Module coinor.gimpy.graph
A Graph class implementation. The aim for this implementation is 1. To reflect implementation methods in literature as much as possible 3. To have something close to a "classic" object-oriented design (compared to previous versions)
This implementation can be considered as a compromise between a graph class designed for visualization and an efficient graph data structure.
One deviation from standard Graph implementations is to keep in neighbors in an other adjacency list. We do this for efficiency reasons considering traversing residual graphs.
We have a class for Graph and a class for Node. Edges are not represented as objects. They are kept in a dictionary which also keeps their attributes.
Graph display related methods are inspired from Pydot. They are re-written considering GIMPy needs. We also borrow two methods from Pydot, see for details.
Default graph type is an undirected graph.
No custom exception will raise when the user tries to get in_neighbors of an undirected graph. She should be aware of this. Python will raise an exception since user is trying to read an attribute that does not exits.
Methods that implement algorithms has display argument in their API. If this argument is not specified global display setting will be used for display purposes of the algorithm method implements. You can use display argument to get visualization of algorithm without changing global display behavior of your Graph/Tree object.
Method documentation strings are orginized as follows. API: method_name(arguments) Description: Description of the method. Input: Arguments and their explanation. Pre: Necessary class attributes that should exists, methods to be called before this method. Post: Class attributes changed within the method. Return: Return value of the method.
TODO(aykut): -> svg display mode -> label_strong_components() API change. Check backward compatibilty. -> dfs should use search()? -> display mode svg is not supported. future: -> The solution we find is not strongly feasible. Fix this.
Expand source code
A Graph class implementation. The aim for this implementation is
1. To reflect implementation methods in literature as much as possible
3. To have something close to a "classic" object-oriented design
(compared to previous versions)
This implementation can be considered as a compromise between a graph
class designed for visualization and an efficient graph data structure.
One deviation from standard Graph implementations is to keep in neighbors in
an other adjacency list. We do this for efficiency reasons considering
traversing residual graphs.
We have a class for Graph and a class for Node. Edges are not represented as
objects. They are kept in a dictionary which also keeps their attributes.
Graph display related methods are inspired from Pydot. They are re-written
considering GIMPy needs. We also borrow two methods from Pydot, see for details.
Default graph type is an undirected graph.
No custom exception will raise when the user tries to get in_neighbors of an
undirected graph. She should be aware of this. Python will raise an exception
since user is trying to read an attribute that does not exits.
Methods that implement algorithms has display argument in their API. If this
argument is not specified global display setting will be used for display
purposes of the algorithm method implements. You can use display argument to
get visualization of algorithm without changing global display behavior of your
Graph/Tree object.
Method documentation strings are orginized as follows.
API: method_name(arguments)
Description: Description of the method.
Input: Arguments and their explanation.
Pre: Necessary class attributes that should exists, methods to be called
before this method.
Post: Class attributes changed within the method.
Return: Return value of the method.
-> svg display mode
-> label_strong_components() API change. Check backward compatibilty.
-> dfs should use search()?
-> display mode svg is not supported.
-> The solution we find is not strongly feasible. Fix this.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from future import standard_library
from builtins import str
from builtins import range
from past.utils import old_div
from builtins import object
from .global_constants import *
from src.blimpy import Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
except ImportError:
from coinor.blimpy import Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue
import subprocess # for call()
import io # for StringIO()
import copy # for deepcopy()
import sys # for exit()
import random # for seed, random, randint
import tempfile # for mkstemp()
import os # for close()
import operator # for itemgetter()
import pygtk
import gtk
import xdot
except ImportError:
import dot2tex # for dot2tex method
except ImportError:
from PIL import Image as PIL_Image
except ImportError:
import matplotlib
except ImportError:
# matplotlib.use('TkAgg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 300
def handle_close(evt):
print('Figure closed. Exiting!')
class Node(object):
Node class. A node object keeps node attributes. Has a method to write
node in Dot language grammer.
def __init__(self, name, **attr):
API: __init__(self, name, **attrs)
Node class constructor. Sets name and attributes using arguments.
name: Name of node.
**attrs: Node attributes.
Sets and self.attr.
''' = name
self.attr = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_NODE_ATTRIBUTES)
for a in attr:
self.attr[a] = attr[a]
def get_attr(self, attr):
API: get_attr(self, attr)
Returns node attribute attr.
attr: Node attribute to get.
Returns Node attribute attr if exists returns None, otherwise.
if attr in self.attr:
return self.attr[attr]
return None
def set_attr(self, attr, value):
API: set_attr(self, attr, value)
Sets node attribute attr to value.
attr: Node attribute to set.
value: New value of the attribute.
Updates self.attr[attr].
self.attr[attr] = value
def to_string(self):
API: to_string(self)
Returns string representation of node in dot language.
String representation of node.
node = list()
node.append(' [')
flag = False
for a in self.attr:
flag = True
node.append(', ')
if flag is True:
node = node[:-1]
return ''.join(node)
def __repr__(self):
API: __repr__(self)
Returns string representation of node in dot language.
String representation of node.
return self.to_string()
class Graph(object):
Graph class, implemented using adjacency list. See GIMPy README for more
def __init__(self, **attr):
API: __init__(self, **attrs)
Graph class constructor. Sets attributes using argument.
**attrs: Graph attributes.
Sets following attributes using **attrs; self.attr,
self.graph_type. Creates following initial attributes;
self.neighbors, self.in_neighbors, self.nodes, self.out_neighbors,
# graph attributes
self.attr = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_GRAPH_ATTRIBUTES)
# set attributes using constructor
for a in attr:
self.attr[a] = attr[a]
# set name
if 'name' in self.attr: = self.attr['name']
else: = 'G'
# edge attributes
self.edge_attr = dict()
# we treat type attribute and keep it in a separate class attribute
if 'type' in self.attr:
self.graph_type = self.attr['type']
self.graph_type = UNDIRECTED_GRAPH
# adjacency list of nodes, it is a dictionary of lists
self.neighbors = {}
# if the graph is undirected we do not need in_neighbor
if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH:
self.in_neighbors = {}
self.nodes = {}
self.edge_connect_symbol = EDGE_CONNECT_SYMBOL[self.graph_type]
self.out_neighbors = self.neighbors
if 'display' not in self.attr:
if 'layout' not in self.attr:
self.attr['layout'] = 'fdp'
self.attr['cluster_count'] = 0
self.cluster = {}
def __repr__(self):
API: __repr__(self)
Returns string representation of the graph.
String representation of the graph.
data = str()
for n in self.nodes:
data += str(n)
data += ' -> '
data += self.neighbors[n].__repr__()
data += '\n'
data = data[:-1]
return data
def __contains__(self, item):
API: __contains__(self, item)
Return true if item is in graph. item can be a node name or a tuple
that represents an edge.
True if item is in graph.
if isinstance(item, tuple):
name1 = item[0]
name2 = item[1]
if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH:
return (name1, name2) in self.edge_attr
return ((name1, name2) in self.edge_attr or
(name2, name1) in self.edge_attr)
return item in self.nodes
def add_node(self, name, **attr):
API: add_node(self, name, **attr)
Adds node to the graph.
Graph should not contain a node with this name. We do not allow
multiple nodes with the same name.
name: Name of the node.
attr: Node attributes.
self.neighbors, self.nodes and self.in_neighbors are updated.
Node (a Node class instance) added to the graph.
if name in self.neighbors:
raise MultipleNodeException
self.neighbors[name] = list()
if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH:
self.in_neighbors[name] = list()
self.nodes[name] = Node(name, **attr)
return self.nodes[name]
def del_node(self, name):
API: del_node(self, name)
Removes node from Graph.
name: Name of the node.
Graph should contain a node with this name.
self.neighbors, self.nodes and self.in_neighbors are updated.
if name not in self.neighbors:
raise Exception('Node %s does not exist!' %str(name))
for n in self.neighbors[name]:
del self.edge_attr[(name, n)]
if self.graph_type == UNDIRECTED_GRAPH:
if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH:
for n in self.in_neighbors[name]:
del self.edge_attr[(n, name)]
del self.neighbors[name]
del self.in_neighbors[name]
del self.nodes[name]
def add_edge(self, name1, name2, **attr):
API: add_edge(self, name1, name2, **attr)
Adds edge to the graph. Sets edge attributes using attr argument.
name1: Name of the source node (if directed).
name2: Name of the sink node (if directed).
attr: Edge attributes.
Graph should not already contain this edge. We do not allow
multiple edges with same source and sink nodes.
self.edge_attr is updated.
self.neighbors, self.nodes and self.in_neighbors are updated if
graph was missing at least one of the nodes.
if (name1, name2) in self.edge_attr:
raise MultipleEdgeException
if self.graph_type is UNDIRECTED_GRAPH and (name2,name1) in self.edge_attr:
raise MultipleEdgeException
self.edge_attr[(name1,name2)] = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_EDGE_ATTRIBUTES)
for a in attr:
self.edge_attr[(name1,name2)][a] = attr[a]
if name1 not in self.nodes:
if name2 not in self.nodes:
if self.graph_type is UNDIRECTED_GRAPH:
def del_edge(self, e):
API: del_edge(self, e)
Removes edge from graph.
e: Tuple that represents edge, in (source,sink) form.
Graph should contain this edge.
self.edge_attr, self.neighbors and self.in_neighbors are updated.
if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH:
del self.edge_attr[e]
except KeyError:
raise Exception('Edge %s does not exists!' %str(e))
del self.edge_attr[e]
except KeyError:
del self.edge_attr[(e[1],e[0])]
except KeyError:
raise Exception('Edge %s does not exists!' %str(e))
def get_node(self, name):
API: get_node(self, name)
Returns node object with the provided name.
name: Name of the node.
Returns node object if node exists, returns None otherwise.
if name in self.nodes:
return self.nodes[name]
return None
def get_edge_cost(self, edge):
API: get_edge_cost(self, edge)
Returns cost attr of edge, required for minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal().
edge: Tuple that represents edge, in (source,sink) form.
Returns cost attribute value of the edge.
return self.get_edge_attr(edge[0], edge[1], 'cost')
def check_edge(self, name1, name2):
API: check_edge(self, name1, name2)
Return True if edge exists, False otherwise.
name1: name of the source node.
name2: name of the sink node.
Returns True if edge exists, False otherwise.
if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH:
return (name1, name2) in self.edge_attr
return ((name1, name2) in self.edge_attr or
(name2, name1) in self.edge_attr)
def get_node_list(self):
API: get_node_list(self)
Returns node list.
List of nodes.
return list(self.neighbors.keys())
def get_edge_list(self):
API: get_edge_list(self)
Returns edge list.
List of edges, edges are tuples and in (source,sink) format.
return list(self.edge_attr.keys())
def get_node_num(self):
API: get_node_num(self)
Returns number of nodes.
Number of nodes.
return len(self.neighbors)
def get_edge_num(self):
API: get_edge_num(self)
Returns number of edges.
Number of edges.
return len(self.edge_attr)
def get_node_attr(self, name, attr):
API: get_node_attr(self, name, attr)
Returns attribute attr of given node.
name: Name of node.
attr: Attribute of node.
Graph should have this node.
Value of node attribute attr.
return self.get_node(name).get_attr(attr)
def get_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr):
API: get_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr)
Returns attribute attr of edge (n,m).
n: Source node name.
m: Sink node name.
attr: Attribute of edge.
Graph should have this edge.
Value of edge attribute attr.
if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH:
return self.edge_attr[(n,m)][attr]
return self.edge_attr[(n,m)][attr]
except KeyError:
return self.edge_attr[(m,n)][attr]
def set_node_attr(self, name, attr, value):
API: set_node_attr(self, name, attr)
Sets attr attribute of node named name to value.
name: Name of node.
attr: Attribute of node to set.
Graph should have this node.
Node attribute will be updated.
self.get_node(name).set_attr(attr, value)
def set_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr, value):
API: set_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr, value)
Sets attr attribute of edge (n,m) to value.
n: Source node name.
m: Sink node name.
attr: Attribute of edge to set.
value: New value of attribute.
Graph should have this edge.
Edge attribute will be updated.
if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH:
self.edge_attr[(n,m)][attr] = value
self.edge_attr[(n,m)][attr] = value
except KeyError:
self.edge_attr[(m,n)][attr] = value
def get_neighbors(self, name):
API: get_neighbors(self, name)
Returns list of neighbors of given node.
name: Node name.
Graph should have this node.
List of neighbor node names.
return self.neighbors[name]
def get_in_neighbors(self, name):
API: get_in_neighbors(self, name)
Returns list of in neighbors of given node.
name: Node name.
Graph should have this node.
List of in-neighbor node names.
return self.in_neighbors[name]
def get_out_neighbors(self, name):
API: get_out_neighbors(self, name)
Returns list of out-neighbors of given node.
name: Node name.
Graph should have this node.
List of out-neighbor node names.
return self.neighbors[name]
def edge_to_string(self, e):
API: edge_to_string(self, e)
Return string that represents edge e in dot language.
e: Edge tuple in (source,sink) format.
Graph should have this edge.
String that represents given edge.
edge = list()
# return if there is nothing in self.edge_attr[e]
if len(self.edge_attr[e]) == 0:
return ''.join(edge)
edge.append(' [')
for a in self.edge_attr[e]:
edge.append(', ')
edge = edge[:-1]
return ''.join(edge)
def to_string(self):
API: to_string(self)
This method is based on pydot Graph class with the same name.
Returns a string representation of the graph in dot language.
It will return the graph and all its subelements in string form.
String that represents graph in dot language.
graph = list()
processed_edges = {}
graph.append('%s %s {\n' %(self.graph_type,
for a in self.attr:
val = self.attr[a]
if val is not None:
graph.append( '%s=%s' % (a, quote_if_necessary(val)) )
graph.append( ';\n' )
# clusters
for c in self.cluster:
graph.append('subgraph cluster_%s {\n' %c)
for a in self.cluster[c]['attrs']:
if a=='label':
if len(self.cluster[c]['node_attrs'])!=0:
graph.append('node [')
for a in self.cluster[c]['node_attrs']:
if len(self.cluster[c]['node_attrs'])!=0:
# process cluster nodes
for n in self.cluster[c]['node_list']:
data = self.get_node(n).to_string()
graph.append(data + ';\n')
# process cluster edges
for n in self.cluster[c]['node_list']:
for m in self.cluster[c]['node_list']:
if self.check_edge(n,m):
data = self.edge_to_string((n,m))
graph.append(data + ';\n')
# process remaining (non-cluster) nodes
for n in self.neighbors:
for c in self.cluster:
if n in self.cluster[c]['node_list']:
data = self.get_node(n).to_string()
graph.append(data + ';\n')
# process edges
for e in self.edge_attr:
if e in processed_edges:
data = self.edge_to_string(e)
graph.append(data + ';\n')
graph.append( '}\n' )
return ''.join(graph)
def label_components(self, display = None):
API: label_components(self, display=None)
This method labels the nodes of an undirected graph with component
numbers so that each node has the same label as all nodes in the
same component. It will display the algortihm if display argument is
display: display method.
self.graph_type should be UNDIRECTED_GRAPH.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component
number as value.
if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH:
raise Exception("label_components only works for ",
"undirected graphs")
self.num_components = 0
for n in self.get_node_list():
self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', None)
for n in self.neighbors:
self.get_node(n).set_attr('label', '-')
for n in self.get_node_list():
if self.get_node(n).get_attr('component') == None:, display=display,
component=self.num_components, algo='DFS')
self.num_components += 1
def tarjan(self):
API: tarjan(self)
Implements Tarjan's algorithm for determining strongly connected set of
self.graph_type should be DIRECTED_GRAPH.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component
number as value. Changes 'index' attribute of nodes.
index = 0
component = 0
q = []
for n in self.get_node_list():
if self.get_node_attr(n, 'index') is None:
index, component = self.strong_connect(q, n, index, component)
def strong_connect(self, q, node, index, component):
API: strong_connect (self, q, node, index, component)
Used by tarjan method. This method should not be called directly by
q: Node list.
node: Node that is being connected to nodes in q.
index: Index used by tarjan method.
component: Current component number.
Should be called by tarjan and itself (recursive) only.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component
number as value. Changes 'index' attribute of nodes.
Returns new index and component numbers.
self.set_node_attr(node, 'index', index)
self.set_node_attr(node, 'lowlink', index)
index += 1
for m in self.get_neighbors(node):
if self.get_node_attr(m, 'index') is None:
index, component = self.strong_connect(q, m, index, component)
self.set_node_attr(node, 'lowlink',
min([self.get_node_attr(node, 'lowlink'),
self.get_node_attr(m, 'lowlink')]))
elif m in q:
self.set_node_attr(node, 'lowlink',
min([self.get_node_attr(node, 'lowlink'),
self.get_node_attr(m, 'index')]))
if self.get_node_attr(node, 'lowlink') == self.get_node_attr(node, 'index'):
m = q.pop()
self.set_node_attr(m, 'component', component)
while (node!=m):
m = q.pop()
self.set_node_attr(m, 'component', component)
component += 1
self.num_components = component
return (index, component)
def label_strong_component(self):
API: label_strong_component(self)
This method labels the nodes of a directed graph with component
numbers so that each node has the same label as all nodes in the
same component.
self.graph_type should be DIRECTED_GRAPH.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component
number as value. Changes 'index' attribute of nodes.
self.num_components = 0
def dfs(self, root, disc_count = 0, finish_count = 1, component = None,
transpose = False, display = None, pred = None):
API: dfs(self, root, disc_count = 0, finish_count = 1, component=None,
Make a depth-first search starting from node with name root.
root: Starting node name.
disc_count: Discovery time.
finish_count: Finishing time.
component: component number.
transpose: Goes in the reverse direction along edges if transpose
is True.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component
number as value. Updates 'disc_time' and 'finish_time' attributes
of nodes which represents discovery time and finishing time.
Returns a tuple that has discovery time and finish time of the
last node in the following form (disc_time,finish_time).
if pred == None:
pred = {}
if display == None:
display = self.attr['display']
neighbors = self.neighbors
if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH and transpose:
neighbors = self.in_neighbors
self.get_node(root).set_attr('component', component)
disc_count += 1
self.get_node(root).set_attr('disc_time', disc_count)
self.get_node(root).set_attr('label', str(disc_count)+',-')
self.get_node(root).set_attr('color', 'blue')
if root in pred:
self.set_edge_attr(pred[root], root, 'color', 'green')
if transpose:
fTime = []
for n in neighbors[root]:
neighbor_list = sorted(fTime, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
neighbor_list = list(t[0] for t in neighbor_list)
neighbor_list = neighbors[root]
for i in neighbor_list:
if not transpose:
if self.get_node(i).get_attr('disc_time') is None:
pred[i] = root
disc_count, finish_count = self.dfs(i, disc_count,
component, transpose,
pred = pred)
if self.get_node(i).get_attr('component') is None:
disc_count, finish_count = self.dfs(i, disc_count,
component, transpose,
pred = pred)
self.get_node(root).set_attr('finish_time', finish_count)
d_time = self.get_node(root).get_attr('disc_time')
label = '"' + str(d_time) + ',' + str(finish_count) + '"'
self.get_node(root).set_attr('label', label)
self.get_node(root).set_attr('color', 'green')
finish_count += 1
return disc_count, finish_count
def bfs(self, root, display = None, component = None):
API: bfs(self, root, display = None, component=None)
Make a breadth-first search starting from node with name root.
root: Starting node name.
display: display method.
component: component number.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component
number as value.
''', display = display, component = component, q = Queue())
def search(self, source, destination = None, display = None,
component = None, q = None,
algo = 'DFS', reverse = False, **kargs):
API: search(self, source, destination = None, display = None,
component = None, q = Stack(),
algo = 'DFS', reverse = False, **kargs)
Generic search method. Changes behavior (dfs,bfs,dijkstra,prim)
according to algo argument.
if destination is not specified:
This method determines all nodes reachable from "source" ie. creates
precedence tree and returns it (dictionary).
if destionation is given:
If there exists a path from "source" to "destination" it will return
list of the nodes is this path. If there is no such path, it will
return the precedence tree constructed from source (dictionary).
Optionally, it marks all nodes reachable from "source" with a component
number. The variable "q" determines the order in which the nodes are
source: Search starts from node with this name.
destination: Destination node name.
display: Display method.
algo: Algortihm that specifies search. Available algortihms are
'DFS', 'BFS', 'Dijkstra' and 'Prim'.
reverse: Search goes in reverse arc directions if True.
kargs: Additional keyword arguments.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component
number as value (if component argument provided). Color attribute
of nodes and edges may change.
Returns predecessor tree in dictionary form if destination is
not specified, returns list of node names in the path from source
to destionation if destionation is specified and there is a path.
If there is no path returns predecessor tree in dictionary form.
See description section.
if display == None:
display = self.attr['display']
if algo == 'DFS':
if q is None:
q = Stack()
self.get_node(source).set_attr('component', component)
elif algo == 'BFS' or algo == 'UnweightedSPT':
if q is None:
q = Queue()
self.get_node(source).set_attr('component', component)
elif algo == 'Dijkstra' or algo == 'Prim':
if q is None:
q = PriorityQueue()
print("Unknown search algorithm...exiting")
neighbors = self.neighbors
if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH and reverse:
neighbors = self.in_neighbors
for i in self.get_node_list():
self.get_node(i).set_attr('label', '-')
self.get_node(i).attr.pop('priority', None)
self.get_node(i).set_attr('distance', None)
self.get_node(i).set_attr('color', 'black')
for j in neighbors[i]:
if reverse:
self.set_edge_attr(j, i, 'color', 'black')
self.set_edge_attr(i, j, 'color', 'black')
pred = {}
self.process_edge_search(None, source, pred, q, component, algo,
found = True
if source != destination:
found = False
while not q.isEmpty() and not found:
current = q.peek()
if self.get_node(current).get_attr('color') == 'green':
self.process_node_search(current, q, **kargs)
self.get_node(current).set_attr('color', 'blue')
if current != source:
if reverse:
self.set_edge_attr(current, pred[current], 'color', 'green')
self.set_edge_attr(pred[current], current, 'color', 'green')
if current == destination:
found = True
for n in neighbors[current]:
if self.get_node(n).get_attr('color') != 'green':
if reverse:
self.set_edge_attr(n, current, 'color', 'yellow')
self.set_edge_attr(current, n, 'color', 'yellow')
self.process_edge_search(current, n, pred, q, component,
algo, **kargs)
if reverse:
self.set_edge_attr(n, current, 'color', 'black')
self.set_edge_attr(current, n, 'color', 'black')
self.get_node(current).set_attr('color', 'green')
if found:
path = [destination]
current = destination
while current != source:
path.insert(0, pred[current])
current = pred[current]
return path
if destination == None:
return pred
return None
def process_node_search(self, node, q, **kwargs):
API: process_node_search(self, node, q, **kwargs)
Used by search() method. Process nodes along the search. Should not be
called by user directly.
node: Name of the node being processed.
q: Queue data structure.
kwargs: Keyword arguments.
'priority' attribute of the node may get updated.
if isinstance(q, PriorityQueue):
self.get_node(node).set_attr('priority', q.get_priority(node))
def process_edge_dijkstra(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component):
API: process_edge_dijkstra(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component)
Used by search() method if the algo argument is 'Dijkstra'. Processes
edges along Dijkstra's algorithm. User does not need to call this
method directly.
current: Name of the current node.
neighbor: Name of the neighbor node.
pred: Predecessor tree.
q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue.
component: component number.
'color' attribute of nodes and edges may change.
if current is None:
self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'red')
self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('label', 0)
q.push(neighbor, 0)
self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'black')
new_estimate = (q.get_priority(current) +
self.get_edge_attr(current, neighbor, 'cost'))
if neighbor not in pred or new_estimate < q.get_priority(neighbor):
pred[neighbor] = current
self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'red')
self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('label', new_estimate)
q.push(neighbor, new_estimate)
self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'black')
def process_edge_prim(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component):
API: process_edge_prim(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component)
Used by search() method if the algo argument is 'Prim'. Processes
edges along Prim's algorithm. User does not need to call this method
current: Name of the current node.
neighbor: Name of the neighbor node.
pred: Predecessor tree.
q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue.
component: component number.
'color' attribute of nodes and edges may change.
if current is None:
self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'red')
self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('label', 0)
q.push(neighbor, 0)
self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'black')
new_estimate = self.get_edge_attr(current, neighbor, 'cost')
if not neighbor in pred or new_estimate < q.get_priority(neighbor):
pred[neighbor] = current
self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'red')
self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('label', new_estimate)
q.push(neighbor, new_estimate)
self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'black')
def process_edge_search(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component, algo,
API: process_edge_search(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component,
algo, **kargs)
Used by search() method. Processes edges according to the underlying
algortihm. User does not need to call this method directly.
current: Name of the current node.
neighbor: Name of the neighbor node.
pred: Predecessor tree.
q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue.
component: component number.
algo: Search algorithm. See search() documentation.
kwargs: Keyword arguments.
'color', 'distance', 'component' attribute of nodes and edges may
if algo == 'Dijkstra':
return self.process_edge_dijkstra(current, neighbor, pred, q,
if algo == 'Prim':
return self.process_edge_prim(current, neighbor, pred, q,
neighbor_node = self.get_node(neighbor)
if current == None:
neighbor_node.set_attr('distance', 0)
if isinstance(q, PriorityQueue):
q.push(neighbor, 0)
if component != None:
neighbor_node.set_attr('component', component)
neighbor_node.set_attr('label', component)
neighbor_node.set_attr('label', 0)
if isinstance(q, PriorityQueue):
current_priority = q.get_priority(neighbor)
if algo == 'UnweightedSPT' or algo == 'BFS':
priority = self.get_node(current).get_attr('distance') + 1
if algo == 'DFS':
priority = -self.get_node(current).get_attr('distance') - 1
if current_priority is not None and priority >= current_priority:
q.push(neighbor, priority)
if algo == 'UnweightedSPT' or algo == 'BFS':
neighbor_node.set_attr('distance', priority)
if algo == 'DFS':
neighbor_node.set_attr('depth', -priority)
distance = self.get_node(current).get_attr('distance') + 1
if ((algo == 'UnweightedSPT' or algo == 'BFS') and
neighbor_node.get_attr('distance') is not None):
neighbor_node.set_attr('distance', distance)
neighbor_node.set_attr('label', str(distance))
pred[neighbor] = current
neighbor_node.set_attr('color', 'red')
if component != None:
neighbor_node.set_attr('component', component)
neighbor_node.set_attr('label', component)
def minimum_spanning_tree_prim(self, source, display = None,
q = PriorityQueue()):
API: minimum_spanning_tree_prim(self, source, display = None,
q = PriorityQueue())
Determines a minimum spanning tree of all nodes reachable
from source using Prim's Algorithm.
source: Name of source node.
display: Display method.
q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue.
'color', 'distance', 'component' attribute of nodes and edges may
Returns predecessor tree in dictionary format.
if display == None:
display = self.attr['display']
if isinstance(q, PriorityQueue):
addToQ = q.push
removeFromQ = q.pop
peek = q.peek
isEmpty = q.isEmpty
neighbors = self.get_neighbors
pred = {}
done = False
while not isEmpty() and not done:
current = removeFromQ()
self.set_node_attr(current, 'color', 'blue')
if current != source:
self.set_edge_attr(pred[current], current, 'color', 'green')
for n in neighbors(current):
if self.get_node_attr(n, 'color') != 'green':
self.set_edge_attr(current, n, 'color', 'yellow')
new_estimate = self.get_edge_attr(current, n, 'cost')
if not n in pred or new_estimate < peek(n)[0]:
pred[n] = current
self.set_node_attr(n, 'color', 'red')
self.set_node_attr(n, 'label', new_estimate)
addToQ(n, new_estimate)
self.set_node_attr(n, 'color', 'black')
self.set_edge_attr(current, n, 'color', 'black')
self.set_node_attr(current, 'color', 'green')
return pred
def minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal(self, display = None, components = None):
API: minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal(self, display = None,
components = None)
Determines a minimum spanning tree using Kruskal's Algorithm.
display: Display method.
component: component number.
'color' attribute of nodes and edges may change.
Returns list of edges where edges are tuples in (source,sink)
if display == None:
display = self.attr['display']
if components is None:
components = DisjointSet(display = display, layout = 'dot',
optimize = False)
sorted_edge_list = sorted(self.get_edge_list(), key=self.get_edge_cost)
edges = []
for n in self.get_node_list():
for e in sorted_edge_list:
if len(edges) == len(self.get_node_list()) - 1:
self.set_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'color', 'yellow')
if components.union(e[0], e[1]):
self.set_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'color', 'green')
self.set_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'color', 'black')
return edges
def max_flow_preflowpush(self, source, sink, algo = 'FIFO', display = None):
API: max_flow_preflowpush(self, source, sink, algo = 'FIFO',
display = None)
Finds maximum flow from source to sink by a depth-first search based
augmenting path algorithm.
Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has a 'capacity'
attribute and for which there does does not exist both arcs (i,j)
and (j,i) for any pair of nodes i and j.
source: Source node name.
sink: Sink node name.
algo: Algorithm choice, 'FIFO', 'SAP' or 'HighestLabel'.
display: display method.
The 'flow' attribute of each arc gives a maximum flow.
if display == None:
display = self.attr['display']
nl = self.get_node_list()
# set excess of all nodes to 0
for n in nl:
self.set_node_attr(n, 'excess', 0)
# set flow of all edges to 0
for e in self.edge_attr:
self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = 0
if 'capacity' in self.edge_attr[e]:
capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']
self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = str(capacity)+'/0'
self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = INF
self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = 'INF/0'
self.set_display_mode('off'), algo = 'UnweightedSPT', reverse = True)
disconnect = False
for n in nl:
if self.get_node_attr(n, 'distance') is None:
disconnect = True
self.set_node_attr(n, 'distance',
2*len(nl) + 1)
if disconnect:
print('Warning: graph contains nodes not connected to the sink...')
if algo == 'FIFO':
q = Queue()
elif algo == 'SAP':
q = Stack()
elif algo == 'HighestLabel':
q = PriorityQueue()
for n in self.get_neighbors(source):
capacity = self.get_edge_attr(source, n, 'capacity')
self.set_edge_attr(source, n, 'flow', capacity)
self.set_node_attr(n, 'excess', capacity)
excess = self.get_node_attr(source, 'excess')
self.set_node_attr(source, 'excess', excess - capacity)
if algo == 'FIFO' or algo == 'SAP':
elif algo == 'HighestLabel':
q.push(n, -1)
self.set_node_attr(source, 'distance', len(nl))
while not q.isEmpty():
relabel = True
current = q.peek()
neighbors = (self.get_neighbors(current) +
for n in neighbors:
pushed = self.process_edge_flow(source, sink, current, n, algo,
if pushed:
if algo == 'FIFO':
'''With FIFO, we need to add the neighbors to the queue
before the current is added back in or the nodes will
be out of order
if q.peek(n) is None and n != source and n != sink:
'''Keep pushing while there is excess'''
if self.get_node_attr(current, 'excess') > 0:
'''If we were able to push, then there we should not
relabel = False
if current != sink:
if relabel:
if self.get_node_attr(current, 'excess') > 0:
if algo == 'FIFO' or algo == 'SAP':
elif algo == 'HighestLabel':
q.push(current, -self.get_node_attr(current,
if pushed and q.peek(n) is None and n != source:
if algo == 'SAP':
elif algo == 'HighestLabel':
q.push(n, -self.get_node_attr(n, 'distance'))
def process_edge_flow(self, source, sink, i, j, algo, q):
API: process_edge_flow(self, source, sink, i, j, algo, q)
Used by by max_flow_preflowpush() method. Processes edges along
prefolow push.
source: Source node name of flow graph.
sink: Sink node name of flow graph.
i: Source node in the processed edge (tail of arc).
j: Sink node in the processed edge (head of arc).
The 'flow' and 'excess' attributes of nodes may get updated.
Returns False if residual capacity is 0, True otherwise.
if (self.get_node_attr(i, 'distance') !=
self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance') + 1):
return False
if (i, j) in self.edge_attr:
edge = (i, j)
capacity = self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'capacity')
mult = 1
edge = (j, i)
capacity = 0
mult = -1
flow = mult*self.edge_attr[edge]['flow']
residual_capacity = capacity - flow
if residual_capacity == 0:
return False
excess_i = self.get_node_attr(i, 'excess')
excess_j = self.get_node_attr(j, 'excess')
push_amount = min(excess_i, residual_capacity)
self.edge_attr[edge]['flow'] = mult*(flow + push_amount)
self.set_node_attr(i, 'excess', excess_i - push_amount)
self.set_node_attr(j, 'excess', excess_j + push_amount)
return True
def relabel(self, i):
API: relabel(self, i)
Used by max_flow_preflowpush() method for relabelling node i.
i: Node that is being relabelled.
'distance' attribute of node i is updated.
min_distance = 2*len(self.get_node_list()) + 1
for j in self.get_neighbors(i):
if (self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance') < min_distance and
(self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'flow') <
self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'capacity'))):
min_distance = self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance')
for j in self.get_in_neighbors(i):
if (self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance') < min_distance and
self.get_edge_attr(j, i, 'flow') > 0):
min_distance = self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance')
self.set_node_attr(i, 'distance', min_distance + 1)
def show_flow(self):
API: relabel(self, i)
Used by max_flow_preflowpush() method for display purposed.
'color' and 'label' attribute of edges/nodes are updated.
for n in self.get_node_list():
excess = self.get_node_attr(n, 'excess')
distance = self.get_node_attr(n, 'distance')
self.set_node_attr(n, 'label', str(excess)+'/'+str(distance))
for neighbor in self.get_neighbors(n):
capacity = self.get_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'capacity')
flow = self.get_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'flow')
if capacity == INF:
self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'label',
self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'label',
if capacity == flow:
self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'color', 'red')
elif flow > 0:
self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'color', 'green')
self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'color', 'black')
def create_residual_graph(self):
API: create_residual_graph(self)
Creates and returns residual graph, which is a Graph instance
(1) Arcs should have 'flow', 'capacity' and 'cost' attribute
(2) Graph should be a directed graph
Returns residual graph, which is a Graph instance.
if self.graph_type is UNDIRECTED_GRAPH:
raise Exception('residual graph is defined for directed graphs.')
residual_g = Graph(type = DIRECTED_GRAPH)
for e in self.get_edge_list():
capacity_e = self.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'capacity')
flow_e = self.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'flow')
cost_e = self.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'cost')
if flow_e > 0:
residual_g.add_edge(e[1], e[0], cost=-1*cost_e,
if capacity_e - flow_e > 0:
residual_g.add_edge(e[0], e[1], cost=cost_e,
return residual_g
def cycle_canceling(self, display):
cycle_canceling(self, display)
Solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using cycle canceling
algorithm. Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns
False otherwise. 'flow' attribute values of arcs should be
considered as junk when returned False.
display: Display method.
(1) Arcs should have 'capacity' and 'cost' attribute.
(2) Nodes should have 'demand' attribute, this value should be
positive if the node is a supply node, negative if it is demand
node and 0 if it is transhipment node.
(3) graph should not have node 's' and 't'.
Changes 'flow' attributes of arcs.
Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns False
# find a feasible solution to flow problem
if not self.find_feasible_flow():
return False
# create residual graph
residual_g = self.create_residual_graph()
# identify a negative cycle in residual graph
ncycle = residual_g.get_negative_cycle()
# loop while residual graph has a negative cycle
while ncycle is not None:
# find capacity of cycle
cap = residual_g.find_cycle_capacity(ncycle)
# augment capacity amount along the cycle
self.augment_cycle(cap, ncycle)
# create residual graph
residual_g = self.create_residual_graph()
# identify next negative cycle
ncycle = residual_g.get_negative_cycle()
return True
def find_feasible_flow(self):
Solves feasible flow problem, stores solution in 'flow' attribute
or arcs. This method is used to get an initial feasible flow for
simplex and cycle canceling algorithms. Uses max_flow() method.
