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@(@\newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\D}[2]{ \frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2} } \newcommand{\DD}[3]{ \frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2 \partial #3} } \newcommand{\Dpow}[2]{ \frac{\partial^{#1}}{\partial {#2}^{#1}} } \newcommand{\dpow}[2]{ \frac{ {\rm d}^{#1}}{{\rm d}\, {#2}^{#1}} }@)@ This is cppad-20221105 documentation. Here is a link to its current documentation .
Atomic Linear ODE Jacobian Sparsity Pattern: Example Implementation

The jac_sparsity routine overrides the virtual functions used by the atomic_four base class for Jacobian sparsity calculations; see jac_sparsity .

We use the notation: call_id r pattern transpose nnz , row , col , x , n , A(x) , b(x) , y(x) , m , vk(x) , and the following additional notation:

S[ g(x) ]
We use @(@ S [ g(x) ] @)@ to denote the sparsity pattern for a function @(@ g : \B{R}^n \rightarrow \B{R}^m @)@ as a vector of sets. To be specific, for @(@ i = 0, \ldots , m-1 @)@, @(@ S_i [ g(x) ] @)@ is the set of indices between zero and @(@ n - 1 @)@ such that @(@ \partial g_i (x) / \partial x_j @)@ is possibly non-zero.

N [ g(x) ]
We use @(@ N[ g(x) ] @)@ to denote the set of @(@ i @)@ such that @(@ g_i (x) @)@ is not identically zero.

J_i [ A(x) ]
We use @(@ J_i [ A(x) ] @)@ to denote the set of @(@ j @)@ between zero and @(@ m-1 @)@ such that @(@ A_{i,j} @)@ is not known to be identically zero.

P_i [ g(x) ]
We use @(@ P_i [ g(x) ] @)@ to denote the set if sparsity pattern indices @[@ P_i [ g(x) ] = \left\{ p \W{:} 0 \leq p < \R{nnz} \W{,} i = \R{row} [p] \W{,} \R{col}[p] \in N [ g(x) ] \right\} @]@

This routine must calculate the following value for @(@ i = 0, \ldots, m-1 @)@; see m : @[@ S_i [ y (x) ] = \bigcup_k S_i [ v^k (x) ] @]@ The set @(@ S_i [ v^0 (x) ] @)@ has just one element corresponding to @(@ b_i (x) @)@; i.e, @[@ S_i [ v^0 (x) ] = \{ \R{nnz} + i \} @]@ see b(x) . Furthermore, for @(@ k > 0 @)@, @[@ v^k (x) = \frac{r}{k} A(x) v^{k-1} (x) @]@ @[@ S_i [ v^k (x) ] = S_i [ A(x) v^{k-1} (x) ] @]@ @[@ S_i [ v^k (x) ] = P_i [ v^{k-1} (x) ] \cup \left\{ S_j [ v^{k-1} (x) ] \W{:} j \in J_i [ A(x) ] \right\} @]@ Suppose that @(@ \ell @)@ is such that for all @(@ i @)@ the following two conditions hold @[@ N [ v^\ell (x) ] \subset \bigcup_{k < \ell} N [ v^k (x) ] @]@ @[@ S_i [ v^\ell (x) ] \subset \bigcup_{k < \ell} S_i [ v^k (x) ] @]@ From the first condition above it follows that @[@ P_i [ v^\ell (x) ] \subset \bigcup_{k < \ell} P_i [ v^k (x) ] @]@ Using the second condition we have @[@ S_i [ v^{\ell+1} (x) ] = P_i [ v^\ell (x) ] \cup \left\{ S_j [ v^\ell (x) ] \W{:} j \in J_i [ A(x) ] \right\} @]@ @[@ S_i [ v^{\ell+1} (x) ] \subset \left\{ S_j [ v^\ell (x) ] \W{:} j \in J_i [ A(x) ] \right\} \bigcup_{k \leq \ell } S_i [ v^k (x) ] @]@ @[@ S_i [ v^{\ell+1} (x) ] \subset \bigcup_{k \leq \ell} S_i [ v^k (x) ] \cup \left\{ S_j [ v^k (x) ] \W{:} j \in J_i [ A(x) ] \right\} @]@ @[@ S_i [ v^{\ell+1} (x) ] \subset \bigcup_{k < \ell} S_i [ v^k (x) ] \cup \left\{ S_j [ v^k (x) ] \W{:} j \in J_i [ A(x) ] \right\} @]@ @[@ S_i [ v^{\ell+1} (x) ] \subset \bigcup_{k \leq \ell} S_i [ v^k (x) ] @]@ @[@ S_i [ v^{\ell+1} (x) ] \subset \bigcup_{k < \ell} S_i [ v^k (x) ] @]@ It follows that @[@ S_i [ y(x) ] = \bigcup_{k < \ell} S_i [ v^k (x) ] @]@

