. Display disabled.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' elif self.attr['display'] is 'file': if count is not None: basename = basename + '_' + str(count) if self.attr['layout'] is 'dot2tex': if DOT2TEX_INSTALLED: if format != 'pdf' or format != 'ps': print("Dot2tex only supports pdf and ps formats,"+\ "falling back to pdf") format = 'pdf' self.set_layout('dot') tex = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.to_string(), autosize=True, texmode = 'math', template = DOT2TEX_TEMPLATE) f = open(basename+'.tex', 'w') f.write(tex) f.close()['latex', basename]) if format == 'ps':['dvips', basename]) elif format == 'pdf':['pdflatex', basename]) self.set_layout('dot2tex') # clean auxilary files. aux_filelist = [basename+'.tex', basename+'.log', basename+'.dvi', basename+'.aux'] for f in aux_filelist: os.remove(f) else: print("Dot2tex not installed, falling back to graphviz") self.set_layout('dot') self.write(basename+'.'+format, self.get_layout(), format) else: gnuplot_script = None if item=='all': self.display_all() elif item=='tree': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateTreeImage() elif item=='scatterplot': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateScatterplot() elif item=='histogram': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateHistogram() elif item=='incumbent': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateIncumbentPath() elif item=='forecast': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateForecastImages() else: raise Exception('Unknown display() method argument %s' %item) if gnuplot_script is not None: self.write_image(gnuplot_script, basename+'.'+format) # clean auxilary files. histogram_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("histogram")] incumbent_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("incumbentpath")] scatterplot_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("scatterplot")] t_fathomed_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_fathomed")] t_infeasible_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_infeasible")] t_pregnant_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_pregnant")] t_integer_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_integer")] t_branched_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_branched")] bak_filelist = (histogram_files + incumbent_files + scatterplot_files + t_fathomed_files + t_integer_files + t_branched_files + t_infeasible_files + t_pregnant_files) for f in bak_filelist: os.remove(f) else: raise Exception('Unknown display mode %s' %self.attr['display']) def display_all(self): ''' Assumes all the images have the same size. ''' print ('This function is deprected and no longer functions') return # Old source, just in case # if not (MATPLOTLIB_INSTALLED and PIL_INSTALLED: # print('Matplotlib or Pillow not installed. Display disabled') # return # tree = self.GenerateTreeImage() # scatterplot = self.GenerateScatterplot() # histogram = self.GenerateHistogram() # incumbent = self.GenerateIncumbentPath() # if tree is not None: # imTree = StringIO(tree) # pTree = pygame.image.load(imTree, 'png') # sTree = pTree.get_size() # rTree = pygame.Rect(0,0,sTree[0],sTree[1]) # if scatterplot is not None: # imScatterplot = StringIO(scatterplot) # pScatterplot = pygame.image.load(imScatterplot, 'png') # sScatterplot = pScatterplot.get_size() # rScatterplot = pygame.Rect(sTree[0],0,sScatterplot[0], # sScatterplot[1]) # if histogram is not None: # imHistogram = StringIO(histogram) # pHistogram = pygame.image.load(imHistogram, 'png') # sHistogram = pHistogram.get_size() # rHistogram = pygame.Rect(0,sTree[1],sHistogram[0],sHistogram[1]) # if incumbent is not None: # imIncumbent = StringIO(incumbent) # pIncumbent = pygame.image.load(imIncumbent, 'png') # sIncumbent = pIncumbent.get_size() # rIncumbent = pygame.Rect(sTree[0],sTree[1],sIncumbent[0], # sIncumbent[1]) # screen = pygame.display.set_mode((sTree[0]+sTree[0], sTree[1]+sTree[1])) # if tree is not None: # screen.blit(pTree, rTree) # if scatterplot is not None: # screen.blit(pScatterplot, rScatterplot) # if histogram is not None: # screen.blit(pHistogram, rHistogram) # if incumbent is not None: # screen.blit(pIncumbent, rIncumbent) # pygame.display.flip() # if self._wait_for_keypress: # pause = True # print("Press any key to continue to next image (ESCAPE to disable pausing)") # else: # pause = False # while pause: # e = pygame.event.poll() # if e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # keystate = pygame.key.get_pressed() # if keystate[pygame.K_ESCAPE] != 0: # self._wait_for_keypress = False # break # if e.type == pygame.QUIT: # pause = False # pygame.display.quit() # # sys.exit() exits the whole program and I (aykut) guess it is # # not appropriate here. # #sys.exit() def write_image(self, gnuplot_script, filename): if not (MATPLOTLIB_INSTALLED and PIL_INSTALLED): print('Either matplotlib or Pillow is not installed. Display disabled') return try: p =['gnuplot'], capture_output = True, input = bytearray(gnuplot_script, 'utf8')) except OSError: print('''Gnuplot executable not found. Gnuplot must be installed and in your search path. After installation, ensure that the PATH variable is properly set.''') return p.check_returncode() if p.stderr: print(p.stderr) if isinstance(filename, str): with open(filename, "w+b") as f: f.write(p.stdout) else: filename.write(p.stdout) def display_image(self, gnuplot_script, pause = False, wait_for_click = True): if not (PIL_INSTALLED and MATPLOTLIB_INSTALLED): print('Warning: Either matplotlib or Pillow is not installed. Cannot display.') return tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp() tmp_file = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+b') self.write_image(gnuplot_script, tmp_file) tmp_file.close() im = plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(im, interpolation='bilinear' #resample=True #extent = (0, 100, 0, 100) ) if wait_for_click == True: plt.draw() try: if plt.waitforbuttonpress(timeout = 10000): plt.close() exit() except: exit() else: im.close() def set_label(self, label): self._label = label def set_logscaley(self, boolean): self._logscaley = boolean def set_fathom(self, boolean): self._fathom = boolean def set_edge_limit(self, limit): self._edge_limit = limit def set_sample_tree(self, number): self._sample_tree = number def AddOrUpdateNode(self, id, parent_id, branch_direction, status, lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum, condition_begin = None, condition_end = None, **attrs): ''' This method designed to update nodes (in BAK) but we use it for updating/adding arcs. This is because of the tree data structure the authors adopted in BAK. We can divide these attributes such that some will belong to the edge parent_id->id and the others belong to the id node. The following shows whether the attribute belongs to edge or node. branch direction -> edge status -> node lp_bound -> node integer_infeasibility_count -> node integer_infeasibility_sum -> node parent_id -> node ''' if (condition_begin is not None) and (condition_end is not None): #Figure out the color attrs['init_log_cond'] = math.log(condition_begin, 10) attrs['final_log_cond'] = math.log(condition_end, 10) if id in self.neighbors: # node already exists, update attributes self.set_node_attr(id, 'status', status) self.set_node_attr(id, 'lp_bound', lp_bound) self.set_node_attr(id, 'integer_infeasibility_count', integer_infeasibility_count) self.set_node_attr(id, 'integer_infeasibility_sum', integer_infeasibility_sum) if (condition_begin is not None) and (condition_end is not None): self.set_node_attr(id, 'init_log_cond', math.log(condition_begin, 10)) self.set_node_attr(id, 'final_log_cond', math.log(condition_end, 10)) elif self.root is None: self.add_root(id, status = status, lp_bound = lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count = integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum = integer_infeasibility_sum, subtree_root = None, **attrs) elif parent_id is not None: if branch_direction == 'L': self.add_left_child(id, parent_id, status = status, lp_bound = lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count = integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum = integer_infeasibility_sum, subtree_root = None, **attrs) elif branch_direction == 'R': self.add_right_child(id, parent_id, status = status, lp_bound = lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count = integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum = integer_infeasibility_sum, subtree_root = None, **attrs) else: print('this should not happen.') raise Exception() if lp_bound is not None: self.UpdateObjectiveValueLimits(lp_bound) # Set optimization sense if not yet set if self._optimization_sense is None: if lp_bound < self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'): self._optimization_sense = 'max' elif lp_bound > self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'): self._optimization_sense = 'min' if self._optimization_sense == 'min' and lp_bound < self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'): print("Switching guess about objective sense to maximization based on bound change") self._optimization_sense = 'max' if self._optimization_sense == 'max' and lp_bound > self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'): print("Switching guess about objective sense to minimization based on bound change") self._optimization_sense = 'max' if integer_infeasibility_sum is not None: if (self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum is None or integer_infeasibility_sum > self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum): self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum = integer_infeasibility_sum def IsBetterThan(self, value1, value2): """ Returns True if value1 is better than value2 as an objective value. This depends on the optimization sense of the instance. Args: value1: Float. value2: Float. Returns: True if value1 is better than value2 as an objective value. """ if self._optimization_sense is None: print("Optimization sense is not set, assuming sense is miniminzation") self._optimization_sense = 'min' if self._optimization_sense == 'min': return value1 < value2 else: return value1 > value2 def IsBetterThanIncumbent(self, value): """ Returns True if the passed value is better than current incumbent. Args: value: Float to use for comparison. Returns: True if the passed value is better than the current incumbent. 'Better' is determined by the sense of optimization. """ if self._incumbent_value is None: return True else: return self.IsBetterThan(value, self._incumbent_value) def UpdateObjectiveValueLimits(self, value): """Updates the min and max objective values if appropriate. Args: value: Float objective value. """ if self._max_objective_value is None: self._max_objective_value = value self._min_objective_value = value else: if value > self._max_objective_value: self._max_objective_value = value if value < self._min_objective_value: self._min_objective_value = value def AddProgressMeasures(self): # No progress measures if there is no incumbent yet if self._incumbent_value is None: return # Store sum-of-subtree-gaps # We need to traverse all nodes unfortunately # TODO(bhunsaker): check whether we can just traverse active nodes active_node_count = 0 subtree_bounds = {} new_integer_ssg = 0 # Only needed if this is a new integer solution for node_id in self.get_node_list(): status = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'status') if status == 'candidate' or status == 'pregnant': lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound') subtree_root = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'subtree_root') # Optional check for fathomed nodes. if (self._fathom and not self.IsBetterThanIncumbent(lp_bound)): continue active_node_count += 1 if (subtree_root not in subtree_bounds or self.IsBetterThan(lp_bound, subtree_bounds[subtree_root])): subtree_bounds[subtree_root] = lp_bound if self._new_integer_solution: self.set_node_attr(node_id, 'subtree_root', id) new_integer_ssg += abs(self._incumbent_value - lp_bound) # If we have a new integer solution, we need to compute what # the measure would be with the previous integer solution for # scaling purposes. if (self._new_integer_solution and self._previous_incumbent_value is not None): reference_value = self._previous_incumbent_value else: reference_value = self._incumbent_value sum_subtree_gaps = 0 for lp_bound in list(subtree_bounds.values()): sum_subtree_gaps += abs(reference_value - lp_bound) # Start a new sequence if a new integer solution was just found if self._new_integer_solution: if new_integer_ssg >= 1e-6: scale_factor = (old_div(float(sum_subtree_gaps), float(new_integer_ssg))) else: scale_factor = 1.0 self._sum_subtree_gaps_forecaster.StartNewSequence(scale_factor) # sum_subtree_gaps was based on the previous integer solution; # update it now sum_subtree_gaps = new_integer_ssg self._sum_subtree_gaps_forecaster.AddMeasure(self._time, sum_subtree_gaps, active_node_count, len(self.get_node_list())) # Add objective gap measure. Note that this relies on the # active_node_count computed above. if self._new_integer_solution: self._objective_gap_forecaster.StartNewSequence(1.0) if self._optimization_sense == 'min': obj_gap = self._incumbent_value - self._min_objective_value else: obj_gap = self._max_objective_value - self._incumbent_value self._objective_gap_forecaster.AddMeasure(self._time, obj_gap, active_node_count, len(self.get_node_list())) def GetImageCounterString(self): """ Returns a string with the image counter. """ return '%03d' % self._image_counter def WriteHistogramScript(self, num_bins, bin_width, max_bin_count, lp_bound, data_filename, output_file): """ Write a Gnuplot script file to generate a histogram image. Args: num_bins: Integer number of bins for the histogram. bin_width: Float width of the bins in terms of objective values. max_bin_count: Integer number of the highest bin count. lp_bound: Float value of the current LP bound. data_filename: String name of the file; used for display purposes. """ # TODO(bhunsaker): add checks for bin_width zero if self._incumbent_value is not None: incumbent_bin = 1 + ((self._incumbent_value - self._histogram_lower_bound) // bin_width) incumbent_x_coord = 0.5 + (old_div((self._incumbent_value - self._histogram_lower_bound), bin_width)) lp_bound_bin = 1 + ((lp_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound) // bin_width) lp_bound_x_coord = 0.5 + (old_div((lp_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound), bin_width)) # TODO(bhunsaker): Ask Osman about adjust_xcoord option, which appears # to put the vertical lines at the edge of bins rather than the # true location. # Output the Gnuplot script to a file. script = "" # Set terminal for the output files. script += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n' # Make settings for the scatter plot. index_string = self.GetImageCounterString() output_filename = "histogram."