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@(@\newcommand{\W}[1]{ \; #1 \; } \newcommand{\R}[1]{ {\rm #1} } \newcommand{\B}[1]{ {\bf #1} } \newcommand{\D}[2]{ \frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2} } \newcommand{\DD}[3]{ \frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2 \partial #3} } \newcommand{\Dpow}[2]{ \frac{\partial^{#1}}{\partial {#2}^{#1}} } \newcommand{\dpow}[2]{ \frac{ {\rm d}^{#1}}{{\rm d}\, {#2}^{#1}} }@)@This is cppad-20221105 documentation. Here is a link to its current documentation .
Atomic Vector Element-wise Operators: Example and Test

atomic_vector_op vec_op(name)

The value op has the following possible values:
    // atomic_vector::op_enum_t
    typedef enum {
    } op_enum_t;    

This atomic function class can be used as a general purpose utility. It is unclear how much benefit there is do doing so. This is because the number of operations internal to an element-wise atomic function is not much more than the work required to pass the arguments to the atomic function.

Vector Operations
This atomic function unary operations
y = op(u)
and binary operations
y = u op v
where op , u and v are defined below.

This example demonstrates all the callbacks for an atomic_four function.

It include examples for how one can define AD<Base> atomic operations using atomic operators. This avoids expanding the atomic operator to an operator for each element when recording derivative calculations. For example, notice the difference between forward_add for the double and the AD<double> cases (note that copying an AD variable does not create a new variable):
template <class Base>
void atomic_vector<Base>::forward_add(
    size_t                                           m,
    size_t                                           p,
    size_t                                           q,
    const CppAD::vector<Base>&                       tx,
    CppAD::vector<Base>&                             ty)
    for(size_t k = p; k < q; ++k)
    {   for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
        {   size_t u_index  =       i * q + k;
            size_t v_index  = (m + i) * q + k;
            size_t y_index  =       i * q + k;
            // y_i^k = u_i^k + v_i^k
            ty[y_index]     = tx[u_index] + tx[v_index];
template <class Base>
void atomic_vector<Base>::forward_add(
    size_t                                           m,
    size_t                                           p,
    size_t                                           q,
    const CppAD::vector< CppAD::AD<Base> >&          atx,
    CppAD::vector< CppAD::AD<Base> >&                aty)
{   size_t n = 2 * m;
    assert( atx.size() == n * q );
    assert( aty.size() == m * q );
    // atu, atv
    ad_const_iterator atu = atx.begin();
    ad_const_iterator atv = atu + ad_difference_type(m * q);
    // ax
    ad_vector ax(n);
    ad_iterator au = ax.begin();
    ad_iterator av = au + ad_difference_type(m);
    // ay
    ad_vector ay(m);
    for(size_t k = p; k < q; ++k)
    {   // au = u^k
        copy_mat_to_vec(m, q, k, atu, au);
        // av = v^k
        copy_mat_to_vec(m, q, k, atv, av);
        // ay = au + av
        (*this)(add_enum, ax, ay); // atomic vector add
        // y^k = ay
        copy_vec_to_mat(m, q, k, ay.begin(), aty.begin() );

We use x to denote the argument to the atomic function. The length of x is denoted by n .

This is the length of the vectors in the operations. In the case of unary (binary) operators %m% = %n% ( m = n / 2 ).

We use u to denote the following sub-vector of x :
u = ( x[1] , ... , x[m] )

For binary operators, we use v to denote the following sub-vector of x :
v = ( x[m + 1] , ... , x[2 * m] )

We use y to denote the atomic function return value. The length of y is equal to m .

During AD<double> operations, copying variables from one vector to another does not add any operations to the resulting tape.

atomic_four_vector_implementImplementing Atomic Vector Operations
atomic_four_vector_add.cppAtomic Vector Addition Example
atomic_four_vector_div.cppAtomic Vector Division Example
atomic_four_vector_hes_sparsity.cppAtomic Vector Sparsity Patterns Example
atomic_four_vector_jac_sparsity.cppAtomic Vector Sparsity Patterns Example
atomic_four_vector_mul.cppAtomic Vector Multiplication Example
atomic_four_vector_neg.cppAtomic Vector Negation Example
atomic_four_vector_rev_depend.cppExample Optimizing Atomic Vector Usage
atomic_four_vector_sub.cppAtomic Vector Subtraction Example

Input File: include/cppad/example/atomic_four/vector/vector.omh