Other max flow methods can also be used. Returns True if a feasible
flow is found, returns False, if the problem is infeasible. When
the problem is infeasible 'flow' attributes of arcs should be
considered as junk.
(1) 'capacity' attribute of arcs
(2) 'demand' attribute of nodes
Keeps solution in 'flow' attribute of arcs.
Returns True if a feasible flow is found, returns False, if the
problem is infeasible
# establish a feasible flow in the network, to do this add nodes s and
# t and solve a max flow problem.
nl = self.get_node_list()
for i in nl:
b_i = self.get_node(i).get_attr('demand')
if b_i > 0:
# i is a supply node, add (s,i) arc
self.add_edge('s', i, capacity=b_i)
elif b_i < 0:
# i is a demand node, add (i,t) arc
self.add_edge(i, 't', capacity=-1*b_i)
# solve max flow on this modified graph
self.max_flow('s', 't', 'off')
# check if all demand is satisfied, i.e. the min cost problem is
# feasible or not
for i in self.neighbors['s']:
flow = self.get_edge_attr('s', i, 'flow')
capacity = self.get_edge_attr('s', i, 'capacity')
if flow != capacity:
return False
# remove node 's' and node 't'
return True
def get_layout(self):
Returns layout attribute of the graph.
Returns layout attribute of the graph.
return self.attr['layout']
def set_layout(self, value):
set_layout(self, value)
Sets layout attribute of the graph to value.
value: New value of the layout.
if value == 'dot2tex':
self.attr['d2tgraphstyle'] = 'every text node part/.style={align=center}'
def write(self, file_obj, layout = None, format='png'):
write(self, basename = 'graph', layout = None, format='png')
Writes graph to dist using layout and format.
basename: name of the file that will be written.
layout: Dot layout for generating graph image.
format: Image format, all format supported by Dot are wellcome.
File will be written to disk.
if layout == None:
layout = self.get_layout()
if format == 'dot':
file_obj.write(bytearray(self.to_string(), 'utf8'))
out = self.create(layout, format)
if (out != None):
def create(self, layout, format, **args):
create(self, layout, format, **args)
Returns postscript representation of graph.
layout: Dot layout for generating graph image.
format: Image format, all format supported by Dot are wellcome.
Returns postscript representation of graph.
tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
tmp_file = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w')
p =[layout, '-T'+format, tmp_name],
capture_output = True)
except OSError:
print('''Graphviz executable not found.
Graphviz must be installed and in your search path.
Please visit for information on installation.
After installation, ensure that the PATH variable is properly set.''')
return None
if p.stderr:
return p.stdout
def display(self, highlight = None, basename = 'graph', format = 'png',
pause = False, wait_for_click = True):
display(self, highlight = None, basename = 'graph', format = 'png',
pause = True)
Displays graph according to the arguments provided.
Current display modes: 'off', 'file', 'PIL', 'matplotlib', 'xdot',
Current layout modes: Layouts provided by graphviz ('dot', 'fdp',
'circo', etc.) and 'dot2tex'.
Current formats: Formats provided by graphviz ('ps', 'pdf', 'png',
highlight: List of nodes to be highlighted.
basename: File name. It will be used if display mode is 'file'.
format: Image format, all format supported by Dot are wellcome.
pause: If display is 'matplotlib', window will remain open until closed.
wait_for_click: If display is 'matplotlib', setting to True will
wait for a button click before proceeding. This is useful when
animating an algorithm.
A display window will pop up or a file will be written depending
on display mode.
if self.attr['display'] == 'off':
if highlight != None:
for n in highlight:
if not isinstance(n, Node):
n = self.get_node(n)
n.set_attr('color', 'red')
if self.get_layout() == 'dot2tex':
if self.attr['display'] != 'file':
self.attr['display'] = 'file'
print("Warning: Dot2tex layout can only be used with display mode 'file'")
print(" Automatically changing setting")
if self.attr['display'] == 'file':
if self.get_layout() == 'dot2tex':
if format != 'pdf' or format != 'ps':
print("Dot2tex only supports pdf and ps formats, falling back to pdf")
format = 'pdf'
tex = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.to_string(), autosize=True, texmode = 'math', template = DOT2TEX_TEMPLATE)
print("Error: Dot2tex not installed.")
with open(basename+'.dot', "w+b") as f:
self.write(f, self.get_layout(), 'dot')
p =['dot2tex', '-t math',
basename + '.dot'])
print("There was an error running dot2tex.")
with open(basename+'.tex', 'w') as f:
try:['latex', basename])
if format == 'ps':['dvips', basename])
elif format == 'pdf':['pdflatex', basename])
print("There was an error runing latex. Is it installed?")
with open(basename+'.'+format, "w+b") as f:
self.write(f, self.get_layout(), format)
elif self.attr['display'] == 'PIL':
tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
tmp_file = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+b')
self.write(tmp_file, self.get_layout(), format)
im =
print('Error: PIL not installed. Display disabled.')
self.attr['display'] = 'off'
elif self.attr['display'] == 'matplotlib':
tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
tmp_file = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+b')
self.write(tmp_file, self.get_layout(), format)
im =
fig = plt.figure(1)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', handle_close)
plt.imshow(im, interpolation='bilinear' #resample=True
#extent = (0, 100, 0, 100)
if wait_for_click == True:
if plt.waitforbuttonpress(timeout = 10000):
print('Warning: Either matplotlib or Pillow is not installed. Display disabled.')
self.attr['display'] = 'off'
elif self.attr['display'] == 'xdot':
window = xdot.DotWindow()
window.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)
print('Error: xdot not installed. Display disabled.')
self.attr['display'] = 'off'
print("Unknown display mode: ", end=' ')
if highlight != None:
for n in highlight:
if not isinstance(n, Node):
n = self.get_node(n)
n.set_attr('color', 'black')
def set_display_mode(self, value):
set_display_mode(self, value)
Sets display mode to value.
value: New display mode.
Display mode attribute of graph is updated.
self.attr['display'] = value
def max_flow(self, source, sink, display = None, algo = 'DFS'):
API: max_flow(self, source, sink, display=None)
Finds maximum flow from source to sink by a depth-first search based
augmenting path algorithm.
Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has a 'capacity'
attribute and for which there does does not exist both arcs (i,j)
and (j, i) for any pair of nodes i and j.
source: Source node name.
sink: Sink node name.
display: Display mode.
The 'flow" attribute of each arc gives a maximum flow.
if display is not None:
old_display = self.attr['display']
self.attr['display'] = display
nl = self.get_node_list()
# set flow of all edges to 0
for e in self.edge_attr:
self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = 0
if 'capacity' in self.edge_attr[e]:
capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']
self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = str(capacity)+'/0'
self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = INF
self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = 'INF/0'
while True:
# find an augmenting path from source to sink using DFS
if algo == 'DFS':
q = Stack()
elif algo == 'BFS':
q = Queue()
pred = {source:None}
explored = [source]
for n in nl:
self.get_node(n).set_attr('color', 'black')
for e in self.edge_attr:
if self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] == 0:
self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'black'
elif self.edge_attr[e]['flow']==self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']:
self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'red'
self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'green'
while not q.isEmpty():
current = q.peek()
if current == sink:
out_neighbor = self.neighbors[current]
in_neighbor = self.in_neighbors[current]
neighbor = out_neighbor+in_neighbor
for m in neighbor:
if m in explored:
self.get_node(m).set_attr('color', 'yellow')
if m in out_neighbor:
self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'yellow')
available_capacity = (
self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'capacity')-
self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'flow'))
self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'yellow')
available_capacity=self.get_edge_attr(m, current, 'flow')
if available_capacity > 0:
self.get_node(m).set_attr('color', 'blue')
if m in out_neighbor:
self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'blue')
self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'blue')
pred[m] = current
self.get_node(m).set_attr('color', 'black')
if m in out_neighbor:
if (self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'flow') ==
self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'capacity')):
self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'red')
elif self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'flow') == 0:
self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'black')
# self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'green')
if (self.get_edge_attr(m, current, 'flow') ==
self.get_edge_attr(m, current, 'capacity')):
self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'red')
elif self.get_edge_attr(m, current, 'flow') == 0:
self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'black')
# self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'green')
# if no path with positive capacity from source sink exists, stop
if sink not in pred:
# find capacity of the path
current = sink
min_capacity = 'infinite'
while True:
m = pred[current]
if (m,current) in self.edge_attr:
arc_capacity = self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['capacity']
flow = self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['flow']
potential = arc_capacity-flow
if min_capacity == 'infinite':
min_capacity = potential
elif min_capacity > potential:
min_capacity = potential
potential = self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['flow']
if min_capacity == 'infinite':
min_capacity = potential
elif min_capacity > potential:
min_capacity = potential
if m == source:
current = m
# update flows on the path
current = sink
while True:
m = pred[current]
if (m, current) in self.edge_attr:
flow = self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['flow']
capacity = self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['capacity']
new_flow = flow+min_capacity
self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['flow'] = new_flow
if capacity == INF:
self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['label'] = \
'INF' + '/'+str(new_flow)
self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['label'] = \
if new_flow==capacity:
self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['color'] = 'red'
self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['color'] = 'green'
flow = self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['flow']
capacity = self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['capacity']
new_flow = flow-min_capacity
self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['flow'] = new_flow
if capacity == INF:
self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['label'] = \
'INF' + '/'+str(new_flow)
self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['label'] = \
if new_flow==0:
self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['color'] = 'red'
self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['color'] = 'green'
if m == source:
current = m
if display is not None:
self.attr['display'] = old_display
def get_negative_cycle(self):
Finds and returns negative cost cycle using 'cost' attribute of
arcs. Return value is a list of nodes representing cycle it is in
the following form; n_1-n_2-...-n_k, when the cycle has k nodes.
Arcs should have 'cost' attribute.
Returns a list of nodes in the cycle if a negative cycle exists,
returns None otherwise.
nl = self.get_node_list()
i = nl[0]
(valid, distance, nextn) = self.floyd_warshall()
if not valid:
cycle = self.floyd_warshall_get_cycle(distance, nextn)
return cycle
return None
def floyd_warshall(self):
Finds all pair shortest paths and stores it in a list of lists.
This is possible if the graph does not have negative cycles. It will
return a tuple with 3 elements. The first element indicates whether
the graph has a negative cycle. It is true if the graph does not
have a negative cycle, ie. distances found are valid shortest
distances. The second element is a dictionary of shortest distances
between nodes. Keys are tuple of node pairs ie. (i,j). The third
element is a dictionary that helps to retrieve the shortest path
between nodes. Then return value can be represented as (validity,
distance, nextn) where nextn is the dictionary to retrieve paths.
distance and nextn can be used as inputs to other methods to get
shortest path between nodes.
Arcs should have 'cost' attribute.
Returns (validity, distance, nextn). The distances are valid if
validity is True.
nl = self.get_node_list()
el = self.get_edge_list()
# initialize distance
distance = {}
for i in nl:
for j in nl:
distance[(i,j)] = 'infinity'
for i in nl:
distance[(i,i)] = 0
for e in el:
distance[(e[0],e[1])] = self.get_edge_cost(e)
# == end of distance initialization
# initialize next
nextn = {}
for i in nl:
for j in nl:
if i==j or distance[(i,j)]=='infinity':
nextn[(i,j)] = None
nextn[(i,j)] = i
# == end of next initialization
# compute shortest distance
for k in nl:
for i in nl:
for j in nl:
if distance[(i,k)]=='infinity' or distance[(k,j)]=='infinity':
elif distance[(i,j)]=='infinity':
distance[(i,j)] = distance[(i,k)] + distance[(k,j)]
nextn[(i,j)] = nextn[(k,j)]
elif distance[(i,j)] > distance[(i,k)] + distance[(k,j)]:
distance[(i,j)] = distance[(i,k)] + distance[(k,j)]
nextn[(i,j)] = nextn[(k,j)]
# == end of compute shortest distance
# check if graph has negative cycles
for i in nl:
if distance[(i,i)] < 0:
# shortest distances are not valid
# graph has negative cycle
return (False, distance, nextn)
return (True, distance, nextn)
def floyd_warshall_get_path(self, distance, nextn, i, j):
floyd_warshall_get_path(self, distance, nextn, i, j):
Finds shortest path between i and j using distance and nextn
(1) distance and nextn are outputs of floyd_warshall method.
(2) The graph does not have a negative cycle, , ie.
distance[(i,i)] >=0 for all node i.
Returns the list of nodes on the path from i to j, ie. [i,...,j]
if distance[(i,j)]=='infinity':
return None
k = nextn[(i,j)]
path = self.floyd_warshall_get_path
if i==k:
return [i, j]
return path(distance, nextn, i,k) + [k] + path(distance, nextn, k,j)
def floyd_warshall_get_cycle(self, distance, nextn, element = None):
floyd_warshall_get_cycle(self, distance, nextn, element = None)
Finds a negative cycle in the graph.
(1) distance and nextn are outputs of floyd_warshall method.
(2) The graph should have a negative cycle, , ie.
distance[(i,i)] < 0 for some node i.
Returns the list of nodes on the cycle. Ex: [i,j,k,...,r], where
(i,j), (j,k) and (r,i) are some edges in the cycle.
nl = self.get_node_list()
if element is None:
for i in nl:
if distance[(i,i)] < 0:
# graph has a cycle on the path from i to i.
element = i
raise Exception('Graph does not have a negative cycle!')
elif distance[(element,element)] >= 0:
raise Exception('Graph does not have a negative cycle that contains node '+str(element)+'!')
# find the cycle on the path from i to i.
cycle = [element]
k = nextn[(element,element)]
while k not in cycle:
k = nextn[(element,k)]
if k==element:
return cycle
return self.floyd_warshall_get_cycle(distance, nextn, k)
def find_cycle_capacity(self, cycle):
find_cycle_capacity(self, cycle):
Finds capacity of the cycle input.
(1) Arcs should have 'capacity' attribute.
cycle: a list representing a cycle
Returns an integer number representing capacity of cycle.
index = 0
k = len(cycle)
capacity = self.get_edge_attr(cycle[k-1], cycle[0], 'capacity')
while index<(k-1):
i = cycle[index]
j = cycle[index+1]
capacity_ij = self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'capacity')
if capacity > capacity_ij:
capacity = capacity_ij
index += 1
return capacity
def fifo_label_correcting(self, source):
fifo_label_correcting(self, source)
finds shortest path from source to every other node. Returns
predecessor dictionary. If graph has a negative cycle, detects it
and returns to it.
(1) 'cost' attribute of arcs. It will be used to compute shortest
source: source node
Modifies 'distance' attribute of nodes.
If there is no negative cycle returns to (True, pred), otherwise
returns to (False, cycle) where pred is the predecessor dictionary
and cycle is a list of nodes that represents cycle. It is in
[n_1, n_2, ..., n_k] form where the cycle has k nodes.
pred = {}
self.get_node(source).set_attr('distance', 0)
pred[source] = None
for n in self.neighbors:
if n!=source:
self.get_node(n).set_attr('distance', 'inf')
q = [source]
while q:
i = q[0]
q = q[1:]
for j in self.neighbors[i]:
distance_j = self.get_node(j).get_attr('distance')
distance_i = self.get_node(i).get_attr('distance')
c_ij = self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'cost')
if distance_j > distance_i + c_ij:
self.get_node(j).set_attr('distance', distance_i+c_ij)
if j in pred:
pred[j] = i
cycle = self.label_correcting_check_cycle(j, pred)
if cycle is not None:
return (False, cycle)
pred[j] = i
if j not in q:
return (True, pred)
def label_correcting_check_cycle(self, j, pred):
label_correcting_check_cycle(self, j, pred)
Checks if predecessor dictionary has a cycle, j represents the node
that predecessor is recently updated.
(1) predecessor of source node should be None.
j: node that predecessor is recently updated.
pred: predecessor dictionary
If there exists a cycle, returns the list that represents the
cycle, otherwise it returns to None.
labelled = {}
for n in self.neighbors:
labelled[n] = None
current = j
while current != None:
if labelled[current]==j:
cycle = self.label_correcting_get_cycle(j, pred)
return cycle
labelled[current] = j
current = pred[current]
return None
def label_correcting_get_cycle(self, j, pred):
label_correcting_get_cycle(self, labelled, pred)
In label correcting check cycle it is decided pred has a cycle and
nodes in the cycle are labelled. We will create a list of nodes
in the cycle using labelled and pred inputs.
This method should be called from label_correcting_check_cycle(),
unless you are sure about what you are doing.
j: Node that predecessor is recently updated. We know that it is
in the cycle
pred: Predecessor dictionary that contains a cycle
Returns a list of nodes that represents cycle. It is in
[n_1, n_2, ..., n_k] form where the cycle has k nodes.
cycle = []
current = pred[j]
while current!=j:
current = pred[current]
return cycle
def augment_cycle(self, amount, cycle):
augment_cycle(self, amount, cycle):
Augments 'amount' unit of flow along cycle.
Arcs should have 'flow' attribute.
amount: An integer representing the amount to augment
cycle: A list representing a cycle
Changes 'flow' attributes of arcs.
index = 0
k = len(cycle)
while index<(k-1):
i = cycle[index]
j = cycle[index+1]
if (i,j) in self.edge_attr:
flow_ij = self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow']
self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow'] = flow_ij+amount
flow_ji = self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow']
self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow'] = flow_ji-amount
index += 1
i = cycle[k-1]
j = cycle[0]
if (i,j) in self.edge_attr:
flow_ij = self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow']
self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow'] = flow_ij+amount
flow_ji = self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow']
self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow'] = flow_ji-amount
def network_simplex(self, display, pivot, root):
network_simplex(self, display, pivot, root)
Solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using network simplex
algorithm. It is recommended to use min_cost_flow(algo='simplex')
instead of using network_simplex() directly. Returns True when an
optimal solution is found, returns False otherwise. 'flow' attribute
values of arcs should be considered as junk when returned False.
(1) check Pre section of min_cost_flow()
pivot: specifies pivot rule. Check min_cost_flow()
display: 'off' for no display, 'matplotlib' for live update of
spanning tree.
root: Root node for the underlying spanning trees that will be
generated by network simplex algorthm.
(1) Changes 'flow' attribute of edges.
Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns
False otherwise.
# ==== determine an initial tree structure (T,L,U)
# find a feasible flow
if not self.find_feasible_flow():
return False
t = self.simplex_find_tree()
# mark spanning tree arcs
# display initial spanning tree
t.simplex_redraw(display, root)
# set predecessor, depth and thread indexes
t.simplex_search(root, 1)
# compute potentials
self.simplex_compute_potentials(t, root)
# while some nontree arc violates optimality conditions
while not self.simplex_optimal(t):
# select an entering arc (k,l)
(k,l) = self.simplex_select_entering_arc(t, pivot)
self.simplex_mark_entering_arc(k, l)
# determine leaving arc
((p,q), capacity, cycle)=self.simplex_determine_leaving_arc(t,k,l)
# mark leaving arc
self.simplex_mark_leaving_arc(p, q)
self.simplex_remove_arc(t, p, q, capacity, cycle)
# display after arc removed
# set predecessor, depth and thread indexes
t.simplex_redraw(display, root)
t.simplex_search(root, 1)
# compute potentials
self.simplex_compute_potentials(t, root)
return True
def simplex_mark_leaving_arc(self, p, q):
simplex_mark_leving_arc(self, p, q)
Marks leaving arc.
p: tail of the leaving arc
q: head of the leaving arc
Changes color attribute of leaving arc.
self.set_edge_attr(p, q, 'color', 'red')
def simplex_determine_leaving_arc(self, t, k, l):
simplex_determine_leaving_arc(self, t, k, l)
Determines and returns the leaving arc.
t: current spanning tree solution.
k: tail of the entering arc.
l: head of the entering arc.
Returns the tuple that represents leaving arc, capacity of the
cycle and cycle.
# k,l are the first two elements of the cycle
cycle = self.simplex_identify_cycle(t, k, l)
flow_kl = self.get_edge_attr(k, l, 'flow')
capacity_kl = self.get_edge_attr(k, l, 'capacity')
min_capacity = capacity_kl
# check if k,l is in U or L
if flow_kl==capacity_kl:
# l,k will be the last two elements
n = len(cycle)
index = 0
# determine last blocking arc
t.add_edge(k, l)
tel = t.get_edge_list()
while index < (n-1):
if (cycle[index], cycle[index+1]) in tel:
flow = self.edge_attr[(cycle[index], cycle[index+1])]['flow']
capacity = \
if min_capacity >= (capacity-flow):
candidate = (cycle[index], cycle[index+1])
min_capacity = capacity-flow
flow = self.edge_attr[(cycle[index+1], cycle[index])]['flow']
if min_capacity >= flow:
candidate = (cycle[index+1], cycle[index])
min_capacity = flow
index += 1
# check arc (cycle[n-1], cycle[0])
if (cycle[n-1], cycle[0]) in tel:
flow = self.edge_attr[(cycle[n-1], cycle[0])]['flow']
capacity = self.edge_attr[(cycle[n-1], cycle[0])]['capacity']
if min_capacity >= (capacity-flow):
candidate = (cycle[n-1], cycle[0])
min_capacity = capacity-flow
flow = self.edge_attr[(cycle[0], cycle[n-1])]['flow']
if min_capacity >= flow:
candidate = (cycle[0], cycle[n-1])
min_capacity = flow
return (candidate, min_capacity, cycle)
def simplex_mark_entering_arc(self, k, l):
simplex_mark_entering_arc(self, k, l)
Marks entering arc (k,l)
k: tail of the entering arc
l: head of the entering arc
(1) color attribute of the arc (k,l)
self.set_edge_attr(k, l, 'color', 'green')
def simplex_mark_st_arcs(self, t):
simplex_mark_st_arcs(self, t)
Marks spanning tree arcs.
Case 1, Blue: Arcs that are at lower bound and in tree.
Case 2, Red: Arcs that are at upper bound and in tree.
Case 3, Green: Arcs that are between bounds are green.
Case 4, Brown: Non-tree arcs at lower bound.
Case 5, Violet: Non-tree arcs at upper bound.
t: t is the current spanning tree
(1) color attribute of edges.
tel = list(t.edge_attr.keys())
for e in self.get_edge_list():
flow_e = self.edge_attr[e]['flow']
capacity_e = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']
if e in tel:
if flow_e == 0:
self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'blue'
elif flow_e == capacity_e:
self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'blue'
self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'blue'
if flow_e == 0:
self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'black'
elif flow_e == capacity_e:
self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'black'
msg = "Arc is not in ST but has flow between bounds."
raise Exception(msg)
def print_flow(self):
Prints all positive flows to stdout. This method can be used for
debugging purposes.
print('printing current edge, flow, capacity')
for e in self.edge_attr:
if self.edge_attr[e]['flow']!=0:
print(e, str(self.edge_attr[e]['flow']).ljust(4), end=' ')
def simplex_redraw(self, display, root):
simplex_redraw(self, display, root)
Returns a new graph instance that is same as self but adds nodes
and arcs in a way that the resulting tree will be displayed
display: display mode
root: root node in tree.
Returns a graph same as self.
nl = self.get_node_list()
el = self.get_edge_list()
new = Graph(type=DIRECTED_GRAPH, layout='dot', display=display)
pred_i = self.get_node(root).get_attr('pred')
thread_i = self.get_node(root).get_attr('thread')
depth_i = self.get_node(root).get_attr('depth')
new.add_node(root, pred=pred_i, thread=thread_i, depth=depth_i)
q = [root]
visited = [root]
while q:
name = q.pop()
neighbors = self.neighbors[name] + self.in_neighbors[name]
for n in neighbors:
if n not in new.get_node_list():
pred_i = self.get_node(n).get_attr('pred')
thread_i = self.get_node(n).get_attr('thread')
depth_i = self.get_node(n).get_attr('depth')
new.add_node(n, pred=pred_i, thread=thread_i, depth=depth_i)
if (name,n) in el:
if (name,n) not in new.edge_attr:
if (n,name) not in new.edge_attr:
if n not in visited:
for e in el:
flow = self.edge_attr[e]['flow']
capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']
cost = self.edge_attr[e]['cost']
new.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = flow
new.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = capacity
new.edge_attr[e]['cost'] = cost
new.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost)
return new
def simplex_remove_arc(self, t, p, q, min_capacity, cycle):
simplex_remove_arc(self, p, q, min_capacity, cycle)
Removes arc (p,q), updates t, updates flows, where (k,l) is
the entering arc.
t: tree solution to be updated.
p: tail of the leaving arc.
q: head of the leaving arc.
min_capacity: capacity of the cycle.
cycle: cycle obtained when entering arc considered.
(1) updates t.
(2) updates 'flow' attributes.
# augment min_capacity along cycle
n = len(cycle)
tel = list(t.edge_attr.keys())
index = 0
while index < (n-1):
if (cycle[index], cycle[index+1]) in tel:
flow_e = self.edge_attr[(cycle[index], cycle[index+1])]['flow']
self.edge_attr[(cycle[index], cycle[index+1])]['flow'] =\
flow_e = self.edge_attr[(cycle[index+1], cycle[index])]['flow']
self.edge_attr[(cycle[index+1], cycle[index])]['flow'] =\
index += 1
# augment arc cycle[n-1], cycle[0]
if (cycle[n-1], cycle[0]) in tel:
flow_e = self.edge_attr[(cycle[n-1], cycle[0])]['flow']
self.edge_attr[(cycle[n-1], cycle[0])]['flow'] =\
flow_e = self.edge_attr[(cycle[0], cycle[n-1])]['flow']
self.edge_attr[(cycle[0], cycle[n-1])]['flow'] =\
# remove leaving arc
t.del_edge((p, q))
# set label of removed arc
flow_pq = self.get_edge_attr(p, q, 'flow')
capacity_pq = self.get_edge_attr(p, q, 'capacity')
cost_pq = self.get_edge_attr(p, q, 'cost')
self.set_edge_attr(p, q, 'label',
"%d/%d/%d" %(flow_pq,capacity_pq,cost_pq))
for e in t.edge_attr:
flow = self.edge_attr[e]['flow']
capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']
cost = self.edge_attr[e]['cost']
t.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = flow
t.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = capacity
t.edge_attr[e]['cost'] = cost
t.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost)
self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost)
def simplex_select_entering_arc(self, t, pivot):
simplex_select_entering_arc(self, t, pivot)
Decides and returns entering arc using pivot rule.
t: current spanning tree solution
pivot: May be one of the following; 'first_eligible' or 'dantzig'.
'dantzig' is the default value.
Returns entering arc tuple (k,l)
if pivot=='dantzig':
# pick the maximum violation
candidate = {}
for e in self.edge_attr:
if e in t.edge_attr:
flow_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['flow']
potential_i = self.get_node(e[0]).get_attr('potential')
potential_j = self.get_node(e[1]).get_attr('potential')
capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']
c_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['cost']
cpi_ij = c_ij - potential_i + potential_j
if flow_ij==0:
if cpi_ij < 0:
candidate[e] = cpi_ij
elif flow_ij==capacity_ij:
if cpi_ij > 0:
candidate[e] = cpi_ij
for e in candidate:
max_c = e
max_v = abs(candidate[e])
for e in candidate:
if max_v < abs(candidate[e]):
max_c = e
max_v = abs(candidate[e])
elif pivot=='first_eligible':
# pick the first eligible
for e in self.edge_attr:
if e in t.edge_attr:
flow_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['flow']
potential_i = self.get_node(e[0]).get_attr('potential')
potential_j = self.get_node(e[1]).get_attr('potential')
capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']
c_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['cost']
cpi_ij = c_ij - potential_i + potential_j
if flow_ij==0:
if cpi_ij < 0:
max_c = e
max_v = abs(cpi_ij)
elif flow_ij==capacity_ij:
if cpi_ij > 0:
max_c = e
max_v = cpi_ij
raise Exception("Unknown pivot rule.")
return max_c
def simplex_optimal(self, t):
simplex_optimal(self, t)
Checks if the current solution is optimal, if yes returns True,
False otherwise.
'flow' attributes represents a solution.
t: Graph instance tat reperesents spanning tree solution.
Returns True if the current solution is optimal (optimality
conditions are satisfied), else returns False
for e in self.edge_attr:
if e in t.edge_attr:
flow_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['flow']
potential_i = self.get_node(e[0]).get_attr('potential')
potential_j = self.get_node(e[1]).get_attr('potential')
capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']
c_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['cost']
cpi_ij = c_ij - potential_i + potential_j
if flow_ij==0:
if cpi_ij < 0:
return False
elif flow_ij==capacity_ij:
if cpi_ij > 0:
return False
return True
def simplex_find_tree(self):
Assumes a feasible flow solution stored in 'flow' attribute's of
arcs and converts this solution to a feasible spanning tree
(1) 'flow' attributes represents a feasible flow solution.
(1) 'flow' attributes may change when eliminating cycles.
Return a Graph instance that is a spanning tree solution.
# find a cycle
solution_g = self.get_simplex_solution_graph()
cycle = solution_g.simplex_find_cycle()
while cycle is not None:
# find amount to augment and direction
amount = self.simplex_augment_cycle(cycle)
# augment along the cycle
self.augment_cycle(amount, cycle)
# find a new cycle
solution_g = self.get_simplex_solution_graph()
cycle = solution_g.simplex_find_cycle()
# check if the solution is connected
while self.simplex_connect(solution_g):
# add attributes
for e in self.edge_attr:
flow = self.edge_attr[e]['flow']
capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']
cost = self.edge_attr[e]['cost']
self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost)
if e in solution_g.edge_attr:
solution_g.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = flow
solution_g.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = capacity
solution_g.edge_attr[e]['cost'] = cost
solution_g.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost)
return solution_g
def simplex_connect(self, solution_g):
simplex_connect(self, solution_g)
At this point we assume that the solution does not have a cycle.
We check if all the nodes are connected, if not we add an arc to
solution_g that does not create a cycle and return True. Otherwise
we do nothing and return False.
(1) We assume there is no cycle in the solution.
solution_g: current spanning tree solution instance.
(1) solution_g is updated. An arc that does not create a cycle is
(2) 'component' attribute of nodes are changed.
Returns True if an arc is added, returns False otherwise.
nl = solution_g.get_node_list()
current = nl[0]
pred = solution_g.simplex_search(current, current)
separated = list(pred.keys())
for n in nl:
if solution_g.get_node(n).get_attr('component') != current:
# find an arc from n to seperated
for m in separated:
if (n,m) in self.edge_attr:
return True
elif (m,n) in self.edge_attr:
return True
return False
def simplex_search(self, source, component_nr):
simplex_search(self, source, component_nr)
Searches graph starting from source. Its difference from usual
search is we can also go backwards along an arc. When the graph
is a spanning tree it computes predecessor, thread and depth
indexes and stores them as node attributes. These values should be
considered as junk when the graph is not a spanning tree.
source: source node
component_nr: component number
(1) Sets the component number of all reachable nodes to component.
Changes 'component' attribute of nodes.
(2) Sets 'pred', 'thread' and 'depth' attributes of nodes. These
values are junk if the graph is not a tree.
Returns predecessor dictionary.
q = [source]
pred = {source:None}
depth = {source:0}
sequence = []
for n in self.neighbors:
self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', None)
while q:
current = q.pop()
self.get_node(current).set_attr('component', component_nr)
neighbors = self.in_neighbors[current] + self.neighbors[current]
for n in neighbors:
if n in pred:
self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', component_nr)
pred[n] = current
depth[n] = depth[current]+1
for i in range(len(sequence)-1):
self.get_node(sequence[i]).set_attr('thread', int(sequence[i+1]))
self.get_node(sequence[-1]).set_attr('thread', int(sequence[0]))
for n in pred:
self.get_node(n).set_attr('pred', pred[n])
self.get_node(n).set_attr('depth', depth[n])
return pred
def simplex_augment_cycle(self, cycle):
simplex_augment_cycle(self, cycle)
Augments along the cycle to break it.
'flow', 'capacity' attributes on arcs.
cycle: list representing a cycle in the solution
'flow' attribute will be modified.
# find amount to augment
index = 0
k = len(cycle)
el = list(self.edge_attr.keys())
# check arc (cycle[k-1], cycle[0])
if (cycle[k-1], cycle[0]) in el:
min_capacity = self.edge_attr[(cycle[k-1], cycle[0])]['capacity']-\
self.edge_attr[(cycle[k-1], cycle[0])]['flow']
min_capacity = self.edge_attr[(cycle[0], cycle[k-1])]['flow']
# check rest of the arcs in the cycle
while index<(k-1):
i = cycle[index]
j = cycle[index+1]
if (i,j) in el:
capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['capacity'] -\
capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow']
if min_capacity > capacity_ij:
min_capacity = capacity_ij
index += 1
return min_capacity
def simplex_find_cycle(self):
Returns a cycle (list of nodes) if the graph has one, returns None
otherwise. Uses DFS. During DFS checks existence of arcs to lower
depth regions. Note that direction of the arcs are not important.
Returns list of nodes that represents cycle. Returns None if the
graph does not have any cycle.
# make a dfs, if you identify an arc to a lower depth node we have a
# cycle
nl = self.get_node_list()
q = [nl[0]]
visited = []
depth = {nl[0]:0}
pred = {nl[0]:None}
for n in nl:
self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', None)
component_nr = int(nl[0])
self.get_node(nl[0]).set_attr('component', component_nr)
while True:
while q:
current = q.pop()
neighbors = self.in_neighbors[current] +\
for n in neighbors:
if n==pred[current]:
self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', component_nr)
if n in depth:
# we have a cycle
cycle1 = []
cycle2 = []
temp = n
while temp is not None:
temp = pred[temp]
temp = current
while temp is not None:
temp = pred[temp]
return cycle2
pred[n] = current
depth[n] = depth[current] + 1
if n not in visited:
flag = False
for n in nl:
if self.get_node(n).get_attr('component') is None:
depth = {n:0}
pred = {n:None}
visited = []
component_nr = int(n)
self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', component_nr)
flag = True
if not flag:
return None
def get_simplex_solution_graph(self):
Assumes a feasible flow solution stored in 'flow' attribute's of
arcs. Returns the graph with arcs that have flow between 0 and
(1) 'flow' attribute represents a feasible flow solution. See
Pre section of min_cost_flow() for details.
Graph instance that only has the arcs that have flow strictly
between 0 and capacity.
simplex_g = Graph(type=DIRECTED_GRAPH)
for i in self.neighbors:
for e in self.edge_attr:
flow_e = self.edge_attr[e]['flow']
capacity_e = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']
if flow_e>0 and flow_e<capacity_e:
simplex_g.add_edge(e[0], e[1])
return simplex_g
def simplex_compute_potentials(self, t, root):
simplex_compute_potentials(self, t, root)
Computes node potentials for a minimum cost flow problem and stores
them as node attribute 'potential'. Based on pseudocode given in
Network Flows by Ahuja et al.
(1) Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has a 'cost'
(2) Uses 'thread' and 'pred' attributes of nodes.
t: Current spanning tree solution, its type is Graph.
root: root node of the tree.