The file atomic_four_lin_ode_sparsity.cpp contains an example and test using this operator.


# include <cppad/example/atomic_four/lin_ode/lin_ode.hpp>

// jac_sparsity override
template <class Base>
bool atomic_lin_ode<Base>::jac_sparsity(
    size_t                                         call_id      ,
    bool                                           dependency   ,
    const CppAD::vector<bool>&                     ident_zero_x ,
    const CppAD::vector<bool>&                     select_x     ,
    const CppAD::vector<bool>&                     select_y     ,
    CppAD::sparse_rc< CppAD::vector<size_t> >&     pattern_out  )
    // pattern_A, transpose, nnz
    Base      r;
    Base      step;
    sparse_rc pattern_A;
    bool      transpose;
    get(call_id, r, step, pattern_A, transpose);
    size_t nnz = pattern_A.nnz();
    // m, n
    size_t m = select_y.size();
    size_t n = select_x.size();
    CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( n == nnz + m );
    // pattern_out
    // Accumulates elements of the sparsity pattern for y(x) that satisfy
    // select_x and select_y
    pattern_out.resize(m, n, 0);
    // list_setvec
    // This vector of sets interface is not in the CppAD user API
    typedef CppAD::local::sparse::list_setvec list_setvec;
    // setvec
    // Accumulates the sparsity pattern for y(x) that satisfy select_x.
    // There are m sets and the set elements are between zero and n-1.
    list_setvec setvec;
    size_t n_set = m;
    size_t end   = n;
    setvec.resize(n_set, end);
    // setvec, pattern_out
    // iniialize as equal to S[ v^0 (x) ]
    for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
    {   size_t element = nnz + i;
        if( select_x[element] )
        {   setvec.add_element(i, element);
            if( select_y[i] )
                pattern_out.push_back(i, element);
    // non_zero
    // Accumulates union_k for k < ell, N[ v^k (x) ]
    // initialize as N[ v^0 (x) ]
    CppAD::vector<bool> non_zero(m);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
        non_zero[i] = ! ident_zero_x[nnz + i];
    // change
    // Did setvec or non_zero change in previous iteration of while loop
    bool change = true;
    {   change = false;
        // we use k = 1, 2, ... to denote the pass through this loop
        // setvec[i] contains union q < k S_i [ v^q (x) ]
        // non_zero  contains union q < k N [ v^q (x) ]
        // For each element of the sparsity pattern for A subject to select_x
        for(size_t p = 0; p < nnz; ++p) if( select_x[p] )
        {   CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( ! ident_zero_x[p] );
            size_t i = pattern_A.row()[p];
            size_t j = pattern_A.col()[p];
            if( transpose )
                std::swap(i, j);
            if( non_zero[j] )
            {   // p, corresponding to A_{i,j}, is in P_i [ v^k (x) ]
                if( ! setvec.is_element(i, p) )
                {   change = true;
                    setvec.add_element(i, p);
                    if( select_y[i] )
                        pattern_out.push_back(i, p);
            // j is in J_i [ A(x) ]
            list_setvec::const_iterator itr(setvec, j);
            size_t element = *itr;
            while(element != end )
            {   if( ! setvec.is_element(i, element) )
                {   change = true;
                    setvec.add_element(i, element);
                    if( select_y[i] )
                        pattern_out.push_back(i, element);
                 element = *itr;
            // A_{i,j} update to non_zero
            if( non_zero[i] == false )
            {   if( non_zero[j] == true )
                {   change = true;
                    non_zero[i] = true;
    return true;

Input File: include/cppad/example/atomic_four/lin_ode/jac_sparsity.hpp