
CBC’s Samples Directory

The CBC distribution includes a number of .cpp sample files. Users are encouraged to use them as starting points for their own CBC projects. The files can be found in the Cbc/examples directory. Most of them can be built by

make DRIVER=name

which produces an executable testit. Below is a list of some of the most useful sample files with a short description for each file.

Basic Samples:

Source file Description
MINIMUMCPP This is a CBC “Hello, world” program. It reads a problem in MPS file format, and solves the problem using simple branch-and-bound.
SAMPLE2CPP This is designed to be a file that a user could modify to get a useful driver program for his or her project. In particular, it demonstrates the use of CGL’s preprocess functionality. It uses CbcBranchUser.cpp, CbcCompareUser.cpp and CbcHeuristicUser.cpp with corresponding *.hpp files.

Advanced Samples:

Source file Description
CREWCPP This sample shows the use of advanced branching and a use of priorities. It uses CbcCompareUser.cpp with corresponding *.hpp files.
LONGTHINCPP This sample shows the advanced use of a solver. It also has coding for a greedy heuristic. The solver is given in CbcSolver2.hpp and CbcSolver2.cpp. The heuristic is given in CbcHeuristicGreedy.hpp and CbcHeuristicGreedy.cpp. It uses CbcBranchUser.cpp and CbcCompareUser.cpp with corresponding *.hpp files.
QMIPCPP This solves a quadratic MIP. It is to show advanced use of a solver. The solver is given in ClpQuadInterface.hpp and ClpQuadInterface.cpp. It uses CbcBranchUser.cpp and CbcCompareUser.cpp with corresponding *.hpp files.
SOSCPP This artificially creates a Special Ordered Set problem.
LOTSIZECPP This artificially creates a Lot Sizing problem.