+index_string+".png" if output_file: script += 'set output "%s"\n' % output_filename if self._filename is None: script += 'set title "Histogram of LP Bounds"\n' else: script += ('set title "Histogram of LP Bounds: %s, %s, %.2fs"\n' % (self._filename, self._label, self._time)) script += 'set xlabel "obj. value"\n' script += 'set ylabel "number of nodes"\n' if self._logscaley: script += 'set logscale y\n' script += 'set nokey\n' script += 'set tics scale 0.001\n' script += 'set xrange [0:%d+1]\n' % num_bins if self._logscaley: script += 'set yrange [1:%d*1.2]\n' % max_bin_count else: script += 'set yrange [0:%d*1.2]\n' % max_bin_count script += 'set xtics rotate by 90\n' # Mark tics for each bin. script += 'set xtics (' # TODO(bhunsaker): Consider putting this in a loop. x_values = ['"%0.2f" %0.2f' % (self._histogram_lower_bound + i * bin_width, i + 0.5) for i in range(num_bins + 1)] script += ', '.join(x_values) + ')\n' # Plot LP bound and incumbent tics. script += 'set x2tics (' script += '"%0.2f" %d' % (lp_bound, lp_bound_bin) if self._incumbent_value is not None: script += ', "%0.2f"%d)\n' % (self._incumbent_value, incumbent_bin) else: script += ')\n' plot_parts = [] # Plot the data points. plot_parts.append('\'%s\' with boxes fill solid 0.2' % data_filename) # Draw the vertical lp_bound and incumbent lines. script += 'set parametric\n' script += 'set trange [0:%d*1.5]\n' % max_bin_count plot_parts.append('%0.2f,t linetype 2' % lp_bound_x_coord) if self._incumbent_value is not None: plot_parts.append('%0.2f,t linetype 5' % incumbent_x_coord) script += 'plot %s\n' % ', '.join(plot_parts) script += 'unset parametric\n' script += 'show output\n' return script def AdjustHistogramEndBins(self, objective_list, num_bins, bin_width, bin_counts, bin_centers, bin_widths): """ Adjusts the two end bins if necessary to make them narrower. The two end bins may need to be narrower than the other bins so that they do not go past the current incumbent value on one end and the current lp bound on the other. So that the histogram is still correct in areas, the height of these bins needs to be adjusted so that the area does not change. Note that there is likely to be some bias toward taller bins on the ends since they always have a point at one end of their width. It may be more accurate visually to ignore or discount that one point when determining the bin height, but that is not currently done. Args: objective_list: List of float objective values. num_bins: Integer number of bins. bin_width: Float standard width of bins in terms of objective values. bin_counts: List of integer counts for each bin. bin_centers: List of float coordinates for the center of each bin. bin_widths: List of float widths for bins, allowing for individualized widths. """ if self._optimization_sense == 'min': lp_bound = min(objective_list) lower_bound = lp_bound if self._incumbent_value is not None: upper_bound = self._incumbent_value else: upper_bound = self._histogram_upper_bound else: lp_bound = max(objective_list) upper_bound = lp_bound if self._incumbent_value is not None: lower_bound = self._incumbent_value else: lower_bound = self._histogram_lower_bound # The end bins may have unusual centers and widths highest_nonempty_bin = int((upper_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound) // bin_width) if (highest_nonempty_bin < num_bins and bin_counts[highest_nonempty_bin] > 0): highest_x_coord = 0.5 + (old_div((upper_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound), bin_width)) highest_nonempty_bin_width, unused_int = math.modf(0.5 + highest_x_coord) if highest_nonempty_bin_width == 0.0: highest_nonempty_bin_width = 1.0 bin_widths[highest_nonempty_bin] = highest_nonempty_bin_width bin_centers[highest_nonempty_bin] = highest_x_coord - ( old_div(highest_nonempty_bin_width, 2)) # Scale the height appropriately bin_counts[highest_nonempty_bin] /= bin_widths[highest_nonempty_bin] lowest_nonempty_bin = int((lower_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound) // bin_width) if bin_counts[lowest_nonempty_bin] > 0: lowest_x_coord = 0.5 + (old_div((lower_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound), bin_width)) lowest_nonempty_bin_excess, unused_int = math.modf(0.5 + lowest_x_coord) bin_widths[lowest_nonempty_bin] = 1.0 - lowest_nonempty_bin_excess bin_centers[lowest_nonempty_bin] = ( lowest_x_coord + old_div(bin_widths[lowest_nonempty_bin], 2)) # Scale the height appropriately bin_counts[lowest_nonempty_bin] /= bin_widths[lowest_nonempty_bin] def GenerateHistogram(self, output_file = False): """ Generate files necessary for a histogram image. Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which references the data file). Args: time: Float number of seconds since the start of optimization. """ num_bins = 20 # Compute the bin width and counts. objective_list = [] for n in self.get_node_list(): if (self.get_node_attr(n,'status') == 'candidate' or self.get_node_attr(n,'status') == 'pregnant'): lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(n,'lp_bound') if not self.IsBetterThanIncumbent(lp_bound): continue objective_list.append(lp_bound) # TODO(aykut) added the following check, we need it since we generate # histograms real time # we can not generate histogram if we do not have upperl and lower #bounds if len(objective_list)==0 or self._incumbent_value is None: return None # The first time we create a histogram, set bounds for objective # values. # TODO(bhunsaker): Consider bounds; talk to Osman. if self._histogram_lower_bound is None: if self._optimization_sense == 'min': self._histogram_lower_bound = min(objective_list) if self._incumbent_value is not None: self._histogram_upper_bound = self._incumbent_value else: self._histogram_upper_bound = max(objective_list) else: self._histogram_upper_bound = max(objective_list) if self._incumbent_value is not None: self._histogram_lower_bound = self._incumbent_value else: self._histogram_lower_bound = min(objective_list) bin_width = old_div((self._histogram_upper_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound), float(num_bins)) bin_counts = [0.0 for i in range(num_bins)] for value in objective_list: bin = int(math.floor(old_div((value - self._histogram_lower_bound), bin_width))) # Special case for the largest value. if (value >= self._histogram_upper_bound and value < self._histogram_upper_bound + 1e-6): bin = num_bins - 1 if bin < 0: return assert bin < num_bins, '%d (%f) !< %d (%f)' % ( bin, value, num_bins, self._histogram_upper_bound) bin_counts[bin] += 1 max_bin_count = max(bin_counts) bin_centers = [i + 1.0 for i in range(len(bin_counts))] bin_widths = [1.0 for i in range(len(bin_counts))] self.AdjustHistogramEndBins(objective_list, num_bins, bin_width, bin_counts, bin_centers, bin_widths) if self._optimization_sense == 'min': lp_bound = min(objective_list) else: lp_bound = max(objective_list) # Output the bin data to a file. index_string = self.GetImageCounterString() data_filename = 'histogram%s.dat' % index_string data_file = open(data_filename, 'w') for index in range(len(bin_counts)): data_file.write('%f %f %f\n' % (bin_centers[index], bin_counts[index], bin_widths[index])) data_file.close() histogram_script = self.WriteHistogramScript(num_bins, bin_width, max_bin_count, lp_bound, data_filename, output_file) # TODO(bhunsaker): Temporary hack # This allows the bounds to be reset until an incumbent is found. if self._incumbent_value is None: self._histogram_lower_bound = None self._histogram_upper_bound = None return histogram_script def GetImageObjectiveBounds(self, min_value, max_value): """ Return min and max bounds to be used for images. Images should use bounds that are slightly wider than observed objective values. Also, the special case of a single value must be handled. Args: min_value: Float minimum objective value. max_value: Float maximum objective value. Returns: A tuple of two float values (lower_bound, upper_bound). """ obj_range = max_value - min_value if obj_range > 0: image_max_obj = max_value + 0.01 * obj_range image_min_obj = min_value - 0.01 * obj_range else: if max_value >= 0: image_max_obj = 1.01 * max_value else: image_max_obj = 0.99 * max_value if min_value >= 0: image_min_obj = 0.99 * min_value else: image_min_obj = 1.01 * min_value return (image_min_obj, image_max_obj) def WriteScatterplotScript(self, data_filename, output_file): """ Write a Gnuplot script file to generate a scatterplot image. Args: data_filename: String name of the file; used for display purposes. """ image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds( self._scatterplot_lower_bound, self._scatterplot_upper_bound) index_string = self.GetImageCounterString() output_filename = "scatterplot."+index_string+".png" script = "" # Set terminal for the output files. script += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n' # Make settings for the scatter plot. if output_file: script += 'set output "%s"\n' % output_filename if self._filename is None: script += 'set title "Scatterplot"\n' else: script += ('set title "Scatterplot: %s, %s, %ds"\n' % ( self._filename, self._label, int(self._time))) script += 'set pointsize 0.8\n' script += 'set nokey\n' script += 'set xlabel \"sum of int. infeas.\"\n' script += 'set ylabel \"obj. value\"\n' script += ('set xrange [0:%0.6f+2]\n' % self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum) script += ('set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_min_obj, image_max_obj)) plot_parts = [] # Plot the data points. plot_parts.append('\'%s\' with points pointtype 2 linetype 1' % data_filename) # Also plot the incumbent line. if self._incumbent_value is not None: plot_parts.append('%0.6f linetype 2 linewidth 0.5' % self._incumbent_value) # Plot the incumbent's parent if it's available. if self._incumbent_parent is not None: #incumbent_parent = self.get_node(self._incumbent_parent) plot_parts.append('"< echo %0.6f %0.6f" ' 'with points pointtype 9 pointsize 1.2' % (self.get_node_attr(self._incumbent_parent, 'integer_infeasibility_sum'), self.get_node_attr(self._incumbent_parent, 'lp_bound'))) script += 'plot %s\n' % ', '.join(plot_parts) script += 'show output\n' return script def GenerateScatterplot(self, output_file = False): """ Generate files necessary for a scatterplot image. Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which references the data file). Args: output_file: if not given the gnuplot image will not be written to disk but returned (to be displayed in matplotlib window) """ # Output data points. index_string = self.GetImageCounterString() data_filename = 'scatterplot%s.dat' % index_string data_file = open(data_filename, 'w') if self._scatterplot_lower_bound is None: bounds = [] # Write objective values and integer infeasibility sum information # for candidate and pregnant nodes. for node in self.get_node_list(): status = self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node,'lp_bound') if status == 'candidate' or status == 'pregnant': # Optional check for fathomed nodes. if (self._fathom and not self.IsBetterThanIncumbent(lp_bound)): continue data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( self.get_node_attr(node, 'integer_infeasibility_sum'), lp_bound)) # Set the image objective bounds the first image. if self._scatterplot_lower_bound is None: bounds.append(lp_bound) data_file.close() if self._scatterplot_lower_bound is None: if len(bounds) <= 1: return None self._scatterplot_lower_bound = min(bounds) self._scatterplot_upper_bound = max(bounds) # The incumbent overrides a bound if present. if self._incumbent_value is not None: if self._optimization_sense == 'min': self._scatterplot_upper_bound = self._incumbent_value else: self._scatterplot_lower_bound = self._incumbent_value scatterplot_script = self.WriteScatterplotScript(data_filename, output_file) return scatterplot_script def WriteIncumbentPathScript(self, data_filename): """ Write a Gnuplot script file to generate an incumbent path image. Args: data_filename: String name of the file; used for display purposes. """ image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds( self._scatterplot_lower_bound, self._scatterplot_upper_bound) script = '' # Set terminal for the output files. script += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n' if self._filename is None: script += 'set title "Incumbent path"\n' else: script += ('set title "Incumbent path (%s %.2fs %s)"\n' % ( self._filename, self._time, self._label)) script += 'set pointsize 0.8\n' script += 'set nokey\n' script += 'set xlabel \"sum of int. infeas.\"\n' script += 'set ylabel \"obj. value\"\n' script += ('set xrange [0:%0.6f+2]\n' % self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum) script += ('set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_min_obj, image_max_obj)) # Plot the data points and connecting lines. script += ('plot \'%s\' with points pointtype 2, ' '\'%s\' with lines linetype 2\n' % (data_filename, data_filename)) script += 'show output\n' return script def WriteAllIncumbentPathsScript(self): """ Return a Gnuplot script string to generate an incumbent path image. Args: data_filenames: List of string names of files. """ data_filenames = self._incumbent_path_datafiles image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds( self._scatterplot_lower_bound, self._scatterplot_upper_bound) script = '' # Set terminal for the output files. script += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n' # Make settings for the scatter plot. if self._filename is None: script += 'set title "Incumbent paths"\n' else: script += ('set title "Incumbent paths (%s %.2fs %s)"\n' % ( self._filename, self._time, self._label)) script += 'set pointsize 0.8\n' script += 'set nokey\n' script += 'set xlabel \"sum of int. infeas.\"\n' script += 'set ylabel \"obj. value\"\n' script += ('set xrange [0:%0.6f+2]\n' % self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum) script += ('set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_min_obj, image_max_obj)) # Plot the data points and connecting lines. command_list = [] for filename in data_filenames: command_list.append('\'%s\' with points pointtype 2, ' '\'%s\' with lines linetype 2' % (filename, filename)) script += 'plot %s\n' % ','.join(command_list) script += 'show output\n' return script def GenerateIncumbentPath(self): """ Generate files necessary for an incumbent scatterplot path image. Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which references the data file). """ if self._incumbent_parent is None: return if self._scatterplot_lower_bound is None: return if self._scatterplot_upper_bound is None: return index_string = self.GetImageCounterString() # Output data points. data_filename = 'incumbentpath%s.dat' % index_string data_file = open(data_filename, 'w') # Write objective values and integer infeasibility sum information # for ancestor nodes. data_file.write('0 %0.6f\n' % self._incumbent_value) parent = self._incumbent_parent # TODO(bhunsaker): I think the following assumes a unique value for the # parent of the root. while parent != None: data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (self.get_node_attr(parent, 'integer_infeasibility_sum'), self.get_node_attr(parent, 'lp_bound'))) parent = self.get_node_attr(parent, 'parent') data_file.close() self._incumbent_path_datafiles.append(data_filename) # Output the Gnuplot script to a file. path_script = self.WriteIncumbentPathScript(data_filename) return path_script def GenerateAllIncumbentPaths(self): """ Generate file for a path image with all incumbent paths. Data files were previously generated for each incumbent. This re-uses those files. """ all_path_script = self.WriteAllIncumbentPathsScript() def WriteTreeScript(self, additional_lines = None): """ Write a Gnuplot script file to generate a tree image. Args: additional_lines: String with additional lines to be added to the script file. """ image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds( self._min_objective_value, self._max_objective_value) data = '' data += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n' data += 'set output "%s"\n' % output_file data += 'set nokey\n' data += 'set autoscale\n' data += 'set tics scale 0.001\n' data += 'set pointsize 0.5\n' data += 'set xrange [-0.1:1.1]\n' data += 'set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_max_obj, image_min_obj) data += 'set format x ""\n' data += 'set ylabel "obj. value"\n' if self._filename is None: data += 'set title "B&B tree"\n' else: data += 'set title "B&B tree (%s %.2fs %s)"\n\n' % ( self._filename, self._time, self._label) for line in additional_lines: data += line return data def GetTreeFixedHorizontalPositions(self): """ Returns horizontal positions for all nodes based on fixed positions. Returns: Dictionary of float horizontal positions, keyed by node id. """ # Statistics needed for horizontal positions. horizontal_lower_bound = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 0.0) horizontal_upper_bound = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 1.0) horizontal_positions = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list()) horizontal_positions[] = 0.5 # sort node list node_id_list = sorted(self.get_node_list()) node_id_list_int = list(int(n) for n in node_id_list) node_id_list_int = sorted(node_id_list_int) node_id_list = list(str(n) for n in node_id_list_int) for node_id in node_id_list: if node_id == continue parent_id = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'parent') branch_direction = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'direction') if branch_direction == 'R': horizontal_lower_bound[node_id] = horizontal_positions[ parent_id] horizontal_upper_bound[node_id] = horizontal_upper_bound[ parent_id] elif branch_direction == 'L': horizontal_lower_bound[node_id] = horizontal_lower_bound[ parent_id] horizontal_upper_bound[node_id] = horizontal_positions[ parent_id] else: print('Error: node %s has unsupported branching direction.'