Keeps the node potentials as 'potential' attribute.
self.get_node(root).set_attr('potential', 0)
j = t.get_node(root).get_attr('thread')
while j is not root:
i = t.get_node(j).get_attr('pred')
potential_i = self.get_node(i).get_attr('potential')
if (i,j) in self.edge_attr:
c_ij = self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['cost']
self.get_node(j).set_attr('potential', potential_i-c_ij)
if (j,i) in self.edge_attr:
c_ji = self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['cost']
self.get_node(j).set_attr('potential', potential_i+c_ji)
j = t.get_node(j).get_attr('thread')
def simplex_identify_cycle(self, t, k, l):
identify_cycle(self, t, k, l)
Identifies and returns to the pivot cycle, which is a list of
(1) t is spanning tree solution, (k,l) is the entering arc.
t: current spanning tree solution
k: tail of the entering arc
l: head of the entering arc
List of nodes in the cycle.
i = k
j = l
cycle = []
li = [k]
lj = [j]
while i is not j:
depth_i = t.get_node(i).get_attr('depth')
depth_j = t.get_node(j).get_attr('depth')
if depth_i > depth_j:
i = t.get_node(i).get_attr('pred')
elif depth_i < depth_j:
j = t.get_node(j).get_attr('pred')
i = t.get_node(i).get_attr('pred')
j = t.get_node(j).get_attr('pred')
# l is beginning k is end
return cycle
def min_cost_flow(self, display = None, **args):
min_cost_flow(self, display='off', **args)
Solves minimum cost flow problem using node/edge attributes with
the algorithm specified.
(1) Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has 'capacity' and
'cost' attributes.
(2) Nodes should have 'demand' attribute. This value should be
positive for supply and negative for demand, and 0 for transhipment
(3) The graph should be connected.
(4) Assumes (i,j) and (j,i) does not exist together. Needed when
solving max flow. (max flow problem is solved to get a feasible
display: 'off' for no display, 'matplotlib' for live update of tree
args: may have the following
display: display method, if not given current mode (the one
specified by __init__ or set_display) will be used.
algo: determines algorithm to use, can be one of the following
'simplex': network simplex algorithm
'cycle_canceling': cycle canceling algorithm
'simplex' is used if not given.
see Network Flows by Ahuja et al. for details of algorithms.
pivot: valid if algo is 'simlex', determines pivoting rule for
simplex, may be one of the following; 'first_eligible',
'dantzig' or 'scaled'.
'dantzig' is used if not given.
see Network Flows by Ahuja et al. for pivot rules.
root: valid if algo is 'simlex', specifies the root node for
simplex algorithm. It is name of the one of the nodes. It
will be chosen randomly if not provided.
The 'flow' attribute of each arc gives the optimal flows.
'distance' attribute of the nodes are also changed during max flow
solution process.
solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using simplex
algorithm with dantzig pivoting rule.
See pre section for details.
solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using cycle canceling
g.min_cost_flow(algo='simplex', pivot='scaled'):
solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using network simplex
agorithm with scaled pivot rule.
if display is None:
display = self.attr['display']
if 'algo' in args:
algorithm = args['algo']
algorithm = 'simplex'
if algorithm == 'simplex':
if 'root' in args:
root = args['root']
for k in self.neighbors:
root = k
if 'pivot' in args:
if not self.network_simplex(display, args['pivot'], root):
print('problem is infeasible')
if not self.network_simplex(display, 'dantzig', root):
print('problem is infeasible')
elif algorithm == 'cycle_canceling':
if not self.cycle_canceling(display):
print('problem is infeasible')
print(args['algo'], 'is not a defined algorithm. Exiting.')
def random(self, numnodes = 10, degree_range = (2, 4), length_range = (1, 10),
density = None, edge_format = None, node_format = None,
Euclidean = False, seedInput = 0, add_labels = True,
parallel_allowed = False, node_selection = 'closest',
scale = 10, scale_cost = 5):
random(self, numnodes = 10, degree_range = None, length_range = None,
density = None, edge_format = None, node_format = None,
Euclidean = False, seedInput = 0)
Populates graph with random edges and nodes.
numnodes: Number of nodes to add.
degree_range: A tuple that has lower and upper bounds of degree for
a node.
length_range: A tuple that has lower and upper bounds for 'cost'
attribute of edges.
density: Density of edges, ie. 0.5 indicates a node will
approximately have edge to half of the other nodes.
edge_format: Dictionary that specifies attribute values for edges.
node_format: Dictionary that specifies attribute values for nodes.
Euclidean: Creates an Euclidean graph (Euclidean distance between
nodes) if True.
seedInput: Seed that will be used for random number generation.
It is recommended to call this method on empty Graph objects.
Graph will be populated by nodes and edges.
if edge_format == None:
edge_format = {'fontsize':10,
if node_format == None:
node_format = {'height':0.5,
if Euclidean == False:
for m in range(numnodes):
self.add_node(m, **node_format)
if degree_range is not None and density is None:
for m in range(numnodes):
degree = random.randint(degree_range[0], degree_range[1])
i = 0
while i < degree:
n = random.randint(1, numnodes-1)
if (((m,n) not in self.edge_attr and m != n) and
(parallel_allowed or (n, m) not in self.edge_attr)):
if length_range is not None:
length = random.randint(length_range[0],
self.add_edge(m, n, cost = length, **edge_format)
if add_labels:
self.set_edge_attr(m, n, 'label', str(length))
self.add_edge(m, n, **edge_format)
i += 1
elif density != None:
for m in range(numnodes):
if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH:
numnodes2 = numnodes
numnodes2 = m
for n in range(numnodes2):
if ((parallel_allowed or (n, m) not in self.edge_attr)
and m != n):
if random.random() < density:
if length_range is not None:
length = random.randint(length_range[0],
self.add_edge(m, n, cost = length,
if add_labels:
self.set_edge_attr(m, n, 'label', str(length))
self.add_edge(m, n, **edge_format)
print("Must set either degree range or density")
for m in range(numnodes):
''' Assigns random coordinates (between 1 and 20) to the nodes
x = random.random()*scale
y = random.random()*scale
self.add_node(m, locationx = x, locationy = y,
pos = '"'+str(x) + "," + str(y)+'!"',
if degree_range is not None and density is None:
for m in range(numnodes):
degree = random.randint(degree_range[0], degree_range[1])
i = 0
neighbors = []
if node_selection == 'random':
while i < degree:
length = round((((self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationx') -
self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationx')) ** 2 +
(self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationy') -
self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationy')) ** 2) ** 0.5)*scale_cost,
if (((m,n) not in self.edge_attr and m != n) and
(parallel_allowed or (n, m) not in self.edge_attr)):
neighbors.append(random.randint(0, numnodes-1))
self.add_edge(m, n, cost = int(length), **edge_format)
if add_labels:
self.set_edge_attr(m, n, 'label', str(int(length)))
i += 1
elif node_selection == 'closest':
lengths = []
for n in range(numnodes):
lengths.append((n, round((((self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationx') -
self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationx')) ** 2 +
(self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationy') -
self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationy')) ** 2) ** 0.5)*scale_cost,
lengths.sort(key = lambda l : l[1])
for i in range(degree+1):
if not (lengths[i][0] == m or self.check_edge(m, lengths[i][0])):
self.add_edge(m, lengths[i][0], cost = int(lengths[i][1]), **edge_format)
if add_labels:
self.set_edge_attr(m, lengths[i][0], 'label', str(int(lengths[i][1])))
print("Unknown node selection rule...exiting")
elif density != None:
for m in range(numnodes):
if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH:
numnodes2 = numnodes
numnodes2 = m
for n in range(numnodes2):
if ((parallel_allowed or (n, m) not in self.edge_attr)
and m != n):
if random.random() < density:
if length_range is None:
''' calculates the euclidean norm and round it
to an integer '''
length = round((((self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationx') -
self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationx')) ** 2 +
(self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationy') -
self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationy')) ** 2) ** 0.5), 0)
self.add_edge(m, n, cost = int(length), **edge_format)
if add_labels:
self.set_edge_attr(m, n, 'label', str(int(length)))
self.add_edge(m, n, **edge_format)
print("Must set either degree range or density")
def page_rank(self, damping_factor=0.85, max_iterations=100,
page_rank(self, damping_factor=0.85, max_iterations=100,
Compute and return the page-rank of a directed graph.
This function was originally taken from here and modified for this
graph class:
damping_factor: Damping factor.
max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations.
min_delta: Smallest variation required to have a new iteration.
Graph should be a directed graph.
Returns dictionary of page-ranks. Keys are node names, values are
corresponding page-ranks.
nodes = self.get_node_list()
graph_size = len(nodes)
if graph_size == 0:
return {}
#value for nodes without inbound links
min_value = old_div((1.0-damping_factor),graph_size)
# itialize the page rank dict with 1/N for all nodes
pagerank = dict.fromkeys(nodes, old_div(1.0,graph_size))
for _ in range(max_iterations):
diff = 0 #total difference compared to last iteraction
# computes each node PageRank based on inbound links
for node in nodes:
rank = min_value
for referring_page in self.get_in_neighbors(node):
rank += (damping_factor * pagerank[referring_page] /
diff += abs(pagerank[node] - rank)
pagerank[node] = rank
#stop if PageRank has converged
if diff < min_delta:
return pagerank
def get_degrees(self):
Returns degrees of nodes in dictionary format.
Returns a dictionary of node degrees. Keys are node names, values
are corresponding degrees.
degree = {}
if self.attr['type'] is not DIRECTED_GRAPH:
for n in self.get_node_list():
degree[n] = len(self.get_neighbors(n))
return degree
for n in self.get_node_list():
degree[n] = (len(self.get_in_neighbors(n)) +
def get_in_degrees(self):
Returns degrees of nodes in dictionary format.
Returns a dictionary of node degrees. Keys are node names, values
are corresponding degrees.
degree = {}
if self.attr['type'] is not DIRECTED_GRAPH:
print('This function only works for directed graphs')
for n in self.get_node_list():
degree[n] = len(self.get_in_neighbors(n))
return degree
def get_out_degrees(self):
Returns degrees of nodes in dictionary format.
Returns a dictionary of node degrees. Keys are node names, values
are corresponding degrees.
degree = {}
if self.attr['type'] is not DIRECTED_GRAPH:
print('This function only works for directed graphs')
for n in self.get_node_list():
degree[n] = len(self.get_out_neighbors(n))
return degree
def get_diameter(self):
Returns diameter of the graph. Diameter is defined as follows.
distance(n,m): shortest unweighted path from n to m
eccentricity(n) = $\max _m distance(n,m)$
diameter = $\min _n eccentricity(n) = \min _n \max _m distance(n,m)$
Returns diameter of the graph.
if self.attr['type'] is not UNDIRECTED_GRAPH:
print('This function only works for undirected graphs')
diameter = 'infinity'
eccentricity_n = 0
for n in self.get_node_list():
for m in self.get_node_list():
path_n_m =, destination = m, algo = 'BFS')
if path_n_m is None:
# this indicates there is no path from n to m, no diameter
# is defined, since the graph is not connected, return
# 'infinity'
return 'infinity'
distance_n_m = len(path_n_m)-1
if distance_n_m > eccentricity_n:
eccentricity_n = distance_n_m
if diameter == 'infinity' or eccentricity_n > diameter:
diameter = eccentricity_n
return diameter
def create_cluster(self, node_list, cluster_attrs={}, node_attrs={}):
create_cluster(self, node_list, cluster_attrs, node_attrs)
Creates a cluster from the node given in the node list.
node_list: List of nodes in the cluster.
cluster_attrs: Dictionary of cluster attributes, see Dot language
grammer documentation for details.
node_attrs: Dictionary of node attributes. It will overwrite
previous attributes of the nodes in the cluster.
A cluster will be created. Attributes of the nodes in the cluster
may change.
if 'name' in cluster_attrs:
if 'name' in self.cluster:
raise Exception('A cluster with name %s already exists!' %cluster_attrs['name'])
name = cluster_attrs['name']
name = 'c%d' %self.attr['cluster_count']
self.attr['cluster_count'] += 1
cluster_attrs['name'] = name
#cluster_attrs['name'] =
self.cluster[name] = {'node_list':node_list,
class DisjointSet(Graph):
Disjoint set data structure. Inherits Graph class.
def __init__(self, optimize = True, **attrs):
__init__(self, optimize = True, **attrs):
Class constructor.
optimize: Optimizes find() if True.
attrs: Graph attributes.
self.optimize will be updated.
attrs['type'] = DIRECTED_GRAPH
Graph.__init__(self, **attrs)
self.sizes = {}
self.optimize = optimize
def add(self, aList):
add(self, aList)
Adds items in the list to the set.
aList: List of items.
self.sizes will be updated.
for i in range(1, len(aList)):
self.add_edge(aList[i], aList[0])
self.sizes[aList[0]] = len(aList)
def union(self, i, j):
union(self, i, j):
Finds sets of i and j and unites them.
i: Item.
j: Item.
self.sizes will be updated.
roots = (self.find(i), self.find(j))
if roots[0] == roots[1]:
return False
if self.sizes[roots[0]] <= self.sizes[roots[1]] or not self.optimize:
self.add_edge(roots[0], roots[1])
self.sizes[roots[1]] += self.sizes[roots[0]]
return True
self.add_edge(roots[1], roots[0])
self.sizes[roots[0]] += self.sizes[roots[1]]
return True
def find(self, i):
find(self, i)
Returns root of set that has i.
i: Item.
Returns root of set that has i.
current = i
edge_list = []
while len(self.get_neighbors(current)) != 0:
successor = self.get_neighbors(current)[0]
edge_list.append((current, successor))
current = successor
if self.optimize:
for e in edge_list:
if e[1] != current:
self.del_edge((e[0], e[1]))
self.add_edge(e[0], current)
return current
if __name__ == '__main__':
G = Graph(type = UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, splines = 'true', K = 1.5)
#G.random(numnodes = 20, Euclidean = True, seedInput = 11,
# add_labels = False,
# scale = 10,
# scale_cost = 10,
# #degree_range = (2, 4),
# #length_range = (1, 10)
# )
#page_ranks = sorted(G.page_rank().iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
#for i in page_ranks:
# print i #G = Graph(type = UNDIRECTED_GRAPH, splines = 'true', K = 1.5)
G.random(numnodes = 10, Euclidean = True, seedInput = 13,
add_labels = True,
scale = 10,
scale_cost = 10,
#degree_range = (2, 4),
#length_range = (1, 10)
#G.dfs(0), display = 'matplotlib', algo = 'Prim')
def handle_close(evt)
Expand source code
def handle_close(evt): print('Figure closed. Exiting!') plt.close('all')
class DisjointSet (optimize=True, **attrs)
Disjoint set data structure. Inherits Graph class.
init(self, optimize = True, **attrs):
Class constructor.
optimize: Optimizes find() if True. attrs: Graph attributes.
self.optimize will be updated.
Expand source code
class DisjointSet(Graph): ''' Disjoint set data structure. Inherits Graph class. ''' def __init__(self, optimize = True, **attrs): ''' API: __init__(self, optimize = True, **attrs): Description: Class constructor. Input: optimize: Optimizes find() if True. attrs: Graph attributes. Post: self.optimize will be updated. ''' attrs['type'] = DIRECTED_GRAPH Graph.__init__(self, **attrs) self.sizes = {} self.optimize = optimize def add(self, aList): ''' API: add(self, aList) Description: Adds items in the list to the set. Input: aList: List of items. Post: self.sizes will be updated. ''' self.add_node(aList[0]) for i in range(1, len(aList)): self.add_edge(aList[i], aList[0]) self.sizes[aList[0]] = len(aList) def union(self, i, j): ''' API: union(self, i, j): Description: Finds sets of i and j and unites them. Input: i: Item. j: Item. Post: self.sizes will be updated. ''' roots = (self.find(i), self.find(j)) if roots[0] == roots[1]: return False if self.sizes[roots[0]] <= self.sizes[roots[1]] or not self.optimize: self.add_edge(roots[0], roots[1]) self.sizes[roots[1]] += self.sizes[roots[0]] return True else: self.add_edge(roots[1], roots[0]) self.sizes[roots[0]] += self.sizes[roots[1]] return True def find(self, i): ''' API: find(self, i) Description: Returns root of set that has i. Input: i: Item. Return: Returns root of set that has i. ''' current = i edge_list = [] while len(self.get_neighbors(current)) != 0: successor = self.get_neighbors(current)[0] edge_list.append((current, successor)) current = successor if self.optimize: for e in edge_list: if e[1] != current: self.del_edge((e[0], e[1])) self.add_edge(e[0], current) return current
def add(self, aList)
add(self, aList)
Adds items in the list to the set.
aList: List of items.
self.sizes will be updated.
Expand source code
def add(self, aList): ''' API: add(self, aList) Description: Adds items in the list to the set. Input: aList: List of items. Post: self.sizes will be updated. ''' self.add_node(aList[0]) for i in range(1, len(aList)): self.add_edge(aList[i], aList[0]) self.sizes[aList[0]] = len(aList)
def find(self, i)
find(self, i)
Returns root of set that has i.
i: Item.
Returns root of set that has i.
Expand source code
def find(self, i): ''' API: find(self, i) Description: Returns root of set that has i. Input: i: Item. Return: Returns root of set that has i. ''' current = i edge_list = [] while len(self.get_neighbors(current)) != 0: successor = self.get_neighbors(current)[0] edge_list.append((current, successor)) current = successor if self.optimize: for e in edge_list: if e[1] != current: self.del_edge((e[0], e[1])) self.add_edge(e[0], current) return current
def union(self, i, j)
union(self, i, j):
Finds sets of i and j and unites them.
i: Item. j: Item.
self.sizes will be updated.
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def union(self, i, j): ''' API: union(self, i, j): Description: Finds sets of i and j and unites them. Input: i: Item. j: Item. Post: self.sizes will be updated. ''' roots = (self.find(i), self.find(j)) if roots[0] == roots[1]: return False if self.sizes[roots[0]] <= self.sizes[roots[1]] or not self.optimize: self.add_edge(roots[0], roots[1]) self.sizes[roots[1]] += self.sizes[roots[0]] return True else: self.add_edge(roots[1], roots[0]) self.sizes[roots[0]] += self.sizes[roots[1]] return True
Inherited members
class Graph (**attr)
Graph class, implemented using adjacency list. See GIMPy README for more information.
API: init(self, **attrs) Description: Graph class constructor. Sets attributes using argument.
**attrs: Graph attributes.
Sets following attributes using **attrs; self.attr, self.graph_type. Creates following initial attributes; self.neighbors, self.in_neighbors, self.nodes, self.out_neighbors, self.cluster
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class Graph(object): ''' Graph class, implemented using adjacency list. See GIMPy README for more information. ''' def __init__(self, **attr): ''' API: __init__(self, **attrs) Description: Graph class constructor. Sets attributes using argument. Input: **attrs: Graph attributes. Post: Sets following attributes using **attrs; self.attr, self.graph_type. Creates following initial attributes; self.neighbors, self.in_neighbors, self.nodes, self.out_neighbors, self.cluster ''' # graph attributes self.attr = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_GRAPH_ATTRIBUTES) # set attributes using constructor for a in attr: self.attr[a] = attr[a] # set name if 'name' in self.attr: = self.attr['name'] else: = 'G' # edge attributes self.edge_attr = dict() # we treat type attribute and keep it in a separate class attribute if 'type' in self.attr: self.graph_type = self.attr['type'] else: self.graph_type = UNDIRECTED_GRAPH # adjacency list of nodes, it is a dictionary of lists self.neighbors = {} # if the graph is undirected we do not need in_neighbor if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: self.in_neighbors = {} self.nodes = {} self.edge_connect_symbol = EDGE_CONNECT_SYMBOL[self.graph_type] self.out_neighbors = self.neighbors if 'display' not in self.attr: self.attr['display']='off' if 'layout' not in self.attr: self.attr['layout'] = 'fdp' self.attr['cluster_count'] = 0 self.cluster = {} def __repr__(self): ''' API: __repr__(self) Description: Returns string representation of the graph. Return: String representation of the graph. ''' data = str() for n in self.nodes: data += str(n) data += ' -> ' data += self.neighbors[n].__repr__() data += '\n' data = data[:-1] return data def __contains__(self, item): ''' API: __contains__(self, item) Description: Return true if item is in graph. item can be a node name or a tuple that represents an edge. Return: True if item is in graph. ''' if isinstance(item, tuple): name1 = item[0] name2 = item[1] if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: return (name1, name2) in self.edge_attr else: return ((name1, name2) in self.edge_attr or (name2, name1) in self.edge_attr) else: return item in self.nodes def add_node(self, name, **attr): ''' API: add_node(self, name, **attr) Description: Adds node to the graph. Pre: Graph should not contain a node with this name. We do not allow multiple nodes with the same name. Input: name: Name of the node. attr: Node attributes. Post: self.neighbors, self.nodes and self.in_neighbors are updated. Return: Node (a Node class instance) added to the graph. ''' if name in self.neighbors: raise MultipleNodeException self.neighbors[name] = list() if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: self.in_neighbors[name] = list() self.nodes[name] = Node(name, **attr) return self.nodes[name] def del_node(self, name): ''' API: del_node(self, name) Description: Removes node from Graph. Input: name: Name of the node. Pre: Graph should contain a node with this name. Post: self.neighbors, self.nodes and self.in_neighbors are updated. ''' if name not in self.neighbors: raise Exception('Node %s does not exist!' %str(name)) for n in self.neighbors[name]: del self.edge_attr[(name, n)] if self.graph_type == UNDIRECTED_GRAPH: self.neighbors[n].remove(name) else: self.in_neighbors[n].remove(name) if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: for n in self.in_neighbors[name]: del self.edge_attr[(n, name)] self.neighbors[n].remove(name) del self.neighbors[name] del self.in_neighbors[name] del self.nodes[name] def add_edge(self, name1, name2, **attr): ''' API: add_edge(self, name1, name2, **attr) Description: Adds edge to the graph. Sets edge attributes using attr argument. Input: name1: Name of the source node (if directed). name2: Name of the sink node (if directed). attr: Edge attributes. Pre: Graph should not already contain this edge. We do not allow multiple edges with same source and sink nodes. Post: self.edge_attr is updated. self.neighbors, self.nodes and self.in_neighbors are updated if graph was missing at least one of the nodes. ''' if (name1, name2) in self.edge_attr: raise MultipleEdgeException if self.graph_type is UNDIRECTED_GRAPH and (name2,name1) in self.edge_attr: raise MultipleEdgeException self.edge_attr[(name1,name2)] = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_EDGE_ATTRIBUTES) for a in attr: self.edge_attr[(name1,name2)][a] = attr[a] if name1 not in self.nodes: self.add_node(name1) if name2 not in self.nodes: self.add_node(name2) self.neighbors[name1].append(name2) if self.graph_type is UNDIRECTED_GRAPH: self.neighbors[name2].append(name1) else: self.in_neighbors[name2].append(name1) def del_edge(self, e): ''' API: del_edge(self, e) Description: Removes edge from graph. Input: e: Tuple that represents edge, in (source,sink) form. Pre: Graph should contain this edge. Post: self.edge_attr, self.neighbors and self.in_neighbors are updated. ''' if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: try: del self.edge_attr[e] except KeyError: raise Exception('Edge %s does not exists!' %str(e)) self.neighbors[e[0]].remove(e[1]) self.in_neighbors[e[1]].remove(e[0]) else: try: del self.edge_attr[e] except KeyError: try: del self.edge_attr[(e[1],e[0])] except KeyError: raise Exception('Edge %s does not exists!' %str(e)) self.neighbors[e[0]].remove(e[1]) self.neighbors[e[1]].remove(e[0]) def get_node(self, name): ''' API: get_node(self, name) Description: Returns node object with the provided name. Input: name: Name of the node. Return: Returns node object if node exists, returns None otherwise. ''' if name in self.nodes: return self.nodes[name] else: return None def get_edge_cost(self, edge): ''' API: get_edge_cost(self, edge) Description: Returns cost attr of edge, required for minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal(). Input: edge: Tuple that represents edge, in (source,sink) form. Return: Returns cost attribute value of the edge. ''' return self.get_edge_attr(edge[0], edge[1], 'cost') def check_edge(self, name1, name2): ''' API: check_edge(self, name1, name2) Description: Return True if edge exists, False otherwise. Input: name1: name of the source node. name2: name of the sink node. Return: Returns True if edge exists, False otherwise. ''' if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: return (name1, name2) in self.edge_attr else: return ((name1, name2) in self.edge_attr or (name2, name1) in self.edge_attr) def get_node_list(self): ''' API: get_node_list(self) Description: Returns node list. Return: List of nodes. ''' return list(self.neighbors.keys()) def get_edge_list(self): ''' API: get_edge_list(self) Description: Returns edge list. Return: List of edges, edges are tuples and in (source,sink) format. ''' return list(self.edge_attr.keys()) def get_node_num(self): ''' API: get_node_num(self) Description: Returns number of nodes. Return: Number of nodes. ''' return len(self.neighbors) def get_edge_num(self): ''' API: get_edge_num(self) Description: Returns number of edges. Return: Number of edges. ''' return len(self.edge_attr) def get_node_attr(self, name, attr): ''' API: get_node_attr(self, name, attr) Description: Returns attribute attr of given node. Input: name: Name of node. attr: Attribute of node. Pre: Graph should have this node. Return: Value of node attribute attr. ''' return self.get_node(name).get_attr(attr) def get_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr): ''' API: get_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr) Description: Returns attribute attr of edge (n,m). Input: n: Source node name. m: Sink node name. attr: Attribute of edge. Pre: Graph should have this edge. Return: Value of edge attribute attr. ''' if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: return self.edge_attr[(n,m)][attr] else: try: return self.edge_attr[(n,m)][attr] except KeyError: return self.edge_attr[(m,n)][attr] def set_node_attr(self, name, attr, value): ''' API: set_node_attr(self, name, attr) Description: Sets attr attribute of node named name to value. Input: name: Name of node. attr: Attribute of node to set. Pre: Graph should have this node. Post: Node attribute will be updated. ''' self.get_node(name).set_attr(attr, value) def set_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr, value): ''' API: set_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr, value) Description: Sets attr attribute of edge (n,m) to value. Input: n: Source node name. m: Sink node name. attr: Attribute of edge to set. value: New value of attribute. Pre: Graph should have this edge. Post: Edge attribute will be updated. ''' if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: self.edge_attr[(n,m)][attr] = value else: try: self.edge_attr[(n,m)][attr] = value except KeyError: self.edge_attr[(m,n)][attr] = value def get_neighbors(self, name): ''' API: get_neighbors(self, name) Description: Returns list of neighbors of given node. Input: name: Node name. Pre: Graph should have this node. Return: List of neighbor node names. ''' return self.neighbors[name] def get_in_neighbors(self, name): ''' API: get_in_neighbors(self, name) Description: Returns list of in neighbors of given node. Input: name: Node name. Pre: Graph should have this node. Return: List of in-neighbor node names. ''' return self.in_neighbors[name] def get_out_neighbors(self, name): ''' API: get_out_neighbors(self, name) Description: Returns list of out-neighbors of given node. Input: name: Node name. Pre: Graph should have this node. Return: List of out-neighbor node names. ''' return self.neighbors[name] def edge_to_string(self, e): ''' API: edge_to_string(self, e) Description: Return string that represents edge e in dot language. Input: e: Edge tuple in (source,sink) format. Pre: Graph should have this edge. Return: String that represents given edge. ''' edge = list() edge.append(quote_if_necessary(str(e[0]))) edge.append(self.edge_connect_symbol) edge.append(quote_if_necessary(str(e[1]))) # return if there is nothing in self.edge_attr[e] if len(self.edge_attr[e]) == 0: return ''.join(edge) edge.append(' [') for a in self.edge_attr[e]: edge.append(a) edge.append('=') edge.append(quote_if_necessary(str(self.edge_attr[e][a]))) edge.append(', ') edge = edge[:-1] edge.append(']') return ''.join(edge) def to_string(self): ''' API: to_string(self) Description: This method is based on pydot Graph class with the same name. Returns a string representation of the graph in dot language. It will return the graph and all its subelements in string form. Return: String that represents graph in dot language. ''' graph = list() processed_edges = {} graph.append('%s %s {\n' %(self.graph_type, for a in self.attr: if a not in GRAPH_ATTRIBUTES: continue val = self.attr[a] if val is not None: graph.append( '%s=%s' % (a, quote_if_necessary(val)) ) else: graph.append(a) graph.append( ';\n' ) # clusters for c in self.cluster: graph.append('subgraph cluster_%s {\n' %c) for a in self.cluster[c]['attrs']: if a=='label': graph.append(a+'='+quote_if_necessary(self.cluster[c]['attrs'][a])+';\n') continue graph.append(a+'='+self.cluster[c]['attrs'][a]+';\n') if len(self.cluster[c]['node_attrs'])!=0: graph.append('node [') for a in self.cluster[c]['node_attrs']: graph.append(a+'='+self.cluster[c]['node_attrs'][a]) graph.append(',') if len(self.cluster[c]['node_attrs'])!=0: graph.pop() graph.append('];\n') # process cluster nodes for n in self.cluster[c]['node_list']: data = self.get_node(n).to_string() graph.append(data + ';\n') # process cluster edges for n in self.cluster[c]['node_list']: for m in self.cluster[c]['node_list']: if self.check_edge(n,m): data = self.edge_to_string((n,m)) graph.append(data + ';\n') processed_edges[(n,m)]=None graph.append('}\n') # process remaining (non-cluster) nodes for n in self.neighbors: for c in self.cluster: if n in self.cluster[c]['node_list']: break else: data = self.get_node(n).to_string() graph.append(data + ';\n') # process edges for e in self.edge_attr: if e in processed_edges: continue data = self.edge_to_string(e) graph.append(data + ';\n') graph.append( '}\n' ) return ''.join(graph) def label_components(self, display = None): ''' API: label_components(self, display=None) Description: This method labels the nodes of an undirected graph with component numbers so that each node has the same label as all nodes in the same component. It will display the algortihm if display argument is provided. Input: display: display method. Pre: self.graph_type should be UNDIRECTED_GRAPH. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. ''' if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH: raise Exception("label_components only works for ", "undirected graphs") self.num_components = 0 for n in self.get_node_list(): self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', None) for n in self.neighbors: self.get_node(n).set_attr('label', '-') for n in self.get_node_list(): if self.get_node(n).get_attr('component') == None:, display=display, component=self.num_components, algo='DFS') self.num_components += 1 def tarjan(self): ''' API: tarjan(self) Description: Implements Tarjan's algorithm for determining strongly connected set of nodes. Pre: self.graph_type should be DIRECTED_GRAPH. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. Changes 'index' attribute of nodes. ''' index = 0 component = 0 q = [] for n in self.get_node_list(): if self.get_node_attr(n, 'index') is None: index, component = self.strong_connect(q, n, index, component) def strong_connect(self, q, node, index, component): ''' API: strong_connect (self, q, node, index, component) Description: Used by tarjan method. This method should not be called directly by user. Input: q: Node list. node: Node that is being connected to nodes in q. index: Index used by tarjan method. component: Current component number. Pre: Should be called by tarjan and itself (recursive) only. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. Changes 'index' attribute of nodes. Return: Returns new index and component numbers. ''' self.set_node_attr(node, 'index', index) self.set_node_attr(node, 'lowlink', index) index += 1 q.append(node) for m in self.get_neighbors(node): if self.get_node_attr(m, 'index') is None: index, component = self.strong_connect(q, m, index, component) self.set_node_attr(node, 'lowlink', min([self.get_node_attr(node, 'lowlink'), self.get_node_attr(m, 'lowlink')])) elif m in q: self.set_node_attr(node, 'lowlink', min([self.get_node_attr(node, 'lowlink'), self.get_node_attr(m, 'index')])) if self.get_node_attr(node, 'lowlink') == self.get_node_attr(node, 'index'): m = q.pop() self.set_node_attr(m, 'component', component) while (node!=m): m = q.pop() self.set_node_attr(m, 'component', component) component += 1 self.num_components = component return (index, component) def label_strong_component(self): ''' API: label_strong_component(self) Description: This method labels the nodes of a directed graph with component numbers so that each node has the same label as all nodes in the same component. Pre: self.graph_type should be DIRECTED_GRAPH. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. Changes 'index' attribute of nodes. ''' self.num_components = 0 self.tarjan() def dfs(self, root, disc_count = 0, finish_count = 1, component = None, transpose = False, display = None, pred = None): ''' API: dfs(self, root, disc_count = 0, finish_count = 1, component=None, transpose=False) Description: Make a depth-first search starting from node with name root. Input: root: Starting node name. disc_count: Discovery time. finish_count: Finishing time. component: component number. transpose: Goes in the reverse direction along edges if transpose is True. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. Updates 'disc_time' and 'finish_time' attributes of nodes which represents discovery time and finishing time. Return: Returns a tuple that has discovery time and finish time of the last node in the following form (disc_time,finish_time). ''' if pred == None: pred = {} if display == None: display = self.attr['display'] else: self.set_display_mode(display) neighbors = self.neighbors if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH and transpose: neighbors = self.in_neighbors self.get_node(root).set_attr('component', component) disc_count += 1 self.get_node(root).set_attr('disc_time', disc_count) self.get_node(root).set_attr('label', str(disc_count)+',-') self.get_node(root).set_attr('color', 'blue') if root in pred: self.set_edge_attr(pred[root], root, 'color', 'green') self.display() if transpose: fTime = [] for n in neighbors[root]: fTime.append((n,self.get_node(n).get_attr('finish_time'))) neighbor_list = sorted(fTime, key=operator.itemgetter(1)) neighbor_list = list(t[0] for t in neighbor_list) neighbor_list.reverse() else: neighbor_list = neighbors[root] for i in neighbor_list: if not transpose: if self.get_node(i).get_attr('disc_time') is None: pred[i] = root disc_count, finish_count = self.dfs(i, disc_count, finish_count, component, transpose, pred = pred) else: if self.get_node(i).get_attr('component') is None: disc_count, finish_count = self.dfs(i, disc_count, finish_count, component, transpose, pred = pred) self.get_node(root).set_attr('finish_time', finish_count) d_time = self.get_node(root).get_attr('disc_time') label = '"' + str(d_time) + ',' + str(finish_count) + '"' self.get_node(root).set_attr('label', label) self.get_node(root).set_attr('color', 'green') self.display() finish_count += 1 return disc_count, finish_count def bfs(self, root, display = None, component = None): ''' API: bfs(self, root, display = None, component=None) Description: Make a breadth-first search starting from node with name root. Input: root: Starting node name. display: display method. component: component number. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. ''', display = display, component = component, q = Queue()) def search(self, source, destination = None, display = None, component = None, q = None, algo = 'DFS', reverse = False, **kargs): ''' API: search(self, source, destination = None, display = None, component = None, q = Stack(), algo = 'DFS', reverse = False, **kargs) Description: Generic search method. Changes behavior (dfs,bfs,dijkstra,prim) according to algo argument. if destination is not specified: This method determines all nodes reachable from "source" ie. creates precedence tree and returns it (dictionary). if destionation is given: If there exists a path from "source" to "destination" it will return list of the nodes is this path. If there is no such path, it will return the precedence tree constructed from source (dictionary). Optionally, it marks all nodes reachable from "source" with a component number. The variable "q" determines the order in which the nodes are searched. Input: source: Search starts from node with this name. destination: Destination node name. display: Display method. algo: Algortihm that specifies search. Available algortihms are 'DFS', 'BFS', 'Dijkstra' and 'Prim'. reverse: Search goes in reverse arc directions if True. kargs: Additional keyword arguments. