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@(@\newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\D}[2]{ \frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2} } \newcommand{\DD}[3]{ \frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2 \partial #3} } \newcommand{\Dpow}[2]{ \frac{\partial^{#1}}{\partial {#2}^{#1}} } \newcommand{\dpow}[2]{ \frac{ {\rm d}^{#1}}{{\rm d}\, {#2}^{#1}} }@)@ This is cppad-20221105 documentation. Here is a link to its current documentation .
Suppress Suspect Implicit Conversion Warnings

# include <cppad/wno_conversion.hpp>

In many cases it is good to have warnings for implicit conversions that may loose range or precision. The include command above, before any other includes, suppresses these warning for a particular compilation unit (which usually corresponds to a *.cpp file).
Input File: include/cppad/wno_conversion.hpp