@(@\newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; }
\newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} }
\newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} }
\newcommand{\D}[2]{ \frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2} }
\newcommand{\DD}[3]{ \frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2 \partial #3} }
\newcommand{\Dpow}[2]{ \frac{\partial^{#1}}{\partial {#2}^{#1}} }
\newcommand{\dpow}[2]{ \frac{ {\rm d}^{#1}}{{\rm d}\, {#2}^{#1}} }@)@This is cppad-20221105 documentation. Here is a link to its
current documentation
Example and Test Linking CppAD to Languages Other than C++
# include <cstdio>
# include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
# include <list>
namespace { // Begin empty namespace *****************************************/*void debug_print(const char *label, double d){ using std::printf; unsigned char *byte = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&d); size_t n_byte = sizeof(d); printf("%s", label); for(size_t i = 0; i < n_byte; i++) printf("%x", byte[i]); printf("\n");}*/// type in C corresponding to an AD<double> objecttypedefstruct { void* p_void; } cad;
// type in C corresponding to a an ADFun<double>typedefstruct { void* p_void; } cad_fun;
// type in C corresponding to a C AD binary operatortypedefenum { op_add, op_sub, op_mul, op_div } cad_binary_op;
// type in C corresponding to a C AD unary operatortypedefenum {
op_abs, op_acos, op_asin, op_atan, op_cos, op_cosh,
op_exp, op_log, op_sin, op_sinh, op_sqrt
} cad_unary_op;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------// helper code not intended for use by C code ------------------------------using CppAD::AD;
using CppAD::ADFun;
using CppAD::vector;
using CppAD::NearEqual;
void cad2vector(size_t n, cad* p_cad, vector< AD<double> >& v)
{ assert( n == v.size() );
for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
{ AD<double>* p_ad =
reinterpret_cast< AD<double>* > (p_cad[j].p_void);
v[j] = *p_ad;
void vector2cad(size_t n, vector< AD<double> >& v, cad* p_cad)
{ assert( n == v.size() );
for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
{ AD<double>* p_ad =
reinterpret_cast< AD<double>* > (p_cad[j].p_void);
*p_ad = v[j];
void double2vector(size_t n, double* p_dbl, vector<double>& v)
{ assert( n == v.size() );
for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
v[j] = p_dbl[j];
void vector2double(size_t n, vector<double>& v, double *p_dbl)
{ assert( n == v.size() );
for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
p_dbl[j] = v[j];
std::list<void*> allocated;
# ifdef NDEBUG
inline void push_allocated(void *p)
{ }
inline void pop_allocated(void *p)
{ }
# elseinline void push_allocated(void *p)
{ assert( p != 0 );
inline void pop_allocated(void *p)
{ std::list<void*>::iterator i;
for(i = allocated.begin(); i != allocated.end(); ++i)
{ if( *i == p )
{ allocated.erase(i);
assert( 0 );
# endif// --------------------------------------------------------------------------// Here is the code that links C to CppAD. You will have to add more// functions and operators to make a complete language link.//extern "C"
bool cad_near_equal(double x, double y)
{ double eps = 10. * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
returnNearEqual(x, y, eps, 0.);
// create a C++ AD object// value is the value that the C++ AD object will have// p_cad->p_void: on input is 0, on output points to C++ AD objectextern "C"
void cad_new_ad(cad *p_cad, double value)
{ // make sure pointer is not currently allocatedassert( p_cad->p_void == 0 );
AD<double>* p_ad = new AD<double>(value);
p_cad->p_void = reinterpret_cast<void*>(p_ad);
// put in list of allocate pointerspush_allocated( p_cad->p_void );