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value (if component argument provided). Color attribute of nodes and edges may change. Return: Returns predecessor tree in dictionary form if destination is not specified, returns list of node names in the path from source to destionation if destionation is specified and there is a path. If there is no path returns predecessor tree in dictionary form. See description section. ''' if display == None: display = self.attr['display'] else: self.set_display_mode(display) if algo == 'DFS': if q is None: q = Stack() self.get_node(source).set_attr('component', component) elif algo == 'BFS' or algo == 'UnweightedSPT': if q is None: q = Queue() self.get_node(source).set_attr('component', component) elif algo == 'Dijkstra' or algo == 'Prim': if q is None: q = PriorityQueue() else: print("Unknown search algorithm...exiting") return neighbors = self.neighbors if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH and reverse: neighbors = self.in_neighbors for i in self.get_node_list(): self.get_node(i).set_attr('label', '-') self.get_node(i).attr.pop('priority', None) self.get_node(i).set_attr('distance', None) self.get_node(i).set_attr('color', 'black') for j in neighbors[i]: if reverse: self.set_edge_attr(j, i, 'color', 'black') else: self.set_edge_attr(i, j, 'color', 'black') self.display() pred = {} self.process_edge_search(None, source, pred, q, component, algo, **kargs) found = True if source != destination: found = False while not q.isEmpty() and not found: current = q.peek() if self.get_node(current).get_attr('color') == 'green': q.remove(current) continue self.process_node_search(current, q, **kargs) self.get_node(current).set_attr('color', 'blue') if current != source: if reverse: self.set_edge_attr(current, pred[current], 'color', 'green') else: self.set_edge_attr(pred[current], current, 'color', 'green') if current == destination: found = True break self.display() for n in neighbors[current]: if self.get_node(n).get_attr('color') != 'green': if reverse: self.set_edge_attr(n, current, 'color', 'yellow') else: self.set_edge_attr(current, n, 'color', 'yellow') self.display() self.process_edge_search(current, n, pred, q, component, algo, **kargs) if reverse: self.set_edge_attr(n, current, 'color', 'black') else: self.set_edge_attr(current, n, 'color', 'black') q.remove(current) self.get_node(current).set_attr('color', 'green') self.display() if found: path = [destination] current = destination while current != source: path.insert(0, pred[current]) current = pred[current] return path if destination == None: return pred else: return None def process_node_search(self, node, q, **kwargs): ''' API: process_node_search(self, node, q, **kwargs) Description: Used by search() method. Process nodes along the search. Should not be called by user directly. Input: node: Name of the node being processed. q: Queue data structure. kwargs: Keyword arguments. Post: 'priority' attribute of the node may get updated. ''' if isinstance(q, PriorityQueue): self.get_node(node).set_attr('priority', q.get_priority(node)) def process_edge_dijkstra(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component): ''' API: process_edge_dijkstra(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component) Description: Used by search() method if the algo argument is 'Dijkstra'. Processes edges along Dijkstra's algorithm. User does not need to call this method directly. Input: current: Name of the current node. neighbor: Name of the neighbor node. pred: Predecessor tree. q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue. component: component number. Post: 'color' attribute of nodes and edges may change. ''' if current is None: self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'red') self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('label', 0) q.push(neighbor, 0) self.display() self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'black') return new_estimate = (q.get_priority(current) + self.get_edge_attr(current, neighbor, 'cost')) if neighbor not in pred or new_estimate < q.get_priority(neighbor): pred[neighbor] = current self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'red') self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('label', new_estimate) q.push(neighbor, new_estimate) self.display() self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'black') def process_edge_prim(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component): ''' API: process_edge_prim(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component) Description: Used by search() method if the algo argument is 'Prim'. Processes edges along Prim's algorithm. User does not need to call this method directly. Input: current: Name of the current node. neighbor: Name of the neighbor node. pred: Predecessor tree. q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue. component: component number. Post: 'color' attribute of nodes and edges may change. ''' if current is None: self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'red') self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('label', 0) q.push(neighbor, 0) self.display() self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'black') return new_estimate = self.get_edge_attr(current, neighbor, 'cost') if not neighbor in pred or new_estimate < q.get_priority(neighbor): pred[neighbor] = current self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'red') self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('label', new_estimate) q.push(neighbor, new_estimate) self.display() self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'black') def process_edge_search(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component, algo, **kargs): ''' API: process_edge_search(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component, algo, **kargs) Description: Used by search() method. Processes edges according to the underlying algortihm. User does not need to call this method directly. Input: current: Name of the current node. neighbor: Name of the neighbor node. pred: Predecessor tree. q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue. component: component number. algo: Search algorithm. See search() documentation. kwargs: Keyword arguments. Post: 'color', 'distance', 'component' attribute of nodes and edges may change. ''' if algo == 'Dijkstra': return self.process_edge_dijkstra(current, neighbor, pred, q, component) if algo == 'Prim': return self.process_edge_prim(current, neighbor, pred, q, component) neighbor_node = self.get_node(neighbor) if current == None: neighbor_node.set_attr('distance', 0) if isinstance(q, PriorityQueue): q.push(neighbor, 0) else: q.push(neighbor) if component != None: neighbor_node.set_attr('component', component) neighbor_node.set_attr('label', component) else: neighbor_node.set_attr('label', 0) return if isinstance(q, PriorityQueue): current_priority = q.get_priority(neighbor) if algo == 'UnweightedSPT' or algo == 'BFS': priority = self.get_node(current).get_attr('distance') + 1 if algo == 'DFS': priority = -self.get_node(current).get_attr('distance') - 1 if current_priority is not None and priority >= current_priority: return q.push(neighbor, priority) if algo == 'UnweightedSPT' or algo == 'BFS': neighbor_node.set_attr('distance', priority) if algo == 'DFS': neighbor_node.set_attr('depth', -priority) else: distance = self.get_node(current).get_attr('distance') + 1 if ((algo == 'UnweightedSPT' or algo == 'BFS') and neighbor_node.get_attr('distance') is not None): return neighbor_node.set_attr('distance', distance) neighbor_node.set_attr('label', str(distance)) q.push(neighbor) pred[neighbor] = current neighbor_node.set_attr('color', 'red') if component != None: neighbor_node.set_attr('component', component) neighbor_node.set_attr('label', component) self.display() def minimum_spanning_tree_prim(self, source, display = None, q = PriorityQueue()): ''' API: minimum_spanning_tree_prim(self, source, display = None, q = PriorityQueue()) Description: Determines a minimum spanning tree of all nodes reachable from source using Prim's Algorithm. Input: source: Name of source node. display: Display method. q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue. Post: 'color', 'distance', 'component' attribute of nodes and edges may change. Return: Returns predecessor tree in dictionary format. ''' if display == None: display = self.attr['display'] else: self.set_display_mode(display) if isinstance(q, PriorityQueue): addToQ = q.push removeFromQ = q.pop peek = q.peek isEmpty = q.isEmpty neighbors = self.get_neighbors pred = {} addToQ(source) done = False while not isEmpty() and not done: current = removeFromQ() self.set_node_attr(current, 'color', 'blue') if current != source: self.set_edge_attr(pred[current], current, 'color', 'green') self.display() for n in neighbors(current): if self.get_node_attr(n, 'color') != 'green': self.set_edge_attr(current, n, 'color', 'yellow') self.display() new_estimate = self.get_edge_attr(current, n, 'cost') if not n in pred or new_estimate < peek(n)[0]: pred[n] = current self.set_node_attr(n, 'color', 'red') self.set_node_attr(n, 'label', new_estimate) addToQ(n, new_estimate) self.display() self.set_node_attr(n, 'color', 'black') self.set_edge_attr(current, n, 'color', 'black') self.set_node_attr(current, 'color', 'green') self.display() return pred def minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal(self, display = None, components = None): ''' API: minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal(self, display = None, components = None) Description: Determines a minimum spanning tree using Kruskal's Algorithm. Input: display: Display method. component: component number. Post: 'color' attribute of nodes and edges may change. Return: Returns list of edges where edges are tuples in (source,sink) format. ''' if display == None: display = self.attr['display'] else: self.set_display_mode(display) if components is None: components = DisjointSet(display = display, layout = 'dot', optimize = False) sorted_edge_list = sorted(self.get_edge_list(), key=self.get_edge_cost) edges = [] for n in self.get_node_list(): components.add([n]) components.display() for e in sorted_edge_list: if len(edges) == len(self.get_node_list()) - 1: break self.set_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'color', 'yellow') self.display() if components.union(e[0], e[1]): self.set_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'color', 'green') self.display() edges.append(e) else: self.set_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'color', 'black') self.display() components.display() return edges def max_flow_preflowpush(self, source, sink, algo = 'FIFO', display = None): ''' API: max_flow_preflowpush(self, source, sink, algo = 'FIFO', display = None) Description: Finds maximum flow from source to sink by a depth-first search based augmenting path algorithm. Pre: Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has a 'capacity' attribute and for which there does does not exist both arcs (i,j) and (j,i) for any pair of nodes i and j. Input: source: Source node name. sink: Sink node name. algo: Algorithm choice, 'FIFO', 'SAP' or 'HighestLabel'. display: display method. Post: The 'flow' attribute of each arc gives a maximum flow. ''' if display == None: display = self.attr['display'] else: self.set_display_mode(display) nl = self.get_node_list() # set excess of all nodes to 0 for n in nl: self.set_node_attr(n, 'excess', 0) # set flow of all edges to 0 for e in self.edge_attr: self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = 0 if 'capacity' in self.edge_attr[e]: capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = str(capacity)+'/0' else: self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = INF self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = 'INF/0' self.display() self.set_display_mode('off'), algo = 'UnweightedSPT', reverse = True) self.set_display_mode(display) disconnect = False for n in nl: if self.get_node_attr(n, 'distance') is None: disconnect = True self.set_node_attr(n, 'distance', 2*len(nl) + 1) if disconnect: print('Warning: graph contains nodes not connected to the sink...') if algo == 'FIFO': q = Queue() elif algo == 'SAP': q = Stack() elif algo == 'HighestLabel': q = PriorityQueue() for n in self.get_neighbors(source): capacity = self.get_edge_attr(source, n, 'capacity') self.set_edge_attr(source, n, 'flow', capacity) self.set_node_attr(n, 'excess', capacity) excess = self.get_node_attr(source, 'excess') self.set_node_attr(source, 'excess', excess - capacity) if algo == 'FIFO' or algo == 'SAP': q.push(n) elif algo == 'HighestLabel': q.push(n, -1) self.set_node_attr(source, 'distance', len(nl)) self.show_flow() while not q.isEmpty(): relabel = True current = q.peek() neighbors = (self.get_neighbors(current) + self.get_in_neighbors(current)) for n in neighbors: pushed = self.process_edge_flow(source, sink, current, n, algo, q) if pushed: self.show_flow() if algo == 'FIFO': '''With FIFO, we need to add the neighbors to the queue before the current is added back in or the nodes will be out of order ''' if q.peek(n) is None and n != source and n != sink: q.push(n) '''Keep pushing while there is excess''' if self.get_node_attr(current, 'excess') > 0: continue '''If we were able to push, then there we should not relabel ''' relabel = False break q.remove(current) if current != sink: if relabel: self.relabel(current) self.show_flow() if self.get_node_attr(current, 'excess') > 0: if algo == 'FIFO' or algo == 'SAP': q.push(current) elif algo == 'HighestLabel': q.push(current, -self.get_node_attr(current, 'distance')) if pushed and q.peek(n) is None and n != source: if algo == 'SAP': q.push(n) elif algo == 'HighestLabel': q.push(n, -self.get_node_attr(n, 'distance')) def process_edge_flow(self, source, sink, i, j, algo, q): ''' API: process_edge_flow(self, source, sink, i, j, algo, q) Description: Used by by max_flow_preflowpush() method. Processes edges along prefolow push. Input: source: Source node name of flow graph. sink: Sink node name of flow graph. i: Source node in the processed edge (tail of arc). j: Sink node in the processed edge (head of arc). Post: The 'flow' and 'excess' attributes of nodes may get updated. Return: Returns False if residual capacity is 0, True otherwise. ''' if (self.get_node_attr(i, 'distance') != self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance') + 1): return False if (i, j) in self.edge_attr: edge = (i, j) capacity = self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'capacity') mult = 1 else: edge = (j, i) capacity = 0 mult = -1 flow = mult*self.edge_attr[edge]['flow'] residual_capacity = capacity - flow if residual_capacity == 0: return False excess_i = self.get_node_attr(i, 'excess') excess_j = self.get_node_attr(j, 'excess') push_amount = min(excess_i, residual_capacity) self.edge_attr[edge]['flow'] = mult*(flow + push_amount) self.set_node_attr(i, 'excess', excess_i - push_amount) self.set_node_attr(j, 'excess', excess_j + push_amount) return True def relabel(self, i): ''' API: relabel(self, i) Description: Used by max_flow_preflowpush() method for relabelling node i. Input: i: Node that is being relabelled. Post: 'distance' attribute of node i is updated. ''' min_distance = 2*len(self.get_node_list()) + 1 for j in self.get_neighbors(i): if (self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance') < min_distance and (self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'flow') < self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'capacity'))): min_distance = self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance') for j in self.get_in_neighbors(i): if (self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance') < min_distance and self.get_edge_attr(j, i, 'flow') > 0): min_distance = self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance') self.set_node_attr(i, 'distance', min_distance + 1) def show_flow(self): ''' API: relabel(self, i) Description: Used by max_flow_preflowpush() method for display purposed. Post: 'color' and 'label' attribute of edges/nodes are updated. ''' for n in self.get_node_list(): excess = self.get_node_attr(n, 'excess') distance = self.get_node_attr(n, 'distance') self.set_node_attr(n, 'label', str(excess)+'/'+str(distance)) for neighbor in self.get_neighbors(n): capacity = self.get_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'capacity') flow = self.get_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'flow') if capacity == INF: self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'label', 'INF'+'/'+str(flow)) else: self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'label', str(capacity)+'/'+str(flow)) if capacity == flow: self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'color', 'red') elif flow > 0: self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'color', 'green') else: self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'color', 'black') self.display() def create_residual_graph(self): ''' API: create_residual_graph(self) Description: Creates and returns residual graph, which is a Graph instance itself. Pre: (1) Arcs should have 'flow', 'capacity' and 'cost' attribute (2) Graph should be a directed graph Return: Returns residual graph, which is a Graph instance. ''' if self.graph_type is UNDIRECTED_GRAPH: raise Exception('residual graph is defined for directed graphs.') residual_g = Graph(type = DIRECTED_GRAPH) for e in self.get_edge_list(): capacity_e = self.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'capacity') flow_e = self.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'flow') cost_e = self.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'cost') if flow_e > 0: residual_g.add_edge(e[1], e[0], cost=-1*cost_e, capacity=flow_e) if capacity_e - flow_e > 0: residual_g.add_edge(e[0], e[1], cost=cost_e, capacity=capacity_e-flow_e) return residual_g def cycle_canceling(self, display): ''' API: cycle_canceling(self, display) Description: Solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using cycle canceling algorithm. Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns False otherwise. 'flow' attribute values of arcs should be considered as junk when returned False. Input: display: Display method. Pre: (1) Arcs should have 'capacity' and 'cost' attribute. (2) Nodes should have 'demand' attribute, this value should be positive if the node is a supply node, negative if it is demand node and 0 if it is transhipment node. (3) graph should not have node 's' and 't'. Post: Changes 'flow' attributes of arcs. Return: Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns False otherwise. ''' # find a feasible solution to flow problem if not self.find_feasible_flow(): return False # create residual graph residual_g = self.create_residual_graph() # identify a negative cycle in residual graph ncycle = residual_g.get_negative_cycle() # loop while residual graph has a negative cycle while ncycle is not None: # find capacity of cycle cap = residual_g.find_cycle_capacity(ncycle) # augment capacity amount along the cycle self.augment_cycle(cap, ncycle) # create residual graph residual_g = self.create_residual_graph() # identify next negative cycle ncycle = residual_g.get_negative_cycle() return True def find_feasible_flow(self): ''' API: find_feasible_flow(self) Description: Solves feasible flow problem, stores solution in 'flow' attribute or arcs. This method is used to get an initial feasible flow for simplex and cycle canceling algorithms. Uses max_flow() method. Other max flow methods can also be used. Returns True if a feasible flow is found, returns False, if the problem is infeasible. When the problem is infeasible 'flow' attributes of arcs should be considered as junk. Pre: (1) 'capacity' attribute of arcs (2) 'demand' attribute of nodes Post: Keeps solution in 'flow' attribute of arcs. Return: Returns True if a feasible flow is found, returns False, if the problem is infeasible ''' # establish a feasible flow in the network, to do this add nodes s and # t and solve a max flow problem. nl = self.get_node_list() for i in nl: b_i = self.get_node(i).get_attr('demand') if b_i > 0: # i is a supply node, add (s,i) arc self.add_edge('s', i, capacity=b_i) elif b_i < 0: # i is a demand node, add (i,t) arc self.add_edge(i, 't', capacity=-1*b_i) # solve max flow on this modified graph self.max_flow('s', 't', 'off') # check if all demand is satisfied, i.e. the min cost problem is # feasible or not for i in self.neighbors['s']: flow = self.get_edge_attr('s', i, 'flow') capacity = self.get_edge_attr('s', i, 'capacity') if flow != capacity: self.del_node('s') self.del_node('t') return False # remove node 's' and node 't' self.del_node('s') self.del_node('t') return True def get_layout(self): ''' API: get_layout(self) Description: Returns layout attribute of the graph. Return: Returns layout attribute of the graph. ''' return self.attr['layout'] def set_layout(self, value): ''' API: set_layout(self, value) Description: Sets layout attribute of the graph to value. Input: value: New value of the layout. ''' self.attr['layout']=value if value == 'dot2tex': self.attr['d2tgraphstyle'] = 'every text node part/.style={align=center}' def write(self, file_obj, layout = None, format='png'): ''' API: write(self, basename = 'graph', layout = None, format='png') Description: Writes graph to dist using layout and format. Input: basename: name of the file that will be written. layout: Dot layout for generating graph image. format: Image format, all format supported by Dot are wellcome. Post: File will be written to disk. ''' if layout == None: layout = self.get_layout() if format == 'dot': file_obj.write(bytearray(self.to_string(), 'utf8')) else: out = self.create(layout, format) if (out != None): file_obj.write(out) def create(self, layout, format, **args): ''' API: create(self, layout, format, **args) Description: Returns postscript representation of graph. Input: layout: Dot layout for generating graph image. format: Image format, all format supported by Dot are wellcome. Return: Returns postscript representation of graph. ''' tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp() tmp_file = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w') tmp_file.write(self.to_string()) tmp_file.close() try: p =[layout, '-T'+format, tmp_name], capture_output = True) except OSError: print('''Graphviz executable not found. Graphviz must be installed and in your search path. Please visit for information on installation. After installation, ensure that the PATH variable is properly set.''') return None p.check_returncode() os.remove(tmp_name) if p.stderr: print(p.stderr) return p.stdout def display(self, highlight = None, basename = 'graph', format = 'png', pause = False, wait_for_click = True): ''' API: display(self, highlight = None, basename = 'graph', format = 'png', pause = True) Description: Displays graph according to the arguments provided. Current display modes: 'off', 'file', 'PIL', 'matplotlib', 'xdot', 'svg' Current layout modes: Layouts provided by graphviz ('dot', 'fdp', 'circo', etc.) and 'dot2tex'. Current formats: Formats provided by graphviz ('ps', 'pdf', 'png', etc.) Input: highlight: List of nodes to be highlighted. basename: File name. It will be used if display mode is 'file'. format: Image format, all format supported by Dot are wellcome. pause: If display is 'matplotlib', window will remain open until closed. wait_for_click: If display is 'matplotlib', setting to True will wait for a button click before proceeding. This is useful when animating an algorithm. Post: A display window will pop up or a file will be written depending on display mode. ''' if self.attr['display'] == 'off': return if highlight != None: for n in highlight: if not isinstance(n, Node): n = self.get_node(n) n.set_attr('color', 'red') if self.get_layout() == 'dot2tex': if self.attr['display'] != 'file': self.attr['display'] = 'file' print("Warning: Dot2tex layout can only be used with display mode 'file'") print(" Automatically changing setting") if self.attr['display'] == 'file': if self.get_layout() == 'dot2tex': try: if DOT2TEX_INSTALLED: if format != 'pdf' or format != 'ps': print("Dot2tex only supports pdf and ps formats, falling back to pdf") format = 'pdf' self.set_layout('dot') tex = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.to_string(), autosize=True, texmode = 'math', template = DOT2TEX_TEMPLATE) else: print("Error: Dot2tex not installed.") except: try: self.set_layout('dot') with open(basename+'.dot', "w+b") as f: self.write(f, self.get_layout(), 'dot') p =['dot2tex', '-t math', basename + '.dot']) except: print("There was an error running dot2tex.") with open(basename+'.tex', 'w') as f: f.write(tex) try:['latex', basename]) if format == 'ps':['dvips', basename]) elif format == 'pdf':['pdflatex', basename]) self.set_layout('dot2tex') except: print("There was an error runing latex. Is it installed?") else: with open(basename+'.'+format, "w+b") as f: self.write(f, self.get_layout(), format) return elif self.attr['display'] == 'PIL': if PIL_INSTALLED: tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp() tmp_file = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+b') self.write(tmp_file, self.get_layout(), format) tmp_file.close() im = os.remove(tmp_name) else: print('Error: PIL not installed. Display disabled.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' elif self.attr['display'] == 'matplotlib': if MATPLOTLIB_INSTALLED and PIL_INSTALLED: tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp() tmp_file = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+b') self.write(tmp_file, self.get_layout(), format) tmp_file.close() im = fig = plt.figure(1) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', handle_close) plt.clf() plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(im, interpolation='bilinear' #resample=True #extent = (0, 100, 0, 100) ) if wait_for_click == True: plt.draw() try: if plt.waitforbuttonpress(timeout = 10000): plt.close() exit() except: exit() else: im.close() os.remove(tmp_name) else: print('Warning: Either matplotlib or Pillow is not installed. Display disabled.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' elif self.attr['display'] == 'xdot': if XDOT_INSTALLED: window = xdot.DotWindow() window.set_dotcode(self.to_string()) window.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit) gtk.main() else: print('Error: xdot not installed. Display disabled.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' else: print("Unknown display mode: ", end=' ') print(self.attr['display']) if highlight != None: for n in highlight: if not isinstance(n, Node): n = self.get_node(n) n.set_attr('color', 'black') def set_display_mode(self, value): ''' API: set_display_mode(self, value) Description: Sets display mode to value. Input: value: New display mode. Post: Display mode attribute of graph is updated. ''' self.attr['display'] = value def max_flow(self, source, sink, display = None, algo = 'DFS'): ''' API: max_flow(self, source, sink, display=None) Description: Finds maximum flow from source to sink by a depth-first search based augmenting path algorithm. Pre: Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has a 'capacity' attribute and for which there does does not exist both arcs (i,j) and (j, i) for any pair of nodes i and j. Input: source: Source node name. sink: Sink node name. display: Display mode. Post: The 'flow" attribute of each arc gives a maximum flow. ''' if display is not None: old_display = self.attr['display'] self.attr['display'] = display nl = self.get_node_list() # set flow of all edges to 0 for e in self.edge_attr: self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = 0 if 'capacity' in self.edge_attr[e]: capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = str(capacity)+'/0' else: self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = INF self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = 'INF/0' while True: # find an augmenting path from source to sink using DFS if algo == 'DFS': q = Stack() elif algo == 'BFS': q = Queue() q.push(source) pred = {source:None} explored = [source] for n in nl: self.get_node(n).set_attr('color', 'black') for e in self.edge_attr: if self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] == 0: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'black' elif self.edge_attr[e]['flow']==self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'red' else: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'green' self.display() while not q.isEmpty(): current = q.peek() q.remove(current) if current == sink: break out_neighbor = self.neighbors[current] in_neighbor = self.in_neighbors[current] neighbor = out_neighbor+in_neighbor for m in neighbor: if m in explored: continue self.get_node(m).set_attr('color', 'yellow') if m in out_neighbor: self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'yellow') available_capacity = ( self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'capacity')- self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'flow')) else: self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'yellow') available_capacity=self.get_edge_attr(m, current, 'flow') self.display() if available_capacity > 0: self.get_node(m).set_attr('color', 'blue') if m in out_neighbor: self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'blue') else: self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'blue') explored.append(m) pred[m] = current q.push(m) else: self.get_node(m).set_attr('color', 'black') if m in out_neighbor: if (self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'flow') == self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'capacity')): self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'red') elif self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'flow') == 0: self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'black') #else: # self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'green') else: if (self.get_edge_attr(m, current, 'flow') == self.get_edge_attr(m, current, 'capacity')): self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'red') elif self.get_edge_attr(m, current, 'flow') == 0: self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'black') #else: # self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'green') self.display() # if no path with positive capacity from source sink exists, stop if sink not in pred: break # find capacity of the path current = sink min_capacity = 'infinite' while True: m = pred[current] if (m,current) in self.edge_attr: arc_capacity = self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['capacity'] flow = self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['flow'] potential = arc_capacity-flow if min_capacity == 'infinite': min_capacity = potential elif min_capacity > potential: min_capacity = potential else: potential = self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['flow'] if min_capacity == 'infinite': min_capacity = potential elif min_capacity > potential: min_capacity = potential if m == source: break current = m # update flows on the path current = sink while True: m = pred[current] if (m, current) in self.edge_attr: flow = self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['flow'] capacity = self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['capacity'] new_flow = flow+min_capacity self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['flow'] = new_flow if capacity == INF: self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['label'] = \ 'INF' + '/'+str(new_flow) else: self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['label'] = \ str(capacity)+'/'+str(new_flow) if new_flow==capacity: self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['color'] = 'red' else: self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['color'] = 'green' self.display() else: flow = self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['flow'] capacity = self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['capacity'] new_flow = flow-min_capacity self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['flow'] = new_flow if capacity == INF: self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['label'] = \ 'INF' + '/'+str(new_flow) else: self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['label'] = \ str(capacity)+'/'+str(new_flow) if new_flow==0: self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['color'] = 'red' else: self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['color'] = 'green' self.display() if m == source: break current = m if display is not None: self.attr['display'] = old_display def get_negative_cycle(self): ''' API: get_negative_cycle(self) Description: Finds and returns negative cost cycle using 'cost' attribute of arcs. Return value is a list of nodes representing cycle it is in the following form; n_1-n_2-...-n_k, when the cycle has k nodes. Pre: Arcs should have 'cost' attribute. Return: Returns a list of nodes in the cycle if a negative cycle exists, returns None otherwise. ''' nl = self.get_node_list() i = nl[0] (valid, distance, nextn) = self.floyd_warshall() if not valid: cycle = self.floyd_warshall_get_cycle(distance, nextn) return cycle else: return None def floyd_warshall(self): ''' API: floyd_warshall(self) Description: Finds all pair shortest paths and stores it in a list of lists. This is possible if the graph does not have negative cycles. It will return a tuple with 3 elements. The first element indicates whether the graph has a negative cycle. It is true if the graph does not have a negative cycle, ie. distances found are valid shortest distances. The second element is a dictionary of shortest distances between nodes. Keys are tuple of node pairs ie. (i,j). The third element is a dictionary that helps to retrieve the shortest path between nodes. Then return value can be represented as (validity, distance, nextn) where nextn is the dictionary to retrieve paths. distance and nextn can be used as inputs to other methods to get shortest path between nodes. Pre: Arcs should have 'cost' attribute. Return: Returns (validity, distance, nextn). The distances are valid if validity is True. ''' nl = self.get_node_list() el = self.get_edge_list() # initialize distance distance = {} for i in nl: for j in nl: distance[(i,j)] = 'infinity' for i in nl: distance[(i,i)] = 0 for e in el: distance[(e[0],e[1])] = self.get_edge_cost(e) # == end of distance initialization # initialize next nextn = {} for i in nl: for j in nl: if i==j or distance[(i,j)]=='infinity': nextn[(i,j)] = None else: nextn[(i,j)] = i # == end of next initialization # compute shortest distance for k in nl: for i in nl: for j in nl: if distance[(i,k)]=='infinity' or distance[(k,j)]=='infinity': continue elif distance[(i,j)]=='infinity': distance[(i,j)] = distance[(i,k)] + distance[(k,j)] nextn[(i,j)] = nextn[(k,j)] elif distance[(i,j)] > distance[(i,k)] + distance[(k,j)]: distance[(i,j)] = distance[(i,k)] + distance[(k,j)] nextn[(i,j)] = nextn[(k,j)] # == end of compute shortest distance # check if graph has negative cycles for i in nl: if distance[(i,i)] < 0: # shortest distances are not valid # graph has negative cycle return (False, distance, nextn) return (True, distance, nextn) def floyd_warshall_get_path(self, distance, nextn, i, j): ''' API: floyd_warshall_get_path(self, distance, nextn, i, j): Description: Finds shortest path between i and j using distance and nextn dictionaries. Pre: (1) distance and nextn are outputs of floyd_warshall method. (2) The graph does not have a negative cycle, , ie. distance[(i,i)] >=0 for all node i. Return: Returns the list of nodes on the path from i to j, ie. [i,...,j] ''' if distance[(i,j)]=='infinity': return None k = nextn[(i,j)] path = self.floyd_warshall_get_path if i==k: return [i, j] else: return path(distance, nextn, i,k) + [k] + path(distance, nextn, k,j) def floyd_warshall_get_cycle(self, distance, nextn, element = None): ''' API: floyd_warshall_get_cycle(self, distance, nextn, element = None) Description: Finds a negative cycle in the graph. Pre: (1) distance and nextn are outputs of floyd_warshall method. (2) The graph should have a negative cycle, , ie. distance[(i,i)] < 0 for some node i. Return: Returns the list of nodes on the cycle. Ex: [i,j,k,...,r], where (i,j), (j,k) and (r,i) are some edges in the cycle. ''' nl = self.get_node_list() if element is None: for i in nl: if distance[(i,i)] < 0: # graph has a cycle on the path from i to i. element = i break else: raise Exception('Graph does not have a negative cycle!') elif distance[(element,element)] >= 0: raise Exception('Graph does not have a negative cycle that contains node '+str(element)+'!') # find the cycle on the path from i to i. cycle = [element] k = nextn[(element,element)] while k not in cycle: cycle.insert(1,k) k = nextn[(element,k)] if k==element: return cycle else: return self.floyd_warshall_get_cycle(distance, nextn, k) def find_cycle_capacity(self, cycle): ''' API: find_cycle_capacity(self, cycle): Description: Finds capacity of the cycle input. Pre: (1) Arcs should have 'capacity' attribute. Input: cycle: a list representing a cycle Return: Returns an integer number representing capacity of cycle. ''' index = 0 k = len(cycle) capacity = self.get_edge_attr(cycle[k-1], cycle[0], 'capacity') while index<(k-1): i = cycle[index] j = cycle[index+1] capacity_ij = self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'capacity') if capacity > capacity_ij: capacity = capacity_ij index += 1 return capacity def fifo_label_correcting(self, source): ''' API: fifo_label_correcting(self, source) Description: finds shortest path from source to every other node. Returns predecessor dictionary. If graph has a negative cycle, detects it and returns to it. Pre: (1) 'cost' attribute of arcs. It will be used to compute shortest path. Input: source: source node Post: Modifies 'distance' attribute of nodes. Return: If there is no negative cycle returns to (True, pred), otherwise returns to (False, cycle) where pred is the predecessor dictionary and cycle is a list of nodes that represents cycle. It is in [n_1, n_2, ..., n_k] form where the cycle has k nodes. ''' pred = {} self.get_node(source).set_attr('distance', 0) pred[source] = None for n in self.neighbors: if n!=source: self.get_node(n).set_attr('distance', 'inf') q = [source] while q: i = q[0] q = q[1:] for j in self.neighbors[i]: distance_j = self.get_node(j).get_attr('distance') distance_i = self.get_node(i).get_attr('distance') c_ij = self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'cost') if distance_j > distance_i + c_ij: self.get_node(j).set_attr('distance', distance_i+c_ij) if j in pred: pred[j] = i cycle = self.label_correcting_check_cycle(j, pred) if cycle is not None: return (False, cycle) else: pred[j] = i if j not in q: q.append(j) return (True, pred) def label_correcting_check_cycle(self, j, pred): ''' API: label_correcting_check_cycle(self, j, pred) Description: Checks if predecessor dictionary has a cycle, j represents the node that predecessor is recently updated. Pre: (1) predecessor of source node should be None. Input: j: node that predecessor is recently updated. pred: predecessor dictionary Return: If there exists a cycle, returns the list that represents the cycle, otherwise it returns to None. ''' labelled = {} for n in self.neighbors: labelled[n] = None current = j while current != None: if labelled[current]==j: cycle = self.label_correcting_get_cycle(j, pred) return cycle labelled[current] = j current = pred[current] return None def label_correcting_get_cycle(self, j, pred): ''' API: label_correcting_get_cycle(self, labelled, pred) Description: In label correcting check cycle it is decided pred has a cycle and nodes in the cycle are labelled. We will create a list of nodes in the cycle using labelled and pred inputs. Pre: This method should be called from label_correcting_check_cycle(), unless you are sure about what you are doing. Input: j: Node that predecessor is recently updated. We know that it is in the cycle pred: Predecessor dictionary that contains a cycle Post: Returns a list of nodes that represents cycle. It is in [n_1, n_2, ..., n_k] form where the cycle has k nodes. ''' cycle = [] cycle.append(j) current = pred[j] while current!=j: cycle.append(current) current = pred[current] cycle.reverse() return cycle def augment_cycle(self, amount, cycle): ''' API: augment_cycle(self, amount, cycle): Description: Augments 'amount' unit of flow along cycle. Pre: Arcs should have 'flow' attribute. Inputs: amount: An integer representing the amount to augment cycle: A list representing a cycle Post: Changes 'flow' attributes of arcs. ''' index = 0 k = len(cycle) while index<(k-1): i = cycle[index] j = cycle[index+1] if (i,j) in self.edge_attr: flow_ij = self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow'] = flow_ij+amount else: flow_ji = self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow'] = flow_ji-amount index += 1 i = cycle[k-1] j = cycle[0] if (i,j) in self.edge_attr: flow_ij = self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow'] = flow_ij+amount else: flow_ji = self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow'] = flow_ji-amount def network_simplex(self, display, pivot, root): ''' API: network_simplex(self, display, pivot, root) Description: Solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using network simplex algorithm. It is recommended to use min_cost_flow(algo='simplex') instead of using network_simplex() directly. Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns False otherwise. 