\ %node_id) print('Fixed-position tree images only support L and R ') print('branching.') sys.exit(1) horizontal_positions[node_id] = old_div(( horizontal_upper_bound[node_id] + horizontal_lower_bound[node_id]), 2) return horizontal_positions def GetTreeHorizontalPositions(self): """ Returns horizontal positions for all nodes. Each node is given equal horizontal space. Returns: Dictionary of float horizontal positions, keyed by node id. """ # Statistics needed for horizontal positions. number_descendants = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 1) # number_descendants includes the key node itself horizontal_lower_bound = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 0.0) horizontal_upper_bound = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 1.0) horizontal_positions = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list()) visited = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), False) # Count the number of descendants for each node. # Do a post-order traversal of the tree. node_stack = [] node_stack.append( while node_stack: current_node = node_stack[len(node_stack) - 1] lchild = self.get_left_child(current_node) rchild = self.get_right_child(current_node) is_node_added = False # Add the next unvisited child to the stack if lchild is not None and not visited[quote(lchild)]: node_stack.append(lchild) is_node_added = True if (rchild is not None and not visited[quote(rchild)] and is_node_added==False): node_stack.append(rchild) is_node_added = True # If all childs visited, then update number_descendants if not is_node_added: if lchild is not None: number_descendants[quote(current_node)] += ( number_descendants[quote(lchild)]) if rchild is not None: number_descendants[quote(current_node)] += ( number_descendants[quote(rchild)]) visited[quote(current_node)] = True del node_stack[len(node_stack) - 1] # Traverse the tree and set horizontal positions. # Do a pre-order traversal of the tree. node_stack = [] node_stack.append( horizontal_lower_bound[] = 0.0 horizontal_upper_bound[] = 1.0 while node_stack: node = node_stack.pop() lchild = self.get_left_child(node) rchild = self.get_right_child(node) direction = None number_of_children = 0 children_list = [] # Place all children on the stack if lchild is not None: node_stack.append(lchild) number_of_children += 1 direction = 'L' children_list.append(lchild) if rchild is not None: node_stack.append(rchild) number_of_children += 1 direction = 'R' children_list.append(rchild) # Convenience variables current_lower_bound = horizontal_lower_bound[quote(node)] current_range = (horizontal_upper_bound[quote(node)] - horizontal_lower_bound[quote(node)]) total_descendants = number_descendants[quote(node)] sorted_child_labels = sorted(children_list) # Determine where to place this node with respect to its children. # Put the node in the center, or have more children on the left. before_index = int(math.ceil(old_div(number_of_children,2.0))) # Exception with a single node that is 'L' if number_of_children == 1: if direction != 'L': before_index = 0 cumulative_descendants = 0 for i, label in enumerate(sorted_child_labels): if before_index == i: # Determine the relative position for the current node relative_position = old_div((cumulative_descendants + 0.5), ( total_descendants)) cumulative_descendants += 1 # Set bounds for this child horizontal_lower_bound[quote(label)] = ( current_lower_bound + float(cumulative_descendants) / total_descendants * current_range) # Increment cumulative_descendants, which also lets us compute # the upper bound. cumulative_descendants += number_descendants[quote(label)] horizontal_upper_bound[quote(label)] = ( current_lower_bound + float(cumulative_descendants) / total_descendants * current_range) # Catch the case that the node comes after all its children. # This must also work for the case that this is the only node. if before_index == len(sorted_child_labels): relative_position = old_div((cumulative_descendants + 0.5), ( total_descendants)) # Finally set the position for the current node horizontal_positions[quote(node)] = ( horizontal_lower_bound[quote(node)] + relative_position * ( horizontal_upper_bound[quote(node)] - horizontal_lower_bound[quote(node)])) return horizontal_positions def WriteDataFileFromList(self, filename, data_list): """ Write a list of string data to a file with one entry per line. Args: filename: String filename to open. data_list: List of string values to write. """ outfile = open(filename, 'w') for line in data_list: outfile.write(line) outfile.close() def GenerateTreeImage(self, fixed_horizontal_positions = False): """ Generate files necessary for a tree image. Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which references the data file). """ index_string = self.GetImageCounterString() if fixed_horizontal_positions: name_prefix = 'tree_alt' horizontal_positions = self.GetTreeFixedHorizontalPositions() else: name_prefix = 'tree' horizontal_positions = self.GetTreeHorizontalPositions() candidate_lines = [] pregnant_lines = [] branched_lines = [] infeasible_lines = [] fathomed_lines = [] integer_lines = [] additional_script_lines = [] node_list = self.get_node_list() print_edges = (len(node_list) <= self._edge_limit) for node in node_list: node_lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node, 'lp_bound') if self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'candidate': # TODO(bhunsaker): add optional fathoming check candidate_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound)) elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'pregnant': # TODO(bhunsaker): add optional fathoming check pregnant_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound)) elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'branched': branched_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound)) elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'infeasible': infeasible_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound)) elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'fathomed': fathomed_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound)) elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'integer': integer_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound)) if print_edges and node != if True: _parent_id = self.get_node_attr(node, 'parent') additional_script_lines.append( 'set arrow from %0.6f, %0.6f to %0.6f, %0.6f nohead lt -1 ' 'lw 0.2\n' % (horizontal_positions[_parent_id], self.get_node_attr(_parent_id, 'lp_bound'), horizontal_positions[node], self.get_node_attr(node, 'lp_bound'))) plot_parts = [] # Plot root node. plot_parts.append('"< echo %0.6f %0.6f" w p lt 2 pt 7' % (horizontal_positions[], self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'))) # If desired, sample from the set of nodes rather than plotting all. if self._sample_tree: sample_size = self._sample_tree if len(branched_lines) > sample_size: branched_lines = random.sample(branched_lines, sample_size) if len(fathomed_lines) > sample_size: fathomed_lines = random.sample(fathomed_lines, sample_size) if len(infeasible_lines) > sample_size: infeasible_lines = random.sample(infeasible_lines, sample_size) if len(pregnant_lines) > sample_size: pregnant_lines = random.sample(pregnant_lines, sample_size) if len(candidate_lines) > sample_size: candidate_lines = random.sample(candidate_lines, sample_size) if len(integer_lines) > sample_size: integer_lines = random.sample(integer_lines, sample_size) # Output all data files. Note that the order below matters. if len(branched_lines): self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_branched%s.dat' % (name_prefix, index_string), branched_lines) plot_parts.append('\'%s_branched%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "yellow" pt 7' % (name_prefix, index_string)) if len(fathomed_lines): self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_fathomed%s.dat' % (name_prefix, index_string), fathomed_lines) plot_parts.append('\'%s_fathomed%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "light-red" pt 7' % (name_prefix, index_string)) if len(infeasible_lines): self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_infeasible%s.dat' % (name_prefix, index_string), infeasible_lines) plot_parts.append('\'%s_infeasible%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "dark-red" pt 7' % (name_prefix, index_string)) if len(pregnant_lines): self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_pregnant%s.dat' % (name_prefix, index_string), pregnant_lines) plot_parts.append('\'%s_pregnant%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "green" pt 7' % (name_prefix, index_string)) if len(candidate_lines): for line in candidate_lines: plot_parts.append('"< echo %s" w p lt rgb "green" pt 7' %line.rstrip('\r\n')) if len(integer_lines): self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_integer%s.dat' % (name_prefix, index_string), integer_lines) plot_parts.append('\'%s_integer%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "cyan" pt 7' % (name_prefix, index_string)) if self._incumbent_value is not None: plot_parts.append('%0.6f lt 1 lw 0.5' % self._incumbent_value) additional_script_lines.append('plot %s\n' % ', '.join(plot_parts)) additional_script_lines.append('unset arrow\n') image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds( self._min_objective_value, self._max_objective_value) data = '' data += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n' data += 'set nokey\n' data += 'set autoscale\n' data += 'set tics scale 0.001\n' data += 'set pointsize 0.5\n' data += 'set xrange [-0.1:1.1]\n' data += 'set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_max_obj, image_min_obj) data += 'set format x ""\n' data += 'set ylabel "obj. value"\n' if self._filename is None: data += 'set title "B&B tree"\n\n' else: data += 'set title "B&B tree (%s %.2fs %s)"\n\n' % ( self._filename, self._time, self._label) for line in additional_script_lines: data += line return data def ProcessLine(self, line): """ Process a line of the input file, generating images if appropriate. Parses the line, updates internal data structures, and creates images if appropriate. Args: line: String input line to process. """ line = line.strip() # Comments start with a '#' if line[0] == '#': return tokens = line.split() if len(tokens) < 3: print('Incomplete or invalid line: %s' %' '.join(tokens)) sys.exit(1) # Tokens shared by all line types self._time = float(tokens[0]) line_type = tokens[1] remaining_tokens = tokens[2:] # Process the line based on the type if line_type == 'heuristic': self._optimal_soln_time = self._time self.ProcessHeuristicLine(remaining_tokens) else: # Other node types share common tokens node_id = int(tokens[2]) parent_id = int(tokens[3]) branch_direction = tokens[4] remaining_tokens = tokens[5:] # TODO(aykut):parent id of root node is 0 when we read from file. if id==self.root: parent_id = None # Check that the parent node id is valid # elif parent_id not in self.get_node_list() and self.root is not None: # print 'Parent id does not exist: %s' % line # sys.exit(1) if line_type == 'integer': self._optimal_soln_time = self._time self.ProcessIntegerLine(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens) elif line_type == 'fathomed': self.ProcessFathomedLine(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens) elif line_type == 'candidate': self.ProcessCandidateLine(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens) elif line_type == 'pregnant': self.ProcessPregnantLine(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens) elif line_type == 'branched': self.ProcessBranchedLine(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens) elif line_type == 'infeasible': self.ProcessInfeasibleLine(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens) else: print('Unexpected line type "%s": %s' % (line_type, ' '.join(tokens))) sys.exit(1) def ProcessHeuristicLine(self, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'heuristic'. Args: remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) < 1 or len(remaining_tokens) > 2: print('Invalid line: %s heuristic %s' % ( self._time, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> heuristic <obj value>'+\ ' [<associated node id>]') sys.exit(1) objective_value = float(remaining_tokens[0]) if len(remaining_tokens) == 2: associated_node = remaining_tokens[1] else: associated_node = None # Check that this is actually an improvement if self._incumbent_value is not None and self._optimization_sense is None: if objective_value > self._incumbent_value: print("Objective sense unset, guessing maximization") self._optimization_sense = 'max' else: print("Objective sense unset, guessing minimization") self._optimization_sense = 'min' if not self.IsBetterThanIncumbent(objective_value): return self._previous_incumbent_value = self._incumbent_value self._incumbent_value = objective_value self.UpdateObjectiveValueLimits(objective_value) self._incumbent_parent = associated_node # Set variable to generate images self._new_integer_solution = True def ProcessIntegerLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'integer'. Args: node_id: String node id. parent_id: String node id of parent. branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent. remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) != 1: print('Invalid line: %s integer %s %s %s %s' % ( self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> integer <node id> <parent id>'+\ '<branch direction> <obj value>') sys.exit(1) objective_value = float(remaining_tokens[0]) self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'integer', objective_value, None, None) self._previous_incumbent_value = self._incumbent_value self._incumbent_value = objective_value self._incumbent_parent = parent_id self._new_integer_solution = True def ProcessFathomedLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'fathomed'. Args: node_id: String node id. parent_id: String node id of parent. branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent. remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Print a warning if there is no current incumbent. if self._incumbent_value is None: print('WARNING: Encountered "fathom" line before first incumbent.') print(' This may indicate an error in the input file.') # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) > 1: print('Invalid line: %s fathomed %s %s %s %s' % ( self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> fathomed <node id> <parent id>'+\ '<branch direction> [<lp bound>]') sys.exit(1) if len(remaining_tokens) == 1: lp_bound = float(remaining_tokens[0]) else: if (node_id in self.get_node_list() and self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound') is not None): lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound') else: lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'lp_bound') if self._optimization_sense == 'min': if (self._incumbent_value is not None and lp_bound < self._incumbent_value): lp_bound = self._incumbent_value elif self._optimization_sense == 'max': if (self._incumbent_value is not None and lp_bound > self._incumbent_value): lp_bound = self._incumbent_value parent_node = self.get_node(parent_id) self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'fathomed', lp_bound, self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_count'), self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_sum')) def ProcessPregnantLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'pregnant'. Args: node_id: String node id. parent_id: String node id of parent. branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent. remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) != 3: print('Invalid line: %s pregnant %s %s %s %s' % ( self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> pregnant <node id> <parent id> ') print('<branch direction> <lp bound> ') print('<sum of integer infeasibilities> <number of integer ') print('infeasibilities>') sys.exit(1) lp_bound = float(remaining_tokens[0]) integer_infeasibility_sum = float(remaining_tokens[1]) integer_infeasibility_count = int(remaining_tokens[2]) self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'pregnant', lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum) def ProcessBranchedLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'branched'. Args: node_id: String node id. parent_id: String node id of parent. branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent. remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) not in [3, 5]: print('Invalid line: %s branched %s %s %s %s' % ( self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> branched <node id> <parent id> ') print('<branch direction> <lp