// delete a C++ AD object// p_cad->value: not used// p_cad->p_void: on input points to C++ AD object, on output is 0extern "C"
void cad_del_ad(cad* p_cad)
{ // make sure that p_cad has been allocatedpop_allocated( p_cad->p_void );
AD<double>* p_ad = reinterpret_cast< AD<double>* >( p_cad->p_void );
delete p_ad;
// special value for pointers that are not allocated
p_cad->p_void = 0;
// extract the value from a C++ AD object// extern "C"
double cad_value(cad* p_cad)
{ AD<double>* p_ad = reinterpret_cast< AD<double>* > (p_cad->p_void);
returnValue( Var2Par(*p_ad) );
// preform a C AD unary operationextern "C"
void cad_unary(cad_unary_op op, cad* p_operand, cad* p_result)
{ AD<double> *operand, *result;
result = reinterpret_cast< AD<double>* > (p_result->p_void);
operand = reinterpret_cast< AD<double>* > (p_operand->p_void);
case op_abs:
*result = fabs( *operand );
case op_acos:
*result = acos( *operand );
case op_asin:
*result = asin( *operand );
case op_atan:
*result = atan( *operand );
case op_cos:
*result = cos( *operand );
case op_cosh:
*result = cosh( *operand );
case op_exp:
*result = exp( *operand );
case op_log:
*result = log( *operand );
case op_sin:
*result = sin( *operand );
case op_sinh:
*result = sinh( *operand );
case op_sqrt:
*result = sqrt( *operand );
// not a unary operatorassert(0);
// perform a C AD binary operationextern "C"
void cad_binary(cad_binary_op op, cad* p_left, cad* p_right, cad* p_result)
{ AD<double> *result, *left, *right;
result = reinterpret_cast< AD<double>* > (p_result->p_void);
left = reinterpret_cast< AD<double>* > (p_left->p_void);
right = reinterpret_cast< AD<double>* > (p_right->p_void);
assert( result != 0 );
assert( left != 0 );
assert( right != 0 );
{ case op_add:
*result = *left + (*right);
case op_sub:
*result = *left - (*right);
case op_mul:
*result = *left * (*right);
case op_div:
*result = *left / (*right);
// not a binary operatorassert(0);
// declare the independent variables in C++extern "C"
void cad_independent(size_t n, cad* px_cad)
{ vector< AD<double> > x(n);
cad2vector(n, px_cad, x);
vector2cad(n, x, px_cad);
// create an ADFun object in C++extern "C"
cad_fun cad_new_fun(size_t n, size_t m, cad* px_cad, cad* py_cad)
{ cad_fun fun;
ADFun<double>* p_adfun = new ADFun<double>;
vector< AD<double> > x(n);
vector< AD<double> > y(m);
cad2vector(n, px_cad, x);
cad2vector(m, py_cad, y);
p_adfun->Dependent(x, y);
fun.p_void = reinterpret_cast<void*>( p_adfun );
// put in list of allocate pointerspush_allocated( fun.p_void );
return fun;
// delete an AD function object in Cextern "C"
void cad_del_fun(cad_fun *fun)
{ // make sure this pointer has been allocatedpop_allocated( fun->p_void );
ADFun<double>* p_adfun
= reinterpret_cast< ADFun<double>* > (fun->p_void);
delete p_adfun;
// special value for pointers that are not allocated
fun->p_void = 0;
// evaluate the Jacobian corresponding to a function objectextern "C"
void cad_jacobian(cad_fun fun,
size_t n, size_t m, double* px, double* pjac )
{ assert( fun.p_void != 0 );
ADFun<double>* p_adfun =
reinterpret_cast< ADFun<double>* >(fun.p_void);
vector<double> x(n), jac(n * m);
double2vector(n, px, x);
jac = p_adfun->Jacobian(x);
vector2double(n * m, jac, pjac);
// forward modeextern "C"
void cad_forward(cad_fun fun,
size_t order, size_t n, size_t m, double* px, double* py )
{ assert( fun.p_void != 0 );
ADFun<double>* p_adfun =
reinterpret_cast< ADFun<double>* >(fun.p_void);
vector<double> x(n), y(m);
double2vector(n, px, x);
y = p_adfun->Forward(order, x);
vector2double(m, y, py);
// check that allocated list has been completely freedextern "C"
bool cad_allocated_empty(void)
{ return allocated.empty();
