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@(@\newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\D}[2]{ \frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2} } \newcommand{\DD}[3]{ \frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2 \partial #3} } \newcommand{\Dpow}[2]{ \frac{\partial^{#1}}{\partial {#2}^{#1}} } \newcommand{\dpow}[2]{ \frac{ {\rm d}^{#1}}{{\rm d}\, {#2}^{#1}} }@)@ This is cppad-20221105 documentation. Here is a link to its current documentation .
ADFun Function Properties: Example and Test

# include <cppad/cppad.hpp>

// Note that CPPAD_VEC_ENUM_TYPE is not part of CppAD API and may change
# define CPPAD_VEC_ENUM_TYPE unsigned char

bool fun_property(void)
{   bool ok = true;
    using CppAD::AD;

    // Use nvar to track the number of variables in the operation sequence.
    // Start with one for the phantom variable at tape address zero.
    size_t nvar = 1;

    // Use npar to track the number of parameters in the operation sequence.
    // Start with one for the phantom parameter at index zero.
    size_t npar = 1;

    // Use ndyn to track the number of dynamic parameters.
    size_t ndyn = 0;

    // Use ndyn to track number of arguments to dynamic parameter operators.
    size_t ndyn_arg = 0;

    // Start with one for operator corresponding to phantom variable
    size_t nop  = 1;

    // Start with one for operator corresponding to phantom argument
    size_t narg = 1;

    // Use ntext to track the number of characters used to label
    // output generated using PrintFor commands.
    size_t ntext = 0;

    // Use nvecad to track the number of VecAD vectors, plus the number
    // of VecAD vector elements, in the operation sequence.
    size_t nvecad = 0;

    // a VecAD vector
    CppAD::VecAD<double> v(2);
    v[0]     = 0; // requires the parameter 0, when becomes a variable
    v[1]     = 1; // requires the parameter 1, when becomes a variable

    // domain space vector
    size_t n = 2;
    CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(AD<double>) x(n);
    x[0]     = 0.;
    x[1]     = 1.;

    // dynamic parameter vector
    CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(AD<double>) dynamic(1);
    dynamic[0] = 1.;

    // declare independent variables and start tape recording
    size_t abort_op_index = 0;
    bool   record_compare = true;
    CppAD::Independent(x, abort_op_index, record_compare, dynamic);
    nvar    += n;
    nop     += n;
    ndyn    += dynamic.size();
    npar    += ndyn;

    // a computation that adds to the operation sequence
    AD<double> I = 0;
    v[I]         = x[0];
    nvecad      +=   3;  // one for vector, two for its elements
    npar        +=   2;  // need parameters 0 and 1 for initial v
    nop         +=   1;  // operator for storing in a VecAD object
    narg        +=   3;  // the three arguments are v, I, and x[0]

    // some operations that do not add to the operation sequence
    AD<double> u = x[0];  // use same variable as x[0]
    AD<double> w = x[1];  // use same variable as x[1]

    // a computation that adds to the operation sequence
    w      = w * (u + w);
    nop   += 2;   // requires two new operators, an add and a multiply
    nvar  += 2;   // each operator results in its own variable
    narg  += 4;   // each operator has two arguments

    // range space vector
    size_t m = 3;
    CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(AD<double>) y(m);

    // operations that do not add to the operation sequence
    y[0]   = 1.;  // re-use the parameter 1
    y[1]   = u;   // use same variable as u

    // a computation that adds to the operation sequence
    y[2]   = w + 2.;
    nop   += 1;   // requires a new add operator
    npar  += 1;   // new parameter 2 is new, so it must be included
    nvar  += 1;   // variable corresponding to the result
    narg  += 2;   // operator has two arguments

    // create f: x -> y and stop tape recording
    CppAD::ADFun<double> f(x, y);
    nop   += 1;   // special operator for y[0] because it is a parameter
    nvar  += 1;   // special variable for y[0] because it is a parameter
    narg  += 1;   // identifies which parameter corresponds to y[0]
    nop   += 1;   // special operator at the end of operation sequence

    // check the sequence property functions
    ok &= f.Domain()        == n;
    ok &= f.Range()         == m;
    ok &= f.Parameter(0)    == true;
    ok &= f.Parameter(1)    == false;
    ok &= f.Parameter(2)    == false;
    ok &= f.size_var()      == nvar;
    ok &= f.size_op()       == nop;
    ok &= f.size_op_arg()   == narg;
    ok &= f.size_par()      == npar;
    ok &= f.size_text()     == ntext;
    ok &= f.size_VecAD()    == nvecad;
    ok &= f.size_dyn_ind()  == ndyn;
    ok &= f.size_dyn_par()  == ndyn;
    ok &= f.size_dyn_arg()  == ndyn_arg;

    size_t sum = 0;
    sum += nop        * sizeof(CPPAD_VEC_ENUM_TYPE);
    sum += narg       * sizeof(CPPAD_TAPE_ADDR_TYPE);
    sum += npar       * sizeof(double);
    sum += npar       * sizeof(bool);
    sum += ndyn       * sizeof(CPPAD_VEC_ENUM_TYPE);
    sum += ndyn       * sizeof(CPPAD_TAPE_ADDR_TYPE);
    sum += ndyn_arg   * sizeof(CPPAD_TAPE_ADDR_TYPE);
    sum += ntext      * sizeof(char);
    sum += nvecad     * sizeof(CPPAD_TAPE_ADDR_TYPE);
    ok &= f.size_op_seq() == sum;

    return ok;

Input File: example/general/fun_property.cpp