bound> ') print('<sum of integer infeasibilities> <number of integer ') print('infeasibilities>') sys.exit(1) lp_bound = float(remaining_tokens[0]) integer_infeasibility_sum = float(remaining_tokens[1]) integer_infeasibility_count = int(remaining_tokens[2]) condition_begin = None condition_end = None if len(remaining_tokens) == 5: # In this case, we must also be printing conditions numbers condition_begin = int(remaining_tokens[3]) condition_end = int(remaining_tokens[4]) self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'branched', lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum, condition_begin, condition_end) def ProcessInfeasibleLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'infeasible'. Args: node_id: String node id. parent_id: String node id of parent. branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent. remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) not in [0, 2]: print('Invalid line: %s infeasible %s %s %s %s' % ( self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> infeasible <node id> <parent id> ') print('<branch direction>') sys.exit(1) # Use parent values if the node does not have its own lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'lp_bound') ii_count = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_count') ii_sum = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_sum') if node_id in self.get_node_list(): if self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound') is not None: lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound') if (self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'integer_infeasibility_count') is not None): ii_count = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'integer_infeasibility_count') if (self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'integer_infeasibility_sum') is not None): ii_sum = self.get_node_attr(node_id,'integer_infeasibility_sum') if len(remaining_tokens) == 2: # In this case, we must also be printing conditions numbers condition_begin = int(remaining_tokens[0]) condition_end = int(remaining_tokens[1]) self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'infeasible', lp_bound, ii_count, ii_sum) def ProcessCandidateLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'candidate'. Args: node_id: String node id. parent_id: String node id of parent. branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent. remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) == 2 or len(remaining_tokens) > 3: print('Invalid line: %s branched %s %s %s %s' % ( self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> candidate <node id> <parent id> ') print('<branch direction> [<lp bound>] ') print('[<sum of integer infeasibilities> <number of integer ') print('infeasibilities>]') sys.exit(1) # if parent_id not in self.get_node_list(): # print 'Error: node %s not in set' % parent_id # sys.exit(1) # TODO(bhunsaker): Check that we handle the cases of updating a #candidate. if len(remaining_tokens) > 0: lp_bound = float(remaining_tokens[0]) else: lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'lp_bound') if len(remaining_tokens) == 3: integer_infeasibility_sum = float(remaining_tokens[1]) integer_infeasibility_count = int(remaining_tokens[2]) else: integer_infeasibility_sum = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_sum') integer_infeasibility_count = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_count') self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'candidate', lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum) def RunGnuplotOnAllFiles(self): """Runs Gnuplot on all files in self._gnuplot_files.""" for file in self._gnuplot_files:['gnuplot', file]) def CreateAnimatedImages(self): """Create animated images based on the static images.""" histogram_re = re.compile('histogram') histogram_images = [re.sub('gnuplot', 'png', file) for file in self._gnuplot_files if histogram_re.match(file)] if len(histogram_images): args = ['convert', '-delay', '15', '-loop', '1'] args.extend(histogram_images) args.append('animated_histogram.gif') scatterplot_re = re.compile('scatterplot') scatterplot_images = [re.sub('gnuplot', 'png', file) for file in self._gnuplot_files if scatterplot_re.match(file)] if len(scatterplot_images): args = ['convert', '-delay', '15', '-loop', '1'] args.extend(scatterplot_images) args.append('animated_scatterplot.gif') tree_re = re.compile('tree\.') tree_images = [re.sub('gnuplot', 'png', file) for file in self._gnuplot_files if tree_re.match(file)] if len(tree_images): args = ['convert', '-delay', '15', '-loop', '1'] args.extend(tree_images) args.append('animated_tree.gif') tree_alt_re = re.compile('tree_alt') tree_alt_images = [re.sub('gnuplot', 'png', file) for file in self._gnuplot_files if tree_alt_re.match(file)] if len(tree_alt_images): args = ['convert', '-delay', '15', '-loop', '1'] args.extend(tree_alt_images) args.append('animated_tree_alt.gif') def GeneratePredictionImages(self): gap_measures = self._objective_gap_forecaster.GetAllMeasures() ssg_measures = self._sum_subtree_gaps_forecaster.GetAllMeasures() # Check that there are values to process. if len(gap_measures) == 0 or len(ssg_measures) == 0: print('WARNING: Not printing prediction images because at least'+\ ' one measure set is empty.') print(' Gap measures: %d' % len(gap_measures)) print(' SSG measures: %d' % len(ssg_measures)) return # Gap measures gap_data_filename = 'gap_measures.dat' data_file = open(gap_data_filename, 'w') for measure in gap_measures: data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (measure.time, measure.value)) data_file.close() # SSG measures ssg_data_filename = 'ssg_measures.dat' data_file = open(ssg_data_filename, 'w') # We need to scale the SSG measures so that it will make sense to # look at them on the same plot with gap measures. scale_factor=old_div(float(gap_measures[0].value),float(ssg_measures[0].value)) for measure in ssg_measures: data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (measure.time, measure.value * scale_factor)) data_file.close() # Set terminal for the output files. measures_script = 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n' # Make settings for the plot. if self.filename is None: measures_script += 'set title "Progress Measures"\n' else: measures_script += ('set title "Progress Measures: %s, %s"\n' % ( self._filename, self._label)) measures_script += 'set xlabel \"time (s)\"\n' measures_script += 'set ylabel \"measure\"\n' measures_script += 'set autoscale\n' # Plot the data points. measures_script += ( 'plot \'%s\' with linespoints linetype 3 title \"(SSG)\", ' '\'%s\' with linespoints linetype 4 pointtype 19 ' 'title \"(MIP gap)\"\n' % (ssg_data_filename, gap_data_filename)) measures_script += 'show output\n' return measures_script def GenerateForecastImages(self): # Forecasts # Gap forecasts gap_forecasts = self._objective_gap_forecaster.GetAllForecasts() gap_data_filename = 'gap_forecasts.dat' if gap_forecasts: data_file = open(gap_data_filename, 'w') for forecast in gap_forecasts: data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (forecast.time, forecast.forecast)) data_file.close() # SSG forecasts ssg_forecasts = self._sum_subtree_gaps_forecaster.GetAllForecasts() ssg_data_filename = 'ssg_forecasts.dat' if ssg_forecasts: data_file = open(ssg_data_filename, 'w') for forecast in ssg_forecasts: data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (forecast.time, forecast.forecast)) data_file.close() if not gap_forecasts and not ssg_forecasts: print('No forecasts made, so not creating forecast image.') return # Set terminal for the output files. forecast_script = 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n' # Make settings for the plot. if self._filename is None: forecast_script += 'set title "Forecasts"\n' else: forecast_script += ('set title "Forecasts: %s, %s"\n' % ( self._filename, self._label)) forecast_script += 'set xlabel \"time (s)\"\n' forecast_script += 'set ylabel \"prediction of total time\"\n' forecast_script += 'set autoscale\n' # Plot the data points and the unit-slope line (to show elapsed time). forecast_script += 'plot ' if forecast_forecasts: forecast_script += ('\'%s\' with linespoints linetype 3 ' 'title \"(SSG)\", ' % ssg_data_filename) if gap_forecasts: forecast_script += ('\'%s\' with linespoints linetype 4 pointtype 19 ' 'title \"(MIP gap)\", ' % gap_data_filename) forecast_script += 'x linetype 0 title \"elapsed time\"\n' forecast_script += 'show output\n' return forecast_script def _get_fh(self, path, mode='r'): ''' Return a file handle for given path. Path can be a string or a file handle. Attempt to uncompress/compress files ending in '.gz' and '.bz2'. ''' if self._is_string_like(path): if path.endswith('.gz'): # import gzip # fh =,mode=mode) # doesn't return real fh fh=os.popen("gzcat "+path) # probably not portable elif path.endswith('.bz2'): # import bz2 # fh = bz2.BZ2File(path,mode=mode) # doesn't return real fh fh=os.popen("bzcat "+path) # probably not portable else: fh = file(path,mode=mode) elif hasattr(path, 'write'): # Note, mode of file handle is unchanged. fh = path else: raise TypeError('path must be a string or file handle.') return fh def _is_string_like(self, obj): # from John Hunter, types-free version try: obj + '' except (TypeError, ValueError): return False return True
- coinor.gimpy.tree.BinaryTree
- coinor.gimpy.tree.Tree
- coinor.gimpy.graph.Graph
def AddOrUpdateNode(self, id, parent_id, branch_direction, status, lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum, condition_begin=None, condition_end=None, **attrs)
This method designed to update nodes (in BAK) but we use it for updating/adding arcs. This is because of the tree data structure the authors adopted in BAK. We can divide these attributes such that some will belong to the edge parent_id->id and the others belong to the id node. The following shows whether the attribute belongs to edge or node. branch direction -> edge status -> node lp_bound -> node integer_infeasibility_count -> node integer_infeasibility_sum -> node parent_id -> node
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def AddOrUpdateNode(self, id, parent_id, branch_direction, status, lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum, condition_begin = None, condition_end = None, **attrs): ''' This method designed to update nodes (in BAK) but we use it for updating/adding arcs. This is because of the tree data structure the authors adopted in BAK. We can divide these attributes such that some will belong to the edge parent_id->id and the others belong to the id node. The following shows whether the attribute belongs to edge or node. branch direction -> edge status -> node lp_bound -> node integer_infeasibility_count -> node integer_infeasibility_sum -> node parent_id -> node ''' if (condition_begin is not None) and (condition_end is not None): #Figure out the color attrs['init_log_cond'] = math.log(condition_begin, 10) attrs['final_log_cond'] = math.log(condition_end, 10) if id in self.neighbors: # node already exists, update attributes self.set_node_attr(id, 'status', status) self.set_node_attr(id, 'lp_bound', lp_bound) self.set_node_attr(id, 'integer_infeasibility_count', integer_infeasibility_count) self.set_node_attr(id, 'integer_infeasibility_sum', integer_infeasibility_sum) if (condition_begin is not None) and (condition_end is not None): self.set_node_attr(id, 'init_log_cond', math.log(condition_begin, 10)) self.set_node_attr(id, 'final_log_cond', math.log(condition_end, 10)) elif self.root is None: self.add_root(id, status = status, lp_bound = lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count = integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum = integer_infeasibility_sum, subtree_root = None, **attrs) elif parent_id is not None: if branch_direction == 'L': self.add_left_child(id, parent_id, status = status, lp_bound = lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count = integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum = integer_infeasibility_sum, subtree_root = None, **attrs) elif branch_direction == 'R': self.add_right_child(id, parent_id, status = status, lp_bound = lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count = integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum = integer_infeasibility_sum, subtree_root = None, **attrs) else: print('this should not happen.') raise Exception() if lp_bound is not None: self.UpdateObjectiveValueLimits(lp_bound) # Set optimization sense if not yet set if self._optimization_sense is None: if lp_bound < self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'): self._optimization_sense = 'max' elif lp_bound > self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'): self._optimization_sense = 'min' if self._optimization_sense == 'min' and lp_bound < self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'): print("Switching guess about objective sense to maximization based on bound change") self._optimization_sense = 'max' if self._optimization_sense == 'max' and lp_bound > self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'): print("Switching guess about objective sense to minimization based on bound change") self._optimization_sense = 'max' if integer_infeasibility_sum is not None: if (self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum is None or integer_infeasibility_sum > self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum): self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum = integer_infeasibility_sum
def AddProgressMeasures(self)
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def AddProgressMeasures(self): # No progress measures if there is no incumbent yet if self._incumbent_value is None: return # Store sum-of-subtree-gaps # We need to traverse all nodes unfortunately # TODO(bhunsaker): check whether we can just traverse active nodes active_node_count = 0 subtree_bounds = {} new_integer_ssg = 0 # Only needed if this is a new integer solution for node_id in self.get_node_list(): status = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'status') if status == 'candidate' or status == 'pregnant': lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound') subtree_root = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'subtree_root') # Optional check for fathomed nodes. if (self._fathom and not self.IsBetterThanIncumbent(lp_bound)): continue active_node_count += 1 if (subtree_root not in subtree_bounds or self.IsBetterThan(lp_bound, subtree_bounds[subtree_root])): subtree_bounds[subtree_root] = lp_bound if self._new_integer_solution: self.set_node_attr(node_id, 'subtree_root', id) new_integer_ssg += abs(self._incumbent_value - lp_bound) # If we have a new integer solution, we need to compute what # the measure would be with the previous integer solution for # scaling purposes. if (self._new_integer_solution and self._previous_incumbent_value is not None): reference_value = self._previous_incumbent_value else: reference_value = self._incumbent_value sum_subtree_gaps = 0 for lp_bound in list(subtree_bounds.values()): sum_subtree_gaps += abs(reference_value - lp_bound) # Start a new sequence if a new integer solution was just found if self._new_integer_solution: if new_integer_ssg >= 1e-6: scale_factor = (old_div(float(sum_subtree_gaps), float(new_integer_ssg))) else: scale_factor = 1.0 self._sum_subtree_gaps_forecaster.StartNewSequence(scale_factor) # sum_subtree_gaps was based on the previous integer solution; # update it now sum_subtree_gaps = new_integer_ssg self._sum_subtree_gaps_forecaster.AddMeasure(self._time, sum_subtree_gaps, active_node_count, len(self.get_node_list())) # Add objective gap measure. Note that this relies on the # active_node_count computed above. if self._new_integer_solution: self._objective_gap_forecaster.StartNewSequence(1.0) if self._optimization_sense == 'min': obj_gap = self._incumbent_value - self._min_objective_value else: obj_gap = self._max_objective_value - self._incumbent_value self._objective_gap_forecaster.AddMeasure(self._time, obj_gap, active_node_count, len(self.get_node_list()))
def AdjustHistogramEndBins(self, objective_list, num_bins, bin_width, bin_counts, bin_centers, bin_widths)
Adjusts the two end bins if necessary to make them narrower. The two end bins may need to be narrower than the other bins so that they do not go past the current incumbent value on one end and the current lp bound on the other. So that the histogram is still correct in areas, the height of these bins needs to be adjusted so that the area does not change.