'flow' attribute values of arcs should be considered as junk when returned False. Pre: (1) check Pre section of min_cost_flow() Input: pivot: specifies pivot rule. Check min_cost_flow() display: 'off' for no display, 'matplotlib' for live update of spanning tree. root: Root node for the underlying spanning trees that will be generated by network simplex algorthm. Post: (1) Changes 'flow' attribute of edges. Return: Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns False otherwise. ''' # ==== determine an initial tree structure (T,L,U) # find a feasible flow if not self.find_feasible_flow(): return False t = self.simplex_find_tree() self.set_display_mode(display) # mark spanning tree arcs self.simplex_mark_st_arcs(t) # display initial spanning tree t.simplex_redraw(display, root) t.set_display_mode(display) #t.display() self.display() # set predecessor, depth and thread indexes t.simplex_search(root, 1) # compute potentials self.simplex_compute_potentials(t, root) # while some nontree arc violates optimality conditions while not self.simplex_optimal(t): self.display() # select an entering arc (k,l) (k,l) = self.simplex_select_entering_arc(t, pivot) self.simplex_mark_entering_arc(k, l) self.display() # determine leaving arc ((p,q), capacity, cycle)=self.simplex_determine_leaving_arc(t,k,l) # mark leaving arc self.simplex_mark_leaving_arc(p, q) self.display() self.simplex_remove_arc(t, p, q, capacity, cycle) # display after arc removed self.display() self.simplex_mark_st_arcs(t) self.display() # set predecessor, depth and thread indexes t.simplex_redraw(display, root) #t.display() t.simplex_search(root, 1) # compute potentials self.simplex_compute_potentials(t, root) return True def simplex_mark_leaving_arc(self, p, q): ''' API: simplex_mark_leving_arc(self, p, q) Description: Marks leaving arc. Input: p: tail of the leaving arc q: head of the leaving arc Post: Changes color attribute of leaving arc. ''' self.set_edge_attr(p, q, 'color', 'red') def simplex_determine_leaving_arc(self, t, k, l): ''' API: simplex_determine_leaving_arc(self, t, k, l) Description: Determines and returns the leaving arc. Input: t: current spanning tree solution. k: tail of the entering arc. l: head of the entering arc. Return: Returns the tuple that represents leaving arc, capacity of the cycle and cycle. ''' # k,l are the first two elements of the cycle cycle = self.simplex_identify_cycle(t, k, l) flow_kl = self.get_edge_attr(k, l, 'flow') capacity_kl = self.get_edge_attr(k, l, 'capacity') min_capacity = capacity_kl # check if k,l is in U or L if flow_kl==capacity_kl: # l,k will be the last two elements cycle.reverse() n = len(cycle) index = 0 # determine last blocking arc t.add_edge(k, l) tel = t.get_edge_list() while index < (n-1): if (cycle[index], cycle[index+1]) in tel: flow = self.edge_attr[(cycle[index], cycle[index+1])]['flow'] capacity = \ self.edge_attr[(cycle[index],cycle[index+1])]['capacity'] if min_capacity >= (capacity-flow): candidate = (cycle[index], cycle[index+1]) min_capacity = capacity-flow else: flow = self.edge_attr[(cycle[index+1], cycle[index])]['flow'] if min_capacity >= flow: candidate = (cycle[index+1], cycle[index]) min_capacity = flow index += 1 # check arc (cycle[n-1], cycle[0]) if (cycle[n-1], cycle[0]) in tel: flow = self.edge_attr[(cycle[n-1], cycle[0])]['flow'] capacity = self.edge_attr[(cycle[n-1], cycle[0])]['capacity'] if min_capacity >= (capacity-flow): candidate = (cycle[n-1], cycle[0]) min_capacity = capacity-flow else: flow = self.edge_attr[(cycle[0], cycle[n-1])]['flow'] if min_capacity >= flow: candidate = (cycle[0], cycle[n-1]) min_capacity = flow return (candidate, min_capacity, cycle) def simplex_mark_entering_arc(self, k, l): ''' API: simplex_mark_entering_arc(self, k, l) Description: Marks entering arc (k,l) Input: k: tail of the entering arc l: head of the entering arc Post: (1) color attribute of the arc (k,l) ''' self.set_edge_attr(k, l, 'color', 'green') def simplex_mark_st_arcs(self, t): ''' API: simplex_mark_st_arcs(self, t) Description: Marks spanning tree arcs. Case 1, Blue: Arcs that are at lower bound and in tree. Case 2, Red: Arcs that are at upper bound and in tree. Case 3, Green: Arcs that are between bounds are green. Case 4, Brown: Non-tree arcs at lower bound. Case 5, Violet: Non-tree arcs at upper bound. Input: t: t is the current spanning tree Post: (1) color attribute of edges. ''' tel = list(t.edge_attr.keys()) for e in self.get_edge_list(): flow_e = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] capacity_e = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] if e in tel: if flow_e == 0: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'blue' elif flow_e == capacity_e: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'blue' else: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'blue' else: if flow_e == 0: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'black' elif flow_e == capacity_e: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'black' else: msg = "Arc is not in ST but has flow between bounds." raise Exception(msg) def print_flow(self): ''' API: print_flow(self) Description: Prints all positive flows to stdout. This method can be used for debugging purposes. ''' print('printing current edge, flow, capacity') for e in self.edge_attr: if self.edge_attr[e]['flow']!=0: print(e, str(self.edge_attr[e]['flow']).ljust(4), end=' ') print(str(self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']).ljust(4)) def simplex_redraw(self, display, root): ''' API: simplex_redraw(self, display, root) Description: Returns a new graph instance that is same as self but adds nodes and arcs in a way that the resulting tree will be displayed properly. Input: display: display mode root: root node in tree. Return: Returns a graph same as self. ''' nl = self.get_node_list() el = self.get_edge_list() new = Graph(type=DIRECTED_GRAPH, layout='dot', display=display) pred_i = self.get_node(root).get_attr('pred') thread_i = self.get_node(root).get_attr('thread') depth_i = self.get_node(root).get_attr('depth') new.add_node(root, pred=pred_i, thread=thread_i, depth=depth_i) q = [root] visited = [root] while q: name = q.pop() visited.append(name) neighbors = self.neighbors[name] + self.in_neighbors[name] for n in neighbors: if n not in new.get_node_list(): pred_i = self.get_node(n).get_attr('pred') thread_i = self.get_node(n).get_attr('thread') depth_i = self.get_node(n).get_attr('depth') new.add_node(n, pred=pred_i, thread=thread_i, depth=depth_i) if (name,n) in el: if (name,n) not in new.edge_attr: new.add_edge(name,n) else: if (n,name) not in new.edge_attr: new.add_edge(n,name) if n not in visited: q.append(n) for e in el: flow = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] cost = self.edge_attr[e]['cost'] new.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = flow new.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = capacity new.edge_attr[e]['cost'] = cost new.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost) return new def simplex_remove_arc(self, t, p, q, min_capacity, cycle): ''' API: simplex_remove_arc(self, p, q, min_capacity, cycle) Description: Removes arc (p,q), updates t, updates flows, where (k,l) is the entering arc. Input: t: tree solution to be updated. p: tail of the leaving arc. q: head of the leaving arc. min_capacity: capacity of the cycle. cycle: cycle obtained when entering arc considered. Post: (1) updates t. (2) updates 'flow' attributes. ''' # augment min_capacity along cycle n = len(cycle) tel = list(t.edge_attr.keys()) index = 0 while index < (n-1): if (cycle[index], cycle[index+1]) in tel: flow_e = self.edge_attr[(cycle[index], cycle[index+1])]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(cycle[index], cycle[index+1])]['flow'] =\ flow_e+min_capacity else: flow_e = self.edge_attr[(cycle[index+1], cycle[index])]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(cycle[index+1], cycle[index])]['flow'] =\ flow_e-min_capacity index += 1 # augment arc cycle[n-1], cycle[0] if (cycle[n-1], cycle[0]) in tel: flow_e = self.edge_attr[(cycle[n-1], cycle[0])]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(cycle[n-1], cycle[0])]['flow'] =\ flow_e+min_capacity else: flow_e = self.edge_attr[(cycle[0], cycle[n-1])]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(cycle[0], cycle[n-1])]['flow'] =\ flow_e-min_capacity # remove leaving arc t.del_edge((p, q)) # set label of removed arc flow_pq = self.get_edge_attr(p, q, 'flow') capacity_pq = self.get_edge_attr(p, q, 'capacity') cost_pq = self.get_edge_attr(p, q, 'cost') self.set_edge_attr(p, q, 'label', "%d/%d/%d" %(flow_pq,capacity_pq,cost_pq)) for e in t.edge_attr: flow = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] cost = self.edge_attr[e]['cost'] t.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = flow t.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = capacity t.edge_attr[e]['cost'] = cost t.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost) self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost) def simplex_select_entering_arc(self, t, pivot): ''' API: simplex_select_entering_arc(self, t, pivot) Description: Decides and returns entering arc using pivot rule. Input: t: current spanning tree solution pivot: May be one of the following; 'first_eligible' or 'dantzig'. 'dantzig' is the default value. Return: Returns entering arc tuple (k,l) ''' if pivot=='dantzig': # pick the maximum violation candidate = {} for e in self.edge_attr: if e in t.edge_attr: continue flow_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] potential_i = self.get_node(e[0]).get_attr('potential') potential_j = self.get_node(e[1]).get_attr('potential') capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] c_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['cost'] cpi_ij = c_ij - potential_i + potential_j if flow_ij==0: if cpi_ij < 0: candidate[e] = cpi_ij elif flow_ij==capacity_ij: if cpi_ij > 0: candidate[e] = cpi_ij for e in candidate: max_c = e max_v = abs(candidate[e]) break for e in candidate: if max_v < abs(candidate[e]): max_c = e max_v = abs(candidate[e]) elif pivot=='first_eligible': # pick the first eligible for e in self.edge_attr: if e in t.edge_attr: continue flow_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] potential_i = self.get_node(e[0]).get_attr('potential') potential_j = self.get_node(e[1]).get_attr('potential') capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] c_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['cost'] cpi_ij = c_ij - potential_i + potential_j if flow_ij==0: if cpi_ij < 0: max_c = e max_v = abs(cpi_ij) elif flow_ij==capacity_ij: if cpi_ij > 0: max_c = e max_v = cpi_ij else: raise Exception("Unknown pivot rule.") return max_c def simplex_optimal(self, t): ''' API: simplex_optimal(self, t) Description: Checks if the current solution is optimal, if yes returns True, False otherwise. Pre: 'flow' attributes represents a solution. Input: t: Graph instance tat reperesents spanning tree solution. Return: Returns True if the current solution is optimal (optimality conditions are satisfied), else returns False ''' for e in self.edge_attr: if e in t.edge_attr: continue flow_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] potential_i = self.get_node(e[0]).get_attr('potential') potential_j = self.get_node(e[1]).get_attr('potential') capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] c_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['cost'] cpi_ij = c_ij - potential_i + potential_j if flow_ij==0: if cpi_ij < 0: return False elif flow_ij==capacity_ij: if cpi_ij > 0: return False return True def simplex_find_tree(self): ''' API: simplex_find_tree(self) Description: Assumes a feasible flow solution stored in 'flow' attribute's of arcs and converts this solution to a feasible spanning tree solution. Pre: (1) 'flow' attributes represents a feasible flow solution. Post: (1) 'flow' attributes may change when eliminating cycles. Return: Return a Graph instance that is a spanning tree solution. ''' # find a cycle solution_g = self.get_simplex_solution_graph() cycle = solution_g.simplex_find_cycle() while cycle is not None: # find amount to augment and direction amount = self.simplex_augment_cycle(cycle) # augment along the cycle self.augment_cycle(amount, cycle) # find a new cycle solution_g = self.get_simplex_solution_graph() cycle = solution_g.simplex_find_cycle() # check if the solution is connected while self.simplex_connect(solution_g): pass # add attributes for e in self.edge_attr: flow = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] cost = self.edge_attr[e]['cost'] self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost) if e in solution_g.edge_attr: solution_g.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = flow solution_g.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = capacity solution_g.edge_attr[e]['cost'] = cost solution_g.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost) return solution_g def simplex_connect(self, solution_g): ''' API: simplex_connect(self, solution_g) Description: At this point we assume that the solution does not have a cycle. We check if all the nodes are connected, if not we add an arc to solution_g that does not create a cycle and return True. Otherwise we do nothing and return False. Pre: (1) We assume there is no cycle in the solution. Input: solution_g: current spanning tree solution instance. Post: (1) solution_g is updated. An arc that does not create a cycle is added. (2) 'component' attribute of nodes are changed. Return: Returns True if an arc is added, returns False otherwise. ''' nl = solution_g.get_node_list() current = nl[0] pred = solution_g.simplex_search(current, current) separated = list(pred.keys()) for n in nl: if solution_g.get_node(n).get_attr('component') != current: # find an arc from n to seperated for m in separated: if (n,m) in self.edge_attr: solution_g.add_edge(n,m) return True elif (m,n) in self.edge_attr: solution_g.add_edge(m,n) return True return False def simplex_search(self, source, component_nr): ''' API: simplex_search(self, source, component_nr) Description: Searches graph starting from source. Its difference from usual search is we can also go backwards along an arc. When the graph is a spanning tree it computes predecessor, thread and depth indexes and stores them as node attributes. These values should be considered as junk when the graph is not a spanning tree. Input: source: source node component_nr: component number Post: (1) Sets the component number of all reachable nodes to component. Changes 'component' attribute of nodes. (2) Sets 'pred', 'thread' and 'depth' attributes of nodes. These values are junk if the graph is not a tree. Return: Returns predecessor dictionary. ''' q = [source] pred = {source:None} depth = {source:0} sequence = [] for n in self.neighbors: self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', None) while q: current = q.pop() self.get_node(current).set_attr('component', component_nr) sequence.append(current) neighbors = self.in_neighbors[current] + self.neighbors[current] for n in neighbors: if n in pred: continue self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', component_nr) pred[n] = current depth[n] = depth[current]+1 q.append(n) for i in range(len(sequence)-1): self.get_node(sequence[i]).set_attr('thread', int(sequence[i+1])) self.get_node(sequence[-1]).set_attr('thread', int(sequence[0])) for n in pred: self.get_node(n).set_attr('pred', pred[n]) self.get_node(n).set_attr('depth', depth[n]) return pred def simplex_augment_cycle(self, cycle): ''' API: simplex_augment_cycle(self, cycle) Description: Augments along the cycle to break it. Pre: 'flow', 'capacity' attributes on arcs. Input: cycle: list representing a cycle in the solution Post: 'flow' attribute will be modified. ''' # find amount to augment index = 0 k = len(cycle) el = list(self.edge_attr.keys()) # check arc (cycle[k-1], cycle[0]) if (cycle[k-1], cycle[0]) in el: min_capacity = self.edge_attr[(cycle[k-1], cycle[0])]['capacity']-\ self.edge_attr[(cycle[k-1], cycle[0])]['flow'] else: min_capacity = self.edge_attr[(cycle[0], cycle[k-1])]['flow'] # check rest of the arcs in the cycle while index<(k-1): i = cycle[index] j = cycle[index+1] if (i,j) in el: capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['capacity'] -\ self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow'] else: capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow'] if min_capacity > capacity_ij: min_capacity = capacity_ij index += 1 return min_capacity def simplex_find_cycle(self): ''' API: simplex_find_cycle(self) Description: Returns a cycle (list of nodes) if the graph has one, returns None otherwise. Uses DFS. During DFS checks existence of arcs to lower depth regions. Note that direction of the arcs are not important. Return: Returns list of nodes that represents cycle. Returns None if the graph does not have any cycle. ''' # make a dfs, if you identify an arc to a lower depth node we have a # cycle nl = self.get_node_list() q = [nl[0]] visited = [] depth = {nl[0]:0} pred = {nl[0]:None} for n in nl: self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', None) component_nr = int(nl[0]) self.get_node(nl[0]).set_attr('component', component_nr) while True: while q: current = q.pop() visited.append(current) neighbors = self.in_neighbors[current] +\ self.neighbors[current] for n in neighbors: if n==pred[current]: continue self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', component_nr) if n in depth: # we have a cycle cycle1 = [] cycle2 = [] temp = n while temp is not None: cycle1.append(temp) temp = pred[temp] temp = current while temp is not None: cycle2.append(temp) temp = pred[temp] cycle1.pop() cycle1.reverse() cycle2.extend(cycle1) return cycle2 else: pred[n] = current depth[n] = depth[current] + 1 if n not in visited: q.append(n) flag = False for n in nl: if self.get_node(n).get_attr('component') is None: q.append(n) depth = {n:0} pred = {n:None} visited = [] component_nr = int(n) self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', component_nr) flag = True break if not flag: break return None def get_simplex_solution_graph(self): ''' API: get_simplex_solution_graph(self): Description: Assumes a feasible flow solution stored in 'flow' attribute's of arcs. Returns the graph with arcs that have flow between 0 and capacity. Pre: (1) 'flow' attribute represents a feasible flow solution. See Pre section of min_cost_flow() for details. Return: Graph instance that only has the arcs that have flow strictly between 0 and capacity. ''' simplex_g = Graph(type=DIRECTED_GRAPH) for i in self.neighbors: simplex_g.add_node(i) for e in self.edge_attr: flow_e = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] capacity_e = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] if flow_e>0 and flow_e<capacity_e: simplex_g.add_edge(e[0], e[1]) return simplex_g def simplex_compute_potentials(self, t, root): ''' API: simplex_compute_potentials(self, t, root) Description: Computes node potentials for a minimum cost flow problem and stores them as node attribute 'potential'. Based on pseudocode given in Network Flows by Ahuja et al. Pre: (1) Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has a 'cost' attribute. (2) Uses 'thread' and 'pred' attributes of nodes. Input: t: Current spanning tree solution, its type is Graph. root: root node of the tree. Post: Keeps the node potentials as 'potential' attribute. ''' self.get_node(root).set_attr('potential', 0) j = t.get_node(root).get_attr('thread') while j is not root: i = t.get_node(j).get_attr('pred') potential_i = self.get_node(i).get_attr('potential') if (i,j) in self.edge_attr: c_ij = self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['cost'] self.get_node(j).set_attr('potential', potential_i-c_ij) if (j,i) in self.edge_attr: c_ji = self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['cost'] self.get_node(j).set_attr('potential', potential_i+c_ji) j = t.get_node(j).get_attr('thread') def simplex_identify_cycle(self, t, k, l): ''' API: identify_cycle(self, t, k, l) Description: Identifies and returns to the pivot cycle, which is a list of nodes. Pre: (1) t is spanning tree solution, (k,l) is the entering arc. Input: t: current spanning tree solution k: tail of the entering arc l: head of the entering arc Returns: List of nodes in the cycle. ''' i = k j = l cycle = [] li = [k] lj = [j] while i is not j: depth_i = t.get_node(i).get_attr('depth') depth_j = t.get_node(j).get_attr('depth') if depth_i > depth_j: i = t.get_node(i).get_attr('pred') li.append(i) elif depth_i < depth_j: j = t.get_node(j).get_attr('pred') lj.append(j) else: i = t.get_node(i).get_attr('pred') li.append(i) j = t.get_node(j).get_attr('pred') lj.append(j) cycle.extend(lj) li.pop() li.reverse() cycle.extend(li) # l is beginning k is end return cycle def min_cost_flow(self, display = None, **args): ''' API: min_cost_flow(self, display='off', **args) Description: Solves minimum cost flow problem using node/edge attributes with the algorithm specified. Pre: (1) Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has 'capacity' and 'cost' attributes. (2) Nodes should have 'demand' attribute. This value should be positive for supply and negative for demand, and 0 for transhipment nodes. (3) The graph should be connected. (4) Assumes (i,j) and (j,i) does not exist together. Needed when solving max flow. (max flow problem is solved to get a feasible flow). Input: display: 'off' for no display, 'matplotlib' for live update of tree args: may have the following display: display method, if not given current mode (the one specified by __init__ or set_display) will be used. algo: determines algorithm to use, can be one of the following 'simplex': network simplex algorithm 'cycle_canceling': cycle canceling algorithm 'simplex' is used if not given. see Network Flows by Ahuja et al. for details of algorithms. pivot: valid if algo is 'simlex', determines pivoting rule for simplex, may be one of the following; 'first_eligible', 'dantzig' or 'scaled'. 'dantzig' is used if not given. see Network Flows by Ahuja et al. for pivot rules. root: valid if algo is 'simlex', specifies the root node for simplex algorithm. It is name of the one of the nodes. It will be chosen randomly if not provided. Post: The 'flow' attribute of each arc gives the optimal flows. 'distance' attribute of the nodes are also changed during max flow solution process. Examples: g.min_cost_flow(): solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using simplex algorithm with dantzig pivoting rule. See pre section for details. g.min_cost_flow(algo='cycle_canceling'): solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using cycle canceling agorithm. g.min_cost_flow(algo='simplex', pivot='scaled'): solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using network simplex agorithm with scaled pivot rule. ''' if display is None: display = self.attr['display'] if 'algo' in args: algorithm = args['algo'] else: algorithm = 'simplex' if algorithm == 'simplex': if 'root' in args: root = args['root'] else: for k in self.neighbors: root = k break if 'pivot' in args: if not self.network_simplex(display, args['pivot'], root): print('problem is infeasible') else: if not self.network_simplex(display, 'dantzig', root): print('problem is infeasible') elif algorithm == 'cycle_canceling': if not self.cycle_canceling(display): print('problem is infeasible') else: print(args['algo'], 'is not a defined algorithm. Exiting.') return def random(self, numnodes = 10, degree_range = (2, 4), length_range = (1, 10), density = None, edge_format = None, node_format = None, Euclidean = False, seedInput = 0, add_labels = True, parallel_allowed = False, node_selection = 'closest', scale = 10, scale_cost = 5): ''' API: random(self, numnodes = 10, degree_range = None, length_range = None, density = None, edge_format = None, node_format = None, Euclidean = False, seedInput = 0) Description: Populates graph with random edges and nodes. Input: numnodes: Number of nodes to add. degree_range: A tuple that has lower and upper bounds of degree for a node. length_range: A tuple that has lower and upper bounds for 'cost' attribute of edges. density: Density of edges, ie. 0.5 indicates a node will approximately have edge to half of the other nodes. edge_format: Dictionary that specifies attribute values for edges. node_format: Dictionary that specifies attribute values for nodes. Euclidean: Creates an Euclidean graph (Euclidean distance between nodes) if True. seedInput: Seed that will be used for random number generation. Pre: It is recommended to call this method on empty Graph objects. Post: Graph will be populated by nodes and edges. ''' random.seed(seedInput) if edge_format == None: edge_format = {'fontsize':10, 'fontcolor':'blue'} if node_format == None: node_format = {'height':0.5, 'width':0.5, 'fixedsize':'true', 'fontsize':10, 'fontcolor':'red', 'shape':'circle', } if Euclidean == False: for m in range(numnodes): self.add_node(m, **node_format) if degree_range is not None and density is None: for m in range(numnodes): degree = random.randint(degree_range[0], degree_range[1]) i = 0 while i < degree: n = random.randint(1, numnodes-1) if (((m,n) not in self.edge_attr and m != n) and (parallel_allowed or (n, m) not in self.edge_attr)): if length_range is not None: length = random.randint(length_range[0], length_range[1]) self.add_edge(m, n, cost = length, **edge_format) if add_labels: self.set_edge_attr(m, n, 'label', str(length)) else: self.add_edge(m, n, **edge_format) i += 1 elif density != None: for m in range(numnodes): if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH: numnodes2 = numnodes else: numnodes2 = m for n in range(numnodes2): if ((parallel_allowed or (n, m) not in self.edge_attr) and m != n): if random.random() < density: if length_range is not None: length = random.randint(length_range[0], length_range[1]) self.add_edge(m, n, cost = length, **edge_format) if add_labels: self.set_edge_attr(m, n, 'label', str(length)) else: self.add_edge(m, n, **edge_format) else: print("Must set either degree range or density") else: for m in range(numnodes): ''' Assigns random coordinates (between 1 and 20) to the nodes ''' x = random.random()*scale y = random.random()*scale self.add_node(m, locationx = x, locationy = y, pos = '"'+str(x) + "," + str(y)+'!"', **node_format) if degree_range is not None and density is None: for m in range(numnodes): degree = random.randint(degree_range[0], degree_range[1]) i = 0 neighbors = [] if node_selection == 'random': while i < degree: length = round((((self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationx') - self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationx')) ** 2 + (self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationy') - self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationy')) ** 2) ** 0.5)*scale_cost, 0) if (((m,n) not in self.edge_attr and m != n) and (parallel_allowed or (n, m) not in self.edge_attr)): neighbors.append(random.randint(0, numnodes-1)) self.add_edge(m, n, cost = int(length), **edge_format) if add_labels: self.set_edge_attr(m, n, 'label', str(int(length))) i += 1 elif node_selection == 'closest': lengths = [] for n in range(numnodes): lengths.append((n, round((((self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationx') - self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationx')) ** 2 + (self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationy') - self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationy')) ** 2) ** 0.5)*scale_cost, 0))) lengths.sort(key = lambda l : l[1]) for i in range(degree+1): if not (lengths[i][0] == m or self.check_edge(m, lengths[i][0])): self.add_edge(m, lengths[i][0], cost = int(lengths[i][1]), **edge_format) if add_labels: self.set_edge_attr(m, lengths[i][0], 'label', str(int(lengths[i][1]))) else: print("Unknown node selection rule...exiting") return elif density != None: for m in range(numnodes): if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH: numnodes2 = numnodes else: numnodes2 = m for n in range(numnodes2): if ((parallel_allowed or (n, m) not in self.edge_attr) and m != n): if random.random() < density: if length_range is None: ''' calculates the euclidean norm and round it to an integer ''' length = round((((self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationx') - self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationx')) ** 2 + (self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationy') - self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationy')) ** 2) ** 0.5), 0) self.add_edge(m, n, cost = int(length), **edge_format) if add_labels: self.set_edge_attr(m, n, 'label', str(int(length))) else: self.add_edge(m, n, **edge_format) else: print("Must set either degree range or density") def page_rank(self, damping_factor=0.85, max_iterations=100, min_delta=0.00001): ''' API: page_rank(self, damping_factor=0.85, max_iterations=100, min_delta=0.00001) Description: Compute and return the page-rank of a directed graph. This function was originally taken from here and modified for this graph class: trunk/core/pygraph/algorithms/ Input: damping_factor: Damping factor. max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations. min_delta: Smallest variation required to have a new iteration. Pre: Graph should be a directed graph. Return: Returns dictionary of page-ranks. Keys are node names, values are corresponding page-ranks. ''' nodes = self.get_node_list() graph_size = len(nodes) if graph_size == 0: return {} #value for nodes without inbound links min_value = old_div((1.0-damping_factor),graph_size) # itialize the page rank dict with 1/N for all nodes pagerank = dict.fromkeys(nodes, old_div(1.0,graph_size)) for _ in range(max_iterations): diff = 0 #total difference compared to last iteraction # computes each node PageRank based on inbound links for node in nodes: rank = min_value for referring_page in self.get_in_neighbors(node): rank += (damping_factor * pagerank[referring_page] / len(self.get_neighbors(referring_page))) diff += abs(pagerank[node] - rank) pagerank[node] = rank #stop if PageRank has converged if diff < min_delta: break return pagerank def get_degrees(self): ''' API: get_degree(self) Description: Returns degrees of nodes in dictionary format. Return: Returns a dictionary of node degrees. Keys are node names, values are corresponding degrees. ''' degree = {} if self.attr['type'] is not DIRECTED_GRAPH: for n in self.get_node_list(): degree[n] = len(self.get_neighbors(n)) return degree else: for n in self.get_node_list(): degree[n] = (len(self.get_in_neighbors(n)) + len(self.get_out_neighbors(n))) def get_in_degrees(self): ''' API: get_degree(self) Description: Returns degrees of nodes in dictionary format. Return: Returns a dictionary of node degrees. Keys are node names, values are corresponding degrees. ''' degree = {} if self.attr['type'] is not DIRECTED_GRAPH: print('This function only works for directed graphs') return for n in self.get_node_list(): degree[n] = len(self.get_in_neighbors(n)) return degree def get_out_degrees(self): ''' API: get_degree(self) Description: Returns degrees of nodes in dictionary format. Return: Returns a dictionary of node degrees. Keys are node names, values are corresponding degrees. ''' degree = {} if self.attr['type'] is not DIRECTED_GRAPH: print('This function only works for directed graphs') return for n in self.get_node_list(): degree[n] = len(self.get_out_neighbors(n)) return degree def get_diameter(self): ''' API: get_diameter(self) Description: Returns diameter of the graph. Diameter is defined as follows. distance(n,m): shortest unweighted path from n to m eccentricity(n) = $\max _m distance(n,m)$ diameter = $\min _n eccentricity(n) = \min _n \max _m distance(n,m)$ Return: Returns diameter of the graph. ''' if self.attr['type'] is not UNDIRECTED_GRAPH: print('This function only works for undirected graphs') return diameter = 'infinity' eccentricity_n = 0 for n in self.get_node_list(): for m in self.get_node_list(): path_n_m =, destination = m, algo = 'BFS') if path_n_m is None: # this indicates there is no path from n to m, no diameter # is defined, since the graph is not connected, return # 'infinity' return 'infinity' distance_n_m = len(path_n_m)-1 if distance_n_m > eccentricity_n: eccentricity_n = distance_n_m if diameter == 'infinity' or eccentricity_n > diameter: diameter = eccentricity_n return diameter def create_cluster(self, node_list, cluster_attrs={}, node_attrs={}): ''' API: create_cluster(self, node_list, cluster_attrs, node_attrs) Description: Creates a cluster from the node given in the node list. Input: node_list: List of nodes in the cluster. cluster_attrs: Dictionary of cluster attributes, see Dot language grammer documentation for details. node_attrs: Dictionary of node attributes. It will overwrite previous attributes of the nodes in the cluster. Post: A cluster will be created. Attributes of the nodes in the cluster may change. ''' if 'name' in cluster_attrs: if 'name' in self.cluster: raise Exception('A cluster with name %s already exists!' %cluster_attrs['name']) else: name = cluster_attrs['name'] else: name = 'c%d' %self.attr['cluster_count'] self.attr['cluster_count'] += 1 cluster_attrs['name'] = name #cluster_attrs['name'] = self.cluster[name] = {'node_list':node_list, 'attrs':copy.deepcopy(cluster_attrs), 'node_attrs':copy.deepcopy(node_attrs)}
def add_edge(self, name1, name2, **attr)
API: add_edge(self, name1, name2, **attr) Description: Adds edge to the graph. Sets edge attributes using attr argument.
name1: Name of the source node (if directed). name2: Name of the sink node (if directed). attr: Edge attributes.
Graph should not already contain this edge. We do not allow multiple edges with same source and sink nodes.
self.edge_attr is updated. self.neighbors, self.nodes and self.in_neighbors are updated if graph was missing at least one of the nodes.
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def add_edge(self, name1, name2, **attr): ''' API: add_edge(self, name1, name2, **attr) Description: Adds edge to the graph. Sets edge attributes using attr argument. Input: name1: Name of the source node (if directed). name2: Name of the sink node (if directed). attr: Edge attributes. Pre: Graph should not already contain this edge. We do not allow multiple edges with same source and sink nodes. Post: self.edge_attr is updated. self.neighbors, self.nodes and self.in_neighbors are updated if graph was missing at least one of the nodes. ''' if (name1, name2) in self.edge_attr: raise MultipleEdgeException if self.graph_type is UNDIRECTED_GRAPH and (name2,name1) in self.edge_attr: raise MultipleEdgeException self.edge_attr[(name1,name2)] = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_EDGE_ATTRIBUTES) for a in attr: self.edge_attr[(name1,name2)][a] = attr[a] if name1 not in self.nodes: self.add_node(name1) if name2 not in self.nodes: self.add_node(name2) self.neighbors[name1].append(name2) if self.graph_type is UNDIRECTED_GRAPH: self.neighbors[name2].append(name1) else: self.in_neighbors[name2].append(name1)
def add_node(self, name, **attr)
API: add_node(self, name, **attr) Description: Adds node to the graph.
Graph should not contain a node with this name. We do not allow multiple nodes with the same name.
name: Name of the node. attr: Node attributes.
self.neighbors, self.nodes and self.in_neighbors are updated.
Node (a Node class instance) added to the graph.
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def add_node(self, name, **attr): ''' API: add_node(self, name, **attr) Description: Adds node to the graph. Pre: Graph should not contain a node with this name. We do not allow multiple nodes with the same name. Input: name: Name of the node. attr: Node attributes. Post: self.neighbors, self.nodes and self.in_neighbors are updated. Return: Node (a Node class instance) added to the graph. ''' if name in self.neighbors: raise MultipleNodeException self.neighbors[name] = list() if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: self.in_neighbors[name] = list() self.nodes[name] = Node(name, **attr) return self.nodes[name]
def augment_cycle(self, amount, cycle)
augment_cycle(self, amount, cycle):
Augments 'amount' unit of flow along cycle.
Arcs should have 'flow' attribute.
amount: An integer representing the amount to augment cycle: A list representing a cycle
Changes 'flow' attributes of arcs.
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def augment_cycle(self, amount, cycle): ''' API: augment_cycle(self, amount, cycle): Description: Augments 'amount' unit of flow along cycle. Pre: Arcs should have 'flow' attribute. Inputs: amount: An integer representing the amount to augment cycle: A list representing a cycle Post: Changes 'flow' attributes of arcs. ''' index = 0 k = len(cycle) while index<(k-1): i = cycle[index] j = cycle[index+1] if (i,j) in self.edge_attr: flow_ij = self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow'] = flow_ij+amount else: flow_ji = self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow'] = flow_ji-amount index += 1 i = cycle[k-1] j = cycle[0] if (i,j) in self.edge_attr: flow_ij = self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow'] = flow_ij+amount else: flow_ji = self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow'] = flow_ji-amount
def bfs(self, root, display=None, component=None)
API: bfs(self, root, display = None, component=None) Description: Make a breadth-first search starting from node with name root.
root: Starting node name. display: display method. component: component number.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value.
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def bfs(self, root, display = None, component = None): ''' API: bfs(self, root, display = None, component=None) Description: Make a breadth-first search starting from node with name root. Input: root: Starting node name. display: display method. component: component number. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. ''', display = display, component = component, q = Queue())
def check_edge(self, name1, name2)
API: check_edge(self, name1, name2) Description: Return True if edge exists, False otherwise.
name1: name of the source node. name2: name of the sink node.
Returns True if edge exists, False otherwise.
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def check_edge(self, name1, name2): ''' API: check_edge(self, name1, name2) Description: Return True if edge exists, False otherwise. Input: name1: name of the source node. name2: name of the sink node. Return: Returns True if edge exists, False otherwise. ''' if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: return (name1, name2) in self.edge_attr else: return ((name1, name2) in self.edge_attr or (name2, name1) in self.edge_attr)
def create(self, layout, format, **args)
create(self, layout, format, **args)
Returns postscript representation of graph.
layout: Dot layout for generating graph image. format: Image format, all format supported by Dot are wellcome.
Returns postscript representation of graph.
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def create(self, layout, format, **args): ''' API: create(self, layout, format, **args) Description: Returns postscript representation of graph. Input: layout: Dot layout for generating graph image. format: Image format, all format supported by Dot are wellcome. Return: Returns postscript representation of graph. ''' tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp() tmp_file = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w') tmp_file.write(self.to_string()) tmp_file.close() try: p =[layout, '-T'+format, tmp_name], capture_output = True) except OSError: print('''Graphviz executable not found. Graphviz must be installed and in your search path. Please visit for information on installation. After installation, ensure that the PATH variable is properly set.''') return None p.check_returncode() os.remove(tmp_name) if p.stderr: print(p.stderr) return p.stdout
def create_cluster(self, node_list, cluster_attrs={}, node_attrs={})
create_cluster(self, node_list, cluster_attrs, node_attrs)
Creates a cluster from the node given in the node list.
node_list: List of nodes in the cluster. cluster_attrs: Dictionary of cluster attributes, see Dot language grammer documentation for details. node_attrs: Dictionary of node attributes. It will overwrite previous attributes of the nodes in the cluster.
A cluster will be created. Attributes of the nodes in the cluster may change.
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def create_cluster(self, node_list, cluster_attrs={}, node_attrs={}): ''' API: create_cluster(self, node_list, cluster_attrs, node_attrs) Description: Creates a cluster from the node given in the node list. Input: node_list: List of nodes in the cluster. cluster_attrs: Dictionary of cluster attributes, see Dot language grammer documentation for details. node_attrs: Dictionary of node attributes. It will overwrite previous attributes of the nodes in the cluster. Post: A cluster will be created. Attributes of the nodes in the cluster may change. ''' if 'name' in cluster_attrs: if 'name' in self.cluster: raise Exception('A cluster with name %s already exists!' %cluster_attrs['name']) else: name = cluster_attrs['name'] else: name = 'c%d' %self.attr['cluster_count'] self.attr['cluster_count'] += 1 cluster_attrs['name'] = name #cluster_attrs['name'] = self.cluster[name] = {'node_list':node_list, 'attrs':copy.deepcopy(cluster_attrs), 'node_attrs':copy.deepcopy(node_attrs)}
def create_residual_graph(self)
API: create_residual_graph(self) Description: Creates and returns residual graph, which is a Graph instance itself.