} // End empty namespace ****************************************************# include <math.h> // used to check results in c code below# define N 2 // number of independent variables in example# define M 5 // number of dependent variables in example// -------------------------------------------------------------------------// Here is the C code that uses the CppAD link above
bool ad_in_c(void)
{ // This routine is intentionally coded as if it were written in C// as an example of how you can link C, and other languages to CppAD
bool ok = true;
// x vector of AD objects in C
double value;
size_t j, n = N;
cad X[N];
for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
{ value = (double) (j+1) / (double) n;
X[j].p_void = 0;
cad_new_ad(X + j, value);
// y vector of AD objects in C
size_t i, m = M;
cad Y[M];
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
{ value = 0.; // required, but not used
Y[i].p_void = 0;
cad_new_ad(Y + i, value);
// declare X as the independent variable vectorcad_independent(n, X);
// y[0] = x[0] + x[1]cad_binary(op_add, X+0, X+1, Y+0);
ok &= cad_near_equal( cad_value(Y+0), cad_value(X+0)+cad_value(X+1) );
// y[1] = x[0] - x[1]cad_binary(op_sub, X+0, X+1, Y+1);
ok &= cad_near_equal( cad_value(Y+1), cad_value(X+0)-cad_value(X+1) );
// y[2] = x[0] * x[1]cad_binary(op_mul, X+0, X+1, Y+2);
ok &= cad_near_equal( cad_value(Y+2), cad_value(X+0)*cad_value(X+1) );
// y[3] = x[0] * x[1]cad_binary(op_div, X+0, X+1, Y+3);
ok &= cad_near_equal( cad_value(Y+3), cad_value(X+0)/cad_value(X+1) );
// y[4] = sin(x[0]) + asin(sin(x[0]))
cad sin_x0 = { 0 }; // initialize p_void as zerocad_new_ad( &sin_x0, 0.);
cad_unary(op_sin, X+0, &sin_x0);
ok &= cad_near_equal(cad_value(&sin_x0), sin(cad_value(X+0)) );
cad asin_sin_x0 = { 0 }; // initialize p_void as zerocad_new_ad( &asin_sin_x0, 0.);
cad_unary(op_asin, &sin_x0, &asin_sin_x0);
ok &= cad_near_equal(
asin( cad_value(&sin_x0) )
cad_binary(op_add, &sin_x0, &asin_sin_x0, Y+4);
ok &= cad_near_equal(
cad_value(&sin_x0) + cad_value(&asin_sin_x0)
// declare y as the dependent variable vector and stop recording// and store function object in f
cad_fun f = cad_new_fun(n, m, X, Y);
// now use the function object
double x[N], jac[N * M];
x[0] = 1.;
x[1] = .5;
// compute the Jacobiancad_jacobian(f, n, m, x, jac);
// check the Jacobian values
size_t k = 0;
// partial y[0] w.r.t. x[0]
ok &= cad_near_equal(jac[k++], 1.);
// partial y[0] w.r.t. x[1]
ok &= cad_near_equal(jac[k++], 1.);
// partial y[1] w.r.t. x[0]
ok &= cad_near_equal(jac[k++], 1.);
// partial y[1] w.r.t. x[1]
ok &= cad_near_equal(jac[k++], -1.);
// partial y[2] w.r.t. x[0]
ok &= cad_near_equal(jac[k++], x[1]);
// partial y[2] w.r.t. x[1]
ok &= cad_near_equal(jac[k++], x[0]);
// partial y[3] w.r.t. x[0]
ok &= cad_near_equal(jac[k++], 1./x[1]);
// partial y[3] w.r.t. x[1]
ok &= cad_near_equal(jac[k++], -x[0]/(x[1]*x[1]));
// partial y[4] w.r.t x[0]
ok &= cad_near_equal(jac[k++], cos(x[0]) + 1.);
// partial y[4] w.r.t x[1]
ok &= cad_near_equal(jac[k++], 0.);
// evaluate the function f at a different x
size_t order = 0;
double y[M];
x[0] = .5;
x[1] = 1.;
cad_forward(f, order, n, m, x, y);
// check the function values
ok &= cad_near_equal(y[0] , x[0] + x[1] );
ok &= cad_near_equal(y[1] , x[0] - x[1] );
ok &= cad_near_equal(y[2] , x[0] * x[1] );
ok &= cad_near_equal(y[3] , x[0] / x[1] );
ok &= cad_near_equal(y[4] , sin(x[0]) + asin(sin(x[0])) );
// delete All C++ copies of the AD objectscad_del_fun( &f );
cad_del_ad( &sin_x0 );
cad_del_ad( &asin_sin_x0 );
for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
cad_del_ad(X + j);
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
cad_del_ad(Y + i);
ok &= cad_allocated_empty();
return ok;