Note that there is likely to be some bias toward taller bins on the ends since they always have a point at one end of their width. It may be more accurate visually to ignore or discount that one point when determining the bin height, but that is not currently done.
- List of float objective values.
- Integer number of bins.
- Float standard width of bins in terms of objective values.
- List of integer counts for each bin.
- List of float coordinates for the center of each bin.
- List of float widths for bins, allowing for individualized widths.
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def AdjustHistogramEndBins(self, objective_list, num_bins, bin_width, bin_counts, bin_centers, bin_widths): """ Adjusts the two end bins if necessary to make them narrower. The two end bins may need to be narrower than the other bins so that they do not go past the current incumbent value on one end and the current lp bound on the other. So that the histogram is still correct in areas, the height of these bins needs to be adjusted so that the area does not change. Note that there is likely to be some bias toward taller bins on the ends since they always have a point at one end of their width. It may be more accurate visually to ignore or discount that one point when determining the bin height, but that is not currently done. Args: objective_list: List of float objective values. num_bins: Integer number of bins. bin_width: Float standard width of bins in terms of objective values. bin_counts: List of integer counts for each bin. bin_centers: List of float coordinates for the center of each bin. bin_widths: List of float widths for bins, allowing for individualized widths. """ if self._optimization_sense == 'min': lp_bound = min(objective_list) lower_bound = lp_bound if self._incumbent_value is not None: upper_bound = self._incumbent_value else: upper_bound = self._histogram_upper_bound else: lp_bound = max(objective_list) upper_bound = lp_bound if self._incumbent_value is not None: lower_bound = self._incumbent_value else: lower_bound = self._histogram_lower_bound # The end bins may have unusual centers and widths highest_nonempty_bin = int((upper_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound) // bin_width) if (highest_nonempty_bin < num_bins and bin_counts[highest_nonempty_bin] > 0): highest_x_coord = 0.5 + (old_div((upper_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound), bin_width)) highest_nonempty_bin_width, unused_int = math.modf(0.5 + highest_x_coord) if highest_nonempty_bin_width == 0.0: highest_nonempty_bin_width = 1.0 bin_widths[highest_nonempty_bin] = highest_nonempty_bin_width bin_centers[highest_nonempty_bin] = highest_x_coord - ( old_div(highest_nonempty_bin_width, 2)) # Scale the height appropriately bin_counts[highest_nonempty_bin] /= bin_widths[highest_nonempty_bin] lowest_nonempty_bin = int((lower_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound) // bin_width) if bin_counts[lowest_nonempty_bin] > 0: lowest_x_coord = 0.5 + (old_div((lower_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound), bin_width)) lowest_nonempty_bin_excess, unused_int = math.modf(0.5 + lowest_x_coord) bin_widths[lowest_nonempty_bin] = 1.0 - lowest_nonempty_bin_excess bin_centers[lowest_nonempty_bin] = ( lowest_x_coord + old_div(bin_widths[lowest_nonempty_bin], 2)) # Scale the height appropriately bin_counts[lowest_nonempty_bin] /= bin_widths[lowest_nonempty_bin]
def CreateAnimatedImages(self)
Create animated images based on the static images.
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def CreateAnimatedImages(self): """Create animated images based on the static images.""" histogram_re = re.compile('histogram') histogram_images = [re.sub('gnuplot', 'png', file) for file in self._gnuplot_files if histogram_re.match(file)] if len(histogram_images): args = ['convert', '-delay', '15', '-loop', '1'] args.extend(histogram_images) args.append('animated_histogram.gif') scatterplot_re = re.compile('scatterplot') scatterplot_images = [re.sub('gnuplot', 'png', file) for file in self._gnuplot_files if scatterplot_re.match(file)] if len(scatterplot_images): args = ['convert', '-delay', '15', '-loop', '1'] args.extend(scatterplot_images) args.append('animated_scatterplot.gif') tree_re = re.compile('tree\.') tree_images = [re.sub('gnuplot', 'png', file) for file in self._gnuplot_files if tree_re.match(file)] if len(tree_images): args = ['convert', '-delay', '15', '-loop', '1'] args.extend(tree_images) args.append('animated_tree.gif') tree_alt_re = re.compile('tree_alt') tree_alt_images = [re.sub('gnuplot', 'png', file) for file in self._gnuplot_files if tree_alt_re.match(file)] if len(tree_alt_images): args = ['convert', '-delay', '15', '-loop', '1'] args.extend(tree_alt_images) args.append('animated_tree_alt.gif')
def GenerateAllIncumbentPaths(self)
Generate file for a path image with all incumbent paths. Data files were previously generated for each incumbent. This re-uses those files.
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def GenerateAllIncumbentPaths(self): """ Generate file for a path image with all incumbent paths. Data files were previously generated for each incumbent. This re-uses those files. """ all_path_script = self.WriteAllIncumbentPathsScript()
def GenerateForecastImages(self)
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def GenerateForecastImages(self): # Forecasts # Gap forecasts gap_forecasts = self._objective_gap_forecaster.GetAllForecasts() gap_data_filename = 'gap_forecasts.dat' if gap_forecasts: data_file = open(gap_data_filename, 'w') for forecast in gap_forecasts: data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (forecast.time, forecast.forecast)) data_file.close() # SSG forecasts ssg_forecasts = self._sum_subtree_gaps_forecaster.GetAllForecasts() ssg_data_filename = 'ssg_forecasts.dat' if ssg_forecasts: data_file = open(ssg_data_filename, 'w') for forecast in ssg_forecasts: data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (forecast.time, forecast.forecast)) data_file.close() if not gap_forecasts and not ssg_forecasts: print('No forecasts made, so not creating forecast image.') return # Set terminal for the output files. forecast_script = 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n' # Make settings for the plot. if self._filename is None: forecast_script += 'set title "Forecasts"\n' else: forecast_script += ('set title "Forecasts: %s, %s"\n' % ( self._filename, self._label)) forecast_script += 'set xlabel \"time (s)\"\n' forecast_script += 'set ylabel \"prediction of total time\"\n' forecast_script += 'set autoscale\n' # Plot the data points and the unit-slope line (to show elapsed time). forecast_script += 'plot ' if forecast_forecasts: forecast_script += ('\'%s\' with linespoints linetype 3 ' 'title \"(SSG)\", ' % ssg_data_filename) if gap_forecasts: forecast_script += ('\'%s\' with linespoints linetype 4 pointtype 19 ' 'title \"(MIP gap)\", ' % gap_data_filename) forecast_script += 'x linetype 0 title \"elapsed time\"\n' forecast_script += 'show output\n' return forecast_script
def GenerateHistogram(self, output_file=False)
Generate files necessary for a histogram image. Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which references the data file).
- Float number of seconds since the start of optimization.
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def GenerateHistogram(self, output_file = False): """ Generate files necessary for a histogram image. Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which references the data file). Args: time: Float number of seconds since the start of optimization. """ num_bins = 20 # Compute the bin width and counts. objective_list = [] for n in self.get_node_list(): if (self.get_node_attr(n,'status') == 'candidate' or self.get_node_attr(n,'status') == 'pregnant'): lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(n,'lp_bound') if not self.IsBetterThanIncumbent(lp_bound): continue objective_list.append(lp_bound) # TODO(aykut) added the following check, we need it since we generate # histograms real time # we can not generate histogram if we do not have upperl and lower #bounds if len(objective_list)==0 or self._incumbent_value is None: return None # The first time we create a histogram, set bounds for objective # values. # TODO(bhunsaker): Consider bounds; talk to Osman. if self._histogram_lower_bound is None: if self._optimization_sense == 'min': self._histogram_lower_bound = min(objective_list) if self._incumbent_value is not None: self._histogram_upper_bound = self._incumbent_value else: self._histogram_upper_bound = max(objective_list) else: self._histogram_upper_bound = max(objective_list) if self._incumbent_value is not None: self._histogram_lower_bound = self._incumbent_value else: self._histogram_lower_bound = min(objective_list) bin_width = old_div((self._histogram_upper_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound), float(num_bins)) bin_counts = [0.0 for i in range(num_bins)] for value in objective_list: bin = int(math.floor(old_div((value - self._histogram_lower_bound), bin_width))) # Special case for the largest value. if (value >= self._histogram_upper_bound and value < self._histogram_upper_bound + 1e-6): bin = num_bins - 1 if bin < 0: return assert bin < num_bins, '%d (%f) !< %d (%f)' % ( bin, value, num_bins, self._histogram_upper_bound) bin_counts[bin] += 1 max_bin_count = max(bin_counts) bin_centers = [i + 1.0 for i in range(len(bin_counts))] bin_widths = [1.0 for i in range(len(bin_counts))] self.AdjustHistogramEndBins(objective_list, num_bins, bin_width, bin_counts, bin_centers, bin_widths) if self._optimization_sense == 'min': lp_bound = min(objective_list) else: lp_bound = max(objective_list) # Output the bin data to a file. index_string = self.GetImageCounterString() data_filename = 'histogram%s.dat' % index_string data_file = open(data_filename, 'w') for index in range(len(bin_counts)): data_file.write('%f %f %f\n' % (bin_centers[index], bin_counts[index], bin_widths[index])) data_file.close() histogram_script = self.WriteHistogramScript(num_bins, bin_width, max_bin_count, lp_bound, data_filename, output_file) # TODO(bhunsaker): Temporary hack # This allows the bounds to be reset until an incumbent is found. if self._incumbent_value is None: self._histogram_lower_bound = None self._histogram_upper_bound = None return histogram_script
def GenerateIncumbentPath(self)
Generate files necessary for an incumbent scatterplot path image. Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which references the data file).
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def GenerateIncumbentPath(self): """ Generate files necessary for an incumbent scatterplot path image. Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which references the data file). """ if self._incumbent_parent is None: return if self._scatterplot_lower_bound is None: return if self._scatterplot_upper_bound is None: return index_string = self.GetImageCounterString() # Output data points. data_filename = 'incumbentpath%s.dat' % index_string data_file = open(data_filename, 'w') # Write objective values and integer infeasibility sum information # for ancestor nodes. data_file.write('0 %0.6f\n' % self._incumbent_value) parent = self._incumbent_parent # TODO(bhunsaker): I think the following assumes a unique value for the # parent of the root. while parent != None: data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (self.get_node_attr(parent, 'integer_infeasibility_sum'), self.get_node_attr(parent, 'lp_bound'))) parent = self.get_node_attr(parent, 'parent') data_file.close() self._incumbent_path_datafiles.append(data_filename) # Output the Gnuplot script to a file. path_script = self.WriteIncumbentPathScript(data_filename) return path_script
def GeneratePredictionImages(self)
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def GeneratePredictionImages(self): gap_measures = self._objective_gap_forecaster.GetAllMeasures() ssg_measures = self._sum_subtree_gaps_forecaster.GetAllMeasures() # Check that there are values to process. if len(gap_measures) == 0 or len(ssg_measures) == 0: print('WARNING: Not printing prediction images because at least'+\ ' one measure set is empty.') print(' Gap measures: %d' % len(gap_measures)) print(' SSG measures: %d' % len(ssg_measures)) return # Gap measures gap_data_filename = 'gap_measures.dat' data_file = open(gap_data_filename, 'w') for measure in gap_measures: data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (measure.time, measure.value)) data_file.close() # SSG measures ssg_data_filename = 'ssg_measures.dat' data_file = open(ssg_data_filename, 'w') # We need to scale the SSG measures so that it will make sense to # look at them on the same plot with gap measures. scale_factor=old_div(float(gap_measures[0].value),float(ssg_measures[0].value)) for measure in ssg_measures: data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % (measure.time, measure.value * scale_factor)) data_file.close() # Set terminal for the output files. measures_script = 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n' # Make settings for the plot. if self.filename is None: measures_script += 'set title "Progress Measures"\n' else: measures_script += ('set title "Progress Measures: %s, %s"\n' % ( self._filename, self._label)) measures_script += 'set xlabel \"time (s)\"\n' measures_script += 'set ylabel \"measure\"\n' measures_script += 'set autoscale\n' # Plot the data points. measures_script += ( 'plot \'%s\' with linespoints linetype 3 title \"(SSG)\", ' '\'%s\' with linespoints linetype 4 pointtype 19 ' 'title \"(MIP gap)\"\n' % (ssg_data_filename, gap_data_filename)) measures_script += 'show output\n' return measures_script
def GenerateScatterplot(self, output_file=False)
Generate files necessary for a scatterplot image. Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which references the data file).
