Prev Next atomic_four_vector_mul_op.hpp

@(@\newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\D}[2]{ \frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2} } \newcommand{\DD}[3]{ \frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2 \partial #3} } \newcommand{\Dpow}[2]{ \frac{\partial^{#1}}{\partial {#2}^{#1}} } \newcommand{\dpow}[2]{ \frac{ {\rm d}^{#1}}{{\rm d}\, {#2}^{#1}} }@)@This is cppad-20221105 documentation. Here is a link to its current documentation .
Atomic Vector Multiply Operator: Example Implementation

Forward Mode
see theory for forward mode multiplication .

Reverse Mode
see theory for reverse mode multiplication .

The file atomic_four_vector_mul.cpp contains an example and test for this operator.


# include <cppad/example/atomic_four/vector/vector.hpp>

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward_mul
template <class Base>
void atomic_vector<Base>::forward_mul(
    size_t                                           m,
    size_t                                           p,
    size_t                                           q,
    const CppAD::vector<Base>&                       tx,
    CppAD::vector<Base>&                             ty)
    for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
    {   for(size_t k = p; k < q; ++k)
        {   size_t y_index = i * q + k;
            // y^k = 0
            ty[y_index]    = 0.0;
            for(size_t d = 0; d <= k; d++)
            {   size_t u_index  =       i * q + (k-d);
                size_t v_index  = (m + i) * q + d;
                // y^k += u^{k-d} * v^d
                ty[y_index]    += tx[u_index] * tx[v_index];
template <class Base>
void atomic_vector<Base>::forward_mul(
    size_t                                           m,
    size_t                                           p,
    size_t                                           q,
    const CppAD::vector< CppAD::AD<Base> >&          atx,
    CppAD::vector< CppAD::AD<Base> >&                aty)
    size_t n = 2 * m;
    assert( atx.size() == n * q );
    assert( aty.size() == m * q );
    // atu, atv
    ad_const_iterator atu = atx.begin();
    ad_const_iterator atv = atu + ad_difference_type(m * q);
    // ax_mul
    ad_vector ax_mul(n);
    ad_iterator au_mul = ax_mul.begin();
    ad_iterator av_mul = ax_mul.begin() + ad_difference_type(m);
    // ax_add
    ad_vector ax_add(n);
    ad_iterator au_add = ax_add.begin();
    ad_iterator av_add = ax_add.begin() + ad_difference_type(m);
    // ay
    ad_vector ay(m);
    for(size_t k = p; k < q; ++k)
    {   // ay = 0
        for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
            ay[i] = 0.0;
        for(size_t d = 0; d <= k; d++)
        {   // u_add = ay
            for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
                au_add[i] = ay[i];
            // au_mul = u^{k-d}
            copy_mat_to_vec(m, q, k-d, atu, au_mul);
            // av_mul =  v^d
            copy_mat_to_vec(m, q, d, atv, av_mul);
            // ay = au_mul * av_mul
            (*this)(mul_enum, ax_mul, ay); // atomic vector multiply
            // v_add = ay
            for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
                av_add[i] = ay[i];
            // ay = u_add + v_add
            (*this)(add_enum, ax_add, ay); // atomic vector add
        // y^k = ay
        copy_vec_to_mat(m, q, k, ay.begin(), aty.begin());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// reverse_mul
template <class Base>
void atomic_vector<Base>::reverse_mul(
    size_t                                           m,
    size_t                                           q,
    const CppAD::vector<Base>&                       tx,
    const CppAD::vector<Base>&                       ty,
    CppAD::vector<Base>&                             px,
    const CppAD::vector<Base>&                       py)
{   size_t n = 2 * m;
    assert( tx.size() == n * q );
    assert( ty.size() == m * q );
    assert( px.size() == n * q );
    assert( py.size() == m * q );
    // px
    for(size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    {   for(size_t k = 0; k < q; ++k)
            px[j * q + k] = 0.0;
    // px
    for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
    {   // k
        size_t k = q;
        {   --k;
            // y_index
            size_t y_index = i * q + k;
            // px
            for(size_t d = 0; d <= k; ++d)
            {   size_t u_index  =       i * q + (k-d);
                size_t v_index  = (m + i) * q + d;
                // must use azmul becasue py[y_index] = 0 may mean that this
                // component of the function was not selected.
                px[u_index]    += CppAD::azmul( py[y_index] , tx[v_index] );
                px[v_index]    += CppAD::azmul( py[y_index] , tx[u_index] );
template <class Base>
void atomic_vector<Base>::reverse_mul(
    size_t                                           m,
    size_t                                           q,
    const CppAD::vector< CppAD::AD<Base> >&          atx,
    const CppAD::vector< CppAD::AD<Base> >&          aty,
    CppAD::vector< CppAD::AD<Base> >&                apx,
    const CppAD::vector< CppAD::AD<Base> >&          apy)
{   size_t n = 2 * m;
    assert( atx.size() == n * q );
    assert( aty.size() == m * q );
    assert( apx.size() == n * q );
    assert( apy.size() == m * q );
    // atu, atv, apu, apv
    ad_const_iterator atu = atx.begin();
    ad_const_iterator atv = atu + ad_difference_type(m * q);
    ad_iterator       apu = apx.begin();
    ad_iterator       apv = apu + ad_difference_type(m * q);
    // ax_mul
    // need azmul_op but it is not yet available
    ad_vector ax_mul(n);
    ad_iterator au_mul = ax_mul.begin();
    ad_iterator av_mul = ax_mul.begin() + ad_difference_type(m);
    // ax_add
    ad_vector ax_add(n);
    ad_iterator au_add = ax_add.begin();
    ad_iterator av_add = ax_add.begin() + ad_difference_type(m);
    // ay
    ad_vector ay(m);
    // px
    // assigning to the value zero does not create operators on the tape
    for(size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    {   for(size_t k = 0; k < q; ++k)
            apx[j * q + k] = 0.0;
    // k
    size_t k = q;
    {   --k;
        // au_mul = apy^k
        copy_mat_to_vec(m, q, k, apy.begin(), au_mul);
        // d
        for(size_t d = 0; d <=k; ++d)
        {   // -------------------------------------------------------------
            // reverse:
            //  px[v_index] += CppAD::azmul( py[y_index] , tx[u_index] );
            // -------------------------------------------------------------

            // av_mul = atu^{k-d}
            copy_mat_to_vec(m, q, k-d, atu, av_mul);
            // ay = au_mul * av_mul
            (*this)(mul_enum, ax_mul, ay);
            // au_add = ay
            for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
                au_add[i] = ay[i];
            // av_add = apv^d
            copy_mat_to_vec(m, q, d, apv, av_add);
            // ay = au_add + av_add
            (*this)(add_enum, ax_add, ay);
            // apv^d =  ay
            copy_vec_to_mat(m, q, d, ay.begin(), apv);
            // -------------------------------------------------------------
            // reverse:
            //  px[u_index] += CppAD::azmul( py[y_index] , tx[v_index] );
            // -------------------------------------------------------------
            // av_mul = atv^{k-d}
            copy_mat_to_vec(m, q, k-d, atv, av_mul);
            // ay = au_mul * av_mul
            (*this)(mul_enum, ax_mul, ay);
            // au_add = ay
            for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
                au_add[i] = ay[i];
            // av_add = apu^d
            copy_mat_to_vec(m, q, d, apu, av_add);
            // ay = au_add + av_add
            (*this)(add_enum, ax_add, ay);
            // apu^d =  ay
            copy_vec_to_mat(m, q, d, ay.begin(), apu);

Input File: include/cppad/example/atomic_four/vector/mul_op.hpp