(1) Arcs should have 'flow', 'capacity' and 'cost' attribute (2) Graph should be a directed graph
Returns residual graph, which is a Graph instance.
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def create_residual_graph(self): ''' API: create_residual_graph(self) Description: Creates and returns residual graph, which is a Graph instance itself. Pre: (1) Arcs should have 'flow', 'capacity' and 'cost' attribute (2) Graph should be a directed graph Return: Returns residual graph, which is a Graph instance. ''' if self.graph_type is UNDIRECTED_GRAPH: raise Exception('residual graph is defined for directed graphs.') residual_g = Graph(type = DIRECTED_GRAPH) for e in self.get_edge_list(): capacity_e = self.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'capacity') flow_e = self.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'flow') cost_e = self.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'cost') if flow_e > 0: residual_g.add_edge(e[1], e[0], cost=-1*cost_e, capacity=flow_e) if capacity_e - flow_e > 0: residual_g.add_edge(e[0], e[1], cost=cost_e, capacity=capacity_e-flow_e) return residual_g
def cycle_canceling(self, display)
cycle_canceling(self, display)
Solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using cycle canceling algorithm. Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns False otherwise. 'flow' attribute values of arcs should be considered as junk when returned False.
display: Display method.
(1) Arcs should have 'capacity' and 'cost' attribute. (2) Nodes should have 'demand' attribute, this value should be positive if the node is a supply node, negative if it is demand node and 0 if it is transhipment node. (3) graph should not have node 's' and 't'.
Changes 'flow' attributes of arcs.
Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns False otherwise.
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def cycle_canceling(self, display): ''' API: cycle_canceling(self, display) Description: Solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using cycle canceling algorithm. Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns False otherwise. 'flow' attribute values of arcs should be considered as junk when returned False. Input: display: Display method. Pre: (1) Arcs should have 'capacity' and 'cost' attribute. (2) Nodes should have 'demand' attribute, this value should be positive if the node is a supply node, negative if it is demand node and 0 if it is transhipment node. (3) graph should not have node 's' and 't'. Post: Changes 'flow' attributes of arcs. Return: Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns False otherwise. ''' # find a feasible solution to flow problem if not self.find_feasible_flow(): return False # create residual graph residual_g = self.create_residual_graph() # identify a negative cycle in residual graph ncycle = residual_g.get_negative_cycle() # loop while residual graph has a negative cycle while ncycle is not None: # find capacity of cycle cap = residual_g.find_cycle_capacity(ncycle) # augment capacity amount along the cycle self.augment_cycle(cap, ncycle) # create residual graph residual_g = self.create_residual_graph() # identify next negative cycle ncycle = residual_g.get_negative_cycle() return True
def del_edge(self, e)
API: del_edge(self, e) Description: Removes edge from graph.
e: Tuple that represents edge, in (source,sink) form.
Graph should contain this edge.
self.edge_attr, self.neighbors and self.in_neighbors are updated.
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def del_edge(self, e): ''' API: del_edge(self, e) Description: Removes edge from graph. Input: e: Tuple that represents edge, in (source,sink) form. Pre: Graph should contain this edge. Post: self.edge_attr, self.neighbors and self.in_neighbors are updated. ''' if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: try: del self.edge_attr[e] except KeyError: raise Exception('Edge %s does not exists!' %str(e)) self.neighbors[e[0]].remove(e[1]) self.in_neighbors[e[1]].remove(e[0]) else: try: del self.edge_attr[e] except KeyError: try: del self.edge_attr[(e[1],e[0])] except KeyError: raise Exception('Edge %s does not exists!' %str(e)) self.neighbors[e[0]].remove(e[1]) self.neighbors[e[1]].remove(e[0])
def del_node(self, name)
API: del_node(self, name) Description: Removes node from Graph.
name: Name of the node.
Graph should contain a node with this name.
self.neighbors, self.nodes and self.in_neighbors are updated.
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def del_node(self, name): ''' API: del_node(self, name) Description: Removes node from Graph. Input: name: Name of the node. Pre: Graph should contain a node with this name. Post: self.neighbors, self.nodes and self.in_neighbors are updated. ''' if name not in self.neighbors: raise Exception('Node %s does not exist!' %str(name)) for n in self.neighbors[name]: del self.edge_attr[(name, n)] if self.graph_type == UNDIRECTED_GRAPH: self.neighbors[n].remove(name) else: self.in_neighbors[n].remove(name) if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: for n in self.in_neighbors[name]: del self.edge_attr[(n, name)] self.neighbors[n].remove(name) del self.neighbors[name] del self.in_neighbors[name] del self.nodes[name]
def dfs(self, root, disc_count=0, finish_count=1, component=None, transpose=False, display=None, pred=None)
API: dfs(self, root, disc_count = 0, finish_count = 1, component=None, transpose=False) Description: Make a depth-first search starting from node with name root.
root: Starting node name. disc_count: Discovery time. finish_count: Finishing time. component: component number. transpose: Goes in the reverse direction along edges if transpose is True.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. Updates 'disc_time' and 'finish_time' attributes of nodes which represents discovery time and finishing time.
Returns a tuple that has discovery time and finish time of the last node in the following form (disc_time,finish_time).
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def dfs(self, root, disc_count = 0, finish_count = 1, component = None, transpose = False, display = None, pred = None): ''' API: dfs(self, root, disc_count = 0, finish_count = 1, component=None, transpose=False) Description: Make a depth-first search starting from node with name root. Input: root: Starting node name. disc_count: Discovery time. finish_count: Finishing time. component: component number. transpose: Goes in the reverse direction along edges if transpose is True. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. Updates 'disc_time' and 'finish_time' attributes of nodes which represents discovery time and finishing time. Return: Returns a tuple that has discovery time and finish time of the last node in the following form (disc_time,finish_time). ''' if pred == None: pred = {} if display == None: display = self.attr['display'] else: self.set_display_mode(display) neighbors = self.neighbors if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH and transpose: neighbors = self.in_neighbors self.get_node(root).set_attr('component', component) disc_count += 1 self.get_node(root).set_attr('disc_time', disc_count) self.get_node(root).set_attr('label', str(disc_count)+',-') self.get_node(root).set_attr('color', 'blue') if root in pred: self.set_edge_attr(pred[root], root, 'color', 'green') self.display() if transpose: fTime = [] for n in neighbors[root]: fTime.append((n,self.get_node(n).get_attr('finish_time'))) neighbor_list = sorted(fTime, key=operator.itemgetter(1)) neighbor_list = list(t[0] for t in neighbor_list) neighbor_list.reverse() else: neighbor_list = neighbors[root] for i in neighbor_list: if not transpose: if self.get_node(i).get_attr('disc_time') is None: pred[i] = root disc_count, finish_count = self.dfs(i, disc_count, finish_count, component, transpose, pred = pred) else: if self.get_node(i).get_attr('component') is None: disc_count, finish_count = self.dfs(i, disc_count, finish_count, component, transpose, pred = pred) self.get_node(root).set_attr('finish_time', finish_count) d_time = self.get_node(root).get_attr('disc_time') label = '"' + str(d_time) + ',' + str(finish_count) + '"' self.get_node(root).set_attr('label', label) self.get_node(root).set_attr('color', 'green') self.display() finish_count += 1 return disc_count, finish_count
def display(self, highlight=None, basename='graph', format='png', pause=False, wait_for_click=True)
display(self, highlight = None, basename = 'graph', format = 'png', pause = True)
Displays graph according to the arguments provided. Current display modes: 'off', 'file', 'PIL', 'matplotlib', 'xdot', 'svg' Current layout modes: Layouts provided by graphviz ('dot', 'fdp', 'circo', etc.) and 'dot2tex'. Current formats: Formats provided by graphviz ('ps', 'pdf', 'png', etc.)
highlight: List of nodes to be highlighted. basename: File name. It will be used if display mode is 'file'. format: Image format, all format supported by Dot are wellcome. pause: If display is 'matplotlib', window will remain open until closed. wait_for_click: If display is 'matplotlib', setting to True will wait for a button click before proceeding. This is useful when animating an algorithm.
A display window will pop up or a file will be written depending on display mode.
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def display(self, highlight = None, basename = 'graph', format = 'png', pause = False, wait_for_click = True): ''' API: display(self, highlight = None, basename = 'graph', format = 'png', pause = True) Description: Displays graph according to the arguments provided. Current display modes: 'off', 'file', 'PIL', 'matplotlib', 'xdot', 'svg' Current layout modes: Layouts provided by graphviz ('dot', 'fdp', 'circo', etc.) and 'dot2tex'. Current formats: Formats provided by graphviz ('ps', 'pdf', 'png', etc.) Input: highlight: List of nodes to be highlighted. basename: File name. It will be used if display mode is 'file'. format: Image format, all format supported by Dot are wellcome. pause: If display is 'matplotlib', window will remain open until closed. wait_for_click: If display is 'matplotlib', setting to True will wait for a button click before proceeding. This is useful when animating an algorithm. Post: A display window will pop up or a file will be written depending on display mode. ''' if self.attr['display'] == 'off': return if highlight != None: for n in highlight: if not isinstance(n, Node): n = self.get_node(n) n.set_attr('color', 'red') if self.get_layout() == 'dot2tex': if self.attr['display'] != 'file': self.attr['display'] = 'file' print("Warning: Dot2tex layout can only be used with display mode 'file'") print(" Automatically changing setting") if self.attr['display'] == 'file': if self.get_layout() == 'dot2tex': try: if DOT2TEX_INSTALLED: if format != 'pdf' or format != 'ps': print("Dot2tex only supports pdf and ps formats, falling back to pdf") format = 'pdf' self.set_layout('dot') tex = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.to_string(), autosize=True, texmode = 'math', template = DOT2TEX_TEMPLATE) else: print("Error: Dot2tex not installed.") except: try: self.set_layout('dot') with open(basename+'.dot', "w+b") as f: self.write(f, self.get_layout(), 'dot') p =['dot2tex', '-t math', basename + '.dot']) except: print("There was an error running dot2tex.") with open(basename+'.tex', 'w') as f: f.write(tex) try:['latex', basename]) if format == 'ps':['dvips', basename]) elif format == 'pdf':['pdflatex', basename]) self.set_layout('dot2tex') except: print("There was an error runing latex. Is it installed?") else: with open(basename+'.'+format, "w+b") as f: self.write(f, self.get_layout(), format) return elif self.attr['display'] == 'PIL': if PIL_INSTALLED: tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp() tmp_file = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+b') self.write(tmp_file, self.get_layout(), format) tmp_file.close() im = os.remove(tmp_name) else: print('Error: PIL not installed. Display disabled.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' elif self.attr['display'] == 'matplotlib': if MATPLOTLIB_INSTALLED and PIL_INSTALLED: tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp() tmp_file = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+b') self.write(tmp_file, self.get_layout(), format) tmp_file.close() im = fig = plt.figure(1) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', handle_close) plt.clf() plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(im, interpolation='bilinear' #resample=True #extent = (0, 100, 0, 100) ) if wait_for_click == True: plt.draw() try: if plt.waitforbuttonpress(timeout = 10000): plt.close() exit() except: exit() else: im.close() os.remove(tmp_name) else: print('Warning: Either matplotlib or Pillow is not installed. Display disabled.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' elif self.attr['display'] == 'xdot': if XDOT_INSTALLED: window = xdot.DotWindow() window.set_dotcode(self.to_string()) window.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit) gtk.main() else: print('Error: xdot not installed. Display disabled.') self.attr['display'] = 'off' else: print("Unknown display mode: ", end=' ') print(self.attr['display']) if highlight != None: for n in highlight: if not isinstance(n, Node): n = self.get_node(n) n.set_attr('color', 'black')
def edge_to_string(self, e)
API: edge_to_string(self, e) Description: Return string that represents edge e in dot language.
e: Edge tuple in (source,sink) format.
Graph should have this edge.
String that represents given edge.
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def edge_to_string(self, e): ''' API: edge_to_string(self, e) Description: Return string that represents edge e in dot language. Input: e: Edge tuple in (source,sink) format. Pre: Graph should have this edge. Return: String that represents given edge. ''' edge = list() edge.append(quote_if_necessary(str(e[0]))) edge.append(self.edge_connect_symbol) edge.append(quote_if_necessary(str(e[1]))) # return if there is nothing in self.edge_attr[e] if len(self.edge_attr[e]) == 0: return ''.join(edge) edge.append(' [') for a in self.edge_attr[e]: edge.append(a) edge.append('=') edge.append(quote_if_necessary(str(self.edge_attr[e][a]))) edge.append(', ') edge = edge[:-1] edge.append(']') return ''.join(edge)
def fifo_label_correcting(self, source)
fifo_label_correcting(self, source)
finds shortest path from source to every other node. Returns predecessor dictionary. If graph has a negative cycle, detects it and returns to it.
(1) 'cost' attribute of arcs. It will be used to compute shortest path.
source: source node
Modifies 'distance' attribute of nodes.
If there is no negative cycle returns to (True, pred), otherwise returns to (False, cycle) where pred is the predecessor dictionary and cycle is a list of nodes that represents cycle. It is in [n_1, n_2, …, n_k] form where the cycle has k nodes.
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def fifo_label_correcting(self, source): ''' API: fifo_label_correcting(self, source) Description: finds shortest path from source to every other node. Returns predecessor dictionary. If graph has a negative cycle, detects it and returns to it. Pre: (1) 'cost' attribute of arcs. It will be used to compute shortest path. Input: source: source node Post: Modifies 'distance' attribute of nodes. Return: If there is no negative cycle returns to (True, pred), otherwise returns to (False, cycle) where pred is the predecessor dictionary and cycle is a list of nodes that represents cycle. It is in [n_1, n_2, ..., n_k] form where the cycle has k nodes. ''' pred = {} self.get_node(source).set_attr('distance', 0) pred[source] = None for n in self.neighbors: if n!=source: self.get_node(n).set_attr('distance', 'inf') q = [source] while q: i = q[0] q = q[1:] for j in self.neighbors[i]: distance_j = self.get_node(j).get_attr('distance') distance_i = self.get_node(i).get_attr('distance') c_ij = self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'cost') if distance_j > distance_i + c_ij: self.get_node(j).set_attr('distance', distance_i+c_ij) if j in pred: pred[j] = i cycle = self.label_correcting_check_cycle(j, pred) if cycle is not None: return (False, cycle) else: pred[j] = i if j not in q: q.append(j) return (True, pred)
def find_cycle_capacity(self, cycle)
find_cycle_capacity(self, cycle):
Finds capacity of the cycle input.
(1) Arcs should have 'capacity' attribute.
cycle: a list representing a cycle
Returns an integer number representing capacity of cycle.
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def find_cycle_capacity(self, cycle): ''' API: find_cycle_capacity(self, cycle): Description: Finds capacity of the cycle input. Pre: (1) Arcs should have 'capacity' attribute. Input: cycle: a list representing a cycle Return: Returns an integer number representing capacity of cycle. ''' index = 0 k = len(cycle) capacity = self.get_edge_attr(cycle[k-1], cycle[0], 'capacity') while index<(k-1): i = cycle[index] j = cycle[index+1] capacity_ij = self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'capacity') if capacity > capacity_ij: capacity = capacity_ij index += 1 return capacity
def find_feasible_flow(self)
Solves feasible flow problem, stores solution in 'flow' attribute or arcs. This method is used to get an initial feasible flow for simplex and cycle canceling algorithms. Uses max_flow() method. Other max flow methods can also be used. Returns True if a feasible flow is found, returns False, if the problem is infeasible. When the problem is infeasible 'flow' attributes of arcs should be considered as junk.
(1) 'capacity' attribute of arcs (2) 'demand' attribute of nodes
Keeps solution in 'flow' attribute of arcs.
Returns True if a feasible flow is found, returns False, if the problem is infeasible
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def find_feasible_flow(self): ''' API: find_feasible_flow(self) Description: Solves feasible flow problem, stores solution in 'flow' attribute or arcs. This method is used to get an initial feasible flow for simplex and cycle canceling algorithms. Uses max_flow() method. Other max flow methods can also be used. Returns True if a feasible flow is found, returns False, if the problem is infeasible. When the problem is infeasible 'flow' attributes of arcs should be considered as junk. Pre: (1) 'capacity' attribute of arcs (2) 'demand' attribute of nodes Post: Keeps solution in 'flow' attribute of arcs. Return: Returns True if a feasible flow is found, returns False, if the problem is infeasible ''' # establish a feasible flow in the network, to do this add nodes s and # t and solve a max flow problem. nl = self.get_node_list() for i in nl: b_i = self.get_node(i).get_attr('demand') if b_i > 0: # i is a supply node, add (s,i) arc self.add_edge('s', i, capacity=b_i) elif b_i < 0: # i is a demand node, add (i,t) arc self.add_edge(i, 't', capacity=-1*b_i) # solve max flow on this modified graph self.max_flow('s', 't', 'off') # check if all demand is satisfied, i.e. the min cost problem is # feasible or not for i in self.neighbors['s']: flow = self.get_edge_attr('s', i, 'flow') capacity = self.get_edge_attr('s', i, 'capacity') if flow != capacity: self.del_node('s') self.del_node('t') return False # remove node 's' and node 't' self.del_node('s') self.del_node('t') return True
def floyd_warshall(self)
Finds all pair shortest paths and stores it in a list of lists. This is possible if the graph does not have negative cycles. It will return a tuple with 3 elements. The first element indicates whether the graph has a negative cycle. It is true if the graph does not have a negative cycle, ie. distances found are valid shortest distances. The second element is a dictionary of shortest distances between nodes. Keys are tuple of node pairs ie. (i,j). The third element is a dictionary that helps to retrieve the shortest path between nodes. Then return value can be represented as (validity, distance, nextn) where nextn is the dictionary to retrieve paths. distance and nextn can be used as inputs to other methods to get shortest path between nodes.
Arcs should have 'cost' attribute.
Returns (validity, distance, nextn). The distances are valid if validity is True.
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def floyd_warshall(self): ''' API: floyd_warshall(self) Description: Finds all pair shortest paths and stores it in a list of lists. This is possible if the graph does not have negative cycles. It will return a tuple with 3 elements. The first element indicates whether the graph has a negative cycle. It is true if the graph does not have a negative cycle, ie. distances found are valid shortest distances. The second element is a dictionary of shortest distances between nodes. Keys are tuple of node pairs ie. (i,j). The third element is a dictionary that helps to retrieve the shortest path between nodes. Then return value can be represented as (validity, distance, nextn) where nextn is the dictionary to retrieve paths. distance and nextn can be used as inputs to other methods to get shortest path between nodes. Pre: Arcs should have 'cost' attribute. Return: Returns (validity, distance, nextn). The distances are valid if validity is True. ''' nl = self.get_node_list() el = self.get_edge_list() # initialize distance distance = {} for i in nl: for j in nl: distance[(i,j)] = 'infinity' for i in nl: distance[(i,i)] = 0 for e in el: distance[(e[0],e[1])] = self.get_edge_cost(e) # == end of distance initialization # initialize next nextn = {} for i in nl: for j in nl: if i==j or distance[(i,j)]=='infinity': nextn[(i,j)] = None else: nextn[(i,j)] = i # == end of next initialization # compute shortest distance for k in nl: for i in nl: for j in nl: if distance[(i,k)]=='infinity' or distance[(k,j)]=='infinity': continue elif distance[(i,j)]=='infinity': distance[(i,j)] = distance[(i,k)] + distance[(k,j)] nextn[(i,j)] = nextn[(k,j)] elif distance[(i,j)] > distance[(i,k)] + distance[(k,j)]: distance[(i,j)] = distance[(i,k)] + distance[(k,j)] nextn[(i,j)] = nextn[(k,j)] # == end of compute shortest distance # check if graph has negative cycles for i in nl: if distance[(i,i)] < 0: # shortest distances are not valid # graph has negative cycle return (False, distance, nextn) return (True, distance, nextn)
def floyd_warshall_get_cycle(self, distance, nextn, element=None)
floyd_warshall_get_cycle(self, distance, nextn, element = None)
Finds a negative cycle in the graph.
(1) distance and nextn are outputs of floyd_warshall method. (2) The graph should have a negative cycle, , ie. distance[(i,i)] < 0 for some node i.
Returns the list of nodes on the cycle. Ex: [i,j,k,…,r], where (i,j), (j,k) and (r,i) are some edges in the cycle.
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def floyd_warshall_get_cycle(self, distance, nextn, element = None): ''' API: floyd_warshall_get_cycle(self, distance, nextn, element = None) Description: Finds a negative cycle in the graph. Pre: (1) distance and nextn are outputs of floyd_warshall method. (2) The graph should have a negative cycle, , ie. distance[(i,i)] < 0 for some node i. Return: Returns the list of nodes on the cycle. Ex: [i,j,k,...,r], where (i,j), (j,k) and (r,i) are some edges in the cycle. ''' nl = self.get_node_list() if element is None: for i in nl: if distance[(i,i)] < 0: # graph has a cycle on the path from i to i. element = i break else: raise Exception('Graph does not have a negative cycle!') elif distance[(element,element)] >= 0: raise Exception('Graph does not have a negative cycle that contains node '+str(element)+'!') # find the cycle on the path from i to i. cycle = [element] k = nextn[(element,element)] while k not in cycle: cycle.insert(1,k) k = nextn[(element,k)] if k==element: return cycle else: return self.floyd_warshall_get_cycle(distance, nextn, k)
def floyd_warshall_get_path(self, distance, nextn, i, j)
floyd_warshall_get_path(self, distance, nextn, i, j):
Finds shortest path between i and j using distance and nextn dictionaries.
(1) distance and nextn are outputs of floyd_warshall method. (2) The graph does not have a negative cycle, , ie. distance[(i,i)] >=0 for all node i.
Returns the list of nodes on the path from i to j, ie. [i,…,j]
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def floyd_warshall_get_path(self, distance, nextn, i, j): ''' API: floyd_warshall_get_path(self, distance, nextn, i, j): Description: Finds shortest path between i and j using distance and nextn dictionaries. Pre: (1) distance and nextn are outputs of floyd_warshall method. (2) The graph does not have a negative cycle, , ie. distance[(i,i)] >=0 for all node i. Return: Returns the list of nodes on the path from i to j, ie. [i,...,j] ''' if distance[(i,j)]=='infinity': return None k = nextn[(i,j)] path = self.floyd_warshall_get_path if i==k: return [i, j] else: return path(distance, nextn, i,k) + [k] + path(distance, nextn, k,j)
def get_degrees(self)
Returns degrees of nodes in dictionary format.
Returns a dictionary of node degrees. Keys are node names, values are corresponding degrees.
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def get_degrees(self): ''' API: get_degree(self) Description: Returns degrees of nodes in dictionary format. Return: Returns a dictionary of node degrees. Keys are node names, values are corresponding degrees. ''' degree = {} if self.attr['type'] is not DIRECTED_GRAPH: for n in self.get_node_list(): degree[n] = len(self.get_neighbors(n)) return degree else: for n in self.get_node_list(): degree[n] = (len(self.get_in_neighbors(n)) + len(self.get_out_neighbors(n)))
def get_diameter(self)
Returns diameter of the graph. Diameter is defined as follows. distance(n,m): shortest unweighted path from n to m eccentricity(n) = $\max _m distance(n,m)$ diameter = $\min _n eccentricity(n) = \min _n \max _m distance(n,m)$
Returns diameter of the graph.
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def get_diameter(self): ''' API: get_diameter(self) Description: Returns diameter of the graph. Diameter is defined as follows. distance(n,m): shortest unweighted path from n to m eccentricity(n) = $\max _m distance(n,m)$ diameter = $\min _n eccentricity(n) = \min _n \max _m distance(n,m)$ Return: Returns diameter of the graph. ''' if self.attr['type'] is not UNDIRECTED_GRAPH: print('This function only works for undirected graphs') return diameter = 'infinity' eccentricity_n = 0 for n in self.get_node_list(): for m in self.get_node_list(): path_n_m =, destination = m, algo = 'BFS') if path_n_m is None: # this indicates there is no path from n to m, no diameter # is defined, since the graph is not connected, return # 'infinity' return 'infinity' distance_n_m = len(path_n_m)-1 if distance_n_m > eccentricity_n: eccentricity_n = distance_n_m if diameter == 'infinity' or eccentricity_n > diameter: diameter = eccentricity_n return diameter
def get_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr)
API: get_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr) Description: Returns attribute attr of edge (n,m).
n: Source node name. m: Sink node name. attr: Attribute of edge.
Graph should have this edge.
Value of edge attribute attr.
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def get_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr): ''' API: get_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr) Description: Returns attribute attr of edge (n,m). Input: n: Source node name. m: Sink node name. attr: Attribute of edge. Pre: Graph should have this edge. Return: Value of edge attribute attr. ''' if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: return self.edge_attr[(n,m)][attr] else: try: return self.edge_attr[(n,m)][attr] except KeyError: return self.edge_attr[(m,n)][attr]
def get_edge_cost(self, edge)
API: get_edge_cost(self, edge) Description: Returns cost attr of edge, required for minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal().
edge: Tuple that represents edge, in (source,sink) form.
Returns cost attribute value of the edge.
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def get_edge_cost(self, edge): ''' API: get_edge_cost(self, edge) Description: Returns cost attr of edge, required for minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal(). Input: edge: Tuple that represents edge, in (source,sink) form. Return: Returns cost attribute value of the edge. ''' return self.get_edge_attr(edge[0], edge[1], 'cost')
def get_edge_list(self)
API: get_edge_list(self) Description: Returns edge list.
List of edges, edges are tuples and in (source,sink) format.
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def get_edge_list(self): ''' API: get_edge_list(self) Description: Returns edge list. Return: List of edges, edges are tuples and in (source,sink) format. ''' return list(self.edge_attr.keys())
def get_edge_num(self)
API: get_edge_num(self) Description: Returns number of edges.
Number of edges.
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def get_edge_num(self): ''' API: get_edge_num(self) Description: Returns number of edges. Return: Number of edges. ''' return len(self.edge_attr)
def get_in_degrees(self)
Returns degrees of nodes in dictionary format.
Returns a dictionary of node degrees. Keys are node names, values are corresponding degrees.
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def get_in_degrees(self): ''' API: get_degree(self) Description: Returns degrees of nodes in dictionary format. Return: Returns a dictionary of node degrees. Keys are node names, values are corresponding degrees. ''' degree = {} if self.attr['type'] is not DIRECTED_GRAPH: print('This function only works for directed graphs') return for n in self.get_node_list(): degree[n] = len(self.get_in_neighbors(n)) return degree
def get_in_neighbors(self, name)
API: get_in_neighbors(self, name) Description: Returns list of in neighbors of given node.
name: Node name.
Graph should have this node.
List of in-neighbor node names.
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def get_in_neighbors(self, name): ''' API: get_in_neighbors(self, name) Description: Returns list of in neighbors of given node. Input: name: Node name. Pre: Graph should have this node. Return: List of in-neighbor node names. ''' return self.in_neighbors[name]
def get_layout(self)
get_layout(self) Description: Returns layout attribute of the graph.
Returns layout attribute of the graph.
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def get_layout(self): ''' API: get_layout(self) Description: Returns layout attribute of the graph. Return: Returns layout attribute of the graph. ''' return self.attr['layout']
def get_negative_cycle(self)
Finds and returns negative cost cycle using 'cost' attribute of arcs. Return value is a list of nodes representing cycle it is in the following form; n_1-n_2-…-n_k, when the cycle has k nodes.
Arcs should have 'cost' attribute.
Returns a list of nodes in the cycle if a negative cycle exists, returns None otherwise.
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def get_negative_cycle(self): ''' API: get_negative_cycle(self) Description: Finds and returns negative cost cycle using 'cost' attribute of arcs. Return value is a list of nodes representing cycle it is in the following form; n_1-n_2-...-n_k, when the cycle has k nodes. Pre: Arcs should have 'cost' attribute. Return: Returns a list of nodes in the cycle if a negative cycle exists, returns None otherwise. ''' nl = self.get_node_list() i = nl[0] (valid, distance, nextn) = self.floyd_warshall() if not valid: cycle = self.floyd_warshall_get_cycle(distance, nextn) return cycle else: return None
def get_neighbors(self, name)
API: get_neighbors(self, name) Description: Returns list of neighbors of given node.
name: Node name.
Graph should have this node.
List of neighbor node names.
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def get_neighbors(self, name): ''' API: get_neighbors(self, name) Description: Returns list of neighbors of given node. Input: name: Node name. Pre: Graph should have this node. Return: List of neighbor node names. ''' return self.neighbors[name]
def get_node(self, name)
API: get_node(self, name) Description: Returns node object with the provided name.
name: Name of the node.
Returns node object if node exists, returns None otherwise.
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def get_node(self, name): ''' API: get_node(self, name) Description: Returns node object with the provided name. Input: name: Name of the node. Return: Returns node object if node exists, returns None otherwise. ''' if name in self.nodes: return self.nodes[name] else: return None
def get_node_attr(self, name, attr)
API: get_node_attr(self, name, attr) Description: Returns attribute attr of given node.
name: Name of node. attr: Attribute of node.
Graph should have this node.
Value of node attribute attr.
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def get_node_attr(self, name, attr): ''' API: get_node_attr(self, name, attr) Description: Returns attribute attr of given node. Input: name: Name of node. attr: Attribute of node. Pre: Graph should have this node. Return: Value of node attribute attr. ''' return self.get_node(name).get_attr(attr)
def get_node_list(self)
API: get_node_list(self) Description: Returns node list.
List of nodes.
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def get_node_list(self): ''' API: get_node_list(self) Description: Returns node list. Return: List of nodes. ''' return list(self.neighbors.keys())
def get_node_num(self)
API: get_node_num(self) Description: Returns number of nodes.
Number of nodes.
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def get_node_num(self): ''' API: get_node_num(self) Description: Returns number of nodes. Return: Number of nodes. ''' return len(self.neighbors)
def get_out_degrees(self)
Returns degrees of nodes in dictionary format.
Returns a dictionary of node degrees. Keys are node names, values are corresponding degrees.
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def get_out_degrees(self): ''' API: get_degree(self) Description: Returns degrees of nodes in dictionary format. Return: Returns a dictionary of node degrees. Keys are node names, values are corresponding degrees. ''' degree = {} if self.attr['type'] is not DIRECTED_GRAPH: print('This function only works for directed graphs') return for n in self.get_node_list(): degree[n] = len(self.get_out_neighbors(n)) return degree
def get_out_neighbors(self, name)
API: get_out_neighbors(self, name) Description: Returns list of out-neighbors of given node.
name: Node name.
Graph should have this node.
List of out-neighbor node names.
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def get_out_neighbors(self, name): ''' API: get_out_neighbors(self, name) Description: Returns list of out-neighbors of given node. Input: name: Node name. Pre: Graph should have this node. Return: List of out-neighbor node names. ''' return self.neighbors[name]
def get_simplex_solution_graph(self)
Assumes a feasible flow solution stored in 'flow' attribute's of arcs. Returns the graph with arcs that have flow between 0 and capacity.
(1) 'flow' attribute represents a feasible flow solution. See Pre section of min_cost_flow() for details.
Graph instance that only has the arcs that have flow strictly between 0 and capacity.
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def get_simplex_solution_graph(self): ''' API: get_simplex_solution_graph(self): Description: Assumes a feasible flow solution stored in 'flow' attribute's of arcs. Returns the graph with arcs that have flow between 0 and capacity. Pre: (1) 'flow' attribute represents a feasible flow solution. See Pre section of min_cost_flow() for details. Return: Graph instance that only has the arcs that have flow strictly between 0 and capacity. ''' simplex_g = Graph(type=DIRECTED_GRAPH) for i in self.neighbors: simplex_g.add_node(i) for e in self.edge_attr: flow_e = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] capacity_e = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] if flow_e>0 and flow_e<capacity_e: simplex_g.add_edge(e[0], e[1]) return simplex_g
def label_components(self, display=None)
API: label_components(self, display=None) Description: This method labels the nodes of an undirected graph with component numbers so that each node has the same label as all nodes in the same component. It will display the algortihm if display argument is provided.
display: display method.
self.graph_type should be UNDIRECTED_GRAPH.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value.
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def label_components(self, display = None): ''' API: label_components(self, display=None) Description: This method labels the nodes of an undirected graph with component numbers so that each node has the same label as all nodes in the same component. It will display the algortihm if display argument is provided. Input: display: display method. Pre: self.graph_type should be UNDIRECTED_GRAPH. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. ''' if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH: raise Exception("label_components only works for ", "undirected graphs") self.num_components = 0 for n in self.get_node_list(): self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', None) for n in self.neighbors: self.get_node(n).set_attr('label', '-') for n in self.get_node_list(): if self.get_node(n).get_attr('component') == None:, display=display, component=self.num_components, algo='DFS') self.num_components += 1
def label_correcting_check_cycle(self, j, pred)
label_correcting_check_cycle(self, j, pred)
Checks if predecessor dictionary has a cycle, j represents the node that predecessor is recently updated.
(1) predecessor of source node should be None.
j: node that predecessor is recently updated. pred: predecessor dictionary
If there exists a cycle, returns the list that represents the cycle, otherwise it returns to None.
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def label_correcting_check_cycle(self, j, pred): ''' API: label_correcting_check_cycle(self, j, pred) Description: Checks if predecessor dictionary has a cycle, j represents the node that predecessor is recently updated. Pre: (1) predecessor of source node should be None. Input: j: node that predecessor is recently updated. pred: predecessor dictionary Return: If there exists a cycle, returns the list that represents the cycle, otherwise it returns to None. ''' labelled = {} for n in self.neighbors: labelled[n] = None current = j while current != None: if labelled[current]==j: cycle = self.label_correcting_get_cycle(j, pred) return cycle labelled[current] = j current = pred[current] return None
def label_correcting_get_cycle(self, j, pred)
label_correcting_get_cycle(self, labelled, pred)
In label correcting check cycle it is decided pred has a cycle and nodes in the cycle are labelled. We will create a list of nodes in the cycle using labelled and pred inputs.
This method should be called from label_correcting_check_cycle(), unless you are sure about what you are doing.
j: Node that predecessor is recently updated. We know that it is in the cycle pred: Predecessor dictionary that contains a cycle
Returns a list of nodes that represents cycle. It is in [n_1, n_2, …, n_k] form where the cycle has k nodes.
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def label_correcting_get_cycle(self, j, pred): ''' API: label_correcting_get_cycle(self, labelled, pred) Description: In label correcting check cycle it is decided pred has a cycle and nodes in the cycle are labelled. We will create a list of nodes in the cycle using labelled and pred inputs. Pre: This method should be called from label_correcting_check_cycle(), unless you are sure about what you are doing. Input: j: Node that predecessor is recently updated. We know that it is in the cycle pred: Predecessor dictionary that contains a cycle Post: Returns a list of nodes that represents cycle. It is in [n_1, n_2, ..., n_k] form where the cycle has k nodes. ''' cycle = [] cycle.append(j) current = pred[j] while current!=j: cycle.append(current) current = pred[current] cycle.reverse() return cycle
def label_strong_component(self)
API: label_strong_component(self) Description: This method labels the nodes of a directed graph with component numbers so that each node has the same label as all nodes in the same component.
self.graph_type should be DIRECTED_GRAPH.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. Changes 'index' attribute of nodes.