- if not given the gnuplot image will not be written
to disk but returned (to be displayed in matplotlib window)
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def GenerateScatterplot(self, output_file = False): """ Generate files necessary for a scatterplot image. Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which references the data file). Args: output_file: if not given the gnuplot image will not be written to disk but returned (to be displayed in matplotlib window) """ # Output data points. index_string = self.GetImageCounterString() data_filename = 'scatterplot%s.dat' % index_string data_file = open(data_filename, 'w') if self._scatterplot_lower_bound is None: bounds = [] # Write objective values and integer infeasibility sum information # for candidate and pregnant nodes. for node in self.get_node_list(): status = self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node,'lp_bound') if status == 'candidate' or status == 'pregnant': # Optional check for fathomed nodes. if (self._fathom and not self.IsBetterThanIncumbent(lp_bound)): continue data_file.write('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( self.get_node_attr(node, 'integer_infeasibility_sum'), lp_bound)) # Set the image objective bounds the first image. if self._scatterplot_lower_bound is None: bounds.append(lp_bound) data_file.close() if self._scatterplot_lower_bound is None: if len(bounds) <= 1: return None self._scatterplot_lower_bound = min(bounds) self._scatterplot_upper_bound = max(bounds) # The incumbent overrides a bound if present. if self._incumbent_value is not None: if self._optimization_sense == 'min': self._scatterplot_upper_bound = self._incumbent_value else: self._scatterplot_lower_bound = self._incumbent_value scatterplot_script = self.WriteScatterplotScript(data_filename, output_file) return scatterplot_script
def GenerateTreeImage(self, fixed_horizontal_positions=False)
Generate files necessary for a tree image. Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which references the data file).
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def GenerateTreeImage(self, fixed_horizontal_positions = False): """ Generate files necessary for a tree image. Two files are necessary: a data file and a Gnuplot script file (which references the data file). """ index_string = self.GetImageCounterString() if fixed_horizontal_positions: name_prefix = 'tree_alt' horizontal_positions = self.GetTreeFixedHorizontalPositions() else: name_prefix = 'tree' horizontal_positions = self.GetTreeHorizontalPositions() candidate_lines = [] pregnant_lines = [] branched_lines = [] infeasible_lines = [] fathomed_lines = [] integer_lines = [] additional_script_lines = [] node_list = self.get_node_list() print_edges = (len(node_list) <= self._edge_limit) for node in node_list: node_lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node, 'lp_bound') if self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'candidate': # TODO(bhunsaker): add optional fathoming check candidate_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound)) elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'pregnant': # TODO(bhunsaker): add optional fathoming check pregnant_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound)) elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'branched': branched_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound)) elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'infeasible': infeasible_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound)) elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'fathomed': fathomed_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound)) elif self.get_node_attr(node, 'status') == 'integer': integer_lines.append('%0.6f %0.6f\n' % ( horizontal_positions[node], node_lp_bound)) if print_edges and node != if True: _parent_id = self.get_node_attr(node, 'parent') additional_script_lines.append( 'set arrow from %0.6f, %0.6f to %0.6f, %0.6f nohead lt -1 ' 'lw 0.2\n' % (horizontal_positions[_parent_id], self.get_node_attr(_parent_id, 'lp_bound'), horizontal_positions[node], self.get_node_attr(node, 'lp_bound'))) plot_parts = [] # Plot root node. plot_parts.append('"< echo %0.6f %0.6f" w p lt 2 pt 7' % (horizontal_positions[], self.root.get_attr('lp_bound'))) # If desired, sample from the set of nodes rather than plotting all. if self._sample_tree: sample_size = self._sample_tree if len(branched_lines) > sample_size: branched_lines = random.sample(branched_lines, sample_size) if len(fathomed_lines) > sample_size: fathomed_lines = random.sample(fathomed_lines, sample_size) if len(infeasible_lines) > sample_size: infeasible_lines = random.sample(infeasible_lines, sample_size) if len(pregnant_lines) > sample_size: pregnant_lines = random.sample(pregnant_lines, sample_size) if len(candidate_lines) > sample_size: candidate_lines = random.sample(candidate_lines, sample_size) if len(integer_lines) > sample_size: integer_lines = random.sample(integer_lines, sample_size) # Output all data files. Note that the order below matters. if len(branched_lines): self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_branched%s.dat' % (name_prefix, index_string), branched_lines) plot_parts.append('\'%s_branched%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "yellow" pt 7' % (name_prefix, index_string)) if len(fathomed_lines): self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_fathomed%s.dat' % (name_prefix, index_string), fathomed_lines) plot_parts.append('\'%s_fathomed%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "light-red" pt 7' % (name_prefix, index_string)) if len(infeasible_lines): self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_infeasible%s.dat' % (name_prefix, index_string), infeasible_lines) plot_parts.append('\'%s_infeasible%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "dark-red" pt 7' % (name_prefix, index_string)) if len(pregnant_lines): self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_pregnant%s.dat' % (name_prefix, index_string), pregnant_lines) plot_parts.append('\'%s_pregnant%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "green" pt 7' % (name_prefix, index_string)) if len(candidate_lines): for line in candidate_lines: plot_parts.append('"< echo %s" w p lt rgb "green" pt 7' %line.rstrip('\r\n')) if len(integer_lines): self.WriteDataFileFromList('%s_integer%s.dat' % (name_prefix, index_string), integer_lines) plot_parts.append('\'%s_integer%s.dat\' w p lt rgb "cyan" pt 7' % (name_prefix, index_string)) if self._incumbent_value is not None: plot_parts.append('%0.6f lt 1 lw 0.5' % self._incumbent_value) additional_script_lines.append('plot %s\n' % ', '.join(plot_parts)) additional_script_lines.append('unset arrow\n') image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds( self._min_objective_value, self._max_objective_value) data = '' data += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n' data += 'set nokey\n' data += 'set autoscale\n' data += 'set tics scale 0.001\n' data += 'set pointsize 0.5\n' data += 'set xrange [-0.1:1.1]\n' data += 'set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_max_obj, image_min_obj) data += 'set format x ""\n' data += 'set ylabel "obj. value"\n' if self._filename is None: data += 'set title "B&B tree"\n\n' else: data += 'set title "B&B tree (%s %.2fs %s)"\n\n' % ( self._filename, self._time, self._label) for line in additional_script_lines: data += line return data
def GetImageCounterString(self)
Returns a string with the image counter.
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def GetImageCounterString(self): """ Returns a string with the image counter. """ return '%03d' % self._image_counter
def GetImageObjectiveBounds(self, min_value, max_value)
Return min and max bounds to be used for images. Images should use bounds that are slightly wider than observed objective values. Also, the special case of a single value must be handled.
- Float minimum objective value.
- Float maximum objective value.
A tuple of two float values (lower_bound, upper_bound).
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def GetImageObjectiveBounds(self, min_value, max_value): """ Return min and max bounds to be used for images. Images should use bounds that are slightly wider than observed objective values. Also, the special case of a single value must be handled. Args: min_value: Float minimum objective value. max_value: Float maximum objective value. Returns: A tuple of two float values (lower_bound, upper_bound). """ obj_range = max_value - min_value if obj_range > 0: image_max_obj = max_value + 0.01 * obj_range image_min_obj = min_value - 0.01 * obj_range else: if max_value >= 0: image_max_obj = 1.01 * max_value else: image_max_obj = 0.99 * max_value if min_value >= 0: image_min_obj = 0.99 * min_value else: image_min_obj = 1.01 * min_value return (image_min_obj, image_max_obj)
def GetTreeFixedHorizontalPositions(self)
Returns horizontal positions for all nodes based on fixed positions.
Dictionary of float horizontal positions, keyed by node id.
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def GetTreeFixedHorizontalPositions(self): """ Returns horizontal positions for all nodes based on fixed positions. Returns: Dictionary of float horizontal positions, keyed by node id. """ # Statistics needed for horizontal positions. horizontal_lower_bound = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 0.0) horizontal_upper_bound = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 1.0) horizontal_positions = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list()) horizontal_positions[] = 0.5 # sort node list node_id_list = sorted(self.get_node_list()) node_id_list_int = list(int(n) for n in node_id_list) node_id_list_int = sorted(node_id_list_int) node_id_list = list(str(n) for n in node_id_list_int) for node_id in node_id_list: if node_id == continue parent_id = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'parent') branch_direction = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'direction') if branch_direction == 'R': horizontal_lower_bound[node_id] = horizontal_positions[ parent_id] horizontal_upper_bound[node_id] = horizontal_upper_bound[ parent_id] elif branch_direction == 'L': horizontal_lower_bound[node_id] = horizontal_lower_bound[ parent_id] horizontal_upper_bound[node_id] = horizontal_positions[ parent_id] else: print('Error: node %s has unsupported branching direction.'\ %node_id) print('Fixed-position tree images only support L and R ') print('branching.') sys.exit(1) horizontal_positions[node_id] = old_div(( horizontal_upper_bound[node_id] + horizontal_lower_bound[node_id]), 2) return horizontal_positions
def GetTreeHorizontalPositions(self)
Returns horizontal positions for all nodes. Each node is given equal horizontal space.
Dictionary of float horizontal positions, keyed by node id.
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def GetTreeHorizontalPositions(self): """ Returns horizontal positions for all nodes. Each node is given equal horizontal space. Returns: Dictionary of float horizontal positions, keyed by node id. """ # Statistics needed for horizontal positions. number_descendants = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 1) # number_descendants includes the key node itself horizontal_lower_bound = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 0.0) horizontal_upper_bound = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), 1.0) horizontal_positions = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list()) visited = dict.fromkeys(self.get_node_list(), False) # Count the number of descendants for each node. # Do a post-order traversal of the tree. node_stack = [] node_stack.append( while node_stack: current_node = node_stack[len(node_stack) - 1] lchild = self.get_left_child(current_node) rchild = self.get_right_child(current_node) is_node_added = False # Add the next unvisited child to the stack if lchild is not None and not visited[quote(lchild)]: node_stack.append(lchild) is_node_added = True if (rchild is not None and not visited[quote(rchild)] and is_node_added==False): node_stack.append(rchild) is_node_added = True # If all childs visited, then update number_descendants if not is_node_added: if lchild is not None: number_descendants[quote(current_node)] += ( number_descendants[quote(lchild)]) if rchild is not None: number_descendants[quote(current_node)] += ( number_descendants[quote(rchild)]) visited[quote(current_node)] = True del node_stack[len(node_stack) - 1] # Traverse the tree and set horizontal positions. # Do a pre-order traversal of the tree. node_stack = [] node_stack.append( horizontal_lower_bound[] = 0.0 horizontal_upper_bound[] = 1.0 while node_stack: node = node_stack.pop() lchild = self.get_left_child(node) rchild = self.get_right_child(node) direction = None number_of_children = 0 children_list = [] # Place all children on the stack if lchild is not None: node_stack.append(lchild) number_of_children += 1 direction = 'L' children_list.append(lchild) if rchild is not None: node_stack.append(rchild) number_of_children += 1 direction = 'R' children_list.append(rchild) # Convenience variables current_lower_bound = horizontal_lower_bound[quote(node)] current_range = (horizontal_upper_bound[quote(node)] - horizontal_lower_bound[quote(node)]) total_descendants = number_descendants[quote(node)] sorted_child_labels = sorted(children_list) # Determine where to place this node with respect to its children. # Put the node in the center, or have more children on the left. before_index = int(math.ceil(old_div(number_of_children,2.0))) # Exception with a single node that is 'L' if number_of_children == 1: if direction != 'L': before_index = 0 cumulative_descendants = 0 for i, label in enumerate(sorted_child_labels): if before_index == i: # Determine the relative position for the current node relative_position = old_div((cumulative_descendants + 0.5), ( total_descendants)) cumulative_descendants += 1 # Set bounds for this child horizontal_lower_bound[quote(label)] = ( current_lower_bound + float(cumulative_descendants) / total_descendants * current_range) # Increment cumulative_descendants, which also lets us compute # the upper bound. cumulative_descendants += number_descendants[quote(label)] horizontal_upper_bound[quote(label)] = ( current_lower_bound + float(cumulative_descendants) / total_descendants * current_range) # Catch the case that the node comes after all its children. # This must also work for the case that this is the only node. if before_index == len(sorted_child_labels): relative_position = old_div((cumulative_descendants + 0.5), ( total_descendants)) # Finally set the position for the current node horizontal_positions[quote(node)] = ( horizontal_lower_bound[quote(node)] + relative_position * ( horizontal_upper_bound[quote(node)] - horizontal_lower_bound[quote(node)])) return horizontal_positions
def IsBetterThan(self, value1, value2)
Returns True if value1 is better than value2 as an objective value. This depends on the optimization sense of the instance.
- Float.
- Float.
True if value1 is better than value2 as an objective value.
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def IsBetterThan(self, value1, value2): """ Returns True if value1 is better than value2 as an objective value. This depends on the optimization sense of the instance. Args: value1: Float. value2: Float. Returns: True if value1 is better than value2 as an objective value. """ if self._optimization_sense is None: print("Optimization sense is not set, assuming sense is miniminzation") self._optimization_sense = 'min' if self._optimization_sense == 'min': return value1 < value2 else: return value1 > value2
def IsBetterThanIncumbent(self, value)
Returns True if the passed value is better than current incumbent.
- Float to use for comparison.
True if the passed value is better than the current incumbent. 'Better' is determined by the sense of optimization.
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def IsBetterThanIncumbent(self, value): """ Returns True if the passed value is better than current incumbent. Args: value: Float to use for comparison. Returns: True if the passed value is better than the current incumbent. 'Better' is determined by the sense of optimization. """ if self._incumbent_value is None: return True else: return self.IsBetterThan(value, self._incumbent_value)
def ProcessBranchedLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens)
Core processing for a line of type 'branched'.
- String node id.
- String node id of parent.
- String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node
- is the left or right child of its parent.
- List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed.
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def ProcessBranchedLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'branched'. Args: node_id: String node id. parent_id: String node id of parent. branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent. remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) not in [3, 5]: print('Invalid line: %s branched %s %s %s %s' % ( self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> branched <node id> <parent id> ') print('<branch direction> <lp bound> ') print('<sum of integer infeasibilities> <number of integer ') print('infeasibilities>') sys.exit(1) lp_bound = float(remaining_tokens[0]) integer_infeasibility_sum = float(remaining_tokens[1]) integer_infeasibility_count = int(remaining_tokens[2]) condition_begin = None condition_end = None if len(remaining_tokens) == 5: # In this case, we must also be printing conditions numbers condition_begin = int(remaining_tokens[3]) condition_end = int(remaining_tokens[4]) self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'branched', lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum, condition_begin, condition_end)
def ProcessCandidateLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens)
Core processing for a line of type 'candidate'.
- String node id.
- String node id of parent.
- String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node
- is the left or right child of its parent.
- List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed.
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def ProcessCandidateLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'candidate'. Args: node_id: String node id. parent_id: String node id of parent. branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent. remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) == 2 or len(remaining_tokens) > 3: print('Invalid line: %s branched %s %s %s %s' % ( self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> candidate <node id> <parent id> ') print('<branch direction> [<lp bound>] ') print('[<sum of integer infeasibilities> <number of integer ') print('infeasibilities>]') sys.exit(1) # if parent_id not in self.get_node_list(): # print 'Error: node %s not in set' % parent_id # sys.exit(1) # TODO(bhunsaker): Check that we handle the cases of updating a #candidate. if len(remaining_tokens) > 0: lp_bound = float(remaining_tokens[0]) else: lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'lp_bound') if len(remaining_tokens) == 3: integer_infeasibility_sum = float(remaining_tokens[1]) integer_infeasibility_count = int(remaining_tokens[2]) else: integer_infeasibility_sum = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_sum') integer_infeasibility_count = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_count') self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'candidate', lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum)
def ProcessFathomedLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens)
Core processing for a line of type 'fathomed'.
- String node id.
- String node id of parent.
- String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent.
- List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed.
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def ProcessFathomedLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'fathomed'. Args: node_id: String node id. parent_id: String node id of parent. branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent. remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Print a warning if there is no current incumbent. if self._incumbent_value is None: print('WARNING: Encountered "fathom" line before first incumbent.') print(' This may indicate an error in the input file.') # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) > 1: print('Invalid line: %s fathomed %s %s %s %s' % ( self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> fathomed <node id> <parent id>'+\ '<branch direction> [<lp bound>]') sys.exit(1) if len(remaining_tokens) == 1: lp_bound = float(remaining_tokens[0]) else: if (node_id in self.get_node_list() and self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound') is not None): lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound') else: lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'lp_bound') if self._optimization_sense == 'min': if (self._incumbent_value is not None and lp_bound < self._incumbent_value): lp_bound = self._incumbent_value elif self._optimization_sense == 'max': if (self._incumbent_value is not None and lp_bound > self._incumbent_value): lp_bound = self._incumbent_value parent_node = self.get_node(parent_id) self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'fathomed', lp_bound, self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_count'), self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_sum'))
def ProcessHeuristicLine(self, remaining_tokens)
Core processing for a line of type 'heuristic'.
- List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed.
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def ProcessHeuristicLine(self, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'heuristic'. Args: remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) < 1 or len(remaining_tokens) > 2: print('Invalid line: %s heuristic %s' % ( self._time, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> heuristic <obj value>'+\ ' [<associated node id>]') sys.exit(1) objective_value = float(remaining_tokens[0]) if len(remaining_tokens) == 2: associated_node = remaining_tokens[1] else: associated_node = None # Check that this is actually an improvement if self._incumbent_value is not None and self._optimization_sense is None: if objective_value > self._incumbent_value: print("Objective sense unset, guessing maximization") self._optimization_sense = 'max' else: print("Objective sense unset, guessing minimization") self._optimization_sense = 'min' if not self.IsBetterThanIncumbent(objective_value): return self._previous_incumbent_value = self._incumbent_value self._incumbent_value = objective_value self.UpdateObjectiveValueLimits(objective_value) self._incumbent_parent = associated_node # Set variable to generate images self._new_integer_solution = True
def ProcessInfeasibleLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens)
Core processing for a line of type 'infeasible'.
- String node id.
- String node id of parent.
- String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent.
- List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed.
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def ProcessInfeasibleLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'infeasible'. Args: node_id: String node id. parent_id: String node id of parent. branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent. remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) not in [0, 2]: print('Invalid line: %s infeasible %s %s %s %s' % ( self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> infeasible <node id> <parent id> ') print('<branch direction>') sys.exit(1) # Use parent values if the node does not have its own lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'lp_bound') ii_count = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_count') ii_sum = self.get_node_attr(parent_id, 'integer_infeasibility_sum') if node_id in self.get_node_list(): if self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound') is not None: lp_bound = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'lp_bound') if (self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'integer_infeasibility_count') is not None): ii_count = self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'integer_infeasibility_count') if (self.get_node_attr(node_id, 'integer_infeasibility_sum') is not None): ii_sum = self.get_node_attr(node_id,'integer_infeasibility_sum') if len(remaining_tokens) == 2: # In this case, we must also be printing conditions numbers condition_begin = int(remaining_tokens[0]) condition_end = int(remaining_tokens[1]) self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'infeasible', lp_bound, ii_count, ii_sum)
def ProcessIntegerLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens)
Core processing for a line of type 'integer'.
- String node id.
- String node id of parent.
- String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node
- is the left or right child of its parent.
- List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed.
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def ProcessIntegerLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'integer'. Args: node_id: String node id. parent_id: String node id of parent. branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent. remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) != 1: print('Invalid line: %s integer %s %s %s %s' % ( self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> integer <node id> <parent id>'+\ '<branch direction> <obj value>') sys.exit(1) objective_value = float(remaining_tokens[0]) self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'integer', objective_value, None, None) self._previous_incumbent_value = self._incumbent_value self._incumbent_value = objective_value self._incumbent_parent = parent_id self._new_integer_solution = True
def ProcessLine(self, line)
Process a line of the input file, generating images if appropriate. Parses the line, updates internal data structures, and creates images if appropriate.
- String input line to process.
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def ProcessLine(self, line): """ Process a line of the input file, generating images if appropriate. Parses the line, updates internal data structures, and creates images if appropriate. Args: line: String input line to process. """ line = line.strip() # Comments start with a '#' if line[0] == '#': return tokens = line.split() if len(tokens) < 3: print('Incomplete or invalid line: %s' %' '.join(tokens)) sys.exit(1) # Tokens shared by all line types self._time = float(tokens[0]) line_type = tokens[1] remaining_tokens = tokens[2:] # Process the line based on the type if line_type == 'heuristic': self._optimal_soln_time = self._time self.ProcessHeuristicLine(remaining_tokens) else: # Other node types share common tokens node_id = int(tokens[2]) parent_id = int(tokens[3]) branch_direction = tokens[4] remaining_tokens = tokens[5:] # TODO(aykut):parent id of root node is 0 when we read from file. if id==self.root: parent_id = None # Check that the parent node id is valid # elif parent_id not in self.get_node_list() and self.root is not None: # print 'Parent id does not exist: %s' % line # sys.exit(1) if line_type == 'integer': self._optimal_soln_time = self._time self.ProcessIntegerLine(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens) elif line_type == 'fathomed': self.ProcessFathomedLine(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens) elif line_type == 'candidate': self.ProcessCandidateLine(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens) elif line_type == 'pregnant': self.ProcessPregnantLine(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens) elif line_type == 'branched': self.ProcessBranchedLine(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens) elif line_type == 'infeasible': self.ProcessInfeasibleLine(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens) else: print('Unexpected line type "%s": %s' % (line_type, ' '.join(tokens))) sys.exit(1)
def ProcessPregnantLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens)
Core processing for a line of type 'pregnant'.
- String node id.
- String node id of parent.
- String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent.
- List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed.
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def ProcessPregnantLine(self, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, remaining_tokens): """ Core processing for a line of type 'pregnant'. Args: node_id: String node id. parent_id: String node id of parent. branch_direction: String of 'L' or 'R' indicating whether this node is the left or right child of its parent. remaining_tokens: List of string tokens. These are those that remain after any common tokens are processed. """ # Parse remaining tokens if len(remaining_tokens) != 3: print('Invalid line: %s pregnant %s %s %s %s' % ( self._time, node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, ' '.join(remaining_tokens))) print('Should match: <time> pregnant <node id> <parent id> ') print('<branch direction> <lp bound> ') print('<sum of integer infeasibilities> <number of integer ') print('infeasibilities>') sys.exit(1) lp_bound = float(remaining_tokens[0]) integer_infeasibility_sum = float(remaining_tokens[1]) integer_infeasibility_count = int(remaining_tokens[2]) self.AddOrUpdateNode(node_id, parent_id, branch_direction, 'pregnant', lp_bound, integer_infeasibility_count, integer_infeasibility_sum)
def RunGnuplotOnAllFiles(self)
Runs Gnuplot on all files in self._gnuplot_files.
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def RunGnuplotOnAllFiles(self): """Runs Gnuplot on all files in self._gnuplot_files.""" for file in self._gnuplot_files:['gnuplot', file])
def UpdateObjectiveValueLimits(self, value)
Updates the min and max objective values if appropriate.
- Float objective value.
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def UpdateObjectiveValueLimits(self, value): """Updates the min and max objective values if appropriate. Args: value: Float objective value. """ if self._max_objective_value is None: self._max_objective_value = value self._min_objective_value = value else: if value > self._max_objective_value: self._max_objective_value = value if value < self._min_objective_value: self._min_objective_value = value
def WriteAllIncumbentPathsScript(self)
Return a Gnuplot script string to generate an incumbent path image.
- List of string names of files.
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def WriteAllIncumbentPathsScript(self): """ Return a Gnuplot script string to generate an incumbent path image. Args: data_filenames: List of string names of files. """ data_filenames = self._incumbent_path_datafiles image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds( self._scatterplot_lower_bound, self._scatterplot_upper_bound) script = '' # Set terminal for the output files. script += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n' # Make settings for the scatter plot. if self._filename is None: script += 'set title "Incumbent paths"\n' else: script += ('set title "Incumbent paths (%s %.2fs %s)"\n' % ( self._filename, self._time, self._label)) script += 'set pointsize 0.8\n' script += 'set nokey\n' script += 'set xlabel \"sum of int. infeas.\"\n' script += 'set ylabel \"obj. value\"\n' script += ('set xrange [0:%0.6f+2]\n' % self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum) script += ('set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_min_obj, image_max_obj)) # Plot the data points and connecting lines. command_list = [] for filename in data_filenames: command_list.append('\'%s\' with points pointtype 2, ' '\'%s\' with lines linetype 2' % (filename, filename)) script += 'plot %s\n' % ','.join(command_list) script += 'show output\n' return script
def WriteDataFileFromList(self, filename, data_list)
Write a list of string data to a file with one entry per line.
- String filename to open.
- List of string values to write.
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def WriteDataFileFromList(self, filename, data_list): """ Write a list of string data to a file with one entry per line. Args: filename: String filename to open. data_list: List of string values to write. """ outfile = open(filename, 'w') for line in data_list: outfile.write(line) outfile.close()
def WriteHistogramScript(self, num_bins, bin_width, max_bin_count, lp_bound, data_filename, output_file)
Write a Gnuplot script file to generate a histogram image.
- Integer number of bins for the histogram.
- Float width of the bins in terms of objective values.
- Integer number of the highest bin count.
- Float value of the current LP bound.
- String name of the file; used for display purposes.
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def WriteHistogramScript(self, num_bins, bin_width, max_bin_count, lp_bound, data_filename, output_file): """ Write a Gnuplot script file to generate a histogram image. Args: num_bins: Integer number of bins for the histogram. bin_width: Float width of the bins in terms of objective values. max_bin_count: Integer number of the highest bin count. lp_bound: Float value of the current LP bound. data_filename: String name of the file; used for display purposes. """ # TODO(bhunsaker): add checks for bin_width zero if self._incumbent_value is not None: incumbent_bin = 1 + ((self._incumbent_value - self._histogram_lower_bound) // bin_width) incumbent_x_coord = 0.5 + (old_div((self._incumbent_value - self._histogram_lower_bound), bin_width)) lp_bound_bin = 1 + ((lp_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound) // bin_width) lp_bound_x_coord = 0.5 + (old_div((lp_bound - self._histogram_lower_bound), bin_width)) # TODO(bhunsaker): Ask Osman about adjust_xcoord option, which appears # to put the vertical lines at the edge of bins rather than the # true location. # Output the Gnuplot script to a file. script = "" # Set terminal for the output files. script += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n' # Make settings for the scatter plot. index_string = self.GetImageCounterString() output_filename = "histogram."+index_string+".png" if output_file: script += 'set output "%s"\n' % output_filename if self._filename is None: script += 'set title "Histogram of LP Bounds"\n' else: script += ('set title "Histogram of LP Bounds: %s, %s, %.2fs"\n' % (self._filename, self._label, self._time)) script += 'set xlabel "obj. value"\n' script += 'set ylabel "number of nodes"\n' if self._logscaley: script += 'set logscale y\n' script += 'set nokey\n' script += 'set tics scale 0.001\n' script += 'set xrange [0:%d+1]\n' % num_bins if self._logscaley: script += 'set yrange [1:%d*1.2]\n' % max_bin_count else: script += 'set yrange [0:%d*1.2]\n' % max_bin_count script += 'set xtics rotate by 90\n' # Mark tics for each bin. script += 'set xtics (' # TODO(bhunsaker): Consider putting this in a loop. x_values = ['"%0.2f" %0.2f' % (self._histogram_lower_bound + i * bin_width, i + 0.5) for i in range(num_bins + 1)] script += ', '.join(x_values) + ')\n' # Plot LP bound and incumbent tics. script += 'set x2tics (' script += '"%0.2f" %d' % (lp_bound, lp_bound_bin) if self._incumbent_value is not None: script += ', "%0.2f"%d)\n' % (self._incumbent_value, incumbent_bin) else: script += ')\n' plot_parts = [] # Plot the data points. plot_parts.append('\'%s\' with boxes fill solid 0.2' % data_filename) # Draw the vertical lp_bound and incumbent lines. script += 'set parametric\n' script += 'set trange [0:%d*1.5]\n' % max_bin_count plot_parts.append('%0.2f,t linetype 2' % lp_bound_x_coord) if self._incumbent_value is not None: plot_parts.append('%0.2f,t linetype 5' % incumbent_x_coord) script += 'plot %s\n' % ', '.join(plot_parts) script += 'unset parametric\n' script += 'show output\n' return script
def WriteIncumbentPathScript(self, data_filename)
Write a Gnuplot script file to generate an incumbent path image.