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def label_strong_component(self): ''' API: label_strong_component(self) Description: This method labels the nodes of a directed graph with component numbers so that each node has the same label as all nodes in the same component. Pre: self.graph_type should be DIRECTED_GRAPH. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. Changes 'index' attribute of nodes. ''' self.num_components = 0 self.tarjan()
def max_flow(self, source, sink, display=None, algo='DFS')
API: max_flow(self, source, sink, display=None) Description: Finds maximum flow from source to sink by a depth-first search based augmenting path algorithm.
Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has a 'capacity' attribute and for which there does does not exist both arcs (i,j) and (j, i) for any pair of nodes i and j.
source: Source node name. sink: Sink node name. display: Display mode.
The 'flow" attribute of each arc gives a maximum flow.
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def max_flow(self, source, sink, display = None, algo = 'DFS'): ''' API: max_flow(self, source, sink, display=None) Description: Finds maximum flow from source to sink by a depth-first search based augmenting path algorithm. Pre: Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has a 'capacity' attribute and for which there does does not exist both arcs (i,j) and (j, i) for any pair of nodes i and j. Input: source: Source node name. sink: Sink node name. display: Display mode. Post: The 'flow" attribute of each arc gives a maximum flow. ''' if display is not None: old_display = self.attr['display'] self.attr['display'] = display nl = self.get_node_list() # set flow of all edges to 0 for e in self.edge_attr: self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = 0 if 'capacity' in self.edge_attr[e]: capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = str(capacity)+'/0' else: self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = INF self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = 'INF/0' while True: # find an augmenting path from source to sink using DFS if algo == 'DFS': q = Stack() elif algo == 'BFS': q = Queue() q.push(source) pred = {source:None} explored = [source] for n in nl: self.get_node(n).set_attr('color', 'black') for e in self.edge_attr: if self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] == 0: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'black' elif self.edge_attr[e]['flow']==self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'red' else: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'green' self.display() while not q.isEmpty(): current = q.peek() q.remove(current) if current == sink: break out_neighbor = self.neighbors[current] in_neighbor = self.in_neighbors[current] neighbor = out_neighbor+in_neighbor for m in neighbor: if m in explored: continue self.get_node(m).set_attr('color', 'yellow') if m in out_neighbor: self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'yellow') available_capacity = ( self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'capacity')- self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'flow')) else: self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'yellow') available_capacity=self.get_edge_attr(m, current, 'flow') self.display() if available_capacity > 0: self.get_node(m).set_attr('color', 'blue') if m in out_neighbor: self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'blue') else: self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'blue') explored.append(m) pred[m] = current q.push(m) else: self.get_node(m).set_attr('color', 'black') if m in out_neighbor: if (self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'flow') == self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'capacity')): self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'red') elif self.get_edge_attr(current, m, 'flow') == 0: self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'black') #else: # self.set_edge_attr(current, m, 'color', 'green') else: if (self.get_edge_attr(m, current, 'flow') == self.get_edge_attr(m, current, 'capacity')): self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'red') elif self.get_edge_attr(m, current, 'flow') == 0: self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'black') #else: # self.set_edge_attr(m, current, 'color', 'green') self.display() # if no path with positive capacity from source sink exists, stop if sink not in pred: break # find capacity of the path current = sink min_capacity = 'infinite' while True: m = pred[current] if (m,current) in self.edge_attr: arc_capacity = self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['capacity'] flow = self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['flow'] potential = arc_capacity-flow if min_capacity == 'infinite': min_capacity = potential elif min_capacity > potential: min_capacity = potential else: potential = self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['flow'] if min_capacity == 'infinite': min_capacity = potential elif min_capacity > potential: min_capacity = potential if m == source: break current = m # update flows on the path current = sink while True: m = pred[current] if (m, current) in self.edge_attr: flow = self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['flow'] capacity = self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['capacity'] new_flow = flow+min_capacity self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['flow'] = new_flow if capacity == INF: self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['label'] = \ 'INF' + '/'+str(new_flow) else: self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['label'] = \ str(capacity)+'/'+str(new_flow) if new_flow==capacity: self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['color'] = 'red' else: self.edge_attr[(m, current)]['color'] = 'green' self.display() else: flow = self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['flow'] capacity = self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['capacity'] new_flow = flow-min_capacity self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['flow'] = new_flow if capacity == INF: self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['label'] = \ 'INF' + '/'+str(new_flow) else: self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['label'] = \ str(capacity)+'/'+str(new_flow) if new_flow==0: self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['color'] = 'red' else: self.edge_attr[(current, m)]['color'] = 'green' self.display() if m == source: break current = m if display is not None: self.attr['display'] = old_display
def max_flow_preflowpush(self, source, sink, algo='FIFO', display=None)
API: max_flow_preflowpush(self, source, sink, algo = 'FIFO', display = None) Description: Finds maximum flow from source to sink by a depth-first search based augmenting path algorithm.
Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has a 'capacity' attribute and for which there does does not exist both arcs (i,j) and (j,i) for any pair of nodes i and j.
source: Source node name. sink: Sink node name. algo: Algorithm choice, 'FIFO', 'SAP' or 'HighestLabel'. display: display method.
The 'flow' attribute of each arc gives a maximum flow.
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def max_flow_preflowpush(self, source, sink, algo = 'FIFO', display = None): ''' API: max_flow_preflowpush(self, source, sink, algo = 'FIFO', display = None) Description: Finds maximum flow from source to sink by a depth-first search based augmenting path algorithm. Pre: Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has a 'capacity' attribute and for which there does does not exist both arcs (i,j) and (j,i) for any pair of nodes i and j. Input: source: Source node name. sink: Sink node name. algo: Algorithm choice, 'FIFO', 'SAP' or 'HighestLabel'. display: display method. Post: The 'flow' attribute of each arc gives a maximum flow. ''' if display == None: display = self.attr['display'] else: self.set_display_mode(display) nl = self.get_node_list() # set excess of all nodes to 0 for n in nl: self.set_node_attr(n, 'excess', 0) # set flow of all edges to 0 for e in self.edge_attr: self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = 0 if 'capacity' in self.edge_attr[e]: capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = str(capacity)+'/0' else: self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = INF self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = 'INF/0' self.display() self.set_display_mode('off'), algo = 'UnweightedSPT', reverse = True) self.set_display_mode(display) disconnect = False for n in nl: if self.get_node_attr(n, 'distance') is None: disconnect = True self.set_node_attr(n, 'distance', 2*len(nl) + 1) if disconnect: print('Warning: graph contains nodes not connected to the sink...') if algo == 'FIFO': q = Queue() elif algo == 'SAP': q = Stack() elif algo == 'HighestLabel': q = PriorityQueue() for n in self.get_neighbors(source): capacity = self.get_edge_attr(source, n, 'capacity') self.set_edge_attr(source, n, 'flow', capacity) self.set_node_attr(n, 'excess', capacity) excess = self.get_node_attr(source, 'excess') self.set_node_attr(source, 'excess', excess - capacity) if algo == 'FIFO' or algo == 'SAP': q.push(n) elif algo == 'HighestLabel': q.push(n, -1) self.set_node_attr(source, 'distance', len(nl)) self.show_flow() while not q.isEmpty(): relabel = True current = q.peek() neighbors = (self.get_neighbors(current) + self.get_in_neighbors(current)) for n in neighbors: pushed = self.process_edge_flow(source, sink, current, n, algo, q) if pushed: self.show_flow() if algo == 'FIFO': '''With FIFO, we need to add the neighbors to the queue before the current is added back in or the nodes will be out of order ''' if q.peek(n) is None and n != source and n != sink: q.push(n) '''Keep pushing while there is excess''' if self.get_node_attr(current, 'excess') > 0: continue '''If we were able to push, then there we should not relabel ''' relabel = False break q.remove(current) if current != sink: if relabel: self.relabel(current) self.show_flow() if self.get_node_attr(current, 'excess') > 0: if algo == 'FIFO' or algo == 'SAP': q.push(current) elif algo == 'HighestLabel': q.push(current, -self.get_node_attr(current, 'distance')) if pushed and q.peek(n) is None and n != source: if algo == 'SAP': q.push(n) elif algo == 'HighestLabel': q.push(n, -self.get_node_attr(n, 'distance'))
def min_cost_flow(self, display=None, **args)
min_cost_flow(self, display='off', **args)
Solves minimum cost flow problem using node/edge attributes with the algorithm specified.
(1) Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has 'capacity' and 'cost' attributes. (2) Nodes should have 'demand' attribute. This value should be positive for supply and negative for demand, and 0 for transhipment nodes. (3) The graph should be connected. (4) Assumes (i,j) and (j,i) does not exist together. Needed when solving max flow. (max flow problem is solved to get a feasible flow).
display: 'off' for no display, 'matplotlib' for live update of tree args: may have the following display: display method, if not given current mode (the one specified by init or set_display) will be used. algo: determines algorithm to use, can be one of the following 'simplex': network simplex algorithm 'cycle_canceling': cycle canceling algorithm 'simplex' is used if not given. see Network Flows by Ahuja et al. for details of algorithms. pivot: valid if algo is 'simlex', determines pivoting rule for simplex, may be one of the following; 'first_eligible', 'dantzig' or 'scaled'. 'dantzig' is used if not given. see Network Flows by Ahuja et al. for pivot rules. root: valid if algo is 'simlex', specifies the root node for simplex algorithm. It is name of the one of the nodes. It will be chosen randomly if not provided.
The 'flow' attribute of each arc gives the optimal flows. 'distance' attribute of the nodes are also changed during max flow solution process.
g.min_cost_flow(): solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using simplex algorithm with dantzig pivoting rule. See pre section for details. g.min_cost_flow(algo='cycle_canceling'): solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using cycle canceling agorithm. g.min_cost_flow(algo='simplex', pivot='scaled'): solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using network simplex agorithm with scaled pivot rule.
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def min_cost_flow(self, display = None, **args): ''' API: min_cost_flow(self, display='off', **args) Description: Solves minimum cost flow problem using node/edge attributes with the algorithm specified. Pre: (1) Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has 'capacity' and 'cost' attributes. (2) Nodes should have 'demand' attribute. This value should be positive for supply and negative for demand, and 0 for transhipment nodes. (3) The graph should be connected. (4) Assumes (i,j) and (j,i) does not exist together. Needed when solving max flow. (max flow problem is solved to get a feasible flow). Input: display: 'off' for no display, 'matplotlib' for live update of tree args: may have the following display: display method, if not given current mode (the one specified by __init__ or set_display) will be used. algo: determines algorithm to use, can be one of the following 'simplex': network simplex algorithm 'cycle_canceling': cycle canceling algorithm 'simplex' is used if not given. see Network Flows by Ahuja et al. for details of algorithms. pivot: valid if algo is 'simlex', determines pivoting rule for simplex, may be one of the following; 'first_eligible', 'dantzig' or 'scaled'. 'dantzig' is used if not given. see Network Flows by Ahuja et al. for pivot rules. root: valid if algo is 'simlex', specifies the root node for simplex algorithm. It is name of the one of the nodes. It will be chosen randomly if not provided. Post: The 'flow' attribute of each arc gives the optimal flows. 'distance' attribute of the nodes are also changed during max flow solution process. Examples: g.min_cost_flow(): solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using simplex algorithm with dantzig pivoting rule. See pre section for details. g.min_cost_flow(algo='cycle_canceling'): solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using cycle canceling agorithm. g.min_cost_flow(algo='simplex', pivot='scaled'): solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using network simplex agorithm with scaled pivot rule. ''' if display is None: display = self.attr['display'] if 'algo' in args: algorithm = args['algo'] else: algorithm = 'simplex' if algorithm == 'simplex': if 'root' in args: root = args['root'] else: for k in self.neighbors: root = k break if 'pivot' in args: if not self.network_simplex(display, args['pivot'], root): print('problem is infeasible') else: if not self.network_simplex(display, 'dantzig', root): print('problem is infeasible') elif algorithm == 'cycle_canceling': if not self.cycle_canceling(display): print('problem is infeasible') else: print(args['algo'], 'is not a defined algorithm. Exiting.') return
def minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal(self, display=None, components=None)
API: minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal(self, display = None, components = None) Description: Determines a minimum spanning tree using Kruskal's Algorithm.
display: Display method. component: component number.
'color' attribute of nodes and edges may change.
Returns list of edges where edges are tuples in (source,sink) format.
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def minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal(self, display = None, components = None): ''' API: minimum_spanning_tree_kruskal(self, display = None, components = None) Description: Determines a minimum spanning tree using Kruskal's Algorithm. Input: display: Display method. component: component number. Post: 'color' attribute of nodes and edges may change. Return: Returns list of edges where edges are tuples in (source,sink) format. ''' if display == None: display = self.attr['display'] else: self.set_display_mode(display) if components is None: components = DisjointSet(display = display, layout = 'dot', optimize = False) sorted_edge_list = sorted(self.get_edge_list(), key=self.get_edge_cost) edges = [] for n in self.get_node_list(): components.add([n]) components.display() for e in sorted_edge_list: if len(edges) == len(self.get_node_list()) - 1: break self.set_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'color', 'yellow') self.display() if components.union(e[0], e[1]): self.set_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'color', 'green') self.display() edges.append(e) else: self.set_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'color', 'black') self.display() components.display() return edges
def minimum_spanning_tree_prim(self, source, display=None, q=<coinor.blimpy.Queues.PriorityQueue object>)
API: minimum_spanning_tree_prim(self, source, display = None, q = PriorityQueue()) Description: Determines a minimum spanning tree of all nodes reachable from source using Prim's Algorithm.
source: Name of source node. display: Display method. q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue.
'color', 'distance', 'component' attribute of nodes and edges may change.
Returns predecessor tree in dictionary format.
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def minimum_spanning_tree_prim(self, source, display = None, q = PriorityQueue()): ''' API: minimum_spanning_tree_prim(self, source, display = None, q = PriorityQueue()) Description: Determines a minimum spanning tree of all nodes reachable from source using Prim's Algorithm. Input: source: Name of source node. display: Display method. q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue. Post: 'color', 'distance', 'component' attribute of nodes and edges may change. Return: Returns predecessor tree in dictionary format. ''' if display == None: display = self.attr['display'] else: self.set_display_mode(display) if isinstance(q, PriorityQueue): addToQ = q.push removeFromQ = q.pop peek = q.peek isEmpty = q.isEmpty neighbors = self.get_neighbors pred = {} addToQ(source) done = False while not isEmpty() and not done: current = removeFromQ() self.set_node_attr(current, 'color', 'blue') if current != source: self.set_edge_attr(pred[current], current, 'color', 'green') self.display() for n in neighbors(current): if self.get_node_attr(n, 'color') != 'green': self.set_edge_attr(current, n, 'color', 'yellow') self.display() new_estimate = self.get_edge_attr(current, n, 'cost') if not n in pred or new_estimate < peek(n)[0]: pred[n] = current self.set_node_attr(n, 'color', 'red') self.set_node_attr(n, 'label', new_estimate) addToQ(n, new_estimate) self.display() self.set_node_attr(n, 'color', 'black') self.set_edge_attr(current, n, 'color', 'black') self.set_node_attr(current, 'color', 'green') self.display() return pred
def network_simplex(self, display, pivot, root)
network_simplex(self, display, pivot, root)
Solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using network simplex algorithm. It is recommended to use min_cost_flow(algo='simplex') instead of using network_simplex() directly. Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns False otherwise. 'flow' attribute values of arcs should be considered as junk when returned False.
(1) check Pre section of min_cost_flow()
pivot: specifies pivot rule. Check min_cost_flow() display: 'off' for no display, 'matplotlib' for live update of spanning tree. root: Root node for the underlying spanning trees that will be generated by network simplex algorthm.
(1) Changes 'flow' attribute of edges.
Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns False otherwise.
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def network_simplex(self, display, pivot, root): ''' API: network_simplex(self, display, pivot, root) Description: Solves minimum cost feasible flow problem using network simplex algorithm. It is recommended to use min_cost_flow(algo='simplex') instead of using network_simplex() directly. Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns False otherwise. 'flow' attribute values of arcs should be considered as junk when returned False. Pre: (1) check Pre section of min_cost_flow() Input: pivot: specifies pivot rule. Check min_cost_flow() display: 'off' for no display, 'matplotlib' for live update of spanning tree. root: Root node for the underlying spanning trees that will be generated by network simplex algorthm. Post: (1) Changes 'flow' attribute of edges. Return: Returns True when an optimal solution is found, returns False otherwise. ''' # ==== determine an initial tree structure (T,L,U) # find a feasible flow if not self.find_feasible_flow(): return False t = self.simplex_find_tree() self.set_display_mode(display) # mark spanning tree arcs self.simplex_mark_st_arcs(t) # display initial spanning tree t.simplex_redraw(display, root) t.set_display_mode(display) #t.display() self.display() # set predecessor, depth and thread indexes t.simplex_search(root, 1) # compute potentials self.simplex_compute_potentials(t, root) # while some nontree arc violates optimality conditions while not self.simplex_optimal(t): self.display() # select an entering arc (k,l) (k,l) = self.simplex_select_entering_arc(t, pivot) self.simplex_mark_entering_arc(k, l) self.display() # determine leaving arc ((p,q), capacity, cycle)=self.simplex_determine_leaving_arc(t,k,l) # mark leaving arc self.simplex_mark_leaving_arc(p, q) self.display() self.simplex_remove_arc(t, p, q, capacity, cycle) # display after arc removed self.display() self.simplex_mark_st_arcs(t) self.display() # set predecessor, depth and thread indexes t.simplex_redraw(display, root) #t.display() t.simplex_search(root, 1) # compute potentials self.simplex_compute_potentials(t, root) return True
def page_rank(self, damping_factor=0.85, max_iterations=100, min_delta=1e-05)
page_rank(self, damping_factor=0.85, max_iterations=100, min_delta=0.00001)
Compute and return the page-rank of a directed graph. This function was originally taken from here and modified for this graph class: trunk/core/pygraph/algorithms/
damping_factor: Damping factor. max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations. min_delta: Smallest variation required to have a new iteration.
Graph should be a directed graph.
Returns dictionary of page-ranks. Keys are node names, values are corresponding page-ranks.
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def page_rank(self, damping_factor=0.85, max_iterations=100, min_delta=0.00001): ''' API: page_rank(self, damping_factor=0.85, max_iterations=100, min_delta=0.00001) Description: Compute and return the page-rank of a directed graph. This function was originally taken from here and modified for this graph class: trunk/core/pygraph/algorithms/ Input: damping_factor: Damping factor. max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations. min_delta: Smallest variation required to have a new iteration. Pre: Graph should be a directed graph. Return: Returns dictionary of page-ranks. Keys are node names, values are corresponding page-ranks. ''' nodes = self.get_node_list() graph_size = len(nodes) if graph_size == 0: return {} #value for nodes without inbound links min_value = old_div((1.0-damping_factor),graph_size) # itialize the page rank dict with 1/N for all nodes pagerank = dict.fromkeys(nodes, old_div(1.0,graph_size)) for _ in range(max_iterations): diff = 0 #total difference compared to last iteraction # computes each node PageRank based on inbound links for node in nodes: rank = min_value for referring_page in self.get_in_neighbors(node): rank += (damping_factor * pagerank[referring_page] / len(self.get_neighbors(referring_page))) diff += abs(pagerank[node] - rank) pagerank[node] = rank #stop if PageRank has converged if diff < min_delta: break return pagerank
def print_flow(self)
Prints all positive flows to stdout. This method can be used for debugging purposes.
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def print_flow(self): ''' API: print_flow(self) Description: Prints all positive flows to stdout. This method can be used for debugging purposes. ''' print('printing current edge, flow, capacity') for e in self.edge_attr: if self.edge_attr[e]['flow']!=0: print(e, str(self.edge_attr[e]['flow']).ljust(4), end=' ') print(str(self.edge_attr[e]['capacity']).ljust(4))
def process_edge_dijkstra(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component)
API: process_edge_dijkstra(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component) Description: Used by search() method if the algo argument is 'Dijkstra'. Processes edges along Dijkstra's algorithm. User does not need to call this method directly.
current: Name of the current node. neighbor: Name of the neighbor node. pred: Predecessor tree. q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue. component: component number.
'color' attribute of nodes and edges may change.
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def process_edge_dijkstra(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component): ''' API: process_edge_dijkstra(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component) Description: Used by search() method if the algo argument is 'Dijkstra'. Processes edges along Dijkstra's algorithm. User does not need to call this method directly. Input: current: Name of the current node. neighbor: Name of the neighbor node. pred: Predecessor tree. q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue. component: component number. Post: 'color' attribute of nodes and edges may change. ''' if current is None: self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'red') self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('label', 0) q.push(neighbor, 0) self.display() self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'black') return new_estimate = (q.get_priority(current) + self.get_edge_attr(current, neighbor, 'cost')) if neighbor not in pred or new_estimate < q.get_priority(neighbor): pred[neighbor] = current self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'red') self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('label', new_estimate) q.push(neighbor, new_estimate) self.display() self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'black')
def process_edge_flow(self, source, sink, i, j, algo, q)
API: process_edge_flow(self, source, sink, i, j, algo, q) Description: Used by by max_flow_preflowpush() method. Processes edges along prefolow push.
source: Source node name of flow graph. sink: Sink node name of flow graph. i: Source node in the processed edge (tail of arc). j: Sink node in the processed edge (head of arc).
The 'flow' and 'excess' attributes of nodes may get updated.
Returns False if residual capacity is 0, True otherwise.
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def process_edge_flow(self, source, sink, i, j, algo, q): ''' API: process_edge_flow(self, source, sink, i, j, algo, q) Description: Used by by max_flow_preflowpush() method. Processes edges along prefolow push. Input: source: Source node name of flow graph. sink: Sink node name of flow graph. i: Source node in the processed edge (tail of arc). j: Sink node in the processed edge (head of arc). Post: The 'flow' and 'excess' attributes of nodes may get updated. Return: Returns False if residual capacity is 0, True otherwise. ''' if (self.get_node_attr(i, 'distance') != self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance') + 1): return False if (i, j) in self.edge_attr: edge = (i, j) capacity = self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'capacity') mult = 1 else: edge = (j, i) capacity = 0 mult = -1 flow = mult*self.edge_attr[edge]['flow'] residual_capacity = capacity - flow if residual_capacity == 0: return False excess_i = self.get_node_attr(i, 'excess') excess_j = self.get_node_attr(j, 'excess') push_amount = min(excess_i, residual_capacity) self.edge_attr[edge]['flow'] = mult*(flow + push_amount) self.set_node_attr(i, 'excess', excess_i - push_amount) self.set_node_attr(j, 'excess', excess_j + push_amount) return True
def process_edge_prim(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component)
API: process_edge_prim(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component) Description: Used by search() method if the algo argument is 'Prim'. Processes edges along Prim's algorithm. User does not need to call this method directly.
current: Name of the current node. neighbor: Name of the neighbor node. pred: Predecessor tree. q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue. component: component number.
'color' attribute of nodes and edges may change.
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def process_edge_prim(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component): ''' API: process_edge_prim(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component) Description: Used by search() method if the algo argument is 'Prim'. Processes edges along Prim's algorithm. User does not need to call this method directly. Input: current: Name of the current node. neighbor: Name of the neighbor node. pred: Predecessor tree. q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue. component: component number. Post: 'color' attribute of nodes and edges may change. ''' if current is None: self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'red') self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('label', 0) q.push(neighbor, 0) self.display() self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'black') return new_estimate = self.get_edge_attr(current, neighbor, 'cost') if not neighbor in pred or new_estimate < q.get_priority(neighbor): pred[neighbor] = current self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'red') self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('label', new_estimate) q.push(neighbor, new_estimate) self.display() self.get_node(neighbor).set_attr('color', 'black')
def process_edge_search(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component, algo, **kargs)
API: process_edge_search(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component, algo, **kargs) Description: Used by search() method. Processes edges according to the underlying algortihm. User does not need to call this method directly.
current: Name of the current node. neighbor: Name of the neighbor node. pred: Predecessor tree. q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue. component: component number. algo: Search algorithm. See search() documentation. kwargs: Keyword arguments.
'color', 'distance', 'component' attribute of nodes and edges may change.
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def process_edge_search(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component, algo, **kargs): ''' API: process_edge_search(self, current, neighbor, pred, q, component, algo, **kargs) Description: Used by search() method. Processes edges according to the underlying algortihm. User does not need to call this method directly. Input: current: Name of the current node. neighbor: Name of the neighbor node. pred: Predecessor tree. q: Data structure that holds nodes to be processed in a queue. component: component number. algo: Search algorithm. See search() documentation. kwargs: Keyword arguments. Post: 'color', 'distance', 'component' attribute of nodes and edges may change. ''' if algo == 'Dijkstra': return self.process_edge_dijkstra(current, neighbor, pred, q, component) if algo == 'Prim': return self.process_edge_prim(current, neighbor, pred, q, component) neighbor_node = self.get_node(neighbor) if current == None: neighbor_node.set_attr('distance', 0) if isinstance(q, PriorityQueue): q.push(neighbor, 0) else: q.push(neighbor) if component != None: neighbor_node.set_attr('component', component) neighbor_node.set_attr('label', component) else: neighbor_node.set_attr('label', 0) return if isinstance(q, PriorityQueue): current_priority = q.get_priority(neighbor) if algo == 'UnweightedSPT' or algo == 'BFS': priority = self.get_node(current).get_attr('distance') + 1 if algo == 'DFS': priority = -self.get_node(current).get_attr('distance') - 1 if current_priority is not None and priority >= current_priority: return q.push(neighbor, priority) if algo == 'UnweightedSPT' or algo == 'BFS': neighbor_node.set_attr('distance', priority) if algo == 'DFS': neighbor_node.set_attr('depth', -priority) else: distance = self.get_node(current).get_attr('distance') + 1 if ((algo == 'UnweightedSPT' or algo == 'BFS') and neighbor_node.get_attr('distance') is not None): return neighbor_node.set_attr('distance', distance) neighbor_node.set_attr('label', str(distance)) q.push(neighbor) pred[neighbor] = current neighbor_node.set_attr('color', 'red') if component != None: neighbor_node.set_attr('component', component) neighbor_node.set_attr('label', component) self.display()
def process_node_search(self, node, q, **kwargs)
API: process_node_search(self, node, q, **kwargs) Description: Used by search() method. Process nodes along the search. Should not be called by user directly.
node: Name of the node being processed. q: Queue data structure. kwargs: Keyword arguments.
'priority' attribute of the node may get updated.
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def process_node_search(self, node, q, **kwargs): ''' API: process_node_search(self, node, q, **kwargs) Description: Used by search() method. Process nodes along the search. Should not be called by user directly. Input: node: Name of the node being processed. q: Queue data structure. kwargs: Keyword arguments. Post: 'priority' attribute of the node may get updated. ''' if isinstance(q, PriorityQueue): self.get_node(node).set_attr('priority', q.get_priority(node))
def random(self, numnodes=10, degree_range=(2, 4), length_range=(1, 10), density=None, edge_format=None, node_format=None, Euclidean=False, seedInput=0, add_labels=True, parallel_allowed=False, node_selection='closest', scale=10, scale_cost=5)
random(self, numnodes = 10, degree_range = None, length_range = None, density = None, edge_format = None, node_format = None, Euclidean = False, seedInput = 0)
Populates graph with random edges and nodes.
numnodes: Number of nodes to add. degree_range: A tuple that has lower and upper bounds of degree for a node. length_range: A tuple that has lower and upper bounds for 'cost' attribute of edges. density: Density of edges, ie. 0.5 indicates a node will approximately have edge to half of the other nodes. edge_format: Dictionary that specifies attribute values for edges. node_format: Dictionary that specifies attribute values for nodes. Euclidean: Creates an Euclidean graph (Euclidean distance between nodes) if True. seedInput: Seed that will be used for random number generation.
It is recommended to call this method on empty Graph objects.
Graph will be populated by nodes and edges.
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def random(self, numnodes = 10, degree_range = (2, 4), length_range = (1, 10), density = None, edge_format = None, node_format = None, Euclidean = False, seedInput = 0, add_labels = True, parallel_allowed = False, node_selection = 'closest', scale = 10, scale_cost = 5): ''' API: random(self, numnodes = 10, degree_range = None, length_range = None, density = None, edge_format = None, node_format = None, Euclidean = False, seedInput = 0) Description: Populates graph with random edges and nodes. Input: numnodes: Number of nodes to add. degree_range: A tuple that has lower and upper bounds of degree for a node. length_range: A tuple that has lower and upper bounds for 'cost' attribute of edges. density: Density of edges, ie. 0.5 indicates a node will approximately have edge to half of the other nodes. edge_format: Dictionary that specifies attribute values for edges. node_format: Dictionary that specifies attribute values for nodes. Euclidean: Creates an Euclidean graph (Euclidean distance between nodes) if True. seedInput: Seed that will be used for random number generation. Pre: It is recommended to call this method on empty Graph objects. Post: Graph will be populated by nodes and edges. ''' random.seed(seedInput) if edge_format == None: edge_format = {'fontsize':10, 'fontcolor':'blue'} if node_format == None: node_format = {'height':0.5, 'width':0.5, 'fixedsize':'true', 'fontsize':10, 'fontcolor':'red', 'shape':'circle', } if Euclidean == False: for m in range(numnodes): self.add_node(m, **node_format) if degree_range is not None and density is None: for m in range(numnodes): degree = random.randint(degree_range[0], degree_range[1]) i = 0 while i < degree: n = random.randint(1, numnodes-1) if (((m,n) not in self.edge_attr and m != n) and (parallel_allowed or (n, m) not in self.edge_attr)): if length_range is not None: length = random.randint(length_range[0], length_range[1]) self.add_edge(m, n, cost = length, **edge_format) if add_labels: self.set_edge_attr(m, n, 'label', str(length)) else: self.add_edge(m, n, **edge_format) i += 1 elif density != None: for m in range(numnodes): if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH: numnodes2 = numnodes else: numnodes2 = m for n in range(numnodes2): if ((parallel_allowed or (n, m) not in self.edge_attr) and m != n): if random.random() < density: if length_range is not None: length = random.randint(length_range[0], length_range[1]) self.add_edge(m, n, cost = length, **edge_format) if add_labels: self.set_edge_attr(m, n, 'label', str(length)) else: self.add_edge(m, n, **edge_format) else: print("Must set either degree range or density") else: for m in range(numnodes): ''' Assigns random coordinates (between 1 and 20) to the nodes ''' x = random.random()*scale y = random.random()*scale self.add_node(m, locationx = x, locationy = y, pos = '"'+str(x) + "," + str(y)+'!"', **node_format) if degree_range is not None and density is None: for m in range(numnodes): degree = random.randint(degree_range[0], degree_range[1]) i = 0 neighbors = [] if node_selection == 'random': while i < degree: length = round((((self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationx') - self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationx')) ** 2 + (self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationy') - self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationy')) ** 2) ** 0.5)*scale_cost, 0) if (((m,n) not in self.edge_attr and m != n) and (parallel_allowed or (n, m) not in self.edge_attr)): neighbors.append(random.randint(0, numnodes-1)) self.add_edge(m, n, cost = int(length), **edge_format) if add_labels: self.set_edge_attr(m, n, 'label', str(int(length))) i += 1 elif node_selection == 'closest': lengths = [] for n in range(numnodes): lengths.append((n, round((((self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationx') - self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationx')) ** 2 + (self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationy') - self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationy')) ** 2) ** 0.5)*scale_cost, 0))) lengths.sort(key = lambda l : l[1]) for i in range(degree+1): if not (lengths[i][0] == m or self.check_edge(m, lengths[i][0])): self.add_edge(m, lengths[i][0], cost = int(lengths[i][1]), **edge_format) if add_labels: self.set_edge_attr(m, lengths[i][0], 'label', str(int(lengths[i][1]))) else: print("Unknown node selection rule...exiting") return elif density != None: for m in range(numnodes): if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH: numnodes2 = numnodes else: numnodes2 = m for n in range(numnodes2): if ((parallel_allowed or (n, m) not in self.edge_attr) and m != n): if random.random() < density: if length_range is None: ''' calculates the euclidean norm and round it to an integer ''' length = round((((self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationx') - self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationx')) ** 2 + (self.get_node(n).get_attr('locationy') - self.get_node(m).get_attr('locationy')) ** 2) ** 0.5), 0) self.add_edge(m, n, cost = int(length), **edge_format) if add_labels: self.set_edge_attr(m, n, 'label', str(int(length))) else: self.add_edge(m, n, **edge_format) else: print("Must set either degree range or density")
def relabel(self, i)
API: relabel(self, i) Description: Used by max_flow_preflowpush() method for relabelling node i.
i: Node that is being relabelled.
'distance' attribute of node i is updated.
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def relabel(self, i): ''' API: relabel(self, i) Description: Used by max_flow_preflowpush() method for relabelling node i. Input: i: Node that is being relabelled. Post: 'distance' attribute of node i is updated. ''' min_distance = 2*len(self.get_node_list()) + 1 for j in self.get_neighbors(i): if (self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance') < min_distance and (self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'flow') < self.get_edge_attr(i, j, 'capacity'))): min_distance = self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance') for j in self.get_in_neighbors(i): if (self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance') < min_distance and self.get_edge_attr(j, i, 'flow') > 0): min_distance = self.get_node_attr(j, 'distance') self.set_node_attr(i, 'distance', min_distance + 1)
def search(self, source, destination=None, display=None, component=None, q=None, algo='DFS', reverse=False, **kargs)
API: search(self, source, destination = None, display = None, component = None, q = Stack(), algo = 'DFS', reverse = False, **kargs) Description: Generic search method. Changes behavior (dfs,bfs,dijkstra,prim) according to algo argument. if destination is not specified: This method determines all nodes reachable from "source" ie. creates precedence tree and returns it (dictionary). if destionation is given: If there exists a path from "source" to "destination" it will return list of the nodes is this path. If there is no such path, it will return the precedence tree constructed from source (dictionary). Optionally, it marks all nodes reachable from "source" with a component number. The variable "q" determines the order in which the nodes are searched.
source: Search starts from node with this name. destination: Destination node name. display: Display method. algo: Algortihm that specifies search. Available algortihms are 'DFS', 'BFS', 'Dijkstra' and 'Prim'. reverse: Search goes in reverse arc directions if True. kargs: Additional keyword arguments.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value (if component argument provided). Color attribute of nodes and edges may change.
Returns predecessor tree in dictionary form if destination is not specified, returns list of node names in the path from source to destionation if destionation is specified and there is a path. If there is no path returns predecessor tree in dictionary form. See description section.