- String name of the file; used for display purposes.
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def WriteIncumbentPathScript(self, data_filename): """ Write a Gnuplot script file to generate an incumbent path image. Args: data_filename: String name of the file; used for display purposes. """ image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds( self._scatterplot_lower_bound, self._scatterplot_upper_bound) script = '' # Set terminal for the output files. script += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n' if self._filename is None: script += 'set title "Incumbent path"\n' else: script += ('set title "Incumbent path (%s %.2fs %s)"\n' % ( self._filename, self._time, self._label)) script += 'set pointsize 0.8\n' script += 'set nokey\n' script += 'set xlabel \"sum of int. infeas.\"\n' script += 'set ylabel \"obj. value\"\n' script += ('set xrange [0:%0.6f+2]\n' % self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum) script += ('set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_min_obj, image_max_obj)) # Plot the data points and connecting lines. script += ('plot \'%s\' with points pointtype 2, ' '\'%s\' with lines linetype 2\n' % (data_filename, data_filename)) script += 'show output\n' return script
def WriteScatterplotScript(self, data_filename, output_file)
Write a Gnuplot script file to generate a scatterplot image.
- String name of the file; used for display purposes.
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def WriteScatterplotScript(self, data_filename, output_file): """ Write a Gnuplot script file to generate a scatterplot image. Args: data_filename: String name of the file; used for display purposes. """ image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds( self._scatterplot_lower_bound, self._scatterplot_upper_bound) index_string = self.GetImageCounterString() output_filename = "scatterplot."+index_string+".png" script = "" # Set terminal for the output files. script += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n\n' # Make settings for the scatter plot. if output_file: script += 'set output "%s"\n' % output_filename if self._filename is None: script += 'set title "Scatterplot"\n' else: script += ('set title "Scatterplot: %s, %s, %ds"\n' % ( self._filename, self._label, int(self._time))) script += 'set pointsize 0.8\n' script += 'set nokey\n' script += 'set xlabel \"sum of int. infeas.\"\n' script += 'set ylabel \"obj. value\"\n' script += ('set xrange [0:%0.6f+2]\n' % self._max_integer_infeasibility_sum) script += ('set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_min_obj, image_max_obj)) plot_parts = [] # Plot the data points. plot_parts.append('\'%s\' with points pointtype 2 linetype 1' % data_filename) # Also plot the incumbent line. if self._incumbent_value is not None: plot_parts.append('%0.6f linetype 2 linewidth 0.5' % self._incumbent_value) # Plot the incumbent's parent if it's available. if self._incumbent_parent is not None: #incumbent_parent = self.get_node(self._incumbent_parent) plot_parts.append('"< echo %0.6f %0.6f" ' 'with points pointtype 9 pointsize 1.2' % (self.get_node_attr(self._incumbent_parent, 'integer_infeasibility_sum'), self.get_node_attr(self._incumbent_parent, 'lp_bound'))) script += 'plot %s\n' % ', '.join(plot_parts) script += 'show output\n' return script
def WriteTreeScript(self, additional_lines=None)
Write a Gnuplot script file to generate a tree image.
- String with additional lines to be added to the script file.
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def WriteTreeScript(self, additional_lines = None): """ Write a Gnuplot script file to generate a tree image. Args: additional_lines: String with additional lines to be added to the script file. """ image_min_obj, image_max_obj = self.GetImageObjectiveBounds( self._min_objective_value, self._max_objective_value) data = '' data += 'set terminal png notransparent size 480,360\n' data += 'set output "%s"\n' % output_file data += 'set nokey\n' data += 'set autoscale\n' data += 'set tics scale 0.001\n' data += 'set pointsize 0.5\n' data += 'set xrange [-0.1:1.1]\n' data += 'set yrange [%0.6f:%0.6f]\n' % (image_max_obj, image_min_obj) data += 'set format x ""\n' data += 'set ylabel "obj. value"\n' if self._filename is None: data += 'set title "B&B tree"\n' else: data += 'set title "B&B tree (%s %.2fs %s)"\n\n' % ( self._filename, self._time, self._label) for line in additional_lines: data += line return data
def display(self, item='all', basename='graph', format='png', count=None, pause=False, wait_for_click=True)
Displays/Saves images requested. BranchAndBound method calls this method to visualize the branch and bound tree.
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def display(self, item = 'all', basename = 'graph', format='png', count=None, pause=False, wait_for_click=True): ''' Displays/Saves images requested. BranchAndBound method calls this method to visualize the branch and bound tree. ''' if self.attr['layout'] != 'bak': if 'init_log_cond' in self.root.attr: max_log_cond = 0 for n in list(self.nodes.values()): if 'init_log_cond' in n.attr: max_log_cond = max(n.attr['init_log_cond'], max_log_cond) for n in list(self.nodes.values()): if 'init_log_cond' in n.attr: log_begin = n.attr['init_log_cond'] log_end = n.attr['final_log_cond'] normalized_cond = (1-old_div(log_begin,max_log_cond)) color = str(hex(int(normalized_cond*256))[2:]) if normalized_cond >= .0625 else '0' + str(hex(int(normalized_cond*256))[2:]) n.attr['label'] = '%.0f \n %.0f' % (log_begin, log_end) n.attr['color'] = '#' + color*3 n.attr['fillcolor'] = '#' + color*3 n.attr['style'] = 'filled' else: n.attr['label'] = ' ' BinaryTree.display(self, pause = pause, wait_for_click = wait_for_click) return if self.attr['display'] is 'off': return if self.attr['display'] is 'matplotlib': gnuplot_script = None if item=='all': self.display_all() elif item=='tree': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateTreeImage() elif item=='scatterplot': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateScatterplot() elif item=='histogram': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateHistogram() elif item=='incumbent': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateIncumbentPath() elif item=='forecast': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateForecastImages() else: raise Exception('Unknown display() method argument %s' %item) if gnuplot_script is not None: self.display_image(gnuplot_script) # clean auxilary files. histogram_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("histogram")] incumbent_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("incumbentpath")] scatterplot_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("scatterplot")] t_fathomed_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_fathomed")] t_infeasible_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_infeasible")] t_pregnant_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_pregnant")] t_integer_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_integer")] t_branched_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_branched")] bak_filelist = (histogram_files + incumbent_files + scatterplot_files + t_fathomed_files + t_integer_files + t_branched_files + t_infeasible_files + t_pregnant_files) for f in bak_filelist: os.remove(f) elif self.attr['display'] is 'xdot': if XDOT_INSTALLED: window = xdot.DotWindow() window.set_dotcode(self.to_string()) window.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit) gtk.main() else: print('Error: xdot not installed. Display disabled.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' elif self.attr['display'] is 'file': if count is not None: basename = basename + '_' + str(count) if self.attr['layout'] is 'dot2tex': if DOT2TEX_INSTALLED: if format != 'pdf' or format != 'ps': print("Dot2tex only supports pdf and ps formats,"+\ "falling back to pdf") format = 'pdf' self.set_layout('dot') tex = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.to_string(), autosize=True, texmode = 'math', template = DOT2TEX_TEMPLATE) f = open(basename+'.tex', 'w') f.write(tex) f.close()['latex', basename]) if format == 'ps':['dvips', basename]) elif format == 'pdf':['pdflatex', basename]) self.set_layout('dot2tex') # clean auxilary files. aux_filelist = [basename+'.tex', basename+'.log', basename+'.dvi', basename+'.aux'] for f in aux_filelist: os.remove(f) else: print("Dot2tex not installed, falling back to graphviz") self.set_layout('dot') self.write(basename+'.'+format, self.get_layout(), format) else: gnuplot_script = None if item=='all': self.display_all() elif item=='tree': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateTreeImage() elif item=='scatterplot': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateScatterplot() elif item=='histogram': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateHistogram() elif item=='incumbent': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateIncumbentPath() elif item=='forecast': gnuplot_script = self.GenerateForecastImages() else: raise Exception('Unknown display() method argument %s' %item) if gnuplot_script is not None: self.write_image(gnuplot_script, basename+'.'+format) # clean auxilary files. histogram_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("histogram")] incumbent_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("incumbentpath")] scatterplot_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("scatterplot")] t_fathomed_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_fathomed")] t_infeasible_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_infeasible")] t_pregnant_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_pregnant")] t_integer_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_integer")] t_branched_files = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.startswith("tree_branched")] bak_filelist = (histogram_files + incumbent_files + scatterplot_files + t_fathomed_files + t_integer_files + t_branched_files + t_infeasible_files + t_pregnant_files) for f in bak_filelist: os.remove(f) else: raise Exception('Unknown display mode %s' %self.attr['display'])
def display_all(self)
Assumes all the images have the same size.
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def display_all(self): ''' Assumes all the images have the same size. ''' print ('This function is deprected and no longer functions') return
def display_image(self, gnuplot_script, pause=False, wait_for_click=True)
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def display_image(self, gnuplot_script, pause = False, wait_for_click = True): if not (PIL_INSTALLED and MATPLOTLIB_INSTALLED): print('Warning: Either matplotlib or Pillow is not installed. Cannot display.') return tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp() tmp_file = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+b') self.write_image(gnuplot_script, tmp_file) tmp_file.close() im = plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(im, interpolation='bilinear' #resample=True #extent = (0, 100, 0, 100) ) if wait_for_click == True: plt.draw() try: if plt.waitforbuttonpress(timeout = 10000): plt.close() exit() except: exit() else: im.close()
def process_file(self, file_name)
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def process_file(self, file_name): self._filename = file_name input_file = open(file_name, 'r') # Parse all the lines for line in input_file: self.ProcessLine(line) if self.root is not None: self.display() input_file.close()
def set_display_mode(self, mode)
set_display_mode(self, value)
Sets display mode to value.
value: New display mode.
Display mode attribute of graph is updated.
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def set_display_mode(self, mode): if mode is 'off': self.attr['display'] = mode elif mode is 'matplotlib': if MATPLOTLIB_INSTALLED: self.attr['display'] = 'matplotlib' else: print('Matplotlib is not installed. Display is set to off.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' elif mode is 'PIL': if PIL_INSTALLED: self.attr['display'] = 'PIL' else: print('PIL is not installed. Display is set to off.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' elif mode is 'xdot': if XDOT_INSTALLED: self.attr['display'] = 'xdot' else: print('Xdot is not installed. Display is set to off.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' elif mode is 'file': self.attr['display'] = 'file' elif mode is 'matplotlib': self.attr['display'] = 'matplotlib' else: raise Exception('%s is not a valid display mode.' %mode)
def set_edge_limit(self, limit)
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def set_edge_limit(self, limit): self._edge_limit = limit
def set_fathom(self, boolean)
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def set_fathom(self, boolean): self._fathom = boolean
def set_label(self, label)
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def set_label(self, label): self._label = label
def set_logscaley(self, boolean)
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def set_logscaley(self, boolean): self._logscaley = boolean
def set_sample_tree(self, number)
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def set_sample_tree(self, number): self._sample_tree = number
def write_as_dynamic_gexf(self, filename, mode='Dot')
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def write_as_dynamic_gexf(self, filename, mode = "Dot"): if not GEXF_INSTALLED: print('Gexf not installed. Exiting.') return if mode == 'Dot': try: gexf = Gexf("Mike O'Sullivan", "Dynamic graph file") graph = gexf.addGraph("directed", "dynamic", "Dynamic graph") objAtt = graph.addNodeAttribute("obj", "0.0", "float") currAtt = graph.addNodeAttribute("current", "1.0", "integer", "dynamic") node_names = self.get_node_list() for name in node_names: node = self.get_node(name) if node.get("step") is None: raise Exception("Node without step in BBTree", "node =", node) curr_step = '%s' % node.get("step") next_step = "%s" % (node.get("step") + 1) n = graph.addNode(name, node.get_label(), start=curr_step) if node.get("obj") is None: raise Exception("Node without objective in BBTree", "node =", node) n.addAttribute(objAtt, "%s" % node.get("obj")) n.addAttribute(currAtt, "1", start=curr_step, end=next_step) n.addAttribute(currAtt, "0", start=next_step) edge_names = self.get_edge_list() for i, (m_name, n_name) in enumerate(edge_names): edge = self.get_edge(m_name, n_name) if edge.get("step") is None: raise Exception("Edge without step in BBTree", "edge =", (m_name, n_name)) curr_step = "%s" % edge.get("step") graph.addEdge(i, m_name, n_name, start=curr_step) output_file = open(filename + ".gexf", "w") gexf.write(output_file) except Exception as e: print(e) print("No .gexf file created") else: raise Exception("Only Dot mode supported in write_as_dynamic_gexf")
def write_image(self, gnuplot_script, filename)
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def write_image(self, gnuplot_script, filename): if not (MATPLOTLIB_INSTALLED and PIL_INSTALLED): print('Either matplotlib or Pillow is not installed. Display disabled') return try: p =['gnuplot'], capture_output = True, input = bytearray(gnuplot_script, 'utf8')) except OSError: print('''Gnuplot executable not found. Gnuplot must be installed and in your search path. After installation, ensure that the PATH variable is properly set.''') return p.check_returncode() if p.stderr: print(p.stderr) if isinstance(filename, str): with open(filename, "w+b") as f: f.write(p.stdout) else: filename.write(p.stdout)