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def search(self, source, destination = None, display = None, component = None, q = None, algo = 'DFS', reverse = False, **kargs): ''' API: search(self, source, destination = None, display = None, component = None, q = Stack(), algo = 'DFS', reverse = False, **kargs) Description: Generic search method. Changes behavior (dfs,bfs,dijkstra,prim) according to algo argument. if destination is not specified: This method determines all nodes reachable from "source" ie. creates precedence tree and returns it (dictionary). if destionation is given: If there exists a path from "source" to "destination" it will return list of the nodes is this path. If there is no such path, it will return the precedence tree constructed from source (dictionary). Optionally, it marks all nodes reachable from "source" with a component number. The variable "q" determines the order in which the nodes are searched. Input: source: Search starts from node with this name. destination: Destination node name. display: Display method. algo: Algortihm that specifies search. Available algortihms are 'DFS', 'BFS', 'Dijkstra' and 'Prim'. reverse: Search goes in reverse arc directions if True. kargs: Additional keyword arguments. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value (if component argument provided). Color attribute of nodes and edges may change. Return: Returns predecessor tree in dictionary form if destination is not specified, returns list of node names in the path from source to destionation if destionation is specified and there is a path. If there is no path returns predecessor tree in dictionary form. See description section. ''' if display == None: display = self.attr['display'] else: self.set_display_mode(display) if algo == 'DFS': if q is None: q = Stack() self.get_node(source).set_attr('component', component) elif algo == 'BFS' or algo == 'UnweightedSPT': if q is None: q = Queue() self.get_node(source).set_attr('component', component) elif algo == 'Dijkstra' or algo == 'Prim': if q is None: q = PriorityQueue() else: print("Unknown search algorithm...exiting") return neighbors = self.neighbors if self.graph_type == DIRECTED_GRAPH and reverse: neighbors = self.in_neighbors for i in self.get_node_list(): self.get_node(i).set_attr('label', '-') self.get_node(i).attr.pop('priority', None) self.get_node(i).set_attr('distance', None) self.get_node(i).set_attr('color', 'black') for j in neighbors[i]: if reverse: self.set_edge_attr(j, i, 'color', 'black') else: self.set_edge_attr(i, j, 'color', 'black') self.display() pred = {} self.process_edge_search(None, source, pred, q, component, algo, **kargs) found = True if source != destination: found = False while not q.isEmpty() and not found: current = q.peek() if self.get_node(current).get_attr('color') == 'green': q.remove(current) continue self.process_node_search(current, q, **kargs) self.get_node(current).set_attr('color', 'blue') if current != source: if reverse: self.set_edge_attr(current, pred[current], 'color', 'green') else: self.set_edge_attr(pred[current], current, 'color', 'green') if current == destination: found = True break self.display() for n in neighbors[current]: if self.get_node(n).get_attr('color') != 'green': if reverse: self.set_edge_attr(n, current, 'color', 'yellow') else: self.set_edge_attr(current, n, 'color', 'yellow') self.display() self.process_edge_search(current, n, pred, q, component, algo, **kargs) if reverse: self.set_edge_attr(n, current, 'color', 'black') else: self.set_edge_attr(current, n, 'color', 'black') q.remove(current) self.get_node(current).set_attr('color', 'green') self.display() if found: path = [destination] current = destination while current != source: path.insert(0, pred[current]) current = pred[current] return path if destination == None: return pred else: return None
def set_display_mode(self, value)
set_display_mode(self, value)
Sets display mode to value.
value: New display mode.
Display mode attribute of graph is updated.
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def set_display_mode(self, value): ''' API: set_display_mode(self, value) Description: Sets display mode to value. Input: value: New display mode. Post: Display mode attribute of graph is updated. ''' self.attr['display'] = value
def set_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr, value)
API: set_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr, value) Description: Sets attr attribute of edge (n,m) to value.
n: Source node name. m: Sink node name. attr: Attribute of edge to set. value: New value of attribute.
Graph should have this edge.
Edge attribute will be updated.
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def set_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr, value): ''' API: set_edge_attr(self, n, m, attr, value) Description: Sets attr attribute of edge (n,m) to value. Input: n: Source node name. m: Sink node name. attr: Attribute of edge to set. value: New value of attribute. Pre: Graph should have this edge. Post: Edge attribute will be updated. ''' if self.graph_type is DIRECTED_GRAPH: self.edge_attr[(n,m)][attr] = value else: try: self.edge_attr[(n,m)][attr] = value except KeyError: self.edge_attr[(m,n)][attr] = value
def set_layout(self, value)
set_layout(self, value) Description: Sets layout attribute of the graph to value.
value: New value of the layout.
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def set_layout(self, value): ''' API: set_layout(self, value) Description: Sets layout attribute of the graph to value. Input: value: New value of the layout. ''' self.attr['layout']=value if value == 'dot2tex': self.attr['d2tgraphstyle'] = 'every text node part/.style={align=center}'
def set_node_attr(self, name, attr, value)
API: set_node_attr(self, name, attr) Description: Sets attr attribute of node named name to value.
name: Name of node. attr: Attribute of node to set.
Graph should have this node.
Node attribute will be updated.
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def set_node_attr(self, name, attr, value): ''' API: set_node_attr(self, name, attr) Description: Sets attr attribute of node named name to value. Input: name: Name of node. attr: Attribute of node to set. Pre: Graph should have this node. Post: Node attribute will be updated. ''' self.get_node(name).set_attr(attr, value)
def show_flow(self)
API: relabel(self, i) Description: Used by max_flow_preflowpush() method for display purposed.
'color' and 'label' attribute of edges/nodes are updated.
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def show_flow(self): ''' API: relabel(self, i) Description: Used by max_flow_preflowpush() method for display purposed. Post: 'color' and 'label' attribute of edges/nodes are updated. ''' for n in self.get_node_list(): excess = self.get_node_attr(n, 'excess') distance = self.get_node_attr(n, 'distance') self.set_node_attr(n, 'label', str(excess)+'/'+str(distance)) for neighbor in self.get_neighbors(n): capacity = self.get_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'capacity') flow = self.get_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'flow') if capacity == INF: self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'label', 'INF'+'/'+str(flow)) else: self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'label', str(capacity)+'/'+str(flow)) if capacity == flow: self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'color', 'red') elif flow > 0: self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'color', 'green') else: self.set_edge_attr(n, neighbor, 'color', 'black') self.display()
def simplex_augment_cycle(self, cycle)
simplex_augment_cycle(self, cycle)
Augments along the cycle to break it.
'flow', 'capacity' attributes on arcs.
cycle: list representing a cycle in the solution
'flow' attribute will be modified.
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def simplex_augment_cycle(self, cycle): ''' API: simplex_augment_cycle(self, cycle) Description: Augments along the cycle to break it. Pre: 'flow', 'capacity' attributes on arcs. Input: cycle: list representing a cycle in the solution Post: 'flow' attribute will be modified. ''' # find amount to augment index = 0 k = len(cycle) el = list(self.edge_attr.keys()) # check arc (cycle[k-1], cycle[0]) if (cycle[k-1], cycle[0]) in el: min_capacity = self.edge_attr[(cycle[k-1], cycle[0])]['capacity']-\ self.edge_attr[(cycle[k-1], cycle[0])]['flow'] else: min_capacity = self.edge_attr[(cycle[0], cycle[k-1])]['flow'] # check rest of the arcs in the cycle while index<(k-1): i = cycle[index] j = cycle[index+1] if (i,j) in el: capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['capacity'] -\ self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['flow'] else: capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['flow'] if min_capacity > capacity_ij: min_capacity = capacity_ij index += 1 return min_capacity
def simplex_compute_potentials(self, t, root)
simplex_compute_potentials(self, t, root)
Computes node potentials for a minimum cost flow problem and stores them as node attribute 'potential'. Based on pseudocode given in Network Flows by Ahuja et al.
(1) Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has a 'cost' attribute. (2) Uses 'thread' and 'pred' attributes of nodes.
t: Current spanning tree solution, its type is Graph. root: root node of the tree.
Keeps the node potentials as 'potential' attribute.
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def simplex_compute_potentials(self, t, root): ''' API: simplex_compute_potentials(self, t, root) Description: Computes node potentials for a minimum cost flow problem and stores them as node attribute 'potential'. Based on pseudocode given in Network Flows by Ahuja et al. Pre: (1) Assumes a directed graph in which each arc has a 'cost' attribute. (2) Uses 'thread' and 'pred' attributes of nodes. Input: t: Current spanning tree solution, its type is Graph. root: root node of the tree. Post: Keeps the node potentials as 'potential' attribute. ''' self.get_node(root).set_attr('potential', 0) j = t.get_node(root).get_attr('thread') while j is not root: i = t.get_node(j).get_attr('pred') potential_i = self.get_node(i).get_attr('potential') if (i,j) in self.edge_attr: c_ij = self.edge_attr[(i,j)]['cost'] self.get_node(j).set_attr('potential', potential_i-c_ij) if (j,i) in self.edge_attr: c_ji = self.edge_attr[(j,i)]['cost'] self.get_node(j).set_attr('potential', potential_i+c_ji) j = t.get_node(j).get_attr('thread')
def simplex_connect(self, solution_g)
simplex_connect(self, solution_g)
At this point we assume that the solution does not have a cycle. We check if all the nodes are connected, if not we add an arc to solution_g that does not create a cycle and return True. Otherwise we do nothing and return False.
(1) We assume there is no cycle in the solution.
solution_g: current spanning tree solution instance.
(1) solution_g is updated. An arc that does not create a cycle is added. (2) 'component' attribute of nodes are changed.
Returns True if an arc is added, returns False otherwise.
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def simplex_connect(self, solution_g): ''' API: simplex_connect(self, solution_g) Description: At this point we assume that the solution does not have a cycle. We check if all the nodes are connected, if not we add an arc to solution_g that does not create a cycle and return True. Otherwise we do nothing and return False. Pre: (1) We assume there is no cycle in the solution. Input: solution_g: current spanning tree solution instance. Post: (1) solution_g is updated. An arc that does not create a cycle is added. (2) 'component' attribute of nodes are changed. Return: Returns True if an arc is added, returns False otherwise. ''' nl = solution_g.get_node_list() current = nl[0] pred = solution_g.simplex_search(current, current) separated = list(pred.keys()) for n in nl: if solution_g.get_node(n).get_attr('component') != current: # find an arc from n to seperated for m in separated: if (n,m) in self.edge_attr: solution_g.add_edge(n,m) return True elif (m,n) in self.edge_attr: solution_g.add_edge(m,n) return True return False
def simplex_determine_leaving_arc(self, t, k, l)
simplex_determine_leaving_arc(self, t, k, l)
Determines and returns the leaving arc.
t: current spanning tree solution. k: tail of the entering arc. l: head of the entering arc.
Returns the tuple that represents leaving arc, capacity of the cycle and cycle.
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def simplex_determine_leaving_arc(self, t, k, l): ''' API: simplex_determine_leaving_arc(self, t, k, l) Description: Determines and returns the leaving arc. Input: t: current spanning tree solution. k: tail of the entering arc. l: head of the entering arc. Return: Returns the tuple that represents leaving arc, capacity of the cycle and cycle. ''' # k,l are the first two elements of the cycle cycle = self.simplex_identify_cycle(t, k, l) flow_kl = self.get_edge_attr(k, l, 'flow') capacity_kl = self.get_edge_attr(k, l, 'capacity') min_capacity = capacity_kl # check if k,l is in U or L if flow_kl==capacity_kl: # l,k will be the last two elements cycle.reverse() n = len(cycle) index = 0 # determine last blocking arc t.add_edge(k, l) tel = t.get_edge_list() while index < (n-1): if (cycle[index], cycle[index+1]) in tel: flow = self.edge_attr[(cycle[index], cycle[index+1])]['flow'] capacity = \ self.edge_attr[(cycle[index],cycle[index+1])]['capacity'] if min_capacity >= (capacity-flow): candidate = (cycle[index], cycle[index+1]) min_capacity = capacity-flow else: flow = self.edge_attr[(cycle[index+1], cycle[index])]['flow'] if min_capacity >= flow: candidate = (cycle[index+1], cycle[index]) min_capacity = flow index += 1 # check arc (cycle[n-1], cycle[0]) if (cycle[n-1], cycle[0]) in tel: flow = self.edge_attr[(cycle[n-1], cycle[0])]['flow'] capacity = self.edge_attr[(cycle[n-1], cycle[0])]['capacity'] if min_capacity >= (capacity-flow): candidate = (cycle[n-1], cycle[0]) min_capacity = capacity-flow else: flow = self.edge_attr[(cycle[0], cycle[n-1])]['flow'] if min_capacity >= flow: candidate = (cycle[0], cycle[n-1]) min_capacity = flow return (candidate, min_capacity, cycle)
def simplex_find_cycle(self)
Returns a cycle (list of nodes) if the graph has one, returns None otherwise. Uses DFS. During DFS checks existence of arcs to lower depth regions. Note that direction of the arcs are not important.
Returns list of nodes that represents cycle. Returns None if the graph does not have any cycle.
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def simplex_find_cycle(self): ''' API: simplex_find_cycle(self) Description: Returns a cycle (list of nodes) if the graph has one, returns None otherwise. Uses DFS. During DFS checks existence of arcs to lower depth regions. Note that direction of the arcs are not important. Return: Returns list of nodes that represents cycle. Returns None if the graph does not have any cycle. ''' # make a dfs, if you identify an arc to a lower depth node we have a # cycle nl = self.get_node_list() q = [nl[0]] visited = [] depth = {nl[0]:0} pred = {nl[0]:None} for n in nl: self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', None) component_nr = int(nl[0]) self.get_node(nl[0]).set_attr('component', component_nr) while True: while q: current = q.pop() visited.append(current) neighbors = self.in_neighbors[current] +\ self.neighbors[current] for n in neighbors: if n==pred[current]: continue self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', component_nr) if n in depth: # we have a cycle cycle1 = [] cycle2 = [] temp = n while temp is not None: cycle1.append(temp) temp = pred[temp] temp = current while temp is not None: cycle2.append(temp) temp = pred[temp] cycle1.pop() cycle1.reverse() cycle2.extend(cycle1) return cycle2 else: pred[n] = current depth[n] = depth[current] + 1 if n not in visited: q.append(n) flag = False for n in nl: if self.get_node(n).get_attr('component') is None: q.append(n) depth = {n:0} pred = {n:None} visited = [] component_nr = int(n) self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', component_nr) flag = True break if not flag: break return None
def simplex_find_tree(self)
Assumes a feasible flow solution stored in 'flow' attribute's of arcs and converts this solution to a feasible spanning tree solution.
(1) 'flow' attributes represents a feasible flow solution.
(1) 'flow' attributes may change when eliminating cycles.
Return a Graph instance that is a spanning tree solution.
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def simplex_find_tree(self): ''' API: simplex_find_tree(self) Description: Assumes a feasible flow solution stored in 'flow' attribute's of arcs and converts this solution to a feasible spanning tree solution. Pre: (1) 'flow' attributes represents a feasible flow solution. Post: (1) 'flow' attributes may change when eliminating cycles. Return: Return a Graph instance that is a spanning tree solution. ''' # find a cycle solution_g = self.get_simplex_solution_graph() cycle = solution_g.simplex_find_cycle() while cycle is not None: # find amount to augment and direction amount = self.simplex_augment_cycle(cycle) # augment along the cycle self.augment_cycle(amount, cycle) # find a new cycle solution_g = self.get_simplex_solution_graph() cycle = solution_g.simplex_find_cycle() # check if the solution is connected while self.simplex_connect(solution_g): pass # add attributes for e in self.edge_attr: flow = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] cost = self.edge_attr[e]['cost'] self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost) if e in solution_g.edge_attr: solution_g.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = flow solution_g.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = capacity solution_g.edge_attr[e]['cost'] = cost solution_g.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost) return solution_g
def simplex_identify_cycle(self, t, k, l)
identify_cycle(self, t, k, l)
Identifies and returns to the pivot cycle, which is a list of nodes.
(1) t is spanning tree solution, (k,l) is the entering arc.
t: current spanning tree solution k: tail of the entering arc l: head of the entering arc
List of nodes in the cycle.
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def simplex_identify_cycle(self, t, k, l): ''' API: identify_cycle(self, t, k, l) Description: Identifies and returns to the pivot cycle, which is a list of nodes. Pre: (1) t is spanning tree solution, (k,l) is the entering arc. Input: t: current spanning tree solution k: tail of the entering arc l: head of the entering arc Returns: List of nodes in the cycle. ''' i = k j = l cycle = [] li = [k] lj = [j] while i is not j: depth_i = t.get_node(i).get_attr('depth') depth_j = t.get_node(j).get_attr('depth') if depth_i > depth_j: i = t.get_node(i).get_attr('pred') li.append(i) elif depth_i < depth_j: j = t.get_node(j).get_attr('pred') lj.append(j) else: i = t.get_node(i).get_attr('pred') li.append(i) j = t.get_node(j).get_attr('pred') lj.append(j) cycle.extend(lj) li.pop() li.reverse() cycle.extend(li) # l is beginning k is end return cycle
def simplex_mark_entering_arc(self, k, l)
simplex_mark_entering_arc(self, k, l)
Marks entering arc (k,l)
k: tail of the entering arc l: head of the entering arc
(1) color attribute of the arc (k,l)
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def simplex_mark_entering_arc(self, k, l): ''' API: simplex_mark_entering_arc(self, k, l) Description: Marks entering arc (k,l) Input: k: tail of the entering arc l: head of the entering arc Post: (1) color attribute of the arc (k,l) ''' self.set_edge_attr(k, l, 'color', 'green')
def simplex_mark_leaving_arc(self, p, q)
simplex_mark_leving_arc(self, p, q)
Marks leaving arc.
p: tail of the leaving arc q: head of the leaving arc
Changes color attribute of leaving arc.
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def simplex_mark_leaving_arc(self, p, q): ''' API: simplex_mark_leving_arc(self, p, q) Description: Marks leaving arc. Input: p: tail of the leaving arc q: head of the leaving arc Post: Changes color attribute of leaving arc. ''' self.set_edge_attr(p, q, 'color', 'red')
def simplex_mark_st_arcs(self, t)
simplex_mark_st_arcs(self, t)
Marks spanning tree arcs. Case 1, Blue: Arcs that are at lower bound and in tree. Case 2, Red: Arcs that are at upper bound and in tree. Case 3, Green: Arcs that are between bounds are green. Case 4, Brown: Non-tree arcs at lower bound. Case 5, Violet: Non-tree arcs at upper bound.
t: t is the current spanning tree
(1) color attribute of edges.
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def simplex_mark_st_arcs(self, t): ''' API: simplex_mark_st_arcs(self, t) Description: Marks spanning tree arcs. Case 1, Blue: Arcs that are at lower bound and in tree. Case 2, Red: Arcs that are at upper bound and in tree. Case 3, Green: Arcs that are between bounds are green. Case 4, Brown: Non-tree arcs at lower bound. Case 5, Violet: Non-tree arcs at upper bound. Input: t: t is the current spanning tree Post: (1) color attribute of edges. ''' tel = list(t.edge_attr.keys()) for e in self.get_edge_list(): flow_e = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] capacity_e = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] if e in tel: if flow_e == 0: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'blue' elif flow_e == capacity_e: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'blue' else: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'blue' else: if flow_e == 0: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'black' elif flow_e == capacity_e: self.edge_attr[e]['color'] = 'black' else: msg = "Arc is not in ST but has flow between bounds." raise Exception(msg)
def simplex_optimal(self, t)
simplex_optimal(self, t)
Checks if the current solution is optimal, if yes returns True, False otherwise.
'flow' attributes represents a solution.
t: Graph instance tat reperesents spanning tree solution.
Returns True if the current solution is optimal (optimality conditions are satisfied), else returns False
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def simplex_optimal(self, t): ''' API: simplex_optimal(self, t) Description: Checks if the current solution is optimal, if yes returns True, False otherwise. Pre: 'flow' attributes represents a solution. Input: t: Graph instance tat reperesents spanning tree solution. Return: Returns True if the current solution is optimal (optimality conditions are satisfied), else returns False ''' for e in self.edge_attr: if e in t.edge_attr: continue flow_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] potential_i = self.get_node(e[0]).get_attr('potential') potential_j = self.get_node(e[1]).get_attr('potential') capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] c_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['cost'] cpi_ij = c_ij - potential_i + potential_j if flow_ij==0: if cpi_ij < 0: return False elif flow_ij==capacity_ij: if cpi_ij > 0: return False return True
def simplex_redraw(self, display, root)
simplex_redraw(self, display, root)
Returns a new graph instance that is same as self but adds nodes and arcs in a way that the resulting tree will be displayed properly.
display: display mode root: root node in tree.
Returns a graph same as self.
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def simplex_redraw(self, display, root): ''' API: simplex_redraw(self, display, root) Description: Returns a new graph instance that is same as self but adds nodes and arcs in a way that the resulting tree will be displayed properly. Input: display: display mode root: root node in tree. Return: Returns a graph same as self. ''' nl = self.get_node_list() el = self.get_edge_list() new = Graph(type=DIRECTED_GRAPH, layout='dot', display=display) pred_i = self.get_node(root).get_attr('pred') thread_i = self.get_node(root).get_attr('thread') depth_i = self.get_node(root).get_attr('depth') new.add_node(root, pred=pred_i, thread=thread_i, depth=depth_i) q = [root] visited = [root] while q: name = q.pop() visited.append(name) neighbors = self.neighbors[name] + self.in_neighbors[name] for n in neighbors: if n not in new.get_node_list(): pred_i = self.get_node(n).get_attr('pred') thread_i = self.get_node(n).get_attr('thread') depth_i = self.get_node(n).get_attr('depth') new.add_node(n, pred=pred_i, thread=thread_i, depth=depth_i) if (name,n) in el: if (name,n) not in new.edge_attr: new.add_edge(name,n) else: if (n,name) not in new.edge_attr: new.add_edge(n,name) if n not in visited: q.append(n) for e in el: flow = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] cost = self.edge_attr[e]['cost'] new.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = flow new.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = capacity new.edge_attr[e]['cost'] = cost new.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost) return new
def simplex_remove_arc(self, t, p, q, min_capacity, cycle)
simplex_remove_arc(self, p, q, min_capacity, cycle)
Removes arc (p,q), updates t, updates flows, where (k,l) is the entering arc.
t: tree solution to be updated. p: tail of the leaving arc. q: head of the leaving arc. min_capacity: capacity of the cycle. cycle: cycle obtained when entering arc considered.
(1) updates t. (2) updates 'flow' attributes.
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def simplex_remove_arc(self, t, p, q, min_capacity, cycle): ''' API: simplex_remove_arc(self, p, q, min_capacity, cycle) Description: Removes arc (p,q), updates t, updates flows, where (k,l) is the entering arc. Input: t: tree solution to be updated. p: tail of the leaving arc. q: head of the leaving arc. min_capacity: capacity of the cycle. cycle: cycle obtained when entering arc considered. Post: (1) updates t. (2) updates 'flow' attributes. ''' # augment min_capacity along cycle n = len(cycle) tel = list(t.edge_attr.keys()) index = 0 while index < (n-1): if (cycle[index], cycle[index+1]) in tel: flow_e = self.edge_attr[(cycle[index], cycle[index+1])]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(cycle[index], cycle[index+1])]['flow'] =\ flow_e+min_capacity else: flow_e = self.edge_attr[(cycle[index+1], cycle[index])]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(cycle[index+1], cycle[index])]['flow'] =\ flow_e-min_capacity index += 1 # augment arc cycle[n-1], cycle[0] if (cycle[n-1], cycle[0]) in tel: flow_e = self.edge_attr[(cycle[n-1], cycle[0])]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(cycle[n-1], cycle[0])]['flow'] =\ flow_e+min_capacity else: flow_e = self.edge_attr[(cycle[0], cycle[n-1])]['flow'] self.edge_attr[(cycle[0], cycle[n-1])]['flow'] =\ flow_e-min_capacity # remove leaving arc t.del_edge((p, q)) # set label of removed arc flow_pq = self.get_edge_attr(p, q, 'flow') capacity_pq = self.get_edge_attr(p, q, 'capacity') cost_pq = self.get_edge_attr(p, q, 'cost') self.set_edge_attr(p, q, 'label', "%d/%d/%d" %(flow_pq,capacity_pq,cost_pq)) for e in t.edge_attr: flow = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] capacity = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] cost = self.edge_attr[e]['cost'] t.edge_attr[e]['flow'] = flow t.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] = capacity t.edge_attr[e]['cost'] = cost t.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost) self.edge_attr[e]['label'] = "%d/%d/%d" %(flow,capacity,cost)
def simplex_search(self, source, component_nr)
simplex_search(self, source, component_nr)
Searches graph starting from source. Its difference from usual search is we can also go backwards along an arc. When the graph is a spanning tree it computes predecessor, thread and depth indexes and stores them as node attributes. These values should be considered as junk when the graph is not a spanning tree.
source: source node component_nr: component number
(1) Sets the component number of all reachable nodes to component. Changes 'component' attribute of nodes. (2) Sets 'pred', 'thread' and 'depth' attributes of nodes. These values are junk if the graph is not a tree.
Returns predecessor dictionary.
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def simplex_search(self, source, component_nr): ''' API: simplex_search(self, source, component_nr) Description: Searches graph starting from source. Its difference from usual search is we can also go backwards along an arc. When the graph is a spanning tree it computes predecessor, thread and depth indexes and stores them as node attributes. These values should be considered as junk when the graph is not a spanning tree. Input: source: source node component_nr: component number Post: (1) Sets the component number of all reachable nodes to component. Changes 'component' attribute of nodes. (2) Sets 'pred', 'thread' and 'depth' attributes of nodes. These values are junk if the graph is not a tree. Return: Returns predecessor dictionary. ''' q = [source] pred = {source:None} depth = {source:0} sequence = [] for n in self.neighbors: self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', None) while q: current = q.pop() self.get_node(current).set_attr('component', component_nr) sequence.append(current) neighbors = self.in_neighbors[current] + self.neighbors[current] for n in neighbors: if n in pred: continue self.get_node(n).set_attr('component', component_nr) pred[n] = current depth[n] = depth[current]+1 q.append(n) for i in range(len(sequence)-1): self.get_node(sequence[i]).set_attr('thread', int(sequence[i+1])) self.get_node(sequence[-1]).set_attr('thread', int(sequence[0])) for n in pred: self.get_node(n).set_attr('pred', pred[n]) self.get_node(n).set_attr('depth', depth[n]) return pred
def simplex_select_entering_arc(self, t, pivot)
simplex_select_entering_arc(self, t, pivot)
Decides and returns entering arc using pivot rule.
t: current spanning tree solution pivot: May be one of the following; 'first_eligible' or 'dantzig'. 'dantzig' is the default value.
Returns entering arc tuple (k,l)
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def simplex_select_entering_arc(self, t, pivot): ''' API: simplex_select_entering_arc(self, t, pivot) Description: Decides and returns entering arc using pivot rule. Input: t: current spanning tree solution pivot: May be one of the following; 'first_eligible' or 'dantzig'. 'dantzig' is the default value. Return: Returns entering arc tuple (k,l) ''' if pivot=='dantzig': # pick the maximum violation candidate = {} for e in self.edge_attr: if e in t.edge_attr: continue flow_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] potential_i = self.get_node(e[0]).get_attr('potential') potential_j = self.get_node(e[1]).get_attr('potential') capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] c_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['cost'] cpi_ij = c_ij - potential_i + potential_j if flow_ij==0: if cpi_ij < 0: candidate[e] = cpi_ij elif flow_ij==capacity_ij: if cpi_ij > 0: candidate[e] = cpi_ij for e in candidate: max_c = e max_v = abs(candidate[e]) break for e in candidate: if max_v < abs(candidate[e]): max_c = e max_v = abs(candidate[e]) elif pivot=='first_eligible': # pick the first eligible for e in self.edge_attr: if e in t.edge_attr: continue flow_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['flow'] potential_i = self.get_node(e[0]).get_attr('potential') potential_j = self.get_node(e[1]).get_attr('potential') capacity_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['capacity'] c_ij = self.edge_attr[e]['cost'] cpi_ij = c_ij - potential_i + potential_j if flow_ij==0: if cpi_ij < 0: max_c = e max_v = abs(cpi_ij) elif flow_ij==capacity_ij: if cpi_ij > 0: max_c = e max_v = cpi_ij else: raise Exception("Unknown pivot rule.") return max_c
def strong_connect(self, q, node, index, component)
API: strong_connect (self, q, node, index, component) Description: Used by tarjan method. This method should not be called directly by user.
q: Node list. node: Node that is being connected to nodes in q. index: Index used by tarjan method. component: Current component number.
Should be called by tarjan and itself (recursive) only.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. Changes 'index' attribute of nodes.
Returns new index and component numbers.
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def strong_connect(self, q, node, index, component): ''' API: strong_connect (self, q, node, index, component) Description: Used by tarjan method. This method should not be called directly by user. Input: q: Node list. node: Node that is being connected to nodes in q. index: Index used by tarjan method. component: Current component number. Pre: Should be called by tarjan and itself (recursive) only. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. Changes 'index' attribute of nodes. Return: Returns new index and component numbers. ''' self.set_node_attr(node, 'index', index) self.set_node_attr(node, 'lowlink', index) index += 1 q.append(node) for m in self.get_neighbors(node): if self.get_node_attr(m, 'index') is None: index, component = self.strong_connect(q, m, index, component) self.set_node_attr(node, 'lowlink', min([self.get_node_attr(node, 'lowlink'), self.get_node_attr(m, 'lowlink')])) elif m in q: self.set_node_attr(node, 'lowlink', min([self.get_node_attr(node, 'lowlink'), self.get_node_attr(m, 'index')])) if self.get_node_attr(node, 'lowlink') == self.get_node_attr(node, 'index'): m = q.pop() self.set_node_attr(m, 'component', component) while (node!=m): m = q.pop() self.set_node_attr(m, 'component', component) component += 1 self.num_components = component return (index, component)
def tarjan(self)
API: tarjan(self) Description: Implements Tarjan's algorithm for determining strongly connected set of nodes.
self.graph_type should be DIRECTED_GRAPH.
Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. Changes 'index' attribute of nodes.
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def tarjan(self): ''' API: tarjan(self) Description: Implements Tarjan's algorithm for determining strongly connected set of nodes. Pre: self.graph_type should be DIRECTED_GRAPH. Post: Nodes will have 'component' attribute that will have component number as value. Changes 'index' attribute of nodes. ''' index = 0 component = 0 q = [] for n in self.get_node_list(): if self.get_node_attr(n, 'index') is None: index, component = self.strong_connect(q, n, index, component)
def to_string(self)
API: to_string(self) Description: This method is based on pydot Graph class with the same name. Returns a string representation of the graph in dot language. It will return the graph and all its subelements in string form.
String that represents graph in dot language.
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def to_string(self): ''' API: to_string(self) Description: This method is based on pydot Graph class with the same name. Returns a string representation of the graph in dot language. It will return the graph and all its subelements in string form. Return: String that represents graph in dot language. ''' graph = list() processed_edges = {} graph.append('%s %s {\n' %(self.graph_type, for a in self.attr: if a not in GRAPH_ATTRIBUTES: continue val = self.attr[a] if val is not None: graph.append( '%s=%s' % (a, quote_if_necessary(val)) ) else: graph.append(a) graph.append( ';\n' ) # clusters for c in self.cluster: graph.append('subgraph cluster_%s {\n' %c) for a in self.cluster[c]['attrs']: if a=='label': graph.append(a+'='+quote_if_necessary(self.cluster[c]['attrs'][a])+';\n') continue graph.append(a+'='+self.cluster[c]['attrs'][a]+';\n') if len(self.cluster[c]['node_attrs'])!=0: graph.append('node [') for a in self.cluster[c]['node_attrs']: graph.append(a+'='+self.cluster[c]['node_attrs'][a]) graph.append(',') if len(self.cluster[c]['node_attrs'])!=0: graph.pop() graph.append('];\n') # process cluster nodes for n in self.cluster[c]['node_list']: data = self.get_node(n).to_string() graph.append(data + ';\n') # process cluster edges for n in self.cluster[c]['node_list']: for m in self.cluster[c]['node_list']: if self.check_edge(n,m): data = self.edge_to_string((n,m)) graph.append(data + ';\n') processed_edges[(n,m)]=None graph.append('}\n') # process remaining (non-cluster) nodes for n in self.neighbors: for c in self.cluster: if n in self.cluster[c]['node_list']: break else: data = self.get_node(n).to_string() graph.append(data + ';\n') # process edges for e in self.edge_attr: if e in processed_edges: continue data = self.edge_to_string(e) graph.append(data + ';\n') graph.append( '}\n' ) return ''.join(graph)
def write(self, file_obj, layout=None, format='png')
write(self, basename = 'graph', layout = None, format='png') Description: Writes graph to dist using layout and format.
basename: name of the file that will be written. layout: Dot layout for generating graph image. format: Image format, all format supported by Dot are wellcome.
File will be written to disk.
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def write(self, file_obj, layout = None, format='png'): ''' API: write(self, basename = 'graph', layout = None, format='png') Description: Writes graph to dist using layout and format. Input: basename: name of the file that will be written. layout: Dot layout for generating graph image. format: Image format, all format supported by Dot are wellcome. Post: File will be written to disk. ''' if layout == None: layout = self.get_layout() if format == 'dot': file_obj.write(bytearray(self.to_string(), 'utf8')) else: out = self.create(layout, format) if (out != None): file_obj.write(out)
class Node (name, **attr)
Node class. A node object keeps node attributes. Has a method to write node in Dot language grammer.
API: init(self, name, **attrs) Description: Node class constructor. Sets name and attributes using arguments.
name: Name of node. **attrs: Node attributes.
Sets and self.attr.
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class Node(object): ''' Node class. A node object keeps node attributes. Has a method to write node in Dot language grammer. ''' def __init__(self, name, **attr): ''' API: __init__(self, name, **attrs) Description: Node class constructor. Sets name and attributes using arguments. Input: name: Name of node. **attrs: Node attributes. Post: Sets and self.attr. ''' = name self.attr = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_NODE_ATTRIBUTES) for a in attr: self.attr[a] = attr[a] def get_attr(self, attr): ''' API: get_attr(self, attr) Description: Returns node attribute attr. Input: attr: Node attribute to get. Return: Returns Node attribute attr if exists returns None, otherwise. ''' if attr in self.attr: return self.attr[attr] else: return None def set_attr(self, attr, value): ''' API: set_attr(self, attr, value) Description: Sets node attribute attr to value. Input: attr: Node attribute to set. value: New value of the attribute. Post: Updates self.attr[attr]. ''' self.attr[attr] = value def to_string(self): ''' API: to_string(self) Description: Returns string representation of node in dot language. Return: String representation of node. ''' node = list() node.append(quote_if_necessary(str( node.append(' [') flag = False for a in self.attr: flag = True node.append(a) node.append('=') node.append(quote_if_necessary(str(self.attr[a]))) node.append(', ') if flag is True: node = node[:-1] node.append(']') return ''.join(node) def __repr__(self): ''' API: __repr__(self) Description: Returns string representation of node in dot language. Return: String representation of node. ''' return self.to_string()
def get_attr(self, attr)
API: get_attr(self, attr) Description: Returns node attribute attr.
attr: Node attribute to get.
Returns Node attribute attr if exists returns None, otherwise.
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def get_attr(self, attr): ''' API: get_attr(self, attr) Description: Returns node attribute attr. Input: attr: Node attribute to get. Return: Returns Node attribute attr if exists returns None, otherwise. ''' if attr in self.attr: return self.attr[attr] else: return None
def set_attr(self, attr, value)
API: set_attr(self, attr, value) Description: Sets node attribute attr to value.
attr: Node attribute to set. value: New value of the attribute.
Updates self.attr[attr].
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def set_attr(self, attr, value): ''' API: set_attr(self, attr, value) Description: Sets node attribute attr to value. Input: attr: Node attribute to set. value: New value of the attribute. Post: Updates self.attr[attr]. ''' self.attr[attr] = value
def to_string(self)
API: to_string(self) Description: Returns string representation of node in dot language.
String representation of node.
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def to_string(self): ''' API: to_string(self) Description: Returns string representation of node in dot language. Return: String representation of node. ''' node = list() node.append(quote_if_necessary(str( node.append(' [') flag = False for a in self.attr: flag = True node.append(a) node.append('=') node.append(quote_if_necessary(str(self.attr[a]))) node.append(', ') if flag is True: node = node[:-1] node.append(']